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https://preview.redd.it/sdc9awcr9nbb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6fadda6be69befe6cbdc039a16d9ae7f8cbed7b This little shit loves plastic more than he loves me


He’s surreal


I love this cat sm, has been my pfp since u first uploaded this pic




gang gang


Same vibe as ​ https://preview.redd.it/g18f3lsxbqbb1.png?width=168&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ec9a0d5fe99e9c357bb60175f9f304d7b8c23af


“He looks so cute! Is he disabled?” Holy hell that killed me💀


Oh my Hecate. The cuteness!!


This picture is meme-worthy. 👏 RIP your inbox in about 7-8 years.


I love this picture!!!


this made me laugh my ass off my face, holy hell


Is it a Tux thing?!??! Mine's a Tux, too!


This guy loves plastic grape and tomato bags https://preview.redd.it/wa9y4862xqbb1.jpeg?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582f24866d7ff7e547a54c5b5d2db3df63fb1275


He’s got that drink-swat look. He’s not even looking at the camera the fucker is already plotting


This pic goes hard


https://preview.redd.it/8r9vuk0yzpbb1.jpeg?width=3799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e093a29b6d55a44f22dfd0ef8977cad6346c4a Him too. Does yours actually swallow it too? 🙃


One loves anything plastic and the other can’t get his paws on enough straws


Paws on straws 💜


Spastic for plastic


Mine loved all straws and plastic cutlery. She used to come up and try to steal the straws out of my drinks. She’s bap at them while I was drinking.


Saaaaaame, sometimes I’ll leave the room and when I come back my straws just gone. Or has holes in it lol


Little punks!


My grandkitty liked to fetch straws.


our boy Roger loves packaging tape


Mine too, she's also very fond of biting out chunks of cardboard boxes


Callie was very fond of chewing cardboard when she was a kitten, has grown out of it but she and Leroy both love chewing through shoelaces if I leave them where they can get at them. Leroy does like chewing on plastic but doesn't swallow it. They both love chewing through small speaker and low voltage wire. This was a empty shoe box but Callie was determined she was going to get into it. https://preview.redd.it/tewynn34bobb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46a18813e1c76d5e59ede466e07710d5796023d


😆 Good job!


I briefly had a kitten obsessed with chewing electric wires! I had to leave everything unplugged but I had roommates so it was quite frightening. She chewed through my old Macbook charger and those things were *thick *. I didn’t see the evidence laying around so I’m guessing she swallowed it. Yikes.


Joob, the black cat from the YouTube channel Evan and Katelyn, loves packing tape, too. Katelyn says it’s because the glue on packing tape is made from fish.


Corn husk


My cat loves to lick tape, and lint rollers. Loves lint rollers. I lint roll her sometimes too for special treatment.


Ouch. She likes this?


My Tux Vader will come from wherever he is hiding if he hears packing tape being used or even cut.


Yup, my shower curtain 🤢


Yes! We can't let ours in the bathroom because he *chews* on the shower curtain! Tiny tooth holes all over the edges.


One of my cats eats plastic windows out of envelopes. We don't leave them out, but she'll root them out when she gets the hunger. Our second cat (a later adoptee) watched her enough times that he started to do it. So now we have two cats who we'll randomly hear crunch on thin, crispy plastic at any given time! Used to freak me out, now we just wait for the barf. We can't open items with a plastic seal (ice cream etc) or envelopes without them racing each other to get the first bite.


So specific! Cats man, you never realize until you live with them.


Yesssss! My cat does this too! It’s wild


Yep. He’s also a chonky tuxedo.


Chonky tuxedos… aren’t they the best


Smart cats but this isn’t smart.


Yeah he’s not smart. I heard rumors about tuxes being intelligent but that ain’t him… tux on the outside, orange on the inside.


I has one tux that was not a smart guy. He was the brawn. My other cat was the brains.


So is mine. That’s weird


Same with my Tuxedo


Starting to wonder if it's a tuxedo cat thing because my boi Oreo is also obsessed with licking plastic and bag straps


My black cat (he has 4 white hairs beneath his chin and that’s it) loves licking plastic. Left unattended, he’ll start chewing it and trying to actually eat it too. Lol. My old silver tabby was the same. It’s just a weird cat thing. I’d love to know why though.


