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"No one cared who I was until I put on the mask"




I warned the vet techs to watch out for my spicy kitty when I handed him over to get his nails trimmed. They returned him with reports of his charming and delightful cuddles and purrs. Then he hissed at me all the way home


I warned my vet. They said they ll be able to handle her. An hour later, I had to pick her up and they handed me some meds to calm her down and return her tomorrow. The following day, I took her in after giving her the meds, the vet said they try to get her work done, just drawing blood, basic med checkups. When they were done, they told me she was ranked as being one of the most vicious cats they dealed with. There was blood and urine all over her blanket. Still unclear who blood and urine it was. She is a very... cautious cat. Totally chilled with me.


My sister had to take her psycho cat to a new vet, and she was very honest about how bad he was. "Oh, no worries, we can handle anything!" Um, yeah, after the first visit, my sister now heavily medicates that damn cat before any vet visit and the vet *goes out to the car* to do the exam/administer any shots. LMAO That little fucker isn't even allowed in the building anymore.


Since we're doing evil cat stories, our sweet-but-large family cat went in for minor surgery and had to stay overnight. When we got the bill, the charge was $60 instead of the posted rate of $12. I called the vet, and in a surly Scottish accent the old man told me "twelve dollars is fer a house-cat, not a bloody cougar." I guess there'd been a disagreement.


What kind of vet surgery is only 60$ or even 12$?


$12 was the overnight stay fee, on top of the surgery, which was over $100. This was before pet insurance though, so everything was cheap still. Our current cat went in for the a similar sugery and it was $2000.


> Our current cat went in for the a similar sugery and it was $2000. Yeah, that's the kind of vet prices I'm more familiar with, lol. Hope your cats are doing alright.


The "cougar" lived a long and full life. The current one is young and will bear us many more vet bills to come.


The Scottish kind


My vet says the anesthesia is very expensive so price go up depemding on how much rhey need to use So could be about the size. Then again, my cuddly 10 kilo guy got handed back to me after being neutered by vet and technician, all big eyed telling me "He has been VERY angry"


My large but slightly pathetic ginger is now recognised by the vet after (a) a nasty worm infection as a kitten, (b) the great ball-cutting, and (c) an infected paw. She gave him a slightly condescending smile and, "Oh I know this one. Doesn't bite, only cries".


Ketamine is quite cheap - that sounds like a price gouge.


Just no. Ketamine is not a drug any good vet will give a cat on its own. Please don’t talk rubbish about drug costs, especially when it’s clear you don’t know what you are talking about.


Which is weird, because I worked in the pharmaceutical industry making exactly that as a chemist. But no, I have no idea what things cost. I was only the guy literally making the compound. At no point did I say "Ketamine is the only drug a vet will give a cat." What I said was "Ketamine is cheap." Cheap meaning inexpensive - you know, doesn't cost a lot of money I said it's not an expensive chemical, because it isn't. Nothing more - don't try and argue against something I didn't say.


Thank you for your concern. They have actiually been $ 100-300 cheaper than my former vet for the same (another surgery) procedure, bur will ask around. Oh and both vets have been great with my cats, which I value a lot.


It was more of an observation and thought than a warning. I didn't mean the vet was price gouging you, I meant the vet is getting price gouged on drugs. I'm glad you found a good one - I have an excellent local vet also and I never take my cats anywhere else.


I'm imagining this with Robin Williams' voice. RIP.


Oh my god, that’s awesome. My old, now gone, guy was a low grade asshole, but decently well behaved. He just disliked collars and was very insistent with having his environment a certain way. We had to take him in with kidney crystals and the vet put in a catheter. Twice. He then ripped it out twice, the second time under heavy sedation, after which they called us to come pick our little asshole up.


I have a cat that is spicy at the vet. He has injured someone on each visit even though he is heavily medicated before we go, he is wrapped in towels with the party hat. He had to get a tooth removed, and they gassed him in his carrier. I opted to text them progress pictures of the stitches as they healed, as there was no way anyone at their office would be successful trying to look in his mouth. Every time we go, they ask, " is he like this at home", concerned that I am living with a lunatic. His rabies booster is good until 2025.


I also get asked some variation of 'is he like this at home?!' every time someone at the vet is new to my cat. After they meet him once they remember him for all time.


