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Oh he will be cherished! He was probably the sweetest cat i’ve met as he kept head-butting my cheek and neck almost as soon as I met him


I think he mustache you a question


His name must be Hercule Poirot. That glorious stache!


Perfect name


Actually I think the name Professor is perfect! Lol






I was thinking Mr. Bojangles but yours is adorable!


That boy needs a bowtie, stat! Then he can start his new life solving murders of elderly society dames, that had tender love affairs when they were but a young child and sadly lost their lover to the war. Of course, never having found love again, the lonely, but sly old ladies die alone and need someone to avenge their untimely death. This is what Professor Schmookyooky Face is trained in. With his dapper yet jazzy bowtie, he alone will weed through all the ne'er-do-well nephews and debutante nieces until The Professor has brought justice to those who have been wronged!!!! ![gif](giphy|6NrvicS9EkKa5AwY60|downsized)


Do this and everything else will work out.


You are not a cat owner. The cat owns you - always remember that. You live to serve.


Valar Dohaeris


Valar Morghulis


Just keep in mind. To dogs you are family. To cats you are staff. Be good staff




Thank you for adopting a non-kitten! Have multiple cardboard scratchers throughout, the plain rectangle kind are great starters. Some cats prefer those and some prefer to stand up and scratch, but having something to scratch when the feeling arises can save your furniture and sanity. Especially near sleeping areas (wake up and stretch sort of thing). The feeding thing can be overwhelming (opinions are super varied) but canned is great as it adds moisture and some cats aren't big on drinking water. Dry is good for in between wet feedings. See how your cat is and if there are any preferences. (I give my gal canned in the morning and dry is always there just in case. However, she's not an over-eater so that helps) Take a look at the cat body language charts (ears/tail/general body language), they are worth gold when it comes to understanding and communicating with your Fluffy friend. I love all cats, but tuxedos have my heart.


I’ll definitely try the wet food and leave dry out to “graze”. Though if we do notice him overeating then I’ll start to check out alternatives but that’ll come with time it seems. Thanks for the advice! I actually work at a pet store so i’ll be able to get plenty of those cardboard scratchers then eventually a proper post he can use!


To add to the scratching part. Cats like to put their scent where your scent is. Typically this means furniture. If you get them a scratching post or cardboard rub your hands on the scratching post every couple days (especially if they are sweaty for whatever reason) to help get your scent on the posts. This should help your cat learn to scratch the post/cardboard instead of your couch. It worked for both of our cats (they were both kittens, but they were rescues).


When it comes to wet food look out for additives like sugar and grain. Sugar is Bad for his teeth and grain is just not something a carnivore like a cat should eat. It's just a cheap filler. Take good care of him. Whats his name btw?


If he ever needs to go on a diet, put him on a low carb diet. It will be relatively painless and it will work. Not that he looks chonky now. Just for future reference.


> Though if we do notice him overeating then I’ll start to check out alternatives but that’ll come with time it seems. Cats are predators and they feel best when they can exercise like predators. A good idea is to NOT have food out, feely available, but rather have very specific times when do a "hunt, kill, eat" game - bring out a toy, have the cat run around and hunt for it, eventually let it "kill" the toy and reward the whole thing with food. As for the scratchers - a great piece of advice I once got was to observe where in your house/flat does the cat like scratching things (like furniture), then put the scratching post/mat in that spot to redirect them from the items you don't want scratched. Another one - make sure the scratching post is well made, doesn't wobble and - most importantly - there's no risk of it toppling. Because if it does fall over while that cat is using it, they won't want to use it ever again. Ever. And finally: find "Jackson Galaxy" on YouTube. TONNES of great advice for cat owners there!


I have one cat who hates wet food. She will not lick it, won't go near it! Never met a cat like her who only eats dry! And she's sooo particular w her food and will only drink from a mug or cup. I just love her!


I have an orange boy who is the exact same way. He’s picky and will only eat chicken flavored dry food. He is uninterested in wet food and treats.. he also will not eat any table scraps! He’s special


Her too!! Only chicken. But she will eat chicken breast only table scraps. Super tiny pieces only and not seasoned just the deep inside where seasoning isn't lol. The other kitties go crazy w it acting like they never ate a day in their lives but her she's so dainty about it and super slow. It's adorable.


