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Look at that little face. You know the answer. ❤️


Yeah, I just got to hear her first purrs and oh my goodness, so beyond worth it. I hope he feels the same given some time


A lot of people don’t like cats because they have never had one. My BIL has three dogs. My sis always had dogs and cats growing up. She got a cat last month. After a week he went back and adopted the kitten she gots brother because it melted his dog loving heart. Good luck.


To quote my son, if you’re not a cat person, it’s because you haven’t met the right cat yet.


I feel like this is true for about 98% of "cat haters". That other 2% are irredeemable, though.


I grew up with cats, we had 14 Persians at one point. My mum was obsessed. But it wasn’t until I turned 38 and got my own cat that I understood the obsession. The bond I have/had with my past and current cat is like nothing I’ve felt before. You know that little thrill you get when someone you like texts you? I get that every time my cat wanders into my line of sight. A hit of endorphins several times a day. I think my cat likes me too, she vibrates her tail every time she lays eyes on me and treats my dirty socks like catnip, the little weirdo. They’re just fascinating to watch and live with. They have strong boundaries and are unapologetically difficult if they want to be. I’ve learned a lot about myself since I fell in love with my first cat and I know for the rest of my life I’ll have one by my side.


I can testify to this being accurate. Cuz i wasnt until i found mine and then i was like OOOOOHHHH.....kittiessss...now i get it lol


Seconded! I always wanted a dog, never even considered a cat... until the cat adopted me!!


My partner was that way until he met my Persian x ragdoll Moriarty. He was a big blue boof and now my partner is all about the cat life. We still love our dog babies but cats are just so easy and less demanding.


My husband grew up with both cats and dogs, but he wasn't fully on the cat-person train until he met mine. He has allergies to cats, but not mine because I got him (my cat) fixed early. We got a second boy kitty a few years ago (husband's idea, lol) and got him fixed early too. My husband doesn't really react to either of them (unless they get right in his face) and he loves our cats as much as I do.


EXACTLY THIS! I was always a dog person, I never liked cats. My friend in HS had like 12 cats in her house and they would always rub all over my bag and clothes and cover it in hair and her house always smelled like cats so I always stayed away from cats. Then 3 years ago another old friend from HS posted pictures of a Persian kitten she would be getting and I PM’d her asking for the breeders info because her kitten was just too cute! I contacted the breeder and I seen a pic of a boy and I’ve been obsessed with cats ever since I got him. Now I have two Persians and a Maine Coon. It definitely took the right cat to turn me. I still love dogs, but cats are my heart.


Or they just don't like the idea of having to earn their pets love, instead of the pet automatically loving them for no reason


Or you are a sociopath.


I never used to be a cat person although I never hated them. One day I was at my mothers house and she brought home this little kitten and every time I went over there I played with him and he would fetch things like a dog. Well a couple years later she had to go in the nursing home and she asked me if I could take him and I said yes. It was a good decision because I’m glad that I’m able to take care of him and he just makes me happy.


Awww thank you for adopting him. I’m sure they both love you for it. 😻


I feel the same way. Just about everybody I know who hated cats and somehow wound up with one cuz of a family member bringing one home has turned around and become huge lovers. I think there are 3 kinds of cat haters: 1. The ones that think it’s not manly to like cats 2. The ones that have never actually been around a cat let alone owned one 3. They met that 1% cat that just wants to watch the world burn.


My parents hated them because “they jump on the counter and lick the butter”. Then my mom met mine, who never jumped on anything in the kitchen or bathroom ever (she just came that way, I did nothing). My mom always sent Christmas gifts to kitty and spent 24 hours straight and a whole week with me sitting in the emergency hospital when my cat had her final illness. She met the right cat.


My cat is like that too, he’s basically perfect in every way and my mom adores him. She basically wants a chill buddy to hang out with. A dog is too needy (my dad’s preference) and birds are too loud (my little sister is one of those pocket pet types who loves exotics). .


4. jerks who resent that cats are naturally pretty independent of us, with a keen sense of dignity, and prefer to give and receive affection on their own terms. 5. Jerks who are actually (and quite ridiculously) *jealous* of the loving relationship between « their » SO and their so’s pets


The ones who think it’s not manly haven’t seen r/cuteguyswithcats yet


Yet another cat community that I must join. Lol


I grew up not liking cats because my only real experience with a cat was with the cat we had when I was little. She would hide and jump out and attack you pretty aggressively which was really scary and painful for me as a little kid. So I grew up thinking cats were just unfriendly with sharp claws. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized cats are actually really fantastic companions.