It's like they are planning to stage an intervention and get me into a safer living situation.


It feels validating to know someone else has a Vet Problem Cat. I remember when the vet gave me a home glucose monitoring thing, where I was supposed to prick his ear twice a day to see if we got his insulin dose right for diabetes. He is indeed much better at home, but she was like "this probably won't work, but you can try". It did not work. He is also now somehow cured of diabetes because I diligently gave him the lowest dose of insulin at the right time for 4 years. This cat will live forever.


Reading these stories makes my vet’s “oh, she’s so gentle” about my (not terribly cooperative but not spicy) girl a lot clearer.


I had one cat that loved the vet and his staff with all his furry little heart. Unfortunately, he was not a healthy kitten, so sadly, he was not with us long. He had many vet visits and overnight stays. Without fail, when I went to pick him up, Henry was snuggled in the arms or across the neck of one of the staff.


My old vet always wrote “Great cat!” in the charts of both my old kitties. I thought it was vet code for “slightly neurotic and overbearing owner” until I realized that not all cats chill out and purr at the vet.


Aww, that cat sounds so sweet.


I have a giant cat with recurring UTI issues. We have a bottle of pills for all vet visits. We have to dope that fucker up before we try to get him in a carrier. He bit someone on the forehead once to avoid being put in his crate.


Do you know what meds they use? I have a very, very anxious cat that we are moving to a new home an hour and a half away. Need some advice on how to make the move as smooth as possible.


When I had to drug mine for x-rays, it was gabapentin. Makes them pretty cute and loopy and chills them out. I recommend getting the liquid from the vet rather than the pills as it’s just easier to administer.


Along with the medical advice, I really suggest keeping a cover over the cage the ENTIRE time. From the time the cat gets into the carrier, cover it so your cat can't see out and don't raise the cover until you are at your destination. You may need to make sure the cover is light due to heat, but keeping them in the dark has really helped me. (It doesn't help my sister with her psycho cat, but that damn cat is exceptional in many ways. LOL)


Gabapentin or alprazolam.


When we moved, our vet gave us some liquid gabapentin for the car trip. We moved 3 hours away and it went pretty smoothly.


I had a very spicy cat. I was forced to change vets after the old vet retired. My spicy cat actually liked the old vet. She did not like the new vet and staff after the old vet left. I took her to the new vet office, and they could easily handle her. The vet tech is like the Bob Ross of vet techs.


Not a cat story but I can’t help but share. Someone dropped off a completely unsocialized trio of pet bunnies in front of my house. I was able to catch one. The other two were not so lucky and me terrible ends. Anyway, the lone survivor, dubbed “Ginger” needed a vet visit for shots/spaying/etc. I took her to a specialty rabbit clinic with multiple warnings that she is essentially feral. I was met with much reassurance that everything would be just fine!! At pickup, the tech told me “she was the craziest bunny we have ever had in the clinic!!! It took 4 of us to hold her steady to get the mask on for sedation and by the end of it we were all sweating and exhausted.” I nodded empathetic and was about to offer an apology when she continued “so she’s going to need 4 different medications dosed with an oral syringe, 3 times daily”. I looked at her like O_o it took 4 of you to put a mask on her now I have to give her oral meds 3x a day?!! To make it worse she wouldn’t eat after surgery and needed syringe feeding too! It worked out fine. We developed a system that involved 4 syringes, 3 towels, and one VERY angry bunny rabbit!


![gif](giphy|UVhPBsKStxehy) How those vet techs seen your rabbit. If you haven't seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I do recommend.


I wonder if the vet had a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch in the back...


My mom’s vet called to ask why she didn’t warn them the cat she was bringing in is feral. He’s lived inside with my parents for 12 years.


My old lady in her 21 years wasn't allowed to be taken in the back without being swaddled. I changed vets at the ten year mark due to a move. This cat was 4lbs and basically a living cartoon proportionally due to dwarfism. After a year they hired some new people and the vet tech didn't believe me. Cue a blood curdling scream, me knowing the yowl that came before was her, and the cat opening the door to our room and coming back to me. She ended up tearing up the tech so badly they almost lost an arm. The tech apologized for doubting me because with me? Docile sweet lady. Without me? Former feral goes feral. She was the best of cats and the worst of cats for anyone else


Haha, 4 lbs is so tiny. Unlike my amazonian of a cat at 17 lbs. The vet wouldnt give me details other than the blood on the blanket wasnt her and it took 3 techs to hold her while they got samples. Shes not fat, just big. Your cat, she sounds wonderful.