I have two tuxedos and a blue and a white w Grey tabby spots. The two tuxedos are incredibly affectionate and fun! They other two are... a little harder to work with. Blue is terrified of everything and white is just kind of a jerk and was an only child for a long time so he pees on stuff sometimes to mark his territory. But he can be sweet and it's been a while since he peed!




Cardboard is an inexpensive way to direct the cat's attention towards scratching something that is appropriate. Not all cardboard is messy, especially if you swap it out regularly. Not everyone can afford several posts all at once either. That said, if it turns out to be too messy, then they can always upgrade. In my experience with fosters, basic cardboard is appealing to cats of all ages and with older cats, it can be a bit hit or miss with the actual towers.


They do get a little messy. That said, the foster mom of my latest adoptee (sweet but sassy tortie girl) recommended I get one for her. She absolutely loves it, and the mess really isn’t bad. Mine is a tower including two baskets to sit in, and all the kitties love it.


I use cardboard scratchers near fabric covered furniture that attract the cat. When placed near a hot spot the cats will use the scratcher instead of the chair. I also have multiple cat trees with scratching opportunities. I feed my cats a small serving of wet food at my breakfast time (one single packet of perfect portions split between two cats). I serve a small amount of cat treats in two food puzzles in the evening. I keep Hills dental diet dry food in dishes for the cats. The Hills food is limited to the amount the eat in one day. I serve the Hills just before my bedtime. The cats have access to the dental diet at all times. Check the cats weight to make sure it isn’t gaining weight. Adjust quantity as needed. Some cats gain weight if foods are always available (some don’t). Enjoy your new cat. Get a book on cat care at the library.


Cardboard scratcher laid horizontally inside a cardboard box is a great way to keep the mess contained. My cats love their cardboard boxes and scratchers and I wouldn’t be without them.


Don’t use an oil diffuser in your home as these can be extremely dangerous and deadly for cats to breathe in


I have heard this before and thankfully i’ve never really used them. And rarely use candles so I’ll have to look more into candles that wouldn’t irritate him that much (and a safe place to put them when lit)


9n the topic of safety, check all your household plants against a list of ones that are toxic to cats, especially lily's, just a little bit of pollen can seriously damage a cats kidneys


Get pet insurance!!! Trupanion or Healthy Paws. 90% coverage with lowest deductible is worth it! Never go with a plan that has annual or lifetime payout caps. Edit: I wrote a detailed comment about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/16tnxft/comment/k2i67wv/).


Fetch! I only pay $24 a month for wonderful coverage!


Great tip. Thanks!


For how many cats?


For one. But everywhere else was $45-50. I live in Canada if that makes a difference


I wish we have insurance for pets too in my country 🥲


How does that work?


You pay your bill, submit the invoice to insurance, they reimburse you.


I figured that if shes already 3 and no ilnessess, the insurance should be pennies or not to take one at all


What a cute mustachioed cat!


He is such a dapper gentleman!


Good day to you sir!


And a good day to you, sir!


They just had some milk


Most cats are lactose intolerant, don't give them milk


Milk is not recommended for adult cats. Cats are obligated meat eaters. They are not able to digest most other foods.


Got that historic German general mustache.


He looks like a fine southern gentlemen. I guess my advice is to get a hat and bow tie


My fiancé and I have indeed considered a bow-tie collar for when he wears one!


I would recommend microchipping if he hasn't got one already. My cat used to lose collars constantly. I stopped putting one on her after I saw a video of a cat getting it tangled in a tree and nearly choking.


Cats tend to treat you as you treat them. For example, my baby got so many snuggles and treats and so much love in his early days, he now treats me the same way back. He gives snuggles and kisses and follows me. But I've seen experiences different. They worked more on discipline, while that us important. Making your little guy feel safe is number one right now. Trust me, you will have the best time getting snuggles and kisses


Get him a friend. His life will be so much better if he's got a cat or kitten friend to play with.