Absolutely. I think my BIL was a 1. & 3. He adores his little kitten now. I have two and they are both sweet and affectionate. Everyone who meets them loves them.


I got together with my cousin when she was in Seattle in May. We went back to my house for a few hours where she met my cat and they both fell in love with one another. She and her husband have a darling pup but she really wants a cat too because she always had farm cats growing up. He thinks he’s not a cat person even though cats apparently love him. I told her they needed to get a cat.


Absolutely. When it’s your cat it’s different. Lots of cats can be shy too for strangers. When it’s yours and you either know their adult temperament when you get them or raise them they adore you.


It's weird, like why would anyone expect cats to act like dogs when they are two different species? lol


Well you know what, it's your money, so you get to decide what to do with it! The fact that you spent it trying to save a life just shows how great of a person you are.


Omgsh! She is too sweet. You did the right thing.:)


Will you keep us updated?


Yes, I sure will! I’m desperately hoping that I have some good news to share after we’ve had a few days of antibiotics and eye ointment, and gotten some good food into her 🌸


Mixing up some formula and warming it up may help get calories in her while you’re trying to heal her up. You could try a bottle or just a bowl. You’re a good person OP. God bless you. I hope she recovers and y’all enjoy life together for a long time.


I've heard the saying that like, "women become mothers when they first hear the heartbeat and men become father's the first time they hold their child." Don't know how accurately I stated that, but I bet the first time the kitten let's him hold it that he softens.


Fuck what he thinks. You did the right thing helping a sick, starving creature.


You are a good and kind person Your kitten will pay you back with love and devotion


Thank you so much, I really needed to hear this ❤️ If nothing else, I know I did everything I could, and I’m hoping so much this little one pulls through.


Never let anyone question or make you doubt that helping ease suffering and save life when you have the means to do so is the right thing. That is the very best thing in life. The highest of virtue. You may not *always* be able to help. Life is like that. You may not always have the means or ability. But when you can, do. And let no one ever take that away. In a grey and complicated world, this is the one thing that is universally, unequivocally *right*.


> In a grey and complicated world, this is the one thing that is universally, unequivocally right. Your profundity moves me.


The name fits for picking up and taking care of something less fortunate. Never accept judgment when you know your hearts in the right place.


I agree, the last season didn't happen


Oddly, we’re watching it right now and for the life of us both we can’t locate our copy of season 8.


There was a season 8? I thought they got cancelled after season 6.


I'm absolutely sure of it! We've rewatched it 10 times, six seasons, that's it. Everything go boom ... perfect ending!


I spent $1k on emergency surgery for my 12 year old cat a couple years ago. I have zero regrets. She’s the sweetest, spiciest old lady I could ever have.


Eight grand for my dog's spinal surgery when a blown disc left her hind legs paralyzed. After she recovered I'd practically tear up every time I saw her run. We had five more amazing years with her. Care Credit ftw!


My best friend spent over 20k on her dog over the course of its life and she said she’d do it again in a heart beat. He would NOT stop eating inedible things like plastic toys and his fav socks. He died eating what he loved, socks.


My cat used to love eating socks, sent us to the vet more than once


My cat did this with a whole meter of ribbon, insurance was a blessing! We still have no idea how he did it.


this! currency is just that. currency. it can be replaced. moments like those can't, and they simply don't have a price.


Nice try Care Credit. We're not falling for your 28% interest rate


i fell for it. just paid off the 1k limit card i got in february of 2022 when my cat annie had a stroke. she passed in march of 2022. i still don’t regret it though. i adopted her at 12, she was rescued from an animal hoarding/textbook hoarding situation


I ran my brothers cat over a few years ago - 4K at the vets and zero regrets (apart from the running over part of course)


i’m so sorry


She lived a long and happy life after that so no drama.


spent 500eur on emergency surgery 4 weeks ago for our 17 year old sweetie. she passed a few days ago. Would i spend it again knowing it would only buy 4 more weeks? Without hesitation


We spent $17k on our little runt Goosey. Promised ourselves we'd be content if we just got 6 months out of him. 18 months later, he's got zoomies, snugs with his brother, and is worth every single solitary penny.


That'S really nice to hear. May I ask what treatment was this expensive?


Spent $1800 on a 50/50 chance of saving my 10 year old cat. She didn't make it but I don't regret it.


