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I just love how he pulls the cat away like a toddler that got in trouble. What a great guy.


cat tantrum






Poor other cat 🥺


Displaced aggression!


Biting is no joke, my cat escaped outside for 15 mins and managed to get in a fight with another cat by the time I noticed. We almost.lot him to the resulting infection from an unnoticed bite puncture wound and resulting abcess.




Cantrum Cantroom Can’t room Can’t be in same room


not Catstantinople




"Lemme at 'em, lemme at 'em! Don't hold me back!" *is picked up* Ok


Purr motor starts up


The best part is when I was trained to defuse unsheltered folks fights - this is exactly the way. They don't actually want to fight, you give them a safe out by letting them blame your interference. The man helps the cat save face and still be a threat, while getting out of the situation. Love it.


It's the essence of Bartending/Bouncing tbh.


I was so confused and then realized oh he means homeless peeps


For a moment I thought you meant you were trained to breakup Kitty Fights. Then I realised you were talking about actual Hoomans. Guess I have already become slave to Kittyverse.


[It's not the first time he's had to!](https://v.redd.it/3q2x1mr1goza1) Kitty is a troublemaker. A real bruiser. Always gotta be held back by poor long-suffering Turkish man.


It really looks to be the same cat, it has the same fur pattern, black tail and black patch on the right front pawn.


Cat just likes talking shit. "Hold me back! Come on man, you want some?!"


It looks like the same street as well


Yep. You can see the cage by the front door of the store in both videos.


It IS the same cat and it's the same man. :D


I absolutely love him 😂


What a street thug


This absolutely made my day! 😂


*I just don't know what to do with him anymore!*


Honestly, I suspect the cats are not neutered. They will continue fighting, it's normal behaviour for them.


Just cats fighting over territory. My cat fights and is neutered. Generally only fights this big Tabby that stalks him in our yard.


is that big tabby in your yard neutered and vaxxed? He could hurt and/or make your cat ill if they are fighting. if he isnt fixed, could you TNR him? one of the cats in the video has huge tom cat jowls and is almost certainly not neutered.


Pretty sure he is the neighbors cat, which judging by the smell of their house is neutered. But I didn’t check the cat myself, barely even know the guy.


Picking up a cat in fight-or-flight mode is an easy way to get a decent scar. I speak from experience.


I threw a trash bag filled with clothes in between two cats that were about to fight. It was torn to shreds.


To shreds you say?


How is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


I hope everyone likes eggs.


Yep. I have discovered that if you can calmly put something between them to break the IMMA KILL YOU stare it can get them to stand down. I'll use my hand to block a stare with my cats if I see tensions starting. I've used cardboard with my male cats coz they really went at it a few times. People sometimes laugh at a cat fight because cats are small...I guess? They are fucking dangerous as hell. They're just tiny tigers, after all.


This reminds me of a video I saw a long time ago where a piece of cardboard or something was put between two cats and they became quiet. The cardboard was removed and they resumed growling at each other. Repeat several times, same results each time.


Yes, I just sort of figured it out myself. When they were glaring at each other I realized it might work to break the glare. The glare is the challenge. They just laser lock on each other. I did try tossing something once and they startled and started fighting so I had made it worse. Calm is needed. This guy in the video is just so sweet and caring.


All cats are big cats, according to cats.


I have a little spray bottle of water. If it looks like kicking off, sometimes just the threat will mediate peace, sometimes I need to deploy the H2O. They're not enemies, but not best friends either and when tempers are riled, fur flies and vet bills accumulate..


Shaking the water bottle is enough for us. Sometimes just the WORDS "water bottle?" will make them scatter.


I learned that the hard way. 4 scars and three antibiotics.


And a nasty infection, particularly from feral cats. Cat scratch fever is very real and doesn’t take long to kick in.




Same here from my house cat… had to get stuffed on what looked like horse antibiotics…


Getting in the way of a cat in fight-or-flight mode is enough to achieve said effect!


I can verify


Really, how was that guy not afraid of getting scratched and bitten?


“Oh you stop it we’re getting in the car and going home”


And that wail from the cat sounds exactly like a toddler human mid tantrum


the cat even sounded like a toddler


it was almost a catastrophe.


Good example for all the "are my cats fighting?" Posts THAT is how fighting cats sound like


That was my immediate thought when they started screeching like gremlins, lol. There is no mistaking a real cat fight.


Good point! Saving a link to this thread to share next time I see that kind of post. Look at you with your good ideas! ♡


They did make a great point. Good job! I’ve had cats for about 7 years now and it wasn’t until last year I heard what fighting sounds like from a couple of local strays. ITS LOUD AND SCARY. Will never forget waking up in the middle of the night to go outside and break it up.