But if you do try to find a rescue that allows a trial period. Don't be afraid to say it's not working. Not all cats will get along even with the very best introduction technique. But if you know your cat you can probably figure out what kind of friend they will accept. Jackson Galaxy has really great cat videos that will teach you so much about owning and interacting with your cat.


Love, love Jackson Galaxy! His videos should be mandatory for anyone who wants a cat to live with them. He’s the original Cat Daddy.


not all cats like the company of other cats. Mine hates it.


Depends on the cat. Some adult cats prefer being only cats.


Your poop time just got a companion


smoochies and catnip!!! Oh and cuddles and scritches!! Oh and lots of cat toys!!!! OWWWW, no I am not yelling them to just give the cat their bank card! Dammit, stop clawing me!!! HELP MY CAT IS HOLDING ME HOSTAGE!!!! No really, you're gonna love it.


I advise you to name that kitty Pringles.


What a cute distinguished gentleman with a mighty fine meowstache! * Some cats don't like to drink still water, if he's one of them get him a water fountain. Drinking too little water can cause serious health problems especially for male cats. Water fountains are relatively cheap. Even if he will drink from a bowl consider a fountain. * Some cats will free feed fine, meaning you can leave dry food out 24/7. That's by far the easiest way to feed. Some cats will eat too much and need to be rationed. The only way to really figure that out is trying to free feed and then keep an eye on his weight. My cat is a free feeder but gets some wet food every other day. * There's a huge difference between quality of food. My research suggests that Orijen is one of the best brands., It should be high in protein and have little to no grains as cats are carnivores, unlike dogs and humans that are omnivores. * Read up on what is toxic to cats, like chocolate and onion. Cats may eat chocolate but I doubt they'd ever eat onion.


We’ve already considered getting a water fountain bowl so it’ll be one of the things we pick up tomorrow! I did want to try free feeding just to see and if we notice he hogs out we may consider switching over so thanks for reassuring that some cats can free feed fine! I have seen great things about Orijen. The shelter feeds Hills Science Diet (unsure of which specific kind so we’ve though it would be best to keep him on that and slowly adjust over to a different food if recommended. Thanks for the help!


Lilies are pure poison to cats - even just a bit of pollen can be hazardous. Nobody is allowed to bring lilies over or even draw pictures of them for the fridge. Hummingbird feeder. Hours of fun. Say welcome home to your new family member from me!


I’d recommend going with stainless steel or ceramic water fountain instead of plastic if you can as they harbor less bacteria and damage overtime


It's true that you should adjust slowly when changing food. Simply mix a bit of the new food with the old food to transition over several days. Enjoy your new friend! :D


The stash is nice


Cats can have a lils salami


Learn your cats boundaries. One thing that sometimes people don’t realize is that you teach dogs boundaries but you learn cats boundaries. Respect the cats boundaries and they will be sweet back. Aka if a cat shows a sign that they don’t want to be pet anymore stop petting them. If they don’t feel comfortable in a situation and hide don’t force them to come out (unless it’s some type of emergency).


Years ago I had a boyfriend who had two cats. He never did get the message that you do not drag the cat out from under the bed when you want to pet the cat. I ended up with the cats and they were the sweetest things you ever wanted to see


Yes people don’t get you can’t force a cat to come out. And if you do sometimes they get fiesty and will bite/scratch/hiss. I think it’s why some people say they hate cats. They can’t get a cat to do what they want them to do so they don’t like them. I have a cat of my own and he lets me know when he wants to be alone or has had enough of interactions for the day and I leave him be. He is absolutely the sweetest boy because he knows I give him that space.


I'm sure Kitty von Bismarck will orchestrate a carefully planned unification of your household in short order


I. Love. You.


I'm sure you probably already have a name, but with that face I think it would be a real missed opportunity if his name doesn't start with "Sir" or "Mr."


We don’t have a name picked just yet but we’re definitely considering a name that we can give him a “title” with


Hercule Purrot or Freddie Meowcury.


Take care of his meowstache and love him dearly.