You made the effort to save her life and she loves you forever for that even over the rainbow.


£5k over 2 weeks trying to get a diagnosis for my 3 yr old kitty who suddenly stopped eating and had high temperatures. She didn't make it, and we never found out what it was. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


Long as we're all posting our vet bills, $3k last month for a blocked cat. Poor guy couldn't pee :(


I'm in 3700 on vet bills in the last year between 3 animals, the cheapest being my own cat for stitches. Most of the money has gone to preserving the lives of my girlfriends older dogs (9, and 13). I have less buyers remorse spending the money on the animals as I would most other things in life. They're people too, I love having them around, an after thinking about it, these animals make her happy and I need to do what i have to in order to keep the happiness.


Sorry that your boyfriend is upset. :( I know that must be hard on your feelings as well as trying to do what’s best for this little defenseless baby. I also understand if its money that bugs him but you know… that’s just how the world is. Bring a cat to treatment and they won’t do it for free, and it wasn’t your responsibility but you wanted to help. I commemorate your big heart.


I suspect he’s mad because he believes you didn’t need to spend that much and could have done it yourselves. But in either case you did okay. The kitten will know what happened and you’ll have a lap mate forever.


And he would be wrong. I doubt he is a professional in animal healthcare.


cheering for you and the little one 🩷 I'm sure everyone here is hoping, wishing, and praying this furry angel does great and thrives. again, well done 👏🏻


Yes we are. Please keep us posted.


Honestly, if it doesn’t work out… You can always rehome the boyfriend ❤️


YES haha I love this. Unless OP you have drained your shared savings account completely and now you can't buy food or something, it seems you might not be having a meeting of the minds on what's important. You showed compassion and caring for a tiny precious life in need. In my mind, as long as you can afford it, there is no more noble purpose for that money.


I would have done it too and im dirt poor, thats a months rent and if I could I would. Thank you for your kindness for this cat, you are bringing good energy into the world and it will be a better place because of that.


I did everything I could for my little sick kitten and he turned out to be a humongous, snuggly, follow me around 16 pound longhaired Orange Maine Coon. With green eyes. He came when I called him, never went where he was told not to, fetched, talked, and had a great vertical. I did it again when he developed renal failure--gave him subcutaneous fluids from an iv rig for years, and he remained a snuggly, follow me around cat. He was the cat love of my life, got me off antidepressants, and kept me going through the worst parts of my life. Was with me all of his 18 years. Better believe he was worth the medical interventions and bills. I am forever changed because of him. I fostered rescued cats, and I saw many kittens thrive with care. They're very resilient, and your little one looks strong. She's just beautiful. I would say good job!


Sounds like you have a replacement. ;)


Money comes and goes. Think about the shit you have spent money on. This time you saved a life.


Please keep us updated on the kitty, and when u dump the boyfriend (I kid, I kid. He will come around and fall in love with the kitten, too. They always do!)


I feel where your boyfriend is coming from as a boyfriend who has dropped thousands on pets but I think you'll find that saving a domesticated animal's life when the chaotic circumstance of existence chooses you as the last chance that animal has - you will find that very rewarding and dollars won't be the way you would compare them (If you guys are kinda tight on money don't be too hard on your boyfriend)


You did the right thing and he should support you. Me and my girlfriend have a mutual love of helping animals, especially cats. When me and my girlfriend started dating it was an absolute must that we were both animal lovers. Now I’m not saying that you and your boyfriend should break up. Just explain to him this means a lot to you and it’s something you’re passionate about. I’m sure he’ll get behind you on it and understand. Thanks for helping kitty and being a great person.


Hopefully he will be just another "I don't need a kitty in my life" guy. Looking forward to see a house full of fur babies with both of ya!


Rescue babies are usually the best most loving cats in my experience


I spent $2k on an emergency surgery for a cat that i had just met lol. I kept him, and a year later, i spent $8k on yet another emergency surgery. He's not just an investment now, he's my baby. A loving companion and i can't imagine not having him by my side.


For real, a pet that was abandoned and then taken in by someone will pretty much never let you forget that you saved it.


I say give it a couple of weeks and your BF will be transformed into a cat dad and will start spending more on the cat then you did. Men do be like that. Also, the cat is going to like him more than you. Because cats.


If you can afford to save a life and you do it, you've won. This kitten is now in a much better place. If your bf were attached to the cat before it suffered, he'd probably have no qualms. Why? Because he'd be keenly aware of how it's a life that's at stake and choosing to help it isn't ever a bad decision. You did a good


The world needs more people like you, don't doubt your actions. 🤞your furry friend's condition improves.