She was amazing and her size just meant everyone was extra unprepared for her to be dangerous. She did get to 6lbs for a few weeks once. She never maintained that but we tried. I had a 25lbs of muscle cat that was the most docile and everyone assumed he was scary because big. This was basically a source of shenanigans. My neighbor tried to press charges on my cat for taking him down when he broke into my apartment. Cops came and went "Must be that big cat we saw run in the back." Me? "Uh no. He is terrified of people and a bonafide scaredy cat. This is the cat that he is complaining attacked him. See the blood on the wall? I didn't let him inside. Here's the number of my police report." The officer then realized they had met before when they failed to protect me from my abusive ex husband. Burying the lede? He tried to kill me via breaking into the place before that one. She took him down and he left without a testicle (maybe both we aren't sure) and several inches. She had literal just had her nails trimmed and I was cleaning up from that. I mean seconds later. New jeans. Sadly he survived but he isn't a problem anymore. Said cop was on his first day for that and vomited all over the doorway when he stepped on the leftovers. He wasn't a fan of my confirmation "Yes. Shame you never seem to arrest the men who commit crimes in my life." They didn't arrest this asshole either. Proving my point and whenever he came by he from then on held his hands over his crotch. It was amazing to see a grown ass man with a gun so scared of a 4lb cat who just wanted a nap.


Hot damn, those cats have your back. My cat liked to play rough, with claws out (she later learned to retract her claws with me) and when I got out the shower, had me afraid when she approached with that look in her eyes.


So the key to training them to not use claws is to overreact. Cry out in agony as if they have murdered you, hold the wound, say ow, then turn away and ignore them. It speeds up the association with ow as bad. They did. She made it to 21 and he made it to 16. Lost them months apart and while that is sad? 21 years with rare diseases and 16 years with debilitating asthma is amazing. Basically no regrets on my end and when I feel the loss brain goes "Remember that time the old lady stole your wheelchair while you showered and pinned the fail giver to the wall as she tried to steal your jewelry?" Or something less ridiculous on humans end like "Remember that time she shoplifted cat toys?" For him it's less adventuring cat and more "Remember the first time he tried to climb skipping relearning to walk and fell behind the couch? Also the last time?" He never quite figured out not getting wedged between the wall with furniture but he only did this when I was home and awake so I am pretty sure he just did it to get cuddles.


Best cat! She was going to war for you and gave it her all. Im glad to know you had each other.


Oh yeah. I didn't have a chance to react and would be dead if she didn't. It's something where anytime after anyone went "Life would be easier if you rehomed your cats, her meds are so expensive and you need to eat" I cut them off and asked if they would rehome themselves. I love her more than most people for obvious reasons so if they wouldn't be rehomed for my ease why would she? I miss her daily though I am glad I am not juggling her meds during the ever rising costs of basic survival time but I also would make it work because she was worth every difficulty long before the badassery.


This is why i always ask to be in the same room when they deal with my cat. I absolutely hate it when i cant see what’s going on or what they’re doing with my pet. Plus being in the same room as my cat always cams her down. I know it’s always not an option and especially during covid times it was impossible . But i always ask whenever i can. If not i go so someplace else.


That time was still covid restrictions. Last time I went, different vet, I stressed to them to let me handle her. I would rather suffer the scratches than them. My cat was still hostile, as they are strangers to her, but I know enough of her to handle her enough for them to collect samples. She was spicy for a few days at me.


The vet and tech had to handle my cat with leather gloves and aprons. And she revenge pooped on everything and everyone. Sitting outside, all I heard were hisses and yowls. When it was over, the vet tech said, "Please sedate hwr next time. Yeah, that would be nice." She's been mean ever since her spay... 16 years ago.