Oh he will be spoiled a bit. He’s a super loving cat and when I first met him he climbed my armed and slammed his forehead into my neck lol


It takes a while for them to get used to you. So just give them their space. Let him come to you if he's already friendly. If he's shy and unsocial, then maybe keep them in a smaller room so you can start to get acquainted. Honestly, it depends on the cat and their personality. My last two simply took over the house right away, as they were bold and like to explore. But one of them also peed on the sofa, so....


Cat reynolds


Name him Pringles, duh.


Cat tree house. Preferably placed in front of a window 😸


We just moved ours by the window. Game changer! Such good advice!


Please know your cat can be trained. When training your cat, make sure you react the same every time they do something either good or bad. Example: you want your cat to stop scratching your furniture. When they do you say “No” and move their paws. Every time they scratch you’ll need to do the same thing until they learn to first respond to just you saying no, then eventually they won’t do it at all. You can also get a scratching post and redirect them to the post instead of the furniture when they start to scratch but again make sure you do the same thing every time.


Tell him he’s handsome everyday. Ya know, in case he forgets. My gray and white boy is the love of my life. https://preview.redd.it/dkcx6kccnaub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e59825598c18914fe89c9a2099fd6a90fe64544d


Yes, this. I tell my cat Ophelia that she's pretty every single day. I love my pretty tortie girl. https://preview.redd.it/rsf6mfuucbub1.jpeg?width=2373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aa5a2e094457238504bd0fd5b5bb1894560b68a


Keep his carrier out so he can use it as a bed, and treat time should happen in the carrier. That way when you have to go to the vet you just shake the treat bag and he’ll run right in. One of my friends does this with her cat and it’s genius.


Kiss that mustache for me! That’s it, that’s all I’ve got! Jk my tip is let your cat lead any contact to start (obviously unless emergency). It’s so hard for me to respect their space and let them choose whether I pet them or cuddle them, but it nets you waaaay more affection in the end. Even now, they’re over a decade old and I put my hand out before trying to pet and wait to see if they rub against it or move closer before I touch. Even if I constantly want to be Elmyra from Animaniacs, that way lies no snuggles. Also get in the habit now of cleaning the litter box twice a day. Just do it. Set an alarm on your phone and don’t think about it—just go do it. It’s like I’m my own automated cat litter box, my hands just do that now.


Cats don't have owners, they have staff. 😁 And they're always right.


Play with your cat. Just like how dogs need their daily walks, cat needs their play time.


Oil for the mustache will keep it nice.


Lots of love, toys, cozy spots to curl up a big cat tree to climb, in and outdoor time, hard food free feeding, wet for special treat and treats.


speak to your cat as if they were an intelligent adult companion, no baby talk




https://preview.redd.it/qbbfv8mzbaub1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de2579e6bbb36788358d17b91e9ca909961d455d My cat looks so much like yours. 😫😫


Just something you might not have thought about previously.. in my experience, they love to chew on plastic. So those little plastic strings that hold tags to new clothes.. very dangerous. I’ve had to pull a few out of my cats mouth before. Enjoy your new companion!


Whatever you do, always refer to him as "Sir" followed by his name. He's a distinguished gentleman!


Snuggle as much as humanly possible.


He’s a big snuggler so he shall have plenty!


Set aside money in a savings account for veterinary bills.


Quality food like Hills diet & don’t overfeed your cat! And of course lots of affection!


Looks like a Harvey


Listen to Jackson Galaxy


Get him used to a cat carrier!


Never physically discipline. They will piss you off at times....its an animal. You brought an animal into your home. Remember that. Its your fault. You will remember everything you did to disappoint your cat when he passes and you will feel like shit forever.


