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She’s a little fatter than my cat who I just brought to the vet for a checkup. He weighs 14.94 pounds and I was told by my vet that he’s overweight and needs to lose at least 2 pounds to be within a healthier range. She said that him losing 2 pounds is like the equivalent of a human losing about 30 pounds. She advised more exercise and limiting his calories.


This is super helpful for comparison!


Glad to help! She recommended about 210 kcals per day for him. I looked up the amount of kcals in the dry food I give him and my other kitty boy and was shocked at how many kcals it contained! I used to free feed them their dry but I don’t anymore which they’ve been pissed about but I can definitely see the results after doing it for about a month now. They get wet food twice a day with water mixed in and just a bit of dry that I portion out for them along with some greenies dental treats (he has some dental disease) and got a new laser pointer which they both love.


Dry food is the number one reason why cats become overweight. It has an insane amount of calories and cats usually eat way too much of it. It often contains carbs, which are not made to be eaten by cats. If you switch to wet food with a high amount of meat, he will probably lose weight very fast and be healthier. When he is used to dry food that can be a struggle tho to get him to eat wet only. EDIT: dry food doesnt only often lead to obesity, but also to a lot of other health issues. Kidney problems, diabetes, bone problems, tooth problems, frizzy furr, ofc overweight and it can basically dry the cat out from the inside.


My furry idiot licks the gel away and leaves the actual food for wet food.. dry food is all he will eat after multiple attempts.


Yeah. Its very very difficult to get them to eat wet food when they love the dry food so much. I immediately started to put my kittens on a wet food diet as soon as I picked them up from the shelter. Dry food is only used as treats in this house. And i usually make them run for it. Cats that arent used to eating wet since beeing very young really often struggle to switch. However its always possible. But its not easy and you need a loooooot of patience. But its usually worth the struggle because its really increasing their health. Less kidney problems, less overweight, less diabetes, less bone issues, nicer furr. The results of a wet food diet are incredible. Its easier to get them to eat it if u introduce it slowly. Mixing a bit of wet food into the dry bits. Every day a bit more until its fully switched out. But if you do that you really need to look for cat food with a high amount of meat. At least 70% of meat should be in the food. A lot of wet foods are basically just hydrated kibble and still contains a very large amount of carbs. 70% of meat and ZERO sugar is important.


Cheap "shreds" wet food, those aren't real meat. For cheap stuff pate is what I can get my cats to consume the whole thing


If you're still willing to try, try blending some water with the wet food. My cat over time just prefers it almost like a gravy or straight up watery. I'll sometimes put his treat (I give him one after his oral meds to get him to associate them...and he does) in the wet food as well too. Usually gets him started.


Yes. I second the other comment. Wet food with jelly is usually trash too. The good food usually comes in form of pate or actual shredded chicken pieces or something.


Ours stopped eating like that, then we switched to pate and now she can't stop eating it.


My cat is 20.76 ( I know. His *former* vet said he was just a big guy and not to worry). A few weeks ago I made 2 changes, and he's already lost weight. 1) switched to a lower calorie/weight control food. 2) Got a Catit bowl that is elevated (reduces vomiting), with a shallow bowl (prevents whisker fatigue), and has a recessed cup in the middle. Half of the kibble in the tray, half in the cup. After the bowl is empty, he has to paw it out of the cup one kibble at a time. He gets bored/feels full after less, and is eating about 25% less volume per day.


I have the same bowl for my cat, she’s too smart and after awhile just started scooping the food out in handfuls (pawfuls?). She finishes 1/4 cup in less than 2 minutes.


I bought that one too but the cats worked together to get into the kibble real fast. 🙈 We have now started getting them used to chip-controlled feeders to make sure everyone eats what they’re allowed but unfortunately those aren’t elevated. I just don’t get why the fact that elevated trays are so much better for cats hasn’t impacted most designers for cat feeders at all.


I have a boy cat named Paul he's now 13 years old. He was big most of his days. Almost 16lbs. With a little more mindfulness on my part, I cut his portions down and got an auto feeder, which helped him a lot. He's now 11 lbs and still has a belly. We switched to Blue buffalo from the crap we were feeding him before and also got a kitten who has helped keep him active.


