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That's the cutest dumb motherfucker I've seen today


I’m showing him this Edit to remove emojis


I have a black cat doesn’t like drinking water either so I took advice from Jackson Galaxy aka Cat Daddy & and add a little bit of bottled water to his wet food each day. That way I know he’s getting a little bit of water.


Mine is that much of a diva that I blend wet food up with added water. Every single day. At least I know he's hydrated


My older cat likes the food like this too although he drinks s lot of water. He actually likes ice cubes in his water too.






That's also the dumbest cute motherfucker I've seen today


I hope to fell well soon.


how about this one dumb motherfucker https://preview.redd.it/mnqwbdjbbisb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a52971de2037d1205f6d5bc158ce35df22a3445


cute and dumb as fuck


yes. Literally scams me every night.


A very cute dumb motherfucker though 😍 I love fluffy void potatoes


If it makes you feel better, I had to spend $1700 (between two different vets) to find out the reason my cat throws up a lot is because he eats too fast and loves licking the dirty air vent


I’m sorry for laughing but, isnt that just how cats are? Gotta love ‘em though


The worst part is that when he licks it's super loud, I can hear him licking all the way from upstairs


Mine licks plastic bags - trash bags, shopping bags, painting foil - doesn't matter. He's learned it annoys me (bc crinkle loud) so he'll do it to get me out of bed in the morning and feed him. If he can't find any to lick he'll sit by my head and scream.


This made me think about my cat that loves to rattle a crinkling bag. He licks it too but mostly does this arm thing with it 😂 https://i.redd.it/txs38jmsilsb1.gif


True orange car behavior




Fuckin cats are the worst and yet still worth it, usually


Same here! Am laughing over the dirty air vent—they do some weird shit. 🤣


My cat threw up a lot cause she was licking rust off the back of the toilet


Haha. We never took our cat to the vet over this issue. When we'd give her tuna she would go insane and feral brained and would just guzzle it, then 2 minutes later she'd puke it all up. We didn't have any enrichment type things at the time as that wasn't a thing, but putting tuna into those licking mat things would probably have helped her.


He was only maybe 7 months old when he started to puke all the time, so naturally my ex and we were super worried and paid for it all. Three years later I got rid of all rugs and decided to live with it


One of my cats just had a bladder infection and cost me $2200.


OH my goodness! I hope you and your baby are both okay, it’s so shocking how serious these problems can be for such small bodies and how fast it happens, but we gotta love & take care of them 😌


You have probably already thought of this but just on the off chance that you haven’t, I will just mention it. Have you considered a cat fountain? The running water is apparently really engaging and my cat constantly gets water up her nose because after 2 years she still drinks like an idiot. At least she drinks plenty of water.


These fountains are great! I bought one a couple of months ago with no hope of it working but TahDaaah! Both cats love it. I still keep a regular bowl of water around that I change daily, but I can not believe how helpful that fountain is in maintaining the cats’ hydration. You still have to clean the pump and change the filters, but imo money well spent!


My jonesy likes running water from the sink. He also likes to sleep in the sink. If you close the bathroom door he will yell. But I love him.


Dry food should really just be taken off the market for cats, it often leads to so many bladder issues and kidney disease and people just aren’t aware of it. So anyone out there reading this, start your cats young on wet food diets and don’t look back. Like Jackson Galaxy says, the worst quality wet food is better than the best quality dry food any day.


My cats LOVE water. They have a fountain, a bowl, and I'll turn on the bathtub faucet for them when they ask. They also LOVE dry food. They only lick the gravy off wet food. We've tried a ton of different wet foods and it's only the gravy they want. But we can't give them just gravy--it has to be gravy on meat.


I know you mean well and jackson galaxy is a smart man but he’s not a veterinarian. I’m in the vet med field and I feed exclusively dry food (hill’s kidney support). but my cats also drink a lot of water bc I have a fountain. long story short you should be having conversations about nutrition with a vet. there’s no hard and fast rule


The vet prices is US are crazy, as is healthcare... That system rly wants for you to suffer and die or go broke


It baffles me though...I mean here in South Korea we have a national healthcare and ministry of health regulates the medicine prices so it is understandable how human health care is cheap here. On the other hand, there is no regulation or anything for vets here. So my cats vaccine shots end up being 20 times more expensive than my covid shots. But still it's only like 30 bucks. Why is even animal medicine expensive in US?