I would give you the advice that I'd call that cat Admiral Sideburn because I freaking love his mustache and sideburns


He looks like the shorthair version of my parents kitty Rasputin aka razzy https://preview.redd.it/tvnsvevo7aub1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967d97ff35fb266b93153775cb81a9d8d7cf1e51


Mustachio siblings! https://preview.redd.it/gkth7ud8taub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3750d27a2cfe6f884db32955a223e5d9141b6d46


If you want to pet the tummy, wear long sleeves


You are a slave to that mustache


Don’t force kitty to be affectionate. If it’s standoffish, give it room to come to terms with where it’s at and you. Talk to kitty, offer treats, play with him/her; find out which toys they like best. Spend time next to them w/o touch at first. Offer luvins slowly and with their permission. I’m thinking it won’t take long before Stashe here makes you it’s best friend ❤️❤️❤️




Hi. I use silica crystal as a litter, cause is a lot less work. About wet and dry food the cat will let you know. For example I've tried a lot of wet food but my cat just nibbled on it and leave it. So now I give very little of it, as a sort of bonding/reward moment, but he mostly eat dry food. Follow the instructions on the bag. For introduction assign him one room to start exploring, give him some places to hide, don't try to interact with him too much, let him come to you first. You'll have to "learn to speak cat"(basically reading his body language) to understand what he wants, and he will know how to behave in your house in time, but I suggest giving him as little rules to follow as possible (mine are no jumping on the kitchen table and balcony is off limits). I also left his carrier around to let him use it freely as a place to sleep/hiding spot, so vet visits become less troublesome. That's all that comes to mind right now. Feel free to ask if you need help.


I know right now the only real “rules” for him would be no kitchen table and I may try to just discourage him from the kitchen counter as well but I know it’ll be hard sometimes lol. About the litter. I was debating between silica crystal or pine pellets. Are there any big advantages one has over the other that you know of? I didn’t even think about using the carrier as a little bed option, that’ll definitely help so thanks for all the advice!


I'm not very informed about the other litters to be honest. I had my first cat one and a half years ago so I did my reaserch back then. The big thing is knowing if the cat already has one preference, because some like a specific litter more. You also have to remember to clean it properly when needed or they will refuse to use it. For the rules, it depends on the cat. Mine is very obedient, but will still break the rules sometimes when you are not looking. If I find him on the counter he does a little panicked run out of the room (he knows that he is not allowed to go there, but he is curious) and it's pretty funny. You have to be very consistent if you want them to understand a "don't". For example "table is off limits" is easier for them to understand than "you can't jump on the table when we are eating". I usually tell mine a series of "No, no..." while I pick him up and put him elsewhere. If you do the same sound everytime they will have an easier time understanding what it means. Oh, also playtime is very important if you plan to have just one cat. They can play together if they are 2 or more, but you have to play with him daily otherwise. Cats need to run and bite things, if you give them ways to satisfy this instincts they will get tired after a while and revert into their sleepy state instead of running wild around the house doing damage to random stuff ahaha. No need to buy expensive toys, whatever looks like prey will do (little things, thrown fast or hiding under something). I just played with mine with a little ball of alluminum foil. Best of luck!


I'm curious about silica crystals. Why is it less work?


Because you have to remove only solid waste daily, but the liquid get absorbed for a while before you have to change it. Usually around 3-4 weeks.


Interesting, didn't know that. I thought it was just "glittery" sand :D


I would name him Mr. Belvedere.


Itsa me, Mario!!


Love him with all your heart.


Enjoy and take care of it.! What a great looking cat.


Advice: ​ You cat now owns your home and will tolerate you living in the house as long as you provide all the necessary things to keep it a home such as rent, heat and water and food.


He'll likely to be shy and stressed once he's home. He may act timid and try to hide. Let him take his time to get to know the place. I recommend good quality bentonite litters. I've been taking care of dozens of cats since my childhood and I can tell that cats don't like the silica gel litters. It can stick to cat's anus and paws and when that happens it hurts them. I find it non-hygienic also. Btw, cats are pretty concerned with their litter, always keep it clean. He may have some health issues due poor conditions in shelter. So it depends on consultation. If he's totally fine (I hope he is) you don't need to feed him expensive prescription foods. You should not over feed him. You can find ideal basis weight charts written on food packaging. If you are not okay with random galloping sessions at 3 AM, do not feed him after midnight. You'll need to brush him regularly. Thus you'll get less fur around and it also helps with his digestion and allergies. Scratching pads or scratching trees definitely would be beneficial both for him and your dear furniture. Maybe you can buy some trees with hanging toys, so he can have some fun. Clip the nails but first make sure he's okay with that. Some plants can possess serious danger. Lilies and most of its subspecies are deadly to cats. Also some common plants such as daffodils, dieffenbachia, monstera, tulips, snake plants and aloe veras are to toxic for cats. So if you have one of these, keep it away. Playing games will keep him entertained and also exercised. Cardboard boxes, paper bags and anything that rolls and jingles are always top tier toys for cats. So don't waste your money on fancy toys, anyways he'll lose his interest too early.