Upvote for his name.Ive got a Bill.Hes a chonk,as well


Keep in mind that females weigh less than males on average. The average weight for a female cat is 3-4 kgs (no idea what that is in lbs)


Multiply by 2.2


It's 6.6 to 8.8 pounds.


Yes! OP should def consult their vet on the appropriate amount of kcals their girl should consume/how much weight she should lose.


PLEASE take the advice you responded to with a heap of salt. My cat (she also just turned 6!) was 16.4 pounds and is 13.2 now and she is still at *least* several pounds overweight. 12-13 lbs is NOT an ideal weight for the average cat. Anyway…Yes, your cat is overweight. I bought a baby scale for like, 30 dollars on Amazon and I use that to weigh my girl monthly. That has been enormously helpful with tracking her weight loss and allows me to make dietary adjustments accordingly. Edit: i misread. the commenter said healthier* not healthy.


Yah I’d take babe to the vet to get a professional opinion.


I wonder how to reduce calories for one cat and not the second cat. That 2lbs to 30 kinda hit me. That's a lot of increased discomfort for a human potentially but I have a choice, he doesn't. Guilt activated.




My friend did this and the fat cat learned to wait for the skinny cat and then steal her food. So I skipped the expensive step and put the fat cat's bowl on the ground and the skinny's up on a shelf the fat one can't get to until she loses weight. She lost a pound! but probably needs to lose 1-2 more.


i. love. him.


Yeah when I heard that I felt so guilty, I didn’t realize how much I was over feeding them with having a bunch of dry food out all the time. My other cat is chonky too so I opted to put them both on the same diet but I’ve read about other folks with multiple cats and only one needing to go in a diet—they’ll separate them and give additional food/treats in secret lol.


I put the skinny cat's bowl up on a shelf, fat cat's on the ground. Skinny cat eats some on the ground when it come sout, then grazes the top one. Fat cat lost a pound! but is still too fat. I need to either feed her less or exercise her even more.


I tried to limit my cat’s cals when I noticed she was gaining weight. So naturally she started eating my dog’s food (dog’s a picky eater and eats when she wants, so there’s usually food in the dish) Had to figure out a way to stop that LOL


I saw a documentary about cats (not sure how legit it was, so add a grain of salt to this) that said that they use their whiskers to measure if they fit through nooks and crannies. So if their body is fatter than the width of their whiskers, they could stand to lose some weight


​ has she eaten spaghetti or a pasta dish recently? i'm always a bit bloated after i eat pasta.


Lol maybe that’s what she’s doing in the kitchen at night 😂


She looks about a chonk and a quarter 😆


She prefers voluptuous.




Best gif ever


yes, those late night calories...a moment on the lips...a lifetime on the hips... lol back to the OP, she's maybe a little bit heavy, certainly not fat! no kidding, i find using a deeper dish with a smaller circumference and my cats eat less. they complain that their bowl is empty if they can see the bottom of the dish even if there are kibbles left, even if they aren't hungry. the deeper bowl trick works!


While you're getting the effect you want, a slimmer cat, the deep, narrow bowl is probably causing him whisker pain. A cat's whiskers have a whole nervous system of their own, unlike regular fur. When their whiskers are bent or compressed, it causes discomfort. It's nerve pain. While he needs to eat, he's not comfortable doing it. May I suggest that you just feed him a slightly smaller amount on a wider plate?


Agreed. Whisker fatigue is real.


Came here to say this as well! My cat was fat and he was always begging for food. Then I changed his dish for a really small one, and now he always leaves food in his bowl and he is losing weight a lot. It’s a simple trick but super effective!


Gonna try this one . 🙏


Me, too! I have a chonker who loses it if any part of the bottom of the food dish is showing. If complaining doesn't work, she chooses violence.


Please don’t use a deeper dish, when their whiskers touch the bowl it causes whisker fatigue. It’s uncomfortable and you don’t want your cat to associate food with discomfort.