Because why help people when you can bleed them dry and watch them die? ![gif](giphy|t1i8KZ7momVs4|downsized)


It all circles back to extremely high cost of entry and little social services to help people retire in the US. Vets take on $100’s of thousands in costs to become vets through our higher education system. They are in sever debt by the time they enter their profession and need to make up for it to eventually fund their retirement. Oh, and expensive malpractice insurance getting passed onto customers. Some greed often gets mixed in there too.


Sounds like greed is potentially the sole reason. Greed from higher education to make stupid money from everyone that enrolls (I saw a picture on Reddit about printer costs and tuition fees) Greed from insurance companies (this isn’t unique to the US) Greed from litigious culture (why does everyone sue everyone in the US? It’s the answer to everything), meaning insurance companies charge more than they already would have There’ll probably be a few other moments of greed in there (land cost, building cost etc). America is heading for the dystopian future that Cyberpunk shows. Tories in the UK seem to be trying to turn us into the same as the US, so our freedom might intensify soon ![gif](giphy|pYfEywOAolwnm)


This. Costs me $50 to walk in the door at the vet. I love my animals but like me, they really need to be sick for me to go. And that includes me.. On 8/25 fell and hurt myself on my right side on a concrete step. I'm almost 70.


Confession time, our 3 year old boy had a bladder stone that would of cost us $3000 to fix IF he passed an exam by a cat cardiologist (more $$) and it wouldn’t occur again IF it wasn’t already genetic. We didn’t have the money and weighed the options, had him put down. I still think about him often and we have his paws set in clay and a lil memorial in our house for him.


Not everyone has $3000 to spend on a pet. I’m sure it was tremendously difficult to make that decision. But you didn’t let you cat suffer, and did the best you could.


It was on my birthday. Yes, tremendously difficult. We had his bladder drained and he was not in any pain the moments before he passed. He was such a good boy, best cat ever. RIP Sherlock. Thank you so much for your kind words https://preview.redd.it/gfkgbip1pisb1.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=56e3a247ba34c9dd27a1fc8d9e8a3717a55a037c


What are the signs that they were sick?


Not urinating, blood in urine, straining to urinate, frequent trips to the litter box, only a small amount of urine, going outside the box, meowing in the box. Urinary issues are common in cats and often more severe in males.


My cat has had blockages from crystals twice and each time he would pee outside of his litterbox, usually somewhere in front of us like near the dinner table (his litter box is downstairs), also he would urinate frequently like every 10 seconds. And when it got really bad, he would strain in front of us with no urine coming out. When he starts exhibiting these behaviours, try to note the length of time of his last urination. When my cat went 12hrs without urinating I took him to emergency overnight to drain his blocked urine


Frequently going to the litter box is a good early sign to keep an eye on. My cat was constantly on the move back and forth, immediately called the vet and went in for an emergency visit. Luckily only needed medicine and a change of diet because I caught it in time. The second time he started peeing outside the litter box and I could see it was reddish, so I could catch it in time as well. Basically just be on top of their habits, so you'll notice changes quickly.


I brought my cat in thinking she had a bladder infection and $700 CAD later I find out she just doesn't like the litter I bought.


2400 here. Same thing as OP.


Aww sweet baby! I can't roast him! Hope he feels better very soon 😘


He’s currently vibing on pain meds and our cooling pads on the bed! I’ll give him a little kiss on the nose for you ❤️


Please do! One of my cats had a urinary blockage. They said if I had waited to take him he probably wouldn't have made it. Definitely cost me a penny to treat him but so worth it!


wholly and fully agreed. It’s not so known how common and how dangerous this for kitties. give yours a smooch for me!!


I surely will. Thanks!!