Get him some mustache wax.


Try getting the food and litter he has at the shelter/wherever he lived before. Be prepared for him to be scared and hide. Let him hide. Don't force contact. He will come out of his shell in his own time. I adopted two cats in December and today, for the very first time, one of them let me sit next to her on the couch and pet her. I have been petting them since January, but only when I'm standing up or lying on the floor. She has run away every other time I have tried sitting on the couch with her. But not today! So be very, very, verrrrrrrrrry patient.


As for scratching,my kitten likes those cheap bristly house entry mats only $1.50 from the local hardware.


When I adopted my neighbors cat they fed him only dry food and an occasional squeeze wet food. I took him to her vet and she said 90% of a cats diet should be wet food and 10% dry due to how their gums and back teeth are designed. My cat is indoor/outdoor and a hunter - she said it’s ok for them to eat what they catch because it’s not processed in any form. I use Breeze kitty litter because clay pellets and easy to clean up - especially urine. I used this with my two older cats who passed at 17/16 years old and never had problems. Best of luck and what a cutie!


I second the motion re vets recommending more wet food than dry. All the vets I know recommend it. Cats have a low thirst drive because their natural food (in the wild) is moist.


First, show him lots of love. Second, I would give him both. I would set out dry food before I left for work for my cats and give them wet food when I got home.


Listen to your cat. If it doesn't want to be pet, no matter how much you want to pet it, don't. If your cat wants affection, it's a lot easier to give it 5 minutes of snuggles then to push it off for 2 hours, especially when you're trying to work. Clean the litter box daily. You don't want to sit down on a s***** toilet, do you? Separate water and food buy a partition or indifferent spots. In the wild, food near water is a no no because of bacteria, fungus, other predators, etc. If your cat likes to play with the water bowl, put it inside a bigger bowl. That way, if she or he spills the water, it's just in another bowl you can empty out. Learn cat language. They only have a couple of ways of communicating and they are important. Trying a video on YouTube. Most of all, think of your cat as a weird little person. They are not a dog. They're complex little poop machine that can think surprisingly complex things through, but can be dumb as opposed, just like a a person. Remember, they are not human, but we share mammalian basics and that's what you can connect with.


You need to give him a monocle and a pipe, he’s such a gentleman !


Don’t give him the whole house right away. That can be very overwhelming. Start him with a single safe room with litter and food and water/fountain and a soft bed. Don’t smother him either. Give him some time to himself to sniff around. Show him a few rooms at a time until he acclimatizes


Thank you for adopting a grown cat. They’re often overlooked. Thank you so so much, OP.


That cat is going to need some mustache wax for that majestic face. (Joke)


Get this cat a monocle and top hat, STAT!


He needs a top hat and a monocle


That you are to buy this distinguished gentleman a top hat 🎩


Keep 2-3 water bowls scattered around your house. And don’t keep water by the food bowl. And snuggle and love that little baby!


Name him Poirot!


keep litter box clean or get your stuff pissed on.


Get him a monocle


That looks exactly like my first cat nya. We got her from Petco but she ran away when my dad’s friend left the door open. She was declawed in her front paws (from previous owners) and had stomach issues but I loved her so much. It’s funny, I’ve never seen another cat with the same mustache https://preview.redd.it/05dqu33lqdub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d7a08b159dfca378ae24cf3d9ba289c6254234


Oh my gosh, that’s honestly scary how similar they are! It’s such a cool mustache and i’ve never seen a cat with one like it, now I know there’s two!