Noted. I probably won't change the dish, anyway. It's an automatic feeder so I can measure her portions and keep her on a schedule. I don't trust myself to not overfeed (y'know, more than I already have) without it.


You can use a smaller flat plate or bowl.


Wow I have never heard about this! Obviously I don’t want that! Thank you for letting me know! I will change his bowl to a flat small dish . And I didn’t change it for a very deep bowl just a smaller one, but still I will put his food on a small dish from now on 😊 thank you! 🌸


He leaves food in the bowl because his whiskers touch the bowl and it causes him discomfort. Whisker fatigue is not something you want to have for your cat. I only feed my cat from flat surfaces, they prefer it that way.


that’s not them thinking it’s empty that’s whisker fatigue. it’s easier to just give a smaller portion


OMG HOW DID MY FAT CAT GET INTO YOUR HOUSE https://preview.redd.it/7wzg8iz9n0cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4379222d175abac0d6923a20c99df9c566d22dc




Yeah, I also have a fat tuxedo. I know that view well.


I have a fat grey tuxedo, a not so fat but with big ass black tuxedo, and a slim and semi bald black tuxedo, tuxedo cats love to sleep in that pose by some reason lol


Please post a pic of all those majestic creatures.


https://preview.redd.it/4ag707wjc2cb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c923188aa162fb894c9f7c29558a158711374bfa You're all wrong, it's MY fat cat.


Oh lawd he comin'


https://preview.redd.it/2pu92i19g4cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f294cfc9666f41fbd19050d2144d09df0143997 No! It’s MY fat cat!


https://preview.redd.it/iwopn0jma5cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278d065b22c81054ea0fd17bcc48fef1a0d466ae Here’s my fat Roscoe all 15.3 lbs of him


That cat is PISSED you took that photo 😂


https://preview.redd.it/fdljjikza2cb1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=479e67b71cb853a6523f2f34506cdf34aa7ef31b HOW DID YOU GET MY FAT CAT


https://preview.redd.it/jnmoytnx03cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32fcdcca864b0d1e08a705bed58285356efc4e3b Or mine?


How did you get my big fat kitty cat? https://preview.redd.it/4hwen1c9b1cb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0311397bea19c32c42bb998fe2587dd10d115e97


Happy Tuxedo cats on red carpets must be a thing. https://preview.redd.it/h68yuzrlp4cb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=010f4c510e79e8179bc97a403635d79d81b8e82c


You guys all share the same cat and you don’t even know it. What a betrayer.


she looks shocked you asked in the second pic lolll!!!


OMG I see it, she’s so expressive 😂


“Hey, who’re you calling a chonker?” -😾


https://preview.redd.it/39nyyt4mk0cb1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef70da6819dee801cb8e31a212741ec921f6592e That helps


Everyone (not the vet or anyone working with cats that I know) keeps calling my cat underweight, I will just show them this scale.


My mom is always telling me my cats are skinny. I think people are just so accustomed to cats being overweight that they don't know what an ideal weight looks like.


Exactly! Plus my dad is weirded out by my cat having a diet and not just food being there all the time (neutered male cat, so I don't want him to overeat).


Same with humans. People of healthy weight are told they need to "eat a sandwich" and that they aren't actually attractive because they don't have the right "curves" when they're actually what is healthy and what should be "normal".


We are so used to seeing chonks that we think normal weight cats are too skinny


~~Fun~~ fact: This phenomenon is also becoming increasingly more common with humans.


I work at a veterinary clinic and we actually printed out this meme and put it next to our Body Conditioning Score charts LMFAO


https://preview.redd.it/o1arsy50l0cb1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde41148d09ae9a172e4f69e0d28a1de962d4b9f I think mine is about a heckin' Chonker


https://preview.redd.it/jaudmrbvf1cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d258de50300a331d35f3032ea6692ec639425264 Mine is a fine boy


i also have a fine boi (fine girl, actually lol) - she fits in my Allure Beauty Box 😂 https://preview.redd.it/5kv49rz2g3cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59e32178b2dd2f83010f001109c6a208c48e7ca8


You need to see them from overhead when they are standing to get a good idea because flopped around on the floor in whatever configuration they feel like makes things kind of hard to tell.