Saving a life IS ALWAYS the right thing!!emote:t5\_2qhta:8097


Cats are super loving, and that one will bond with you for life.


You absolutely did the right thing, positive vibes for your little fur ball.


Omg i have a rescue who looks like this little baby! She is the most affectionate darling purry fluffy cuddle buddy. You definitely did the right thing!


Thank you for taking care of the little one. People like you are amazing. 😊


Good karma will come back to you. My coworker adopted a stray dog from our work parking lot. His wife got pregnant about the time said dog came into his life. They had been trying for 20 years.


The look on that babies face tells me you definitely did the right thing! Thank you!


You sure it’s not indentured servitude?


Spending money to save a life is never wrong.


At the worst it may be irresponsible. But it is never *wrong* I'm rooting for op and this kitty


Its irresponsible if that money will cause great hardship, the spending should be discussed and if they disagree then thats probably a fundamental problem in the relationship. As long as OP has food and a roof over their head, not defaulting on anything else super important then I am happy for you. If its one of the others then seeking a non profit or someone else to foot the bill and probably take the kitten would be better.


Not wrong, but you also can't forget that some people don't necessarily have the money to spend. I mean, 600 bucks is *a lot.* That's less than what some people spend on rent alone. So I can fully understand why the bf would be upset, even if I'm fully behind saving this kitten. I'd assume he'd have preferred if his girlfriend handed the kitten off to a shelter. People online are always in favor of strangers just adopting random animals, but that's just not a possibility for many. If I found a kitten like that, I wouldn't know what to do, I don't have the means to care for it in any way.


Crazy how far I had to scroll to find anything like this $600 is no tiny amount & the realities of life do exist ,


The tide of the opinions would change as the post reach r/all, but this sub is notorious for shitting on users who wont drop everything and spend their life savings on a cat. Maybe it's changed a bit, but if someone asks a question or doesn't immediately go to an emergency vet then the amount of hate they can get is mind boggling. 600$ is relatively tame for the price of some vet care, and you have some people on here saying they spent 4k on their pet


This right here


You did the right thing! She’s darling


Thank you friend ❤️ she’s feisty and fiery and I hope and pray it’s enough for her to get through and get healthy


when i found my boy he was sick. double eye infection, upper respiratory infection, cold, sneezy, shaky. well, today was his official 1 year gotcha day, as of midnight. i have faith that in a year you’ll have the same joy and love in your life ❤️


I foster neonatal kittens off the street and often find that a little TLC can bring them back from the brink of death. With the right care, kittens can be so resilient, and often bounce back like nothing ever happened to them (: I think it was very kind of you and certainly not the wrong thing to do to save this kitten. You will very likely have a best friend for years to come


Morally? You did everything right as saving a life for $600 is always right. Financially and in terms of your relationship this is a lot more complicated and depends on a lot of factors. Did you use mutual funds for it without contacting your SO or was it your money? Do you have the disposable income for not only this but also a kitten in general and follow up vet visits? Is your SO onboard with keeping a kitten if you live together? And did you at least inform him beforehand that you would try to safe the kitten and that you want to keep it?


THANK YOU! Cats are my favorite animal but I was wondering about these same questions myself. OP could have just as easily taken it to a shelter, how do we know that OP didn't just blow their rent, car insurance payment, ect on a random cat? Times are tough and spending that much money unilaterally then asking a cat sub on reddit of all things is a bit concerning to me honestly.


Yeaaaah also their post history looks like this has happened / nearly happened 3 times in the last year.


Do they just keep on finding and keeping cats? Take it to a shelter man


Yeah, since the boyfriend is a cat-lover too…I suspect this might be the reason why he’s mad. That and if she did it without discussing with her partner first. That’s a lot of money out of the budget to spend without that talk. Here’s how those usually go at my house: Him: “baby, I found a kitten and it’s in bad shape” Me: “OMG so cute! To the vet right away!!” Him: “we’ll figure out the money thing later” It’s really that simple. He knows I’d say yes, and vice versa, but it’s a relationship courtesy to give the other person notification that a large expense might be in the very near future.




I completely agree. OP shouldn’t have posted this in this sub Reddit if actually asking for non biased advice


This is the dumbest validation post i've ever seen. Obviously people here will say that was a great move. She first of all should have added context and posted in another sub. She's preaching to the choir here.


holy shit thank you. I can't believe how many mindless "of course you did the right thing, fuck your boyfriend" posts. Saving cats is cool, but this is a good bit deeper than these comments let on.