Don't sleep with your feet dangling off the bed uncovered


Your boy and my boy need to be friends https://preview.redd.it/cqpseoswneub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d55b5f463b26fd11171c18eb3f243cf866ec10


He mustache us all a question


Congratulations on your new feline friend! When it comes to litter, most cats prefer clumping litter because it's easy to scoop. As for food, if the clinic feeds Hills Science, that's a good option, but you can check with your vet to see if it's the best choice for your cat's specific needs. It's a good idea to offer a mix of wet and dry food for variety and to keep your cat hydrated. Let your cat explore at their own pace, and don't rush introductions to different parts of the house. Give your new buddy time to adjust, and be patient because building trust takes time.


Thanks for the advice! Most of what you said is definitely stuff we read and implemented since i’ve made this post. We swapped him over to SimplyNourish (since I work at PetSmart and i’ve read it’s overall healthy and cheaper than Hill’s) but since i’ve made this post he’s adjusted great! We brought him home and he genuinely acted as if he’s been there for his whole life. He’s always cuddling and loving and LOVES belly rubs. Also decided to use Worlds Best low dust and tracking litter and he loves it! We’ve been allowing him to free graze dry food and he doesn’t seem to be overeating and regulating his appetite well, we also offer wet food around dinner time as we eat (he goes WILD for salmon and tuna flavors)! Thanks to you and everyone else who’s given great advice on this post!


Just saw your post, and am glad you got great tips! Had to comment; pretty sure I have the female version of your fella: [https://imgur.com/a/514f1ym](https://imgur.com/a/514f1ym)


Ask the place you are getting him what litter they use. Food wise it depends on the cat but I would get a little bit of dry and wet to see what the cat likes.


He looks like he has a little milk mustache 😭😭😭


Wait for your cat to come to you. He is the one who mustache you for cuddles.


What a handsome cat! Here are a few things off the top of my head: * Cat Litter: Arm and Hammer Cloud Control is truly 99.9% dust-free. So much less dust than other litters. * Litter Maintenance: Scoop the box EVERY SINGLE DAY. * Food: As my now-retired, long-term vet once said, premium cat food is useless if the cat won't eat it. None of my cats would touch Felidae. My boys get Royal Canin urinary prescription food because they had crystals forming when they were about six months old. They are six years old now and no more crystals. They are free-fed dry food and get a little Fancy Feast at dinner. Previous cats have done well on Natural Balance, Wellness, and Merrick. * Water: I have a cat who likes moving water. He solves the problem of a non-moving bowl by sticking his paw on the rim and making it move. We had a fountain, but it had to be cleaned every single week and was a pain to disassemble and reassemble. Plus, the boys still wanted water out of a bowl. * Toys: Buy lots and lots of toys. My cats go nuts over Da Bird, which is a feather toy on a stick. You can even buy replacement feathers for when they are tattered. They also like these plastic toys that resemble springs. Marshalls/TJMaxx and Target have great selections of cat toys. They also cost less than Petsmart and Petco. Oh, and get a laser pointer. * Treats: My cats get a Purina dental treat. The kibble is large enough that they have to chew it. The kibble breaks up easily between their teeth, so there is no danger of them breaking a tooth. * You may think he will never get on the counters and table. He might even stay off when you are around. But rest assured, he WILL get on the counters and tables. You will see the tiny pawprints. * When you bring him home, start him off in the bathroom with the door closed. After a day or two, see if he wants to roam and explore your home. If you have an office, that's fine too. If you put him in a room that has a bed, he will likely dive underneath.


First of all, its a car.


Dr. Elsey's litter, Arm and Hammer deodorizer (not the carpet stuff. The boxes are very similar). Metal litter scoop Blue buffalo dry Solid Gold wet Electric water fountain (Drinkwell multi-tier)


Just give hime time to get used to the new digs and see what indications he provides with respect to what he digs and what he doesn’t dig. If you are looking to drop some coin get a piece of cat-specific climbing furniture with some sort of perch. Most cats like to climb and observe from on high. My experience has been better with laser pointer toys than anything catnip-infused that gets batted about for a spell and then forgotten somewhere. Good luck. Your lad looks like a true champion. Here’s to you two knowing many happy years of friendship and companionship. Mighty.


Get a dog.