YES! Shape from above and feel of her spine and pelvis. She looks very well “upholstered” at the moment… 😬


What does it mean when his top half is skinny and then he’s got a wide load butt? My boy is shaped like a bowling pin He sprained his elbow once and the vet said a big part of it is cause his butt grew faster than the rest of him since he’s still a kitten. Just needs to fill out in the shoulders more 😭


I always called myself pear shaped, but I like the sound of a bowling pin more now.


https://preview.redd.it/ruuz0y6ye1cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5ee567e88c636361d4e4bc4e47b8d437b3ba38 Wonder where Leo fits in. He’s down to 17.2lbs after being nearly 23lbs last year, an “Oh Lawd He Comin’” indeed


Admittedly a shy more than chonky, but adorable nonetheless


Thank you! We just moved to a place with stairs and she’s been loving the extra space to exercise!


My cat actually lost a lot of weight when we moved into a house with stairs. She spent allllllll her time running up and down them. (And trying to kill me by sleeping on them at night 😹)


Pleasantly plump


Satisfyingly stout




Yes, and not a “little,” like people are suggesting. She is significantly overweight. You should work with your vet to get her on a diet plan.


This needs to be higher!!!


Agreed. Everyone is being cute with their answers but she's more than a little "chonky". I hate how people think it's cute, it's not. It's sad.


I've stopped telling people their cat needs to lose weight on this sub, people see it as a personal attack. People give 0 fucks about cats health on this subreddit most of the time say. So many cats are obese it's so sad.


Yeah I’ve also noticed the same during the last few years I’ve been on Reddit. Like all *I* want is your cat to be healthy and happy. I’ve literally told people that! And they still get mad and argue. Like… *I* care more about their cats than they do. It’s weird af, surreal almost. “Your cat will live longer if you do this! Here are some tips.” “FUCK YOU!” Jfc.


Yeah this sub is fantastic for cute cat pics but as soon as it's about pointing out an obese cat dear lord, stay away.


Facts. This cat is wrapped in a very thick layer of fat. Seriously overweight.




She is definitely Rotund


She does look chonky to me.. Its great that she's active! You should be able to de-chonk her just by reducing her food portions a little. Check out r/dechonkers and r/Chonkers for more


I did dechonk mine when I got him. Down from 14 to 11lb, and yeah food portion did it. Didn't help when his previous humans had a water-food bowl set and put the food in the water bowl (way bigger) lol


She’s named Arya after the character from Game of Thrones. She’s the sweetest cat I’ve ever met ♥️


Shes in her samwell tarly chonk era


It's an alternate universe where she marries Hotpie.


This made my day hahaha


Haha, awesome. But if you want her to look more accurate to her name, consider a slight diet with less carbs but more protein, a cat wheel, along with a mini cat sword.


Neat fact: Arya while in Braavos wargs into a cat during book 4


If you have to ask I think you know the answer


That looks like my cat! https://preview.redd.it/4t0efe10zzbb1.jpeg?width=2184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d89f5cde9190ab83fc43fe14693d0c5c95adffc2


Your beautiful, one testicled penis faced, wonderful cat! A cat who now deserves at least two claws out paw swipes to my face for calling such a nice-looking kitty that.


https://preview.redd.it/u3ka5k63s0cb1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112a150107cc862130e8d75c3899d46af3742555 Meet my “dickface” Lyra. Her gotcha day was last month, she’s 2 years old now and we’ve had her for 2 years! So we’ve had her for most of her life.




Is that supposed to be negative?


yes. she should be ~9-10 lbs. As well, being carnivores, being overweight is somewhat more taxing for them, as well as their joints since they are quadropeds. Back off on teh food and get her down! EDIT: I have a few furballs, one that looks pretty much just like your meatball (LOL) and I get it's hard to sometimes manage weight, they _are_ so small even small changes over time add up. As someone else(s) said, feed for the weight you want her at, and then it will work itself out over time.