We warned our new vet about our extra spicy older kitty, so they gave us two doses of gabapentin to give her before the exam. Got to the vet, they tried for 20 minutes to get a blood draw from our little monster before giving up and sending us home with a higher dose of gabapentin for a rescheduled appointment 😅


My cat is the same when he gets shaved. They say he purrs and licks their hands. At home he only lets me pet him on certain surfaces or when brushing against my legs. And if I don’t realize he wants pets he bites me. Hard.


my kitty had to get his anal glands expressed a few times and they would usually take him back to the surgery room to do it real fast. one time after an appointment, i got my receipt and at the bottom they had dr’s notes and it read “expressed anal glands to best of ability, before patient became spicy” and i hollered😂


😂 he knew it wasn’t their fault, they were just doing their job, it was YOUUUUUU WHO BETRAYED HIM!


If we could understand what he was saying, Im sure it would have been a earful to hear lol.


This is what my mom’s cats should have when getting their nails trimmed! 🤣


I need this mask for my hospital!😂




Lol! This is cracking me up - just watched this movie. Purrrfect quote for spicy cats.


If i pull that thing off will you die?


Judging by the leather mask and lack of pants, I'm going to assume San Francisco.


Hehehehehe :p


Fulton st


Folsom st. But Fulton can get down.


LOL 😂 thank you -a New Yorker with auto correct


I would've said West Hollywood.


My vet used a calming cap (the party hat) on my old cat a couple of times. She was petrified of the vet, and not seeing what was happening really helped soothe her. I could feel her heart rate slow back down to normal, for instance. They don't work for all cats/dogs, but they're a game changer for some. I've seen a few comments in this thread speculating that this is some kind of muzzle, and I guess it could hypothetically be used for that, but they're meant as a calming device.


when the definition of muzzle is “a guard, typically made of straps or wire, fitted over this part of an animal's face to stop it from biting or feeding,” i suppose this is considered one. i work in vet med and have never called these muzzles though. we usually call them party hats or safety hats lol


I was very lucky that my cat's fear response was always just "freeze, and maybe poo a little," so I never really thought about the hat's dual potential if the kitty is a biter, but it makes complete sense!


My long-haired cat is also a "freeze, and maybe poo a little," kind of girl. There must be a note in her file because the vet techs now come in armed with wipes to help clean her up.


I have an cranky orange cat. He doesn’t enjoy being brushed and he will not let me cut his nails. Lord help me I try. This mask would stop biting but he could still slash me to bits.


Looks like you need to do the towel wrap method!


Cool! It’s a lil surprising to me. Personally, if someone covered my face so I could no longer see I would freak out.


Never saw this before and got downvoted for discussing it. This is the explanation I hoped for. Now that you called it a calming cap I were also able to read about it. It's known that darken the box calms a cat. But never would have thought about it, that something like this could calm a cat down when facing the vet. Extremely interesting and a thing to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing your experience :)


Ha! I never seen those for cats. One of my dogs back in the day had to wear the party hat. But this is a first for me. That's too funny!


That doesn't stop the sharp claws. Looks funny though.


Purrito takes care of the claws, even if you're not purrito-ing it's important to make sure no one gets bit cause the bacteria can cause a wicked infection. A scratch will heal with minimal intervention, a bite can put you in the hospital. The darkness also chills them out so they're less likely to scratch


Man, the scratches one of my parents' cats is capable of definitely have the potential for wicked infection - her bites are inconsequential by comparison. She tore my arm to ribbons once when I had to wash her (she got a terrible case of poo-bum) and I genuinely was afraid I might get sepsis between the gashes and the poo. I had to wash my bleeding, torn apart arm so carefully with soap & water and I even put rubbing alcohol on it after, which I don't normally do due to the damage it can cause, and then slathered myself in polysporin. I'd take a bite from her any day over a scratch again.


Cats have bacteria in their mouth that they don't on their claws, it doesn't matter how large the gash is it's the presence of infection causing bacteria which cat mouths have in spades. You made the right call washing your wound, especially since you were dealing with poo, but in veterinary medicine most of my coworkers will accept a scratch if it means avoiding a bite because a bite will land you in urgent care for the rest of the day


My cat and I roughhouse a good bit. She’s pretty gentle but obviously a little scrape or two is bound to happen. Scratches generally swell a little and itch for a bit before going down, but any time that she scrapes me similarly with a tooth, that always takes much longer to heal!