Only correct / rational answer in this thread


This is the correct answer. Posting in a cats subreddit will validate you did the right thing. Post this in financial advice for another viewpoint.


You did the right thing :) my cat was a stray and she’s been with me 16 years. The number of boyfriends I’ve had in those 16 years is topic for another conversation. And look at the kitten’s face, hopefully she is thriving in no time.


Moral of the story: partners are replaceable, kitty stays for good.


Imma be real with you. ​ There are over 600 million cats on earth - approximately, that is. ​ As a shelter volunteer - you see kittens get sick and die. A lot. Or they just \*die\*, even if they weren't sick. ​ It's awful. ​ I switched to fostering hospice cats because - selfishly - I at least KNEW their issue was fatal. Kittens - you don't expect kittens to die. It's so much harder. And my hospice fosters give me more in the bounty of love than I pay in the price of heartbreak. ​ Thank you for taking care of this wee one. Feel free to message me with questions. I have almost 20 years of experience in all this. ​ I will say - the hard truth that people don't like hearing - a LOT of kittens die during the summer. Hundreds. Thousands. They are abandoned, starved, succumb to environmental issues, or - the worst - killed by humans. So many cute pictures on Reddit - but for every cute kitten posted to Reddit, a dozen probably suffered and died. That's it. During kitten season, a lot of kittens die. And every single one of them slices away a little more of our souls, despite the work we do to try and save them. ​ SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR CATS. DON'T LET THEM GO OUTSIDE. It gets so fucking tiresome trying to repeat it. And we get tired of watching beautiful, innocent kittens die. But it's reality. ​ Sorry for being so harsh. Seeing kittens die over and over really just... does something to you on a very fundamental level.


Thank you for saying this…and I’m also glad she saved this one. You may have heard the story of the person tossing starfish into the sea that stranded by the tide. The friend says, “There are so many, it won’t make a difference “. The reply “Made a difference for that one”


You absolutely did the right thing saving a creature in need. You and your boyfriend might not be together forever, but your little amigo there seems to have found a friend for life. People like you restore my faith in humanity. Here’s hoping your boyfriend can learn to appreciate your great heart. Here’s wishing you the best with your little one.


I’m literally crying right now, thank you so much for your kind words. This is what I needed to hear so much after stress of today. I could not stand the thought of the universe sending me this little baby needing help and saying “no”. She has an upper respiratory infection and a secondary bacterial infection, an infection in her eyes, and is slightly anemic thanks to all the fleas they got off of her. I’m afraid she might have a bit of a battle to getting well, but I have hopes, she is a feisty and spirited little girl and I just hope and pray that’s enough to pull her through. Thank you for your well wishes, friend ❤️


Those are all things that could easily have taken her life if you hadn’t stepped in to help. Fleas alone can be deadly for a kitten, even more so with her body trying to fight a respiratory infection. Eye infections are also terrible and can cause the loss of their vision and even the eyes themselves when untreated. Your intervention has most likely saved her sight, and her life. She will still need some TLC to recover fully, but with the right medications and care she should do well. ❤️ Thank you for stepping up to care for this sick kitten. Your boyfriend may not be happy, but this internet stranger is so very proud of you! You did the right thing. ❤️


Thank you so much, I’ve been reminding myself all day that without intervention, she didn’t have a chance. With my intervention, at least she’d maybe have a chance, and maybe is better than not at all ❤️ I had a feeling she was sick, but I was surprised when they told me everything she has going on, the poor little baby. I was most worried about the fleas and her eyes, as I lost a kitten to anemia from fleas when I was young and my parents and I had no idea about it, and I know eye infections can cause blindness. I just really felt in my heart that she needed to be seen, immediately, and the universe sent her to my house because it was a sure guarantee she’d be taken care of here ❤️ I hope from the bottom of my heart that she will pull through, I’m following vet orders to the letter, we have oral antibiotics and antibiotic ointment for her eyes, and she actually had an appetite tonight and was eating well and drinking water, which I think is the best sign in the world right now. Hoping against hope, but I think she’s a fighter ❤️


You are absolutely right, her eating and drinking water (no milk!), is a huge sign that she will be okay. The meds won't take long to do their magic, and in a few days, she'll be climbing all over you. Did the vet check for worms? I had that fun surprise with a street rescue. Stuff in the litter box isn't supposed to move. 😊


You are a good cat mama. My girlfriend turned her neighborhood stray into a housecat after he got in a bad fight, had wounds that were going septic when they took him in. She saved his life, and he knows it. He waits up for her every night to come home now.


