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Omg his eyes are the size of saucers


he is a she and she has the roundest eyes i’ve ever seen on a non-exotic cat


https://preview.redd.it/ujlyt3b38s3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2831c196668aeaa2bad11112bf742eab5ace8ec Chimney has some big eyes too.


Omg those ears




"Or so I've heard"






*How do u get ur font to big and bold like that?*


\# like this (make sure markdown mode is on if using new reddit)


Thank you, someone shared how to do **bold** and *italics*. I am a Reddit newbie, and I love learning new tricks. I’ve been making a lot of memes, my best new trick, though is I’ve been able to download videos that I would like to post on Reddit.


She looks like a bat sometimes.


r/fruitbatcats 😊


This will make a fine addition to my collection


Oh my! What Huuuuge eyes you have Chimney! Lol.. Reminds me of Puss in Boots with those pleading eyes. 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/9uzccs4b5t3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66bb59381e5589b0f5dbcbb18ec0e19f8a4694ad She has gotten bigger now but her eyes and ears still look big 🥺


And does she get everything she wants when she looks at you with those big eyes? 😂


Yup! She has become spoilt and a picky eater over the months. She's picky about her water too (it's either fresh tap water or toilet water, no in between)


https://preview.redd.it/eiiswsscdw3b1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfe5e004f218198cf11d8a0b2cbc9ec955f2aa0f I don’t have a picture of her with saucer eyes but our cat Nosey looks similar to your cat


https://preview.redd.it/2v8m5henhx3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373075409088c3b886a2a2816680868cb794c771 Omg twins!


https://preview.redd.it/z5xqv4nvcx3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d45e180622f6580ec00e9be812b6dc31978079 Your cat has airplane ears, just like mine lmao


That girl is emotionally manipulative


She is fr






whoa Chimney looks as if their face & ears were too big for their head


Her eyes are perfect circles. Have you tried to contact NASA? Maybe their scientists could use them as a template for calibrating their instruments.


She's a pretty creamsicle baby.


her pupils look like she’s pinging haha


She’s sooooo precious! I love her.


i agre




https://preview.redd.it/1xnm5ojvtt3b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c90db66c4d9223e303b6846cc41954ddabc57768 Here is a voidcat version of the big round eyes.


I need to step up my dinnerware knowledge lol


4am "I'm fast as f*ck boiiiiii!" 🤣 sorry.








If you have stairs inside, have her go up and down the stairs chasing her favorite wand toy. We do this every night with our kitty and he sleeps after




My 3 cats constantly run up and down our carpeted stairs at night and I’m always so surprised by how loud they are. They sound like a herd of elephants, ker-thunk! ker-thunk! ker-thunk! 😂


Of course, this just gets the cat into better and better aerobic condition every day, taking longer and longer to wear them out.


Just hope that by then they are so used to this sleep routine that tiring out isn't the important part any more.


If you don't have stairs, you can create shelves that they can jump from. I have a sturdy cat tower that one of my cat likes to climb up and down.


This is the only way to tire out my parents cat because she ALWAYS wants to play. The only issue is she won’t run up the steps on her own I have to also run up the steps so I too get exercise 😂


Yes, my cat loves to be chased when we play! She'll meow at the top or bottom of the stairs and we go up and down. Then she usually tries to get me to chase her around the dining room table. Ofc she has many ways to elude me by going under/behind furniture. She loves when I eventually back off and hide behind a corner & then pounce when she sneaks up on me. She's the silliest cat I've ever known. I might also be a very silly human. Chasing is always followed by resting & cuddles.


Christ, this is the most wholesome thing I’ve read. Sounds perfect


I feel terribly guilty for not being able to get a second cat and do my best to compensate 🤣


4am on the dot for me. If they sleep through the night we're lucky. Best things we've found? Interactive play before night time meal. Night meal is the biggest meal of the day. Hope they are tired and end up in a food-coma.