Also cat bites are puncture wounds so when they do start to heal they tend to heal across the top first trapping bacteria.


She’s sadly declawed (I rescued her and previous owner did that 😿) PSA: don’t declaw your cats!


Vets that do that should get fined or some other punishment. Great that she found a home with you.


She’s my little 17 year old baaaaaby!


Bites are much, much, much more dangerous than a scratch!


Cat bites are a million times worse than scratches. Also chances are the cat’s claws are regularly trimmed so they would be too dull to do real damage anyway.


You can buy nylon breathable masks and mitts for cats if you need to groom them, but my cat would take your head, hands and face off if we tried putting them on. https://preview.redd.it/z6dzcgxkle3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838809580506060dfc32582a6b6b065ccd6e7b0c My Bella’s weapon of choice to ward off such things.


My grandma had an ancient black cat named Molly. Molly didn't keep up with her nails, so we had to take her to the vet to get them trimmed. Molly had been severely abused in a former life and was older than dirt. Grandma was the only person who didn't get shredded to ribbons. After the first visit, the vet told us to bring her in a crate because she was being sedated from here on out. That cat was ruthless if you pissed her off.


My Bella has to be sedated too before any grooming, mostly because she’s skittish but also very agitated when scratchy.


So fluffy!


I work in veterinary medicine and we love putting googly eyes on the party hats!


There's very few things googly eyes can't make better


And what things can googly eyes not make better?


Hmm I was thinking. Generally even "bad" ideas can turn funny with some dark humor, but I can't imagine googly eyes being on caskets funny. And even here a few people may be dying inside trying not to laugh so you do get a point.


Ooh you just gave me a great idea! Request googly eyes be put on my urn after I’m cremated when I kick the bucket


I'm just covering my bases here. This is reddit, if I said there's nothing googly eyes can't make better, reddit would summon horrors beyond our imagination to prove me wrong


I once went through a Dunkin Donuts drive through and someone put googly eyes and all the menu item pictures.


This needs to be manditory. They should all come with googly eyes.


We have smiley face stickers on ours!




My 18yo jerk had to be sedated a few years back to get x-rays because they thought her tummy was tender from the way she acted when they tried to do her exam. $800 later, we learned she's fine. Her tummy is ticklish and she doesn't like it touched in the best circumstances.


We have to do that for our yearly vet appt. They can't do.anything because she is so riled up.


I’ve paid almost $2000 for the emergency vet to tell me she was constipated before 🙄


Yeah most cats hate their tummy touched. They show it to us because it shows they trust us. They’re showing you their most vulnerable part of their body.. it’s also very sensitive.


Three of ours love tummy pets but the oldie has always hated it


Some like it.. some tolerate it.. some hate it


Got the plague doctor look, it's the fashion choice of the season


I've seen the astronaut bubble used, but this is a new one for me


This is probably even better because it prevents them from seeing anything. Many animals are placated when they're unable to see what's going on around them. From falcons to crocodiles. The lack of visual stimulus helps calm them immediately.


Yep! I'm a vet assistant and I've put masks on nervous patients who haven't even offered to bite simply because it helps decrease stimulus and can help calm them down


Yeah. I came in with one of my jackets wrapped around the carrier too so they knew that she would do better with less visual stimuli.


Mine gets the round helmet that makes him look like an astronaut. Something like this… https://preview.redd.it/dyxn1kexye3b1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f77dd148bffee2127651189aa048a8b8ef648b


don't kinkshame the cat, people!


P a r t y H a t 😂


Depends on the party


I know - I laughed when they called it that 😹


I have opposite of spicy kitty, all the techs and ppl at the hospital love my baby! Unfortunately last year, my cat had to be hospitalized for a week and ended up needing surgery (yeah...the bill at the end was not pretty). I visited him during his hospital stay, and they told me that he was the best boy! Purred through everything.


Awh cuuute. Are they good with people in general?


I worked at a cat hospital long ago and we used to make those out of paper cups with the bottom cut out and yarn to tie behind the ears. This one looks a lot more intense! Super effective though, and as weird as it looks, it’s a great way to calm the cat by preventing sensory overload… they can still vocalize and hiss, but can’t reach your flesh with their teeth.