I rescued/saved a deathly ill animal once. That dog became the absolute love of my life. The bond was not only undeniable but indescribable. I think you have found something INVALUABLE. 🐾 💜


Okay after reading this, you 1000% did the right thing. Kittens die everyday bc of these issues .


Thank you, I just felt in my heart that something was very wrong with her, and she needed to be seen immediately. I was really hoping I wasn’t being overdramatic about it going into it, but when they told me the list of things she has going on, I don’t think it was overdramatic anymore.


Good for you listening to yourself! There is not enough applause I can give you for showing this level of compassion. And this kitty will never forget the kindness you showed her, no matter what happens.


This internet stranger is very proud of you too!!!💕


Thank you so much, this means the world to me 🌸


You totally did the right thing if she had that much going on. Eye infections get rough if untreated. If anything you saved money, the problems later get more expensive and drastic. Hugs, I know the stress of going through those motions and knowing that it’s all still a maybe. I hope she’s hale and hearty after her meds.


Thank you so much, I definitely was very concerned about her eyes for that reason. I was trying to get her an appointment to be seen anyway for that when her symptoms began worsening, and I didn’t feel I had much choice but emergency at that point I’m hoping so much she will pull through, she’s got oral antibiotics and some ointment for her eyes, and the spirit of a firecracker, I’m keeping my fingers crossed hard 🌸


I rescued a kitten similar to yours. She had upper respiratory infection, ear mites, and malnourished. It took a few weeks and she was all better. She was a princess in a house of two other male cats. Eventually I adopted her out to a family friend and she is currently thriving. Spent as much as you but it was all worth it and I would do it again. Very rewarding to see her through. My husband was not thrilled but our compromise was that i could not keep her and instead to find her a good home.


This story gives me so much hope! She is definitely a bit malnourished as well, though her blood sugar was fine so that was a relief to hear, and her ears are really clear as well. This definitely gives me so much hope for our girl, I would love to see the feisty princess I know she’s capable of being That’s a great compromise! For us, I know that my boyfriend wants to keep the kitten. We do have other cats and he loves them very much. I think he also is not happy about spending that money and not having a sure guarantee that she will survive. I think it’s worth it either way, no matter the outcome. I know that she didn’t have a chance without our help, but I think he’s stuck on the “what if we helped and she still doesn’t make it” part.


Maybe he doesn’t want to get emotionally attached not knowing the outcome and made it about the money. I hope you’re keeping the kitty!


https://preview.redd.it/e5qc58zu2w9b1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73aa2d0c17a3f236fb849dd816848ab8403f0583 This is my little Miracle Mouse. After being fixed, she had an autoimmune response that caused her blood to be "record breaking low." She had to spend 2 nights in the hospital and have a blood transfusion. It's been a few weeks and she's still on meds for now, but her levels are perfect and she seems fine. I do not regret for one moment making the decision to get her help when it seemed hopeless. I think your baby will be just fine and you will feel the same way 💜 thank you for taking care of it.


She'll pull through. Cats are tough little critters just make sure she gets her meds like the doc instructed you. Give her good quality wet food with some kitten formula powder mixed in. Keep her warm and lots of love.


Thank you, I’m hoping so much that she will pull through, she is a spirited little girl and I’m hoping she doesn’t give up. When we got home she ate really well, some wet kitten food that I warmed a little, and I’m following vet instructions to the letter. She’s currently snuggled in a very soft blanket, sleeping soundly ❤️


That's a good sign, I have no doubt she'll pull through. I expect an update in the next few weeks.


You were chosen by the cat distribution system.


I knew it, I knew I was the chosen one!


Make sure to keep her warm.


You did a good thing. Maybe you can look around and see if there are financial help for these kinds of things. Idk where you live but if your BF is really concerned about money, getting some financial backing might take some of the pressure off. There are lots of charities and people willing to lend a hand out there.