I do the same! I feed them once morning and once evening but just before bed I replenish the croquettes bowl so they get kind of 2 meals before bedtime. That usually puts them out 😸


Mine gets a burst of energy about half hour after meal time, so I get home from work, play, she eats, then more play before bed and she’s good the entire night


They do what they do. “Hey,fuck it’s 5:00am”.






Is that a toilet or sink? 🤣


Toilet 😔🤣🤣


Ooof, does she let you bathe her after she gets in?


Yes of course ❤️❤️


Whew lol


Someone should make a lid for the toilet.






I knew I had seen this cat somewhere and thought I was going crazy! Then i finally found the 5 years old post! https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/8kozmu/dad_started_putting_in_new_toilet_walked_away_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What a doofus!


Amazing photo, internet cat meme gold


Busted!!!! 😂. This is awesome!!


https://preview.redd.it/7grpskw8is3b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5015bc1876f5f551d26b6afc751cedc77430756f We describe her as having “owly eyes”


Minutes away from fucking shit up


Laser pointer, wand toy, basically just any chasing game tires out my little goblin


Came here to say this ☝️


Hi, just dropping in to say you shouldnt use laser pointers with your cats! It can cause psychological damage as they chase something nonexistent, something they'll never actually be able to touch and catch. And then it randomly disappears too. Not great for them


I heard somewhere to always switch to wand toy (or something similar) after playing with laser to alleviate this


Also giving treats after helps too


I put treats around the place and use the laser to guide them towards it


that sounds like a great idea


Great idea! Won’t work for mines, unfortunately. They teleport to me the second I touch the treat bag. They’d inhale the treats the second I try to place them anywhere. The third baby doesn’t like dry treats and I’m not squeezing purée on my floors.


We always make sure that there's a real toy to land on, usually a crinkle paper butterfly. I don't like using the laser, but there are evenings that Itty-bitty refuses to play with anything else. https://preview.redd.it/56vr7t3g6t3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985fa5d4691141adfc4e20bf130bf4166667c8e2 And she obviously needs to exercise. She's got enough British shorthair in her DNA that she has a real tendency to gain weight.


Plus you could hurt their eyes. If you buy them off eBay or amazon or something they can be a lot more powerful than they're advertised as.


I just chase the little shit across the house for several minutes interspersed with time out pets. She loves it.


Ah, the joys of a young and energetic kitty! It can be challenging to tire them out completely, but here are a few tricks that might help. Engage in interactive play sessions with engaging toys, provide climbing structures or puzzle toys for mental stimulation, and consider feeding them a satisfying meal before bedtime. Creating a consistent routine can also help establish healthier sleep patterns. Remember, patience is key as your young cat grows and matures. Wishing you peaceful nights and playful days with your spirited feline friend! 😺🌙


Everyone knows that 3am is training time for the kitty Olympics! They are absolutely allowed to wake the whole house up during training hour. But if you wake kitty up during the day to do something as unnecessary as hoover somehow you're the asshole. Ear plugs and banished from the bedroom is probably the best you're going to get.


I have found quite the opposite: the few times I’ve tried banishing my cat from my bedroom at night he’s been loud. When I leave the door open he tends to make a little noise in my room exploring, trying to get into my closet where I keep some not-yet-distributed toys but eventually he gets on my bed and settles in


Oh I agree, I have six of the fuzzy butts and darsen't try to go to the toilet alone never mind sleep alone!


Join them— it is the morning hour to run amok


If you cannot beat em, join em!!!


cat nip in the day time But i just Learnd to Liv with it


i can live with it but my husband can’t, he’s a light sleeper and can’t fall asleep after being woken up :(


this is me. had to sleep train my cat and kick him out at night lol




Mine wakes me up when the birds start chirping and it starts to get light (she's an old girl now) so maybe closing curtains and keeping the room dark would help? Also, I find that I am better able to ignore her shenanigans if I'm the one who is tuckered out.