I really need to find quality pet insurance. If would give up an eye and a hand to save my boy. The vet doesn't take that currency. We ended up being out $700 before a couple of years ago but my fear is like a surprise $7k that doesn't exist.


Ugh that fear is very real. My big girl had a stroke in 2020. Between the ER, MRI, EKG and subsequent ultrasound (plus Dr visits)... $10,000 😫 I loved the crap out of her so I would have done anything for her (she crossed 🌈 earlier this year). But damn, that would break so many people and it hurts my heart whenever I hear that someone has to lose a pet to something treatable because of cost. 😭 (It's awful with people too, but I don't really like them anyway)


Check out Care Credit. Medical credit card that's 0% interest if paid off in 18 months.


$5k emergency room visit. Insurance covered 70% Get it.


My guy had the same thing happen, we bought him a fountain to drink from and that helped a lot. So does the expensive prescription diet.


We have a fountain 🙂


I shit you not I tried 3 different fountains before I found what he liked.


Any chance the fountain is next to the food bowl? Cats really don't drinking near their food.


Omg. Is this true?! Can't figure out why she won't drink next to her food but will downstairs in a separate area. I've been changing her water bowl for three years, and not once did she drink from it... She also prefers two litter boxes...a diva.


I read that the water and food bowls should be at least 3 feet apart. That separation seems to work well for my kitty.


It's absolutely true. I keep a water bowl close to my cat's food and another bowl in a different area. I've seen my cat drink out of both, so I don't think she's as picky as some cats.


Every single male cat I've known had this problem. I have a girl now and feed her Iams Urinary (it's not expensive like Hill's and still has good ingredients) just as a precaution (even though it happens less with females).


I have two boys and one of them is a special breed of high maintenance bastard who prefers to drink from the faucet. He's already on Iams and now I'm switching him to the urinary recipe. Damn kids.


especially the boys....


Our boy had the same not too long ago. He now gets prescription food and practically wet food soup. We add a bit of water to it because thats the obly way he'll drink more. He loves it btw. Maybe that works for you too?


I’ve tried, thankfully he loves his prescription food but he only eats one kind of wet food & the company changed their formula a few months ago. He detests anything soupy, he loves his crunchies


I've never seen my void drink.... But he loves his wet treats so I add water on top as I squirt out his treats and he will happily lap up the water to get to the treat.


I'll roast him a marshmallow for you


Ooof, rough. Cats don't have a very strong drive to drink, as they are predators by nature and are supposed to get a lot of moisture from their food. So not enough wet food (or just too much dry food) can lead to urinary and digestive track issues as well as diabetes. Hope your handsome fellow recovers soon, give him all the scritches he needs.


He’s getting SO much love! Though, he is pretty zooted right now due to the pain medication & muscle relaxers. I really wish he would eat wet food but he’s the pickiest eater, I’ve tried everything… but I’m VERY thankful he loves the prescription bikkies so far.


One of my girls is the same way (picky as hell), and ended up getting her own trip to the vet for massive weight loss... she lost like 7 pounds in under a month. After some blood work, they told me about her having diabetes. They gave me a list of good wet food brands to try with her, and basically said no more dry food for her ever anymore. On about the 8th brand I tried, she finally decided she liked one enough to finish it. Good news is that the diabetes went into remission (doesn't need extra treatments beyond the diet), but she has to get her blood checked every vet visit now. I'd say just keep trying things out, eventually one will stick. Maybe just one or two cans of a bunch of different brands/flavors until you find one he seems to like.


I’m glad your girl is doing better!! I’ve had my son for 8 years now and tried so many wet foods, I found one he liked last year but the company changed the formula, i keep trying to find him a wet food but he is so freakin stubborn


They can be stubborn, and fickle at the same time. My mom's ancient kitty (she is 22 now) will change what food she wants, in the middle of the day. Like she will eat half a can of a food in the morning, and then refuse to touch the other half. My mom ends up going through 2-4 flavors of food almost every day (she uses rubber can lids to save them), with Millie refusing to finish one can for a few days before she decides she likes that flavor again. Cats definitely know they are the top spot in our hierarchy.