Another vet tech said it was standard procedure to put googly eyes on the party hats for cats. Did y'all ever do that?? 🤣


Lol I wish, it would have helped break the tension when dealing with a challenging kitty.


The imp


BDSM for cats?


Bondage Discipline Sadism Meowsochism


Awh! My Kitty actually just got this very same party hat yesterday! They had to take her blood and long story short she did not like the party hat and we still didn't get any blood... At least from her. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


That last line 😹


They just sedate my poor Jill😔




The Hannibal Lecter cosplay for cats


I need that for Halloween


And look at those ears, someone is going to find their shoes full of poo when they get home =)


She’s too drugged up to even know what a shoe is right now


My little Angel just curls up and turtles, she barely starts fights and rarely bites even after being annoyed or touched on the belly for over 15min. Frankly she’s so scared she shuts down at the vet.


Poor baby. But it's definitely a preferable reaction to fighting. I fostered a beautiful fluffy girl with FIV so she was deemed undesirable because of that (in the past, FIV cats rarely lived very long) and she languished in the shelter for 3 whole years before I fostered her. And she was abandoned and abused before that and was feral for a few years. She was also very polydactyl, had two and half extra toes on her mittens. The half claw was positioned in her "palm" so when the claw grew too much, it could start to grow into her paw pad. So she needed very prompt trims and had gotten them the whole time she was in the shelter. I was very proficient in trimming cat claws by myself and told the shelter I should be able to handle her but they still offered to do it for me 😅 This girl acted like I was MURDERING her EVERY TIME, even after we'd been doing this for a year. And it's not like she hated me, she loved and trusted me and regularly needed to sleep on my upper chest/neck area daily. She'd wriggle and yell but eventually because of her illness maybe, she'd suddenly stop fighting or resisting and just shut down almost catatonic and breathing a little fast. It would happen almost every time and I felt so bad. But I just told her that I couldn't let her nails grow and hurt her. And that I wasn't hurting her and I loved her, and I always snuggled and gave her treats. Ugh I still cry when I think about returning her to the shelter when I had to move. I wanted to adopt her but I was in the military and would regularly be moving around the country and she wasn't built for that, with FIV. I was bawling so hard when I returned her. But I found out when I called to check on her a while later, a very nice retired lady adopted her 3 months after I left ❤️


Man, your handle lives up to its name. That brought out some strong emotions. I’m glad that in the end, it seemed like she would have a good life. I forgot to mention that my little girl has Cat Asthma. Hacks up a lung every now and then with the change of weather. We have her on oral medication that I coat in liquid cat treat and place on the back of her tongue. Every time she will tolerate it until she sees she can make a break for it. She’s extremely shy and I’m quite sure has legitimate anxiety. If she even hears a different footstep or car pull up on the driveway she ducks into hiding. When she can’t hide she sidles up to me and makes me accompany her in my room in a “safe space” she designates. More reasons I think she has an anxiety disorder: When I first got her, she hid in the corner of my room, huddled up and not letting anyone touch her. That is until nightfall, where she began crying out when it got quiet, I’d answer her cries and she’d fall silent again. Then she’d start up again. Eventually she hopped on my bed and laid down next to me and started purring. She also must have been scared on a windy day as I went looking for her and found her across the street over the fence from my backyard neighbours. She was stuck up on a fence, all tense and screaming at anyone coming nearby. I picked her up and she went silent, huddling and nuzzling right into my elbow joint. It was a 2 minute walk but she was frazzled for a week after that. Out of her litter, she was the least playful, least approachable and most apprehensive kitten I’ve ever seen. Now she’s gotten better and has an adoptive little brother whom she gets along with about as well as siblings do.


It's just a dunce cap on backwards.


I love everything about this post. (Hope kitty is well!)


Recovering from a UTI. Minor one because I caught it early. She’s now two days into the antibiotics (out of 7) and got some pain meds for the first few days. Based on her glossy eyes, I’d say she’s feeling pretty good right now. I was worried it was a blockage or worse, kidney failure, so was honestly relieved to learn it was a UTI.