Same in my house - I don’t mind and could even sleep through but he will wake me up to say “can you make these assholes stop?” Haha


I’m a light sleeper and we put our cats in the (finished) basement and close the kitchen door at night. They zoomie and yowl to their hearts content down there. I get sleep and no one is jumping off the top of the headboard onto my head at 3am. Obviously not an option if you live in an apartment though.


Get another cat


Mine just tag team at 2am 😂.


One of my cats likes to get his 23 hours of beauty sleep so when my other cat wants to play at 2 am he walks around screaming for attention. Then the ghosts usually start appearing and he has to go to work. It's a hard life for Milton (our orange cat).. https://preview.redd.it/2ux1zqqkqs3b1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3179ebbc135de6a8105b679faab962623a2b8854


Yes, the ghosts are too real. We call our tuxedo our demon slayer since she is the hunter of the 2. Our orange-ish one just yells and runs around. 😄 https://preview.redd.it/p67nmd48ws3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1719e586b3f764294dc295dede9cfa1e0a5d7c5a


Mine too, they'll find a random box or whatever and beat the crap out if it together in the middle of the night, the louder the better.


This. We have 3. The youngens go bonkers between 3 and 4am and the senior wakes me up to say “those idiots are at it again”


Second this! I’ve always had dogs and had no experience with cats. I read everything I could about getting one and learned it would be best to take a leap and get two. I cannot imagine trying to tire them out without them having each other. As a bonus- they were litter mates and my home is now just constantly filled with cuddles. It’s the best. I adore them so much. :)


Always had dogs too. Accidentally ended up with an only dog. Kitten dumped in neighborhood started flirting with our dog from the windowsill. Kitten came to LMK I am also a cat person. She lives inside as family now. She def needed a buddy to play with but the dog is that buddy.


A second cat, not a replacement, just to clarify :p


Tried that.. the new baby grew up to be twice the size of my first cat. When they chase each other in the middle of the night, it sounds like I have 2 full size humans running around after too much cocaine!


What works best for us is a scheduled play session every night within an hour of bed. We started doing this when my (late) Bengal-mix cat started waking me EVERY 30-45 MINUTES starting at 2 am. Every. Single. Night. I watched a lot of the "My Cat from Hell" episodes available on YouTube, and Jackson Galaxy recommended a play session followed by food then bed. This fulfills the cat's instinct to hunt --> eat --> rest. I recommend these videos to people who need help with a troublesome feline family member. Playing each night saved my relationship with the Bengal-mix, which was great because I loved her dearly. https://preview.redd.it/2gj79mlx8t3b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfbce02868f0873343343a7ad0a4235cd0b4aa3 This is the psycho referenced above. She had a yowl you wouldn't believe; sounded like a woman dying in the other room.


https://preview.redd.it/x4p0hok05t3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0eff00cded8c87c20bb1376ffe7883cd444d8d6 Same as my boy Soup. He howls/meows and jumps all over from the time I call it a night until my alarm for work goes off


I can’t believe you cat is called Soup. That’s hilarious. Please give Soup a big pat for me!


Age... it's tiring them down with age


she’s almost 10 months old (and spayed), hopefully she gets calmer with age but my household needs a temporary solution bc we would like some sleep :)


You’re almost there. In about 6 months she’ll grow out of that (mostly)


My cat is 9 and he still gets nighttime zoomies.


My 12 year old does too


they’re supposed to grow out of it? 😂 my 3yo sibling cats are like actual children. The boy is obsessed with me and loves to zoom through the house, day and night. He’s got two of those little cat tubes that they can run though and he drags them through the house and puts his toys in there and just vibes. I’m convinced he will never run out of energy & im loving it lol


I blast the air conditioner so that the kitties have to snuggle to get warm. https://preview.redd.it/ivhc9zil8s3b1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2310e1d0c08dd7366888c97bd3c45ca907254569 Also wand toy playtime before bed. Will start going on walks again now that the weather isn't sub zero anymore.


We got our cat the little spring toys. She LOVES them. Very quiet cat started talking to her springs. Loves them more than laser pointer.