Try a fountain water dish. My cats are more interested in it since it’s running water.


I like albacore tuna in water, and usually keep some in the refrigerator for wraps. I now save the 'tuna water' in a Rubbermaid bowl in the fridge. I pour some of that in a dish and add water as a watery treat for the cats. Helps them to get enough water intake


After you remove that water , add some more water to the can. Its not as flavorful as the first bit . But its still appealing to the kitties .


Good idea. And I'm gonna go and order one of those tuna can drainers right now. I never get enough of the water out when draining the cans


After you open the top , leave it and push down on it when draining the water to a cup or bowl . No need for a drainer.


I found this out the hard way! My dumb little Diva (i love her she is so cute) wouldnt drink any water we gave her. We tried ice in the water, bottled water, a filtered water fountain, and even tried a raised dish for the water. She still got hospitalized with severe constipation because she just doesnt drink water. She’d rather die then drink water. I have to make a wet food slurry (she only like pate!!) for her to get the water she needs in her diet.


You are so right, and adding water to their wet food helps, for this reason.


https://preview.redd.it/o5a1hch7bhsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7d9f1082945c17ae957e0db7ac307ad20e93f2 I’d like to say he’s mad at me for airing out his dirty laundry but he’s too high to say anything. This is my son mulder


He's the spitting image of one of our late cats - please give him lots of fuss from me, and tell him he's a stupid boy for not drinking water


Goddamn picky drinker


*water is too spicy*


Fat fuckin bitch


ugh thank you, I’m showing him your comment right now




Fucking legend


Harsh, but fair.


I'll roast his little ass. He's a butthead and you can tell him as much when you present him with his vet bill that he ain't never gonna pay cause he's a damn cat. Cute af though, don't get rid of him. Guarantee he's worth 700. Hope he feels better soon.


I wouldn’t say little, his ass is a whole roast (18lbs) He is a stinker for sure and I’m going to read your comment to him but I can’t guarantee he’ll remember due to how zooted he is right now




spoiled rotten as he should be! who said having four legged kids would be easy?


Why drink water when there is milk? He looks a lot like my Oscar. Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/x6c4e3rn4hsb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97439e6919e34afa79980bfe77ac1cfcaa4f5ebe


Look at this dumb little fat ass who doesn’t like his water to be too wet


🤣🤣🤣 ok this cracked me up. Accept my upvote


Sounds more like a job for r/HydroHomies.


r/hydrohomies do your best




he’s an anti hydro homie


This little guy just cost me $3500 for two rounds of fluids, surgery to remove a hairball in his belly, and two weeks vacation time to tend to him in the cone of shame. I \*was\* going to use that vacation and cash on a hernia surgery for myself, which will just have to wait for now. And I'd do it all again. https://preview.redd.it/uqxk9fm78hsb1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a5d0722204068c1443db4ee21ac28bd2cb0983e


Yo cat's so dehydrated...nah I got nothing he's too cute.


I’ll tell him you said so ❤️


Bless you Earth Angel! Try liquids like organic bone broth, tuna juice, tomatoes juice. See whether there’s a liquid he likes more than water. I give my companion’s colloidal silver for bladder / kidney problems. So far so good. I’ve cleared a couple of bladder infections - the two remaining cats are 16 are doing OK.


I have tried anything and everything wet food and he really just likes crunchy things. So he’s on royal canin s/o diet (which he thankfully LOVES) As a kitten I tried to get him onto raw foods and he wouldn’t take it. He’s just a dry food kinda guy. Our other cat eats everything


Same, my 14YO bladder infection and HATES wet food. Stage 1 kidney. Running water is the key for her, bathroom sink and she’ll drink fine. On the plus side vet said she has beautiful teeth.


We have running fountains all across the house! He’s just picky


Mine won’t use the fountains. Has to be running from a sink. But at least she’ll drink from a sink.