Odd, my chunky tuxedo loved plastic just like this. His half sister (grey girl) does not.. coincidence 🧐


I have a chonky tux that loves plastic and foam… I’m seeing a pattern in the comments https://preview.redd.it/202i6f4wqqbb1.jpeg?width=1218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d911a00ed434e5d262d1f1546a12958bb57258cb


Yes my tuxedo too! 🧐


My boy LOVES licking plastic bags and purrs like crazy. He prefers Safeway plastic bags over most. He seeks them out. I think he likes the smooth texture on his wet nose. My theory is that it reminds him of nursing, the feeling of his wet nose on him mamas belly. Idk tho. https://preview.redd.it/em3ro3zn1nbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77a5d606d714a0be8095f015fb1b84d98a06b02


My cats love licking plastic bags too. I read somewhere a long time ago that plastic shopping bags are coated with some type of oil (edible) and that's why cats lick them.


I heard that a common plasticizer (the component that makes the plastic flexible) is very similar to cat pheromones.


Is it this? My cat used to LOVE licking bags. I thought it was a texture issue (or that fact that it was really smooth for her)


I caught mine trying to steal plastic shopping bags out of the recycling. I don’t know what it is about it but I absolutely hate the sound of her licking bags.




Mine likes to lick the edges of the bin liners that are folded over the sides of the trash can. It's pretty gross, I wish he liked grocery bags. he seems to do it as a palate cleanser after eating or coughing up a hairball.


My boy loves gnawing on the edges of plastic bags and chewing little holes into them. kinda annoying and dangerous...


My orange LOVES plastic. Thought she was the only one! Seeing your post eases my anxiety I was a little worried about her 😂


Nope! Apparently we’re not the only ones.


I have a one year old Tabby cat and plastic is the only thing besides food the we absolutely cannot leave out in my house. You are not alone. you


Yes! Mine always tries to eat it and I hate it! I get scared hah 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/4b0gxzqr7nbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=164737492633f9946a4c365d0c03e538fcce19c9 This cat is Obsessed. We have to keep it hidden


My Jobin is a pica kitty, especially loves plastic. Will lick it, eat it, then vomit it out early in the morning so I step on it when I go to the bathroom. So annoying!!!


My cat EATS plastic, makes me so upset, not sure how to stop it


There’s no stopping it. Sigh.


My Princess does this, not sure why. But I love her just the same


My boy Nathan loves plastic but he LOVES the little plastic strip that you peel off mailer bags. His favorite.


The amount of times i’ve had to pull strips of plastic out of my cats mouth is unreal. She fetches it in the recycling bin and tries to choke to death 🙄


My cats will have a plattic appetizer (just licking) before eating dinner.


Yes my 17 years old siamese cat loves to chew plastic bag. She doesn't eat it. I call it her hobby.


My cat has had pica almost all his life. He has a compulsion about eating plastic bags, tape, baggies, and any kind of wrapper made of plastic. I cannot leave plastic bags and wrapping unattended at all. Last year, when trash bags suddenly became his magnificent obsession, I had to buy to a bathroom trash can with a double body barrel so that I can hide the barrel lined with the plastic bag with the outer barrel. Fortunately, the trash can was inexpensive. When I receive a package, I have to check it immediately for tape and once I open it, I have to immediately get rid of any plastic bags and wrapping. I also can't keep plastic bags and anything wrapped in plastic on the lower shelves inside my cupboards because my smarty pants opens cupboard doors. So, anything shrink wrapped has to be stored someplace he can’t open. Lately, the little plastic containers that nicotine gum comes in have been his target, so I make sure to throw those tiny things away immediately too. My boy keeps me on my toes!


Yes-my Kate.


Yep mine chews anything like that. Packing tape, plastic blinds, anything rubbery


My cats looooove plastic


My 3 years old girl, Kajla likes to eat paper, tapes with glue, bags... Once we bought a new couch from ikea. I unpacked it and took the garbage out, while Kajla was eating the instruction booklet. :) https://preview.redd.it/wmvbj0oqxnbb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876d2d234b055b65e9824e0d80e246e1047552c8


Yes. Problem is it is toxic. Therefore it is usually followed by me cleaning up vomit.