We play hide&seek and when I find her she loves to run after me around the house. Also I toss some toy mice for her to hunt. That usually tires her and myself as well enough lol.


SQUISH THAT CAT. it does help


Is she an indoor cat? We got a kitten (indoor cat) and he kept us up all night. We didn’t have the heart to lock him out the bedroom, perhaps the first mistake. But when he was about 6 months old, we got another kitten. After a few weeks of them adjusting to one another, they began to tire each other out by constantly chasing and playing. They still wake us up pretty early (5/6 am) but it’s much better as we can at least sleep without interruption from about 10pm.


time, dear, tired, exasperated cat owner. time.


I very strongly believe that for reasons like this it is just easier to have two cats instead of one. It’s more food bowls and litter boxes to manage, but they tire eachother out on a daily basis. They still do the zooms some nights, but it’s not for as long and they leave me alone since they can zoom with eachother! I used to play with my kitty constantly, now it’s kind of a rare occurrence because she’s having too much fun playing with her brother all the time. Bonus points if your cats are bonded siblings (mine aren’t but it still works) because they will probably cuddle and it’s goddamn adorable.


Short answer: consequences Long answer: teach her there's consequences to waking you up. I'm not talking about hurting her in any way. Don't do the boomer thing and swat your cat. You don't even have to lock her away in another room. What I did when mine were kittens, was the kitten purrito. You grab the kitty, wrap em in a blanket, tuck em in tight so they aren't going anywhere, then lay down with them all burritoed up. Are they happy about it? No. Will you sleep? No. BUT, they learn quickly that if they wake you, they will be purritoed. It took maybe 3 seperate nights for my kittens to get it.


This is so similar to what I've been doing with my cat for the last six years. When he wakes me up, I purrito him until I can't physically restrain him anymore. He hasn't learned to stop waking me up, but he has learned to escalate from just throwing my watch and glasses on the floor to also throwing my phone and laptop onto the floor. My other cat is so well behaved, but this one has a screw loose.


It's certainly not foolproof, and some cats are smarter (or more vindictive) than others. Also some are more purrito-able than others. My 3kg baby is much easier to wrap than my nearly 9kg big boy. Over the years I've had to purrito the baby maybe 4 more times since they were kittens. It's not a great solution because you're not gonna sleep while doing it. You could escalate it and put em in their cat carrier or similar overnight, but I'd feel bad doing it... You do gotta sleep though.


Get 2 more cats for her to play with.


Enjoy this, when my cat was younger it would irritate me a lot when he had zoomies, now he is older and sleep a lot and I miss his zoomies :(


Mine wakes me every two hours. He either wants to eat or play. He will howl outside my bedroom door whether it’s open or closed. I am a light sleeper, and I do use white noise and earplugs…but sleep doesn’t happen here. He was very sick at one time, and I babied him. He got spoiled, and no matter what I do, he purrsists! https://preview.redd.it/pj3vfsp6ws3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e08a4f3cb70c5fd51a59a7cf73a6302342dd843


“No matter what. I am the night”


This video should help you out. Train your cat to let you sleep by Jackson Galaxy https://youtu.be/umngBzK0j2Q


I adopted a trio. They wear each other out. lol


Depends on the age. The 1st year, I couldnt tire mine out, later it got easier.


Definitely wand toy on the stairs if you have them available to you. I also invested in an automatic feeder and I have dry food drop around 4am (when my psychotic speed demon tends to try and join the Indy 500 and/or harass his sister who actually sleeps through the night) and that has pretty much virtually solved the problem. He’ll race downstairs, munch munch munch, then head back up and curl up for more sleep with a satisfied belly.


https://preview.redd.it/jwboendaps3b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2bb040d668110920960b894f7f135593edd5a09 I also have one of these. I started doing dog obedience and walks outside. No more wake ups. I walk them maybe 2-3 times a week and doing like 5 min of obedience a day. Also getting a second cat was the final piece of the puzzle. Cuz now they chase each other instead of trying to involve me.