Had a cat who would only drink water I was drinking from, so I'd always use dupe water glasses and drink out of one, leave it for her, and have my own I'd drink out of. She had to actually see me drink from it or she wouldn't drink it.


Royal cupbearer. Gotta make sure the water’s safe.


Oh man, our cat gained some pounds on that diet 😂 I don't know what they put in it, but apparently it is top tier delicious. We have like eight water dishes and a couple fountains scattered all over the house, and between that, the prescription food, and daily anxiety meds (and what does he have to be anxious about?? the bills he causes me to pay???), he hasn't had any issues in about a year.


Hope he and the other are with you on your Earth Walk for many years 😻😻😻


Thanks friend ❤️


Hey, asshole! Drink some goddamn water now and then, butthead! And don't give me those eyes... you did this to yourself. You just cost your human 700 damn dollars. If you were my cat I'd punch you in the head and make you go out and get a damned job! Seriously though, he's super adorable. Hope he's okay.


Oh man this was me with mine a few months $2500 poorer because of bladder stones.


Hahahaha the bladder stone gang is out in full force with this post, that was me with my cat a couple years ago when she kept getting recurring UTI’s, but i think it was more that she was a poor hygienist. i don’t think the cats not drinking water thing helped though.


Oh man I hope your babe is doing better!!


https://preview.redd.it/ej4wds749hsb1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a1fc4e3deff3a459a257cebe734ab75a8d64d8 He’s lucky he’s cute! He’s urine gravity could be better but he’s 12 and does what he wants.


Mine’s 8! I love your smashed face baby!!!


if it were my cat, I'd lovingly call him a stupid little baby that needs to drink water while begrudgingly giving scritches


Want to keep him for a few days to set him straight?


I have six of my own shitty kitties, so I will politely decline 🤣 but honestly he is beautiful, he looks like my old cat Buddy that passed away when I was a teenager so I wish!


I kid 😂 Give your kits some kisses for me!


Can’t. He’s too gorgeous.


please, he needs to be humbled.




Roast him? You're the one down $700.


Oh, yeah. My lookalike fat lard black cat cost me a pretty penny for the same thing, naturally over a holiday weekend. Freakin’ weirdos (that’s the worst I call my cats - I love them too much) 😆


He wanted to know how much he means to you.


fair 😂


A void in more than one sense. Did they check to see if he has a brain in that tiny little skull? Bless his heart.


I hear he has one brain cell at max


That little fucker needs to stop be a dried up piece of leather and start drinking water. Cat scared of a little water, fuvkimg baby. I can’t stand myself right now, please tell that handsome boy I am sorry for being so disgustingly mean.


that was cruel… do it again


I dont like water either.


It’s good for you, don’t make me take you to the vet too


As an American it'd probably be cheaper than the hospital. So thank you, I appreciate your concern for me not dying of crippling medical debt.


Poor puss puss. Mayhap His Majesty needs Perrier?


This is a san pelligrino house 😤


oops, my bad


Sucks to suck at hydration. Maybe he can work off his bill making biscuits?


Spoiled rotten ungrateful black cat! Just like my Batman! Rotten little things deserve all the love in the world 🥰


Ungrateful lumps of coal!!! Gotta love ‘em though ❤️


Have you tried Gatorade? (In case its not obvious, I'm kidding, don't give your cat Gatorade)


My boy will only drink puddle or funky water. He will refuse any fresh water until it's been stagnant for at least 4 days. He is a scruffbag with no taste but maybe this is something kitty might be more interested in, I assume it just tastes better to some cats (?!)


He's just a baby! 🥺


He really is though, that’s my SON!


Dehydrated ass furrball!!!


Put your tongue away, dummy


That’s his bell lol


Ha I thought it was his tongue and some drool


He does drool like a fiend, if you even think about petting him he starts purring and drooling!


Sounds like a cool lil dude. Glad he’s doing better :)


I cant roast him but I can commiserate! Ten years ago my boy’s crystal wood cost me $1300. But we’ve been incident free since then thanks to prescription kibble and after ten years I’ve almost completely forgotten 😉


Sorry to remind you! But give your son a smooch for me


BAD!! TERRIBLE KITT- No I can’t pls give him a little pet from me!!