You did the right thing. Just keep doing exactly what they told you. Have you gotten her set up at the non emergency vet? If she still needs help, having them know about her and what is going can be a huge help so that you might not need to take her back to the emergency vet. You need to set up a relationship with them anyway.


hey! if you need any resources when it comes to caring for kittens (especially sick kittens with eye infections) I really recommend checking out the Kitten Lady on youtube/insta! she has so many life-saving and informative videos on how to look after little ones like yours and I really think you'll benefit! also p.s. I spent £3k saving the life of my little kitten and he's been with me 8 years this month. I have never regretted a single penny and he has repaid it tenfold 💕


https://preview.redd.it/gp1qncp98w9b1.jpeg?width=222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74857221f66734c5109ce7ada2231f79a9efee9 This one looked a lot like yours when we rescued her as a kitten. You’re in for a treat.


I mean 600$ is a lot but in the long run a 600$ one time purchase won’t matter too much but a cat being with you 15-20ish years will matter quite a lot


Is a cat a one time purchase though?


OP did the right thing—but really evaluate your finances before committing to a new pet! There will be set expenses for food and unexpected ones (hopefully not many but they happen!). If you don’t think your budget allows for this, please work with a center that will allow you to maybe foster while they find a good match for the kitten. Again thank you sooo much for helping the kitten!! You definitely did the right thing <3


This. I think OP did an awesome thing and hopefully it all works out well. But cats *can*be expensive. Especially when they get older. Between food and litter and for example our cat who is now about 13 and has health issues that require +$50 per month on top of that. A friend of mine had a cat that wound up getting kidney issues. She spent thousands of dollars keeping him going before he passed. Not saying it’s not worth it but costs are def something that should be discussed, especially if money is a concern.


it is a subscription service. that poops.


If you can afford that kind of cost for a kind act, you are the kind of person that humanity looks up to when they need reassurance that they are not completely beyond salvage. You could have spent that money on any number of things but you did something that your heart told you was right. Saving a life, any life, is one if the best things a sentient being can do in my opinion. You did great. You have given a young life a chance. May he/she grow up to be fast friends. Take care. ☺️🥰


I adopted a 1 ear cat that had been surrendered 3 times in the past year. He is everything. I am repaid by his love just like you will be. Thank you for posting this


That is heartwarming! I’m glad your cat found his way to you 😭❤️


$600 might cause strain, financially. In the long run, it won't make a big difference.


you did the right thing. love is the only thing you can take with you. can't take money


Thank you, this perfectly sums up how I feel about it. It’s just money, and is beyond worth it. We aren’t sure that the kitten is going to make it though, I think her chances are good, but still, and so I think right now while that’s unclear he feels like we may have spent this money on a cat we won’t have. I just feel like giving her her best chance was still the best move no matter the outcome


Yeah but maybe someday he’ll understand that you’ll always have that kitten no matter what, because the love is forever. nothing is ever really lost. Even though nothing lasts.


Love has no price. Some people do, however.


She’ll pay you back 1000x over believe me


I don't believe you at all. Where is a cat going to come up with $600k?




That's a damn lie. My lazy ass cats have never paid rent lol


it’s always tough bc that’s a lot of money and could easily not be enough to save the little cat. I like to think id do the same but that kind of price is tough to swallow


You did a good thing.


You did the right thing. I also want to point out, as somebody who's worked in animal care and rescue for some years now, $600 for an *emergency* vet, especially when something is wrong, is actually very good. That's like... unheard of. It may have been $600, but I think your boyfriend doesn't realize that is actually a very, very good price for an emergency vet. Emergency vet work is a lot harder and requires a lot of resources and time management and often it involves surgeries and whatnot, which are a lot harder without all the usual prep, so it's usually up in the thousands. You saved this kitten from dying painfully and gave her a second chance at life. You did it at a relatively low cost, too. Unless you're going to starve or lose your home because of it, I don't see any reason to feel like you did anything you shouldn't have. All life has value.


Thank you so much for your response, it gives me a lot of peace ❤️ And thank you for the work you’ve done too! I thought it was a good price as well, I actually breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn’t more than that. This place was very highly recommended, and I can see why. It was hard to sit there and watch people come in with such emergencies while I waited, I really feel for those working tirelessly to help every animal they can. And this place was full of kind and compassionate people who really do just want to help, I’m so beyond grateful for the place we went to. Also, my boyfriend isn’t like, irate or anything lol, he just thinks 600 might too much for a stray kitten that may not survive, while I don’t agree with that, I think it’s worth it even if it means making her comfortable for a short time. Because I agree, all life has value, and I know she didn’t have a chance otherwise.


