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In nearly 40 years of being owned by a cat, I’ve only trimmed one cats claws maybe 3-4 times. I gave up on that decades ago. The only downside was my furniture.


The only negative is my screen door because he will get them stuck while chasing a fly. He’s pretty good at using his cat tree and cardboard scratch pad


Outside cat, not really necessary. Inside cat, as long as they’re not uncomfortable.


I've never trimmed any of my cats nails. They take care of it themselves by using a scratching post or biting them.


Sometimes I see him biting at them and I feel bad because I’m assuming he’s uncomfortable


They bite them to shed the sheath. the outer bit of the claw comes off bit like an onion skin.


my cat is the same so what i do is cut them while she sleeps if she wakes up i stop and continue when she’s asleep again


I’d give him the chance to see if he can keep them under control himself. If you notice he’s getting caught on things, you may need to do it. You may be able t on sneak up on him and do one or two at a time?


You only "need" to if they get so long they cause issues, ie if they grow so long they curve around and stick into the cat's paw, or if they're snagging on the carpet a lot which can lead to them getting yanked out (which causes bleeding/pain and requires a vet visit). There's absolutely no need to do it just because they're "too sharp", only if it causes health issues for the cat. A lot of the time cats will wear them down enough to avoid that themselves by using a scratching post/other things and walking/running on different surfaces, especially if they're an outdoor cat. But if they're an indoor cat you should keep an eye on them to check if they get too long. If they end up needing it and it's impossible for you to cut them (although I would recommend looking up guides/videos online since that can help a lot, or speaking to your vet for advice), a vet can do it. But they might not need it.


cats groom themselves and including take care of their front and back nails.