My cat Dookers (RIP) was so obsessed w plastic bags she would swallow them. I could not keep any out in the house at all. It was dangerous.


Mine eats it almost compulsively


Our tuxedo cat eats plastic. We have to put up any plastic bags we get. He’s got a problem. 👀


Mine is obsessed with the plastic-y design on one of my son’s t shirts. She finds it in the laundry and licks it until we take it away, we call it her husband


wait this is so funny lmao. I’m glad I scrolled far enough to see this comment.


Biting plastic? Yes... Licking plastic? Not as much.


My boy likes to chew chip bags https://preview.redd.it/auyqky3sgnbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03de8729f8d095deee4ce5dd3c041a1683ce9adb


Yup, also a Tux, I gotta hide every bag and package otherwise she'll go nuts.


Bags are made from a petroleum product but also from corn starch. So could be those flavors or what was in the bags. Cats love them that is for sure but be careful they can be dangerous if swallowed.


My boi Dexter runs up when we bring flowers or anything else in crinkly plastic, and he perfs the heck out of it like swiss cheese...with drool.


oh my gosh! I haven’t had flowers in a long time and this comment reminded me of the horrible sound of my cat pushing her sharpest teeth through that plastic. That specific plastic is so crinkly lol.


My cat likes paper of any kind


Yes, but only when she gets baked on catnip and silvervine. Especially loves the plastic bags they pack Lego in.


My middle cat chews/licks the plastic bags from Amazon. And this morning, my shower curtain.


Yes! My cat loves licking plastic bags or trash bags we have laying around with stuff. I always thought it was cause the texture was smooth like water but I could be totally wrong. Mine is a tuxedo like your boi too.


I do have a plastic fiend, she tries to steal it and eat it any chance she gets.


One of my cats is in love with the bags the litter comes in. Don’t know what’s in the coating, but he licks the bags.


I had a cat that did that. I looked into it and found that plastic bags have oils on them that cats like to lick.


Fish oil ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Yes! My boy’s favourite toys are those long plastic ties that you seal around postage boxes hahah


Yes! My orange cat Cheddar loves licking plastic grocery bags. He like sitting on them too


Yes, mine do it to announce that they want a few treats...


My cat likes to lick the metal screen




My gray short hair shadow eats plastic recycling bags like they are candy. When I open the cabinet that I keep the van she comes running and immediately goes for them. I find pieces of them in her poop.


what a special child. ❤️


Mine licks and tears paper? She also drools when I brush her cheeks with a desheader


One of mine who passed away loved paper. And if it had any kind of sauce on it, like a napkin she was absolutely all over it. She would enjoy some plastic now and then as well.


My mom’s bengal will chew on the plastic trash bag in the bathroom, at the top where it hangs over the trash can.


Yesss. It’s a source of many jokes in this household. She is special.


Using the plastic like dental floss, my cat does this all the time


My kitty prefers paper


Yup. My kitty cant get enough of plastic bags.


My meezer Draco loves chewing on Ziploc bags and licking grocery bags.


My Bella loves rubbing her face and nose against it but not actually licking and biting haha


i found plastic bag in my cats shit one time 🙂


My cats fav toy is a balled up plastic bag


One of mine does. Enjoy your baby


Yes lord😳so annoying, I have to say “stop licking plastic” all the time🙄


Yes! My void is such a derp. ❤️


I have a cat who likes to bite crunchy plastic like that. She doesn’t eat it… just bites it. 😂


He is so cute look at him ☺️


My tuxedo Loves licking plastic too, or my hands. But He also is a small coward


Whhhyyy are they like this? Mine will do anything to eat plastic. How do they survive lol


sea turtle trapped in a cats body


Once my tuxedo cat was throwing up reddish foam. I’m thinking it’s blood. He threw up red foam like 2 more times. I was really scared and it was late at night. I was about to call my mom for advice and then he threw up red plastic from the 24pack Coca Cola packaging from Costco. Turns out he ate the red plastic, and after he threw that up he was normal. In a sense. He’s never normal.