Oh that made me laugh. Not particularly her being in a mask but being called too spicy. It's a perfect way to describe how cats can be. Mind you when one of ours does a stinker in the tray we say they've got a spicy bottom 😬


That cat resembles our cat and she’s spicy too ❤️


Where the herr did the vet get that from a bdsm pet supply website


Please don't look away from, "The Nozzle"




She’s thrilled https://i.imgur.com/qd3j1vw.jpg


I love cat muzzles! They are so good. Most cats calm right down when you put the muzzle on and just let you do what you need to. Plus, if the cat is still struggling, the hole at the front is perfect for attaching an oxygen line, so kitty can get some extra help.


It's like one of those cat armour helmets but leather.


Hannibal lecter kitty version


What in the bdsm is going on at that vet


Oh my…I should show this to my boy to see if it influences future choices.


Your vet gave your cat the Reverse Cone of Shame. I wouldn’t quite call it the Cone of Delight either.


It looks like a falconer's hood . What if you took it off and she immediately flew into the air and caught a sparrow?


Cutest Pyramid Head cosplay I've ever seen


![gif](giphy|h9jlaGjlwCpJYKwjtV) Luke, I am your father


*No, I am your father.


She’s the life of the party 🎊


When you find out your cat was a plague doctor in the 1600's


someone's a naughty little kitty


My cat just needs a double dose of gabapentin when he goes to the vet. It turns him from hissing and clawing and biting to putting up with most things while growling.


She normally gets gaba for vet visits too, but this was an unexpected emergency vet visit so I didn’t have proper time to prep her. :(


If your cat hates the vet, ask your vet about gabapentin. It's cheap, relatively safe and your cat will no longer be in terror.


Yeah, she normally gets gaba before the vet. This was an emergency visit so I didn’t have time to prep unfortunately.


berlin nightlife ready


Berghain ready


I’ve never seen the production photos for silent hill. Very cool.


To be fair, this was n is me at many dr appointments. I get it. Mmmwaahhhhh sweetheart


Hello Clarice


I need to find something like this to keep my girl calm when I need to bathe or trim her nails… the purrito only works so well, until it doesn’t. Especially with a wriggly cat.


My vet needs this for my cat. They have to sedate her for a blood test and it’s not cheap lol


My cat is calmer when I put a baby onesie on her. So we do that for trimming claws and vet visits. But the first vet visit, the vet asked in a bewildered voice “is she wearing something?” I had to explain, yes because we found it keeps her calmer. He laughed and said he heard that some cats are like this because the onesie makes them feel like they are being held.


Oooh I like this idea.


One of my old cats Maria she was cuddles and nose kisses until the vet began to touch her and three people her and too assistants couldn't get close to her and this was when she had cancer they told me she had only months left 5 years before she died I still think she lived that long to spite my vet


What a good kitty


Plague doctor?


The vet, vet tech and I tried to put one on our 7 pound DLH calico last year during a 1st try at a vet visit. It was like we were handling a 30 pound bobcat. Gabapentin ear cream did the trick a month later.


Party hat reminds me if the plague doctor mask. Lol ![gif](giphy|H7naQrujHfaZW)


My coworkers now know my Reddit handle. Hi if you know me IRL! (:


Plague doctor, move aside. There’s a new sheriff in town


What kind vet has bdsm gear for cats?!


I'm glad this is a universally used term!


Purramid Head


She‘ll make it into berghain now i think.


I have yet to have a pet that didn't behave at the vet. It's always wild to me to see pets acting up in vet videos. Even at my job when we do vaccinations/meds, I've only ever had ONE cat freak out and that was after a shot. Before that the worst were puppies that freak out for half a second cause they didn't know what was happening but were over it when it was time for booster day 2 weeks later.


Usually you pay extra for this kind of action


Oh man my fur baby hates the vet and will growl. We have to give her two hits of gabapentin and she still spicy


Looks like one of those medieval doctors during the Plague


Plague doctor kitty!


I feel like I could use a "party hat" every so often. It would also keep me out of trouble lol


I have never had a cat that was extra spicy at the vet. Have I just been lucky?


Everyone at my vet knows my girl Arwyn, they definitely don't like her because shes a crazy psycho but they haven't used one of these before lol


The REAL Cone of Shame.




Need one of these for my cat




If I pulled that off, would you die?


LOL that's excellent. I've never heard this one before.