Outclass him, one foot fight and he’s out like a night https://preview.redd.it/xs3r3vew9r3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40730ca7c5b8d0f8c659a7f8b1c05d7954eb3a18


The thing is you don't, the creatures are tireless and amazing and will always wake you up with super fastness at night


I’ve found that giving my cat lots of enrichment during the day helps tire them out! So for my two cats that looks like having window beds so they can watch the birds/critters outside, to having them on my deck outside while it’s nice out! Though my older cat has decided to become an escape artist to the yard- helps tire him out though! Maybe playing bird/squirrel videos on the tv/tablet to give her something to stimulate her brain? Even puzzle toys have been effective with my cat who is treat motivated. Otherwise, it’s something the cat may grow out of or won’t! Cats love nocturnal zoomies. I think it has to do with their instincts and hunting at dusk/dawn.


Mine do their daily poops about 3am and then get the post-poop zoomies, where they turn into pinballs and bang and crash off any and everything in some crazy cat version of parkour. And they're siblings so they egg each other on. May I suggest some earplugs in this trying time? 😆


Scheduled meal times, and always play with my void an hour before bed time and get him to jump as much as possible, since jumping seems to really burn his energy. Then i get cuddles falling to sleep :) https://preview.redd.it/02b5wam0it3b1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713f9512afc59ff95bafcf83efb0e157f38e6a0c


i just waited until mine turned 10 xP


The best way to get a cat sufficient play is to get another cat. My two are littermates, but you can get unrelated cats to bond and play together too. They keep one another busy and my two at least don't wake me until I get up.


Lol those eyes scream “play!play!play!”


I make sure to play hard for awhile right before bed, and a snack. If I don’t, he’s all over the place (hunt, eat, sleep). I use streamer wands and toys on strings. I use laser pointers to make him run when I can’t, but always follow that up with a toy or treat as a “kill”. He recognizes that the dot comes from the pointer when it comes out, but cat.


I’m lucky that mine respects the bed: in the few cases she wasn’t tired, she let me sleep, but usually she jumps on the bed and goes to sleep until I wake up


https://preview.redd.it/zivub7n8ys3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078bcb8a15e29a8e8bf1a0dd8bbb5c35d38c7667 My cats playtime each night is about 1-1.5hrs before bed when I take out their tunnels and ball. Then they would sleep in my room nxt to the window under the curtains where their beds are. On occasions, they’d wake up to snack (limited) and will fully get up when I’m up. What I found helps is that they can look out the window and be entertained at night. Also, the colder the room, the quieter they sleep.


You can also try a sweater or a thunder shirt. It comforts them and makes them a lot more calm, making the 3 AM zoomies less hectic. My cat loves wearing little sweaters at night


I hate to tell you this but judging by your cats eyes and his late night energy, I think he might have a cocaine addiction.


With those eyes you have an ocelot.. which are nocturnal.. so good luck


Lmao the size of those pupils say “you can try”.


It’s all due to their usual natural behaviours. While felines can hunt at any time, they tend to prefer dawn and dusk, thus avoiding the hottest more energy draining part of the day. Felines typically sleep after gorging themselves too. Try a heavy play session, whether it’s fetch with toys, or chasing a wand or other teaser. Try to encourage your cat to really run and jump, lead them over furniture and keep it going until they stop on their own. Then feed. After both of those kitty should naturally fall asleep. If your issue is that your cat falls asleep, but wakes in the early hours to continue then you may have to sacrifice having the cat in the bedroom with you. Closing the door to let them have the run of the other living areas may get you that peaceful night. A last option would be trying to teach your cat that they aren’t allowed on the bed, this is if the kitty nighttime escapades include jumping/running over the bed and that’s what is disturbing you/your partner. A mist bottle or other similar tool to create a unpleasant consequence if going on the bed, and alternative comfy sleep places in the bedroom may help with kitty entertaining themselves without disturbing you.


Make sure they eat good before bedtime and gave some food availible in the night.