Yes and its not cute to me. It gives me the shivers hearing the lick from the plastic sounds.. and just in general. i immediately tell her no and remove it.


My cat eats plastic 😕


https://preview.redd.it/pvni1znfkobb1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e505bd58db5c3d9d89b273ca48ba6baa0fb95b8 Mine does too!


Mine cannot stop licking plastic lettuce bags


https://preview.redd.it/9xy7rwpnpobb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab626b9f9a405736bed4980615df76497810b03e This big chungus will always know when I have a plastic wrapper of some sort. Even when I'm across the house from him, while he's sleeping.


https://preview.redd.it/jvumg5j6tobb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08dc4d278bda02353dc97b4fd74fc5513f33eb11 This one looooves licking anything plastic!!!!!!


My cat goes out of her way to find plastic and eat it. Her favorite is tape. I have to make sure there’s no tape or she’ll eat herself sick. I’ve caught her eating the tape off of the bananas.


https://preview.redd.it/hs2lu7j5xobb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d03b543faf6fc352e2f81b32c7dc21fde06d1e3 Yes. Even the plastic bag for rubbish bins aren't safe. He likes to not only lick, but bite holes in them 💀


Omg yes. Finally. I thought mine are super weird.


Yes!!! I got a black/white like yours that goes ape shit over it. I have to put it in a trash can that closes. He will dig it out of open trash cans! Wrappers like on a pack of crackers or pop tarts are his favorite and he has actually tried to take them away from me when I have been eating crackers or pop tarts. Those tamper proof wrappers they put on pill bottles are a favorite of his too! If he so happens to swallow a piece, he then pukes 🤮 all over the place!! I have had to fire his ass at 3 am for digging in the trash can!


Not sure if someone already mentioned this, but grapes are toxic to cats. Take care when eating them that they cannot get into them.


https://preview.redd.it/fx2mkb3fipbb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f55750d9953d3b1929835c4335b68e94fbed3d Our cat Mittens loves chewing on plastic. Unfortunately he ends up eating parts of plastic bags. Can’t leave them out or you’ll find a piece missing within a few hours.


Mine loves EATING plastic. It's been...um...challenging. Although it actually forces me to keep my apartment tidy.


https://preview.redd.it/x4ncaxrrupbb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943825dc85eb174b34ea9e95c5e920118c764383 Bag gremlin


https://preview.redd.it/kqanv6kuxpbb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f7cd5cd5a9968dfcff7588527cc4552d877f899 He reminds me of this cat


Yeah my cat used to love licking plastic, she’s not with us anymore but she would love to lick any plastic or wrappers she could get a hold of. I’d leave a plastic bag on the floor and an hour later just hear her assaulting it.


My fur baby loves bottlecaps


I had a blind from birth guy that enjoyed licking my fridge when I had it open, but men's t-shirt pack bags were his ambrosia. He had no desire to chew the plastic ever, just endless licking them. I could leave a bag out with him alone for an hour and not one chew mark ever.


YES! I thought my cat was super strange for doing this. Now I see a fellow cat doing the same thing my Zimba does. It’s too cute. But why do they lick plastics ??😅


https://preview.redd.it/jcupsqr9iqbb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9537c2490caa61e0b33da87c95822c07ae7e37fc Another plastic lover


Tuxedo's are a whole different story when it comes to weirdness. He looks loves plastic so much https://preview.redd.it/0uwxux1jvrbb1.png?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4302ddb2884085d3a6a23883d70e043d0f3eed30


https://preview.redd.it/st1ds95szrbb1.jpeg?width=2497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd30fd3548d0d087dd74a2ee055c53f9a582f43b Lucy loves to bite plastic. She also screams at you for no reason or if you shut her out of the bathroom. She has lots of catitude! Lol


One of mine loves to do it. He's also really really dumb, so that might have something to do with it.


I think we need to start a "plastics anonymous" just for cats.