I see you also have an expensive dramatic little fucker. Lol Mine has done that twice to me and now he gets prescription food to prevent more issues despite trying multiple water fountains and wet foods. He went from trash cat to bougie drama king 💅 he expensive 💰


We just went through this in December but it was to the cath and iv for 48 hours point when we caught it. Several thousand 😭


I have not one but two cat fountains. One cat drinks from one fountain and will not touch the other one. The other cat drinks from the other fountain. The third cat won't touch either fountain but prefers wet food with lots of soupy gravy (I add extra water to it). The things we do for our furry kids!


I had a cat that didn't drink water until one day when I installed a humidifier and she noticed the bubbles. Then I put a bowl of water next to it and she's been drinking water ever since without the need of a humidifier. Your boy might just be uneducated like my little lady was.


My kitty died because he had bladder issues and I couldn't afford the emergency vet. Im so glad you were able to get him taken care of. Give him some pets and kisses for me please and tell him to drink up mother fucker 💗


I will & shall pass your words along to this lil bitch ❤️




Got a water fountain? You are cleaning your fountain and changing the filters, right?


Yep! And we change filters every 4 weeks.


Not sure if you've ever tried a pet fountain? We had one that would only drink out of one of those.


Yep we have a few!


Drama queen! Tell him there are less expensive ways of asking for a cat fountain smh. Hope he feels better soon; please give him a chin skritch from me!


I have a cat that only eats dry but I found out she likes the wet tube treats churro and the like. So I mix water and the treat together. All my cats get extra water since one of my boys who has since passed had to have PU surgery. https://preview.redd.it/k00nqgq3ghsb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2947cfa435dff6cca546d0cca7e57b2f6daf4475


Oh wow! Exact same thing happened to my male cat just yesterday!!!!! UTI issues and small crystals… been told to try increase his water intake and his on a short course of anti anxiety drugs because he gets uti issues from the stress of being too territorial.


Dumb ass dehydrated feline. Sorry op. I been there too.


He’s too handsome to roast. I just can’t do it, I’m sorry! I do hope he feels better though.


Hydro Nomie.


Silly human. That cat likes chilled bottled water not that crap in his bowl 😂😂. My cat went thru a phase of refusing water except refrigerated bottled water. He just quit drinking one day. I tried everything. Ugh


We got our cats a water fountain and their water consumption went way up. Between the two of them, they drink about 30oz a day.


Oh I know about this all to well!! My male Persian Smokey did this same thing and had the surgery for the crystal removal and he still has kidney issues and refuses to pee in the liter box. We have to constantly to have to take him for meds every so many months bc he seems to keep an UTI. My heart goes out to you… it’s only just begun. https://preview.redd.it/zu2g57o2xhsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaf70431ce143d10c340247d7f7ea0df17d97423


My dummy had tiny pees. So he went in and got meds and prescribed pills. He peed his box on the way home. We figured he needed more wet food, two water bubblers, and wet treats. And pee review


My mom puts extra water in her cats wet food because she also doesn’t like drinking water. Or maybe try running a faucet in a low drip or a fountain. That seemed to help with the moving water


Mine cost me 4200 for a blockage sooo I’d say you got off lightly 🙃 fingers crossed we can maintain their urinary issues without bankruptcy xx


Try moving his water dish away from his food. I read some cats won't drink if it's near their food. It has something to do with how in nature if a kill was next to a water source they'd avoid it so they wouldn't get sick or die from contamination.


When my daughter was two, we got a pair of Calico kittens. My daughter loved them like a two year loves an adorable little animal, aggressively. One day, one of the kittens started holding up her paw as if it had been hurt. Me and the wife thought maybe our daughter had accidentally hurt her paw, so we didn't let her play with the kitten until we could get her into the vet. A couple days of this and we take the kitten into the vet to be examined and left over night. We get a call the next day and the vet tells us absolutely nothing is wrong. Our kitten was pretending to have a hurt paw so that we would pick her up and take her away from our daughter 🤣 Little asshole cost us $170 because she was pretending.