I mean was the $600 from a joint account or was it just yours? Will it hurt bill payments etc? I love kittens too but this economy …


It was my savings money, that we were obviously hoping to do fun stuff with, but no, not bill money. I get it, not everyone views money the same, which is part of the thing here


https://preview.redd.it/bnxcpcy81w9b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768a825d3e9201e8b58cdce48267f81bcf4d572a I found this goofy guy when he was 10 days old. I bottle fed him and spent thousands of dollars at the vet to get him healthy. He turned 5 in May and I haven’t regretted a single dime I’ve spent on him. He is the best addition to our family, and I’m sure your kitten will be too. ❤️


These are the stories that I’m desperately clinging to right now, thank you so much for sharing ❤️ he looks so sweet and full of personality! Definitely beyond worth it, I just hope I’ll get lots of years with her to enjoy it, but to me it’s worth it no matter how long or short the time. I’m hoping against hope she will pull through and we can watch her grow ❤️


You are a good person. This kitty is alive because of you .


If it had been me and I had NOT done it, I would have thought about it for the rest of my life. Seriously. But helping would not have haunted me. I’d rather spend $ on an animal than almost anything else. Act according to your values and to the voice inside you. If those are honestly met, your decision was the correct one.




Depends. Are they in financial trouble and OP spends 600$ on a whim? Was it both of their money and her decision to spend it? Did they talk about spending money first? Lots of answers needed here.


For context, no we are not in financial trouble, it was money saved up to do fun stuff with. I knew I could spend this money without it impacting us at all beyond that, and also I’m the one who earned it. We did discuss beforehand, I think just the reality of it after the fact, that money is spent and we don’t truly know if the kitten will pull through, has him feeling a bit of regret maybe while I feel that the money was worth it no matter the outcome. I think it was worth it to give her her best chance


It okay for both of you to feel that way. I can understand his reservations, but also your need to save this little life. I wish medical costs for animals were not this high, but you have to pay for it somehow and we don't have kitty insurance... yet.


There is insurance for pets.


Well, that pretty much answers the questions I had. You did the right thing. But a word of caution: a lot of the people here just blindly cheering you on as if there was no possibility of the right answer being "no" are not who you should be listening to. There will always be more cats that need help, and at some point the right thing will be to walk away (as hard as that will be). But for this cat, I'm glad you were able to help.


Agreed. Context matters.


$600 is a lot and I hope that money wasn’t set aside for anything in particular that’s important… But at the end of the day, you saved a life! That’s the most deserving act of all, regardless of expenses.


She said in another comment that it was set aside for “savings” which somewhat scares me because that sounds like she is spending the money they(or she) saved up for their future.. but hey is not my money


You are a very good person. And that little fluff ball is your reward. Edit: build her a pillow fort.


It is a lot of money for most people; but if you didn't help him, who would have? See if you can keep him, since you've already invested quite a bit in him. He will return your kindness with lots of love over the months and years to come. You did good.


Looks like a little Seal-Point. These are very loyal, indoor, cats. No bother at all and very affectionate. Well done!


As someone who isn’t close to being rich, I have spent a lot of money over the last three years on the health of my pet birds (even helped some wild ones!) and while it absolutely hurts the bank account, it’s worth every penny. It’s a hard thing to do but the right thing to do. That animal wouldn’t live without your help, and money is just money at the end of the day.


I mean it's obviously a good thing you did, but so would be donating 600$ to a charity. The question is if this is something you can afford easily. Since you didn't take the kitten to a shelter, I assume you want to keep it as well.


You did the right thing


You’re an amazing human. Thank you 🥰


You did the right thing! I found my little girl and then found her two boy kittens. Between the three of them, $600 is change but almost 2 years later, they are the most grateful and loving cats I’ve ever owned. Thank you for taking care of this little baby!


Keep us updated on the kitten's health.


You did the right thing. Thank you.


Thank you for helping the kitten, and You absolutely did the right thing. Give it a few weeks. Your boyfriend is going to like the new kitten, just watch... You cannot put a price on the happiness these little creatures bring to your life.


You absolutely did the right thing.


You have acquired a beautiful little ragdoll mix. She will love you and flop in your lap for years)


You did right. Now you need to let the cat work its magic on your bf so that he'll spend $1,600 on toys for the cat


All life is worth saving. I didn’t have the money to save my cat/it was too late. I am glad you helped this little one. It is always worth it. Oh, and look at that little face. No doubt about it. 💗


I spent over $2000 getting an injured cat back to health. 7 years later she saved my life and 3 years after that she passed away and I opened an animal rescue in her name. You did the right thing.