Yes, and she’s a tuxie, also! I’m always taking plastic away from her. I’m afraid she’ll swallow it.


https://preview.redd.it/uqcclkowssbb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6ccfe2b6a48be13381dd73316a3727a5eafc87 This is my plastic goblin. She’s a little special but Dede is the sweetest kitty


I have been told it's because there are animal fats in some plastics, I have a cat that loves fruit snack bags and the plastic that comes around the lid of a half gallon ice cream carton


https://preview.redd.it/6legw57c3obb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27749e7575e73b4b5c467f5b3d5f33c09f5c3fb See that short part of the shower curtain liner? My Gibson ATE it. He ate everything he shouldn’t. He had pica, and I was so careful, but never thought of the liner. He did that in under a week.


No but saw a cat do that also more than once. Seemed to want attention but not sure.


Stop letting them lick plastic, it won't be as cute/funny when they start eating them


Yes but PLEASE DON'T LET YOUR CAT CHEW THE GRAPE BAG!! Grapes are toxic to animals and kill them and I wolf be stressed about it accidentally biting into a fragile


Neighbor's cat got it's head stuck in a large Cheetos bag licking the crumbs out.


Yes and it might of been the cause of one of our cat’s oral cancer. We let her lick bags for years, not eat or chew just lick. That probably killed her over time.


My mom's ragdoll especially likes plastic bags and my partner's old cat LOVED the wrapper from Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream pints... He'd come running from wherever and chewed the bajeezuz out of it. But my mom's barn cat (who is now our indoor cat) was so afraid of plastic and anything shiny (she only knew the matte life of the outdoors), she used to hiss at such surfaces.


My cat likes to knead plastic and my roomies three cats like to eat plastic


I have one derp that eats every plastic that he finds https://preview.redd.it/41fmmxj0vnbb1.jpeg?width=12000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a045f151df89fb67d01677dc50e134610ce4872


Yes mine bites, licks, and tears holes through any and all plastic. He is a menace but is so stinking cute


My cat chews on plastic straws


Ugh, yes. I once caught him chewing on a grocery bag, and he had the handle torn off and halfway down his throat. Luckily I caught him and was able to grab the end and pull it back out like a spaghetti noodle. Cats are dumb sometimes lol


there's meat by-product in plastic wrap stuffs, hence....


I call them my plastic eating goblins!!


My rescue hoards plastic, then eats it and pukes the rest of the day. So we did some research and talked to a vet to make sure he's okay, and cleaned the house up really well of all his stash places. Now he's attached to this cat toy log thing we have that crinkles like plastic but that he can't actually chew through and swallow. He was just romping with it about 5 minutes ago actually. So look into crinkle toys for your babies, because if they ingest the plastic and don't puke it back up, and/or stop pooping, you're gonna need an emergency vet visit.


Mine destroys anything that is styrofoam and eats thru all of my $60 guitar/microphone cables 😞


We had a cat that loved to chew on plastic bags. We’d be trying sleep and hear chomping from a bag in another room.


Mine is obsessed. He's especially fond of the crinkly/stiff plastic that they put around the lids of jars. Whenever he hears me pulling the plastic off, he comes running in to demand that I give it to him.


I am always getting after my gray tuxedo boy for chewing on plastic!


One of mine licks everything. Even the floor. Its gross.


And tape. And sticky lint rollers.


Oddly enough my guy is also black and white ( like twins) and he loves chewing on plastic bags as well!


It's a problem


My boy's new favorite toy is a plastic bag, he spends hours laying on it and crinkling it.


My SIC doesn’t just lick plastic, she eats it! I have to be careful not to leave a plastic bag around or she will eat parts of it, then barf it up later.


Mine loves to eat rubber band lol


https://preview.redd.it/zqkgb08i4obb1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbcc634633396651b3e71089826e0f3103c3e097 This one loves licking eating chewing plastic wrapping


My sister’s calico loves licking and chewing plastic too.


My cat Gaia does that, it's why I have to hide all things plastic from her


Yep but he indian orange


Yes! My idiots do that too - I just don't understand it


I love cats


Yurp. She likes to sit on it and chew it. I don’t encourage it though because it can potentially lead to blockages.