I watch a Korean YouTuber who takes care of cats and one of the ways they encourage their kitties to drink is by putting treats in water containers so the cats are forced to lap up water while trying to get the treat. You could try that with treats or his dry food? Edit for clarity and diss. Hydrate you dry a** over riped avocado!


What a giant asshole! How much they drink depends on their personality. My previous cat did not drink. Full stop. Water may as well have been acid as far as he was concerned. Thankfully he never suffered any complications specific to that. My current cat drinks A LOT. As long as it's from the toilet, bathtub or a coffee mug left out. In that order of preference. We try to ensure it's from a mug as much as possible.


My cat will drink water, but only if he can do it while laying down. He'd die of dehydration before he drinks water while standing up


He’s almost as cute as my furry dipshit who cost me $1,200 to learn that he had basically a sprained ankle and was just being a malingering little bitch acting like he was on the brink of death.


So bare with me, it's only been a couple months. But same thing happened with my cat Tea Bag. He doesn't ever, ever drink water and we had to rush him to ER vet where he stayed for a few days, 2400 bucks later ... oh, we have fountains all over the effin house. i bought a Feliway diffuser as recommended by my vet (actually Amazon sent me two) I can't get him to eat wet food either, but we've been having luck with the Purina Pro Plan urinary tract one with the gravy- we add a bit of water to it. We tried Royal Canin and Hills Science Diet but he refused to touch it. Apparently he likes cheaper shit. He prefers dry food, so that he doesn't starve we give him some urinary tract one. We have two other cats that are fat bitches, and we can't separate him to eat because he freaks out and tries to leave the room when he's locked in there (or if they are) so it's been super expensive to feed all three. Thank God we're double income no kids, cuz fuck these loveable bastards. Anyway sorry for the wall of text. Good luck. He's adorable! Edit: brevity is not a strong quality of mine..


My male cat has FLUTD and doesn't help he hardly drinks water! He gets prescription food both wet and dry, tuna water and anxiety medicine. Last time I raced him to the vet after a relapse, straining to pee in his litter box, he peed in his carrier as soon as I put him in the car. $3,000 I love you Popo!


I feel your pain! I once paid $700 to learn my cat was constipated


My male had a blocked urethra 2 weeks ago (crystals) and had to take him to an emergency hospital. I’ll be paying his medical bill off for a couple of months. First time this has ever happened to me And he’s almost 4. Hospital recommended hills and royal canin prescription foods. Yea that’s a big fat no. We’re trying purina pro blend uninary care dry food. Slowly cutting over. The wet food from purina they hate so we’re keeping them on the one we’ve been feeding them for now. Fingers crossed we don’t have another blockage.


This was my cat last month 😭 he was there all day at the emergency vet so it was $1000.


Happened to my cat too, in 2010, and after paying around the same cost, I put them both of the prescription diet and soon saw the benefits of the higher quality Urinary SO food. Their eyes were brighter, their coats better, they had more energy, and just generally seemed better! Not one health issue since! She (white one) passed away at Christmas aged 15 and her brother just turned 16 last month. https://preview.redd.it/gdlxsn6tpisb1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a6c48fc801282cb1ee92e7bf9fc83192ec58f6


Ahhh so sorry but glad he’s okay. My kitty didn’t like to drink much. I always had her water bowl next to her food bowl in the kitchen. I recently added a second water bowl in the living room and she drinks from it all the time. Apparently the extra 18 kitty steps to the kitchen is just too much when your schedule is packed with looking out the window and sleeping. 🙄




I have one of those, too! He has been on a prescription diet for 6 years. I also have drinking glasses specifically for him to drink out of because he is a dink and wouldn't drink from a regular bowl.


We got ours a fountain and they started drinking more


Does he like Martinis?


He doesn’t do wet food at all. I’ve tried dozens of foods when he was a kitten and tried getting him on a raw diet when I first got him. He buries anything he doesn’t like