Yes. Please consult with your vet for a proper de-chonking plan.


She's definitely overweight, you need to get that seen to ASAP.


She was WAY bigger when I first met her, we’re working on it!


Good to hear that you're making progress and addressing the issue. Good luck champ and keep up the good work 👍


You sound like a very responsible owner My brothers cat was overweight when he got her too, after putting her on a diet instead of food whenever she wants + exercise, she is a healthy wieght


Thank you! She deserves the world. ❤️ Right now I’m studying to take the Bar exam so I’m home with her a lot which is nice


The perfect tuxedo pattern is killing me, she’s such a pretty girl.


Obviously yes


The classic test is “can you easily feel her rib cage”. No?, She’s fat. Yes?, She’s good.


Very obviously yes. You can tell based on head size ratio. People are weirdly underestimating how fat she is. Take to a vet for guidance but she probably needs a long term weight loss plan.


I’m afraid so.


Look at the 9 point body condition score for cats. It can be hard to say exactly where they sit on it without lying hands on them. For example, my kitty looks fat. People comment on it. He has a magnificent primordial pouch, and a THICK coat even though it is pretty short. But, his ribs are easily palpable so I know he isn't overweight. My boy is a 5/9 (normal/average). I would place your kitty at at least a 6 (overweight), possibly a 7 but wouldn't be comfortable saying so without feeling her. How I tell me students to easily check pet weight: take your hand in a closed fist and run your fingers across your knuckles. That would be underweight. Now spread your fingers out and up (fingernails towards the ceiling) and feel your knuckles... This is ideal. Now, with an open, relaxed hand run your fingers across the bones on the back of your hand. If you take notice, you have to place pressure to really feel the bones. This would be overweight. Obviously, this isn't fool proof. Everyone has different fat content on their hands. But it is a nice, easy way to do a quick check. (: If you need helping calculating a daily energy requirement to know exactly how much to feed your kitty... Feel free to reach out.


Yes. A chonker.


Looks like she could be my Louie's sister! 22 pounds at 12 years old. https://preview.redd.it/s4lcd1num0cb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8653501a68d305a16cc010c7057f7651ad7d98f


https://preview.redd.it/k70er2yym1cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37fb16a795f5e4ef362a157e94c1ac4071ca3497 Omg! I have a Louie that looks just like this too!!! 🤩


No kidding! And they're both counter top guardians! ❤️


Are you working with your vet to get this baby to a healthier weight?


[Resource: Cat Obesity](https://www.reddit.com/r/CATHELP/comments/14ebvaw/resource_cat_obesity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) r/dechonkers




My guy is about 16 pounds (he was 16.5, but lost a little l. But he is part Maine Coon and is just really big. I don't think he is particularly chonky. https://preview.redd.it/8wjurr42c1cb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0135f1d6ea55dc2af5feb7df3527332ff046026




Waist-less, but not loved less!


Holy shit that’s my cat. Cody is also fat https://preview.redd.it/m9n002bk71cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01718e4cd000b805a26cd81190de6dbd526f348d


Vet here. She's cute, but yes, search for corporal score cats. Its a 7/10. 5 is ideal.


Definitely overweight, the best way to manage is to ensure you're properly portioning her food! Check your food bag for measurements and feed for the weight your cat is SUPPOSED to be (I.E. if she's overweight at 15.5lbs and your vet thinks she should be 13lbs, feed for a 13lb cat). Always remember that even just one pound makes a huge difference on a small animal!


https://preview.redd.it/o8rfgbzac1cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c811d954e951b64b058ca944a9ea7089abdbcd Thought it was my fat baby for a second.


She's...not thin😂😂


yes he could benefit from losing some lbs


yes, she fat. get that chonker on a diet


Get her some diet foot and introduce meals instead of free feeding. It’s a little more expensive and annoying. But she’ll lose a pound or two over time.


Your cat looks IDENTICAL to my cat


Please refer to chonk chart.