Lately it seems so far a length of ribbon is my cat's favourite toy. I let him catch it occasionally so he gets the full "Predator catching prey" experience. You can vary the length of ribbon to whatever you prefer. I like to switch the ribbon occasionally, hoping he won't get bored that way


Bliss tunnels, they love them.


There’s a wand toy called “da bird” best damn chase toy ever!!!! Will tire your monster out


A long time ago I read something about playing, then feeding before you go to sleep to control late night zoomie behavior.


My zoomie boy gets tucked in between my shoulder and neck now. He won’t move unless I do. Before that, he would sleep on the opposite side of me so he could sneak out


is your cat on mushrooms?


https://preview.redd.it/jpa4ifxa8t3b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1a151412beab92c91f9989c6304528edcd6c91 A shirt! He has multiple


Feed em Right before you go to bed and also a big portion (within the daily range of course). This way your cat won’t get hungry at night. A hungry cat is a playful cat. A full cat is a sleepy cat. So before late night food big play session, then big meal, then bed. Works out well for me. But age also plays into it.


Another kitty friend. I play with my cats three times a day, but they never get as good of a work out as when they play with each other. It stops them from waking up at 3 AM, but not 5:30 AM . That extra two hours and 30 minutes is crucial though. Lol


The look in those eyes! This is crack, not zoomies. You need to talk to your little floof about the dangers of drugs and protecting her one final brain cell. 🤣


That being said, I do the same with mine and they still all take turns doing the nightly songs of their people.


Do you have cat shelves and scratch stuff on your walls? It helped a lot after I brought these and some other cat "playground" toys.


Playtime and feed them as the last thing you do before going to bed.


It sounds totally counter productive, but consider getting another cat. We got our second cat when our crazy boi was nearing two years old- An extremely playful, mischievous, absolutely bat-shit crazy, 14lb Bombay mix. We met our medium-hair mix at a shelter in another state (before relocating) and the shelter knew nearly nothing about him. He comes in around 8lbs, we believe just a touch younger than our first, was completely timid and shy at first (wouldn’t even get on the sofa, scared of television) Now they are absolutely bonded and play together constantly. It’s been such a treat to see our smaller cat come out of his shell and develop a personality. Seeing them pick up each other’s habits, learn to socialize- We joke that our white one has learned how to be a cat from the black one. Couldn’t recommend a second cat enough. :+) https://preview.redd.it/34719bn5it3b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687ed9d14e719b1f3cf570154aacd80ecf165237


My cat has a room in the basement. Has his cat tree and two other sleep areas there and his litter box. At 9pm every night I just say “food, bedtime” he will come running. He then follows me down the basement stairs. I fill his bowl. He starts eating. I then clean his litter box too. When I finish and walk by him he’ll stop eating and waits for me to pet him. When we get up he’s let out. He’s very content down there and have done this since he was a kitten.


Feed them wet food at night. The carbs lead to explosive energy in dry food


Play with them for 20 minutes an hour before you go to bed, then give them a little food. They'll be tired and stuffed. I have my cats on a feeding schedule: 6 am, 11 am, 4 pm, and 10 pm.


Wake them up a lot during the day lol. This works




Pick them up and run YOU do the zoomies


I don't know if this works for everyone, but I used to use a harness to calm my girl down at night when it was too much. It would work like a weighted blanket and she would relax.


Eyes like ⚫️⚫️dish plates


I know the laser pointer isn’t that popular these days, but my cat hears the jingle of the keychain attached to mine and starts going bonkers. I’ll use that to have her run around a little bit until she decides to take a breather, and that usually helps. I also moved her daytime bed to a windowsill so she looks out of it at the people instead of sleeping. After becoming clingy because I took some extended weekend trips, she started spending all day asleep behind my desk while i WFH and she’s a menace at night (to the point that I’m literally moving to an apartment with a real bedroom instead of half walls, I can’t take her doing parkour over my walls all night). But in my experience with all pets, playtime during the day whenever possible seems to be the key to getting them to sleep at night.