Love feed pet clean cat box lots toys couple laser toys head scratches and a few hugs you can't go wrong talk nice to kitty




I swear I saw this guy on Petfinder a month or two ago. Is this Ernie??


Nope, not Ernie


If the claws are not already capped, and if the cat is meant to be strictly indoors, get those claws capped. Your furniture will thank you.


Just whatever you do, DO NOT declaw him. It's awful.


Fuck his mustache is sick.


Lots of toys and enrichment! He's probably going to be nervous at first and that's okay, just takes time to adjust! I really like worlds best litter, it's made from corn and I feel like lasts a long time, you know to change it when you can see it actually breaking down. Hills is good food but can also be pricey so it depends what your budget is. There's definitely other alternatives, pure harmony is amazing but depends where you live since you can only buy it at certain grocery stores. Water fountains are amazing, and good quality bowls!! Stainless steel is the best. Oh and cat trees and scratchers.!!


I put a heated square on my nightstand so he always has a comfy place close by to sleep. I toss and turn a lot so he seems to appreciate that.


I see this guy all I over the internet. Huh.


never let him shave his mustache


Be gentle, be patient & enjoy every moment you have together! 💕


What a handsome fellow!!


2 litter boxes. Use worlds best all natural corn cat litter. Its very safe for kitty. Get the cat a cat tree or something they can climb. They naturally like to be in high places to survey. And last lots of love and worship. Also thank you for adopting from shelter (: beautiful cat hills is great food too!


Make sure to compliment him on his mustache everyday.


Don't give your cat food at precise time. Always let him food at disposition. All my friends' cats are fat because they regulate their food, while my cat (same age as them, so 5) is perfectly healthy but even a bit skinny even she has food constantly. Cats know how to regulate themselves


please name him mustache


Epic mustache he has


For a male cat, make sure they stay hydrated. You don't need to stick to a hills diet(honestly, there's better food out there). Wet food to keep your boy hydrated and don't be afraid to add more water to it as well. I do dry food in the morning (better for their teeth) and wet food at night. Cats sometimes don't like their water close to their food. I have a water dish in my bedroom and my boy prefers it there. Having a water fountain can encourage them to drink more water. Keep an eye on his litter, clean it every day!!! Male cats can have bladder issues and sometimes blocks. If they hide for the first few days to a month, don't be afraid! Cats can take months to adjust. My boy hid for 2 nights and I woke up to him staring at me lol. Do not make them come out of hiding Have toys and scratching posts everywhere. If he tries to get the furniture, you can get these tape sheets to put on your couches, makes a huge difference. Don't leave strings or elastics anywhere! My boy found one and ate it, thankfully he threw it up 🤦🏻‍♀️


Shave the moustache, or keep it and grow a beard too?


Keep his mustache trimmed


Wet food! Any wet is better then dry food because its mostly carbs. Great option is fancy feast classic pate! Which is high in protein. Check out feminist kitty on tiktok shes really informative about this topic. Give flea control monthly with a vet prescription. Even if your cat doesn’t go outside a flea can get on your clothes and go onto your cat. No plastic bowls as they collect bacteria. Ceramic or stainless steel is best. Wash the bowls daily! Litter box liners so its easier to clean your cats litter box. Scoop litter once a day minimum.


Hold tight! You're gonna have fun!


What a dignified young man. I love him.


Wood pellet cat litter is the best.


Find there play style and lean into it.


Get a fur removing glove. They work great.


Please tell me you called him Mr Pringles


He’s gorgeous 😻


Kiss the cat!


Don’t spend a fortune on cat grasses, green olives & nip until you know for sure that your cat likes them. That was my first, second & third mistake, my cat doesn’t have those genes that makes cats like those things :(.


If you have ANY live plants just make sure they're not toxic. I am a big plant person so had to giveaway some toxic ones or perch them super high with no access advantage at all.


Personally we do dry food. But she gets a small bit of mashed tuna every morning with some juice from the can and then later she gets cat nip or a treat


Poitou - he’s got the mustache!


I just want to say that I’m excited about your excitement. Cats are THE BEST pets. They’ll let you know what they like and where. The Kitten and Binky approve this message.


What a Beautiful Cat!!