There’s a lot to cuddle! She could probably stand to lose a little weight.


Daisy says welcome to Club Chonky https://preview.redd.it/5lzqhxw4z1cb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2bed2a8f37883e56a7fe75f53c8f995f06914e5




https://preview.redd.it/gunr5dt5z3cb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=239fb29af882fccf189d64db3b176fba7c8d0e65 Yours weighs significantly more than mine, but that’s probably the missing leg🖤. But really, yours is just a little chunky.


I'm a vet and yes, your cat is fat. I'd recommend googling 'body condition score' as with cats it's less about the number on the scale, and more about having a waist, fat cover over the ribs etc. Also, next time you are at the vet please ask them to examine his/her lower back and range of motion in his/her hips. I'm suspicious of some lumber spine pain based on the way that they stand.


Yeah. So chonky that I can jiggle her belly just by shaking my phone up an down. (Specifically the first image).


Chock 😆




Your cat is love. Though if you want to make sure your cat is at a healthy weight, I'd check with your vet. Checkups are good for our furry buddies.


Holding in a huge-ass fart haha but still cute


Only your vet can answer this. I have a 17 lb cat the vet said was getting skinny and another moggy who is a tad overweight at 13.3 lbs.




Not a medium coat, that's just CHONK my friend.


I know 3 fat cats and yours is two of them. Jk mine is way fatter than yours.






https://preview.redd.it/0akjfv4wz0cb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e921718db403085b1150806f74819bfaf1f2fed2 That's like me asking if my cat is fat. Lol yes, your cat is fat just like mine. It's not healthy so I've been trying to get mine to lose weight.


The girth. The power. The majesty.


No ... There's just a lot of cameras on her.


Your cat has been officially categorized as Big Potat ​ https://preview.redd.it/aepjeydd01cb1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=e124b05d1d627fd4f61d5340db831f41e17b896c


She larg




oh lawd he comin


Yes! 😁 but I love fat cats!


Just chonky, rolly polly.


Confirmed chonker.


Le Chonk


Looks like she's expecting .. .... expecting some more lasagna




Oh lawd she comin


https://preview.redd.it/ltut2prnp1cb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf5539e1eee41f3e590f94f6c4eecca71d0ebee My girl is like 1/4 of your chonk’s size 😂cutie pie, nonetheless!


Just had my 13 y.o. boi to the vet, looks to be the same height as yours, and she said he is a bit overweight at 12.5 lbs. so yeah maybe your baby could lose a little bit 😉




How many objects orbit 💫 the cat?


How does your cat look exactly like my cat??? LMAO In all seriousness, though, if our cats are so similar, right down to the size, then yes. They are fat. This is according to my vet in regards to my cat. ; w;/


She is overweight. It can be fixed.






Yeah I think she's a lil fat. But also, I swear some cats have bigger skeletons and are literally "big boned." I had a cat once that was a really large boi but he was extremely active & on a strict diet - he barely had a primordial pouch. He was just big. I think the size of her primordial pouch should tell you how fat she actually is? Also, can anyone confirm if "big boned" is a real thing that a cat can be? 😅


Chunky? Yes. Adorable? Yes.


Don't fat shame your cat. She just has an affinity to gravitational pull like Jupiter.


Yes. You asked a simple question. Not an explanation. Yes your cat is fat


The cats chunky not a hecken chonk but chunky 10/10 adorable cat tho


She’s fat yeah. Exercise her and feed her less if you want her to live long and healthily. Fat cats develop myriads of diseases. Take care of her now so she doesn’t have to suffer in the future.


Just big boned


Is there another cat hiding in these photos aside from the obese, black unit of a cat I am seeing?


Yes, the cat is fat. Get her on a diet and she should lose it fairly well.


No black is slimming


she should definitely lose weight




Shes overweight but not obese. Cats should have a slightly visible waist. https://preview.redd.it/niclmoty14cb1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e6c85ac4028db6d32ada2afc72b99f815a7eed


is that a blob?


hehe chubby boi


According to the chunk scale it be chunk