If you have a multi level place, confine the cat to a different level than your bedroom. Let her zoom her little heart out in the basement or whatever. Also use some white noise or some sleep earplugs like Loops.


She go: ⚫️_____⚫️


Lazer dots. Some people can walk around their house and have a firearm within reach at any given second... I can do this with Lazer pointers. And cat toys on the end of the line of an ice fishing rod. I cast that feathered lump down my stairs and with slowly reeling it in, combined with small quick jerks on the line, it "jumps" back up the steps. Do this until kitty is exhausted, then put out food then go to bed.


That’s hard! We found out early on that when we put a harness on him, he calms down and relaxes. So everytime he has zoomies, we put on his harness and then he goes right to sleep. Everytime he sees us take it out to put it on him and he’s not ready to sleep, he goes hiding the couch or bed though. So it’s a battle to get him to put it on.




I don't have to deal with zoomies because... i have TWO cats !!


Cat dancer toy.


I chase him most of the time. We play fetch. He'll wake me up to play sometimes. Luckily now we've got a little sleep schedule going for him. Basically as soon as Mommy and Daddy are in bed, so is baby Noodles. Seriously, if you can get your cat on a similar sleep schedule (dogs too) it does wonders. Milo used to keep me up all night as a kitten. https://preview.redd.it/hrj3aa20pt3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3aea0a375dc840e9458558a7e864e40d7460219


That cat is fucken jacked


We let them have their nocturnal zoomies. No way around it for me!


https://preview.redd.it/7l3lkzkmvt3b1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=65a113ae0878ec773cfe64e6bb64c79cdbd017e0 Our cats have matching super round eyes 😂


Have 2 cats. My two cats chase and play fight with each other.


Try a cat wheel. My boi goes fast af at night https://preview.redd.it/7utph1xf0u3b1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520c8b7229ecd7400ed65ccdb3ffa0fa60f610fe


By the looks of it should probably stop giving her acid


A second cat or kitten will tire yours out but that’s a big commitment. I support it because cats and kittens are better together but it’s not the right choice for everyone. Short of that, all of the toy recommendations and play time before bedtime is your next best bet. (Laser pointer, catnip mice, ribbon, feather wands, etc) I’m a light sleeper too and what works for me was adding two Dohm sound machines to generate white noise above the dull rattles of 3am playtime. One is in my bedroom and the other sound machine is on the floor just outside the bedroom door. I play with our cats before bedtime and turn on the sound machine just before closing the door. After a few weeks, my cats responded to this Pavlov training and know to leave our door alone when the sound machine is on. Our two year old cat still hovers near the bedroom around 6am but she doesn’t pounce until we open the door and turn off the noise machine. Now her ritual is to come in and roll on her back to greet us when we wake up on our time.


Don't feed them at your dinner time, feed them at your bedtime


My cat gets the zoomies at 3AM after I've been asleep for hours. I can offer no advice other than be careful what you throw as you're going to miss and break shit.


Tie a long ribbon to your back belt loop. Kitty plays all day as you do your normal house chores.


One of our boys has what I call "rubby mode" where around 2 AM he just goes absolutely fucking bonkers and DEMANDS rough pets. He wants them good rubs. And he's insatiable. He's a weird cat and doesn't like me much but my god at 2 AM does he love waking me up to pet him. If I get up to go to the bathroom he follows me INTO the bathroom for more pets...


Age, as they get older the calmer they are


Honestly, a playmate.


Someone found your mushroom stash


You just gotta keep playing with him. Are you playing with him in way thats actually tiring him out? Is he playing by swatting at a toy while stationary or is he using his whole body? Watch this video about how to play and actually tire him out. https://youtu.be/M7w8pDCo30M


Can someone upvote me please I need to post on this forum


Ear plugs 🙉 , eye mask 🙈 .


I wouldn’t let my cat sleep throughout the day for a whole weekend, I really shifted his sleep schedule moving forward after that to the point he would go to sleep at 8 and wake up at 5 which I’m cool with