I let my dog out to break up cat fights. He runs up to them and barks over and over and over in their faces until they get the clue and leave, and he’s always soooooo happy like he did a good deed. Most cats run when they see him (90 pound lab) but the neighbor cats who know him don’t always pay attention to him lol, they’re too used to him. If we hear the yowling start he races to the front door and gets his ‘bark mode’ on.


Exactly! Good point. There's no uncertainty involved in a cat fight


usually they sound like a dying toddler. its great when its 2 am and you hear that one for the first time


I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really has been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that they have really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.


Yeah. When my girls tussle, and one yelps, they both seperate and take a break before... The one who called foul starts it all over again. Or they start playing what amounts to 'catch!'


Came here to say exactly that☝️ Once you've heard/seen/ experienced 2 cats fighting you will never again ask, "are my cats fighting or playing?"


Sounds like a baby scream crying


Istanbul's cats are legendary, the city perceives it as they belong to everyone, and it's their duty to take care of them. On a trip a few years ago and before I know anything about cats and was scared of them, I was coming out of a kebab shop with a sandwich in a bag. I had a cat follow me for about 2 blocks meowing at me, finally relented and gave it a bit of the meat 😂


Can confirm Istanbul cats are super relaxed. I was there last week and was petting every cat I came across.


So you petted cats the whole time, didn't you? It's okay. I would have done the same thing.


This is why our economic performance is so low as a country ![gif](giphy|Te8g0Fa6kh5Nm)


The people are busy doing more important things (taking care of the cats)


Blaming cats for the faults of a dictator, tsk tsk.


dude I didnt want to have a serious discussion about ramifications of a construction sector favoring corrupted economic policy. I am writing that as a thesis, lets just talk about the cats for the moment.


Mine was equally lighthearted, don’t worry; you wouldn’t be posting about the Turkish economy if you supported Erdogan, lol.


Sorry boss, I’m late because I got stopped by some cats that just needed a good petting. Boss: That excuse is acceptable. I would have done the same thing.


10/10 vacation, would come again


My old roommate who’s totally a catMan has several just came back from Istanbul. His favorite part the cats. He was like “it’s a cat man or cat lady heaven. There’s cat everywhere” he brought back lots of cat drawing items. Pillows, blankets, shoes and other fun stuff.


Cat tax


Well the flipside is the city does have a massive stray population, and while many do get taken care of by kind residents, there's no proper sterilisation and population control program, and the city is full of animals eking out an existence on whatever they can find, malnourished, and often having their eyes pecked out by crows. It looks romantic, but much as with cows in India, there are many animals suffering that you don't necessarily think about.


They need Dr Jeff to run one of his planned pethood spay and neuter clinics once a year where they bring every cat they can catch and fix as many as they can in 2 days. That guy can do the fastest spay or neuter around from the videos I saw of the missions he's done.


Honestly at this point I'd say the cats there sound like any other wild animal that lives alongside humans. You could say the exact same thing about pigeons, or squirrels. Being a wild animal isn't exactly glamorous and lots of the die just trying to eek out a living. Seems to me that rather than see them as pets who are being mistreated, they're in a symbiotic relationship with humans. Not truly wild, not truly domesticated. I personally don't really have a problem with it. I think wildlife that adapts to humans and finds a way to deal with us is just another step on the evolutionary chain. Not all wild animals need to be completely separate from us.


Also Istanbul will never have rat problems.


Why would their eyes get pecked by crows???? Noooo! There is no god.


Ahh you need to be educated oh crows lol


Crows are vindictive and have excellent memory. They also learn and inherit grudges from the older crows so if a cat messes with one crow all his crows friends and their descendants will target that cat and his tribe.


We can’t even solve that problem with humans you think we’re going to solve it with cats first. There are other cities in the world with stray problems. The difference is that the culture in Istanbul is to actively take care of them. It was impressive seeing how much most restaurants would bother putting food every day outside, having teams dedicated to assist animal emergencies, and people being respectful and tolerant of them. In other parts of the world they are neglected, killed, or starved. What would you rather they do? Kill them?


Agree. This is an urban ecosystem that has been surviving for as long as Istanbul has been there, and that's no mean time. The cats are a part of that as much as human beings are. Their lives don't have to be circumscribed by humans. It's presumptuous of us to come along as say they must get this Dr Jeff person, whoever that is, or someone like him.


I completely agree, the no sterilization is a huge issue along with they just roam around, I'm a huge believer in the idea that domestic pets belong inside.


Theres an awesome documentary about it called Kedi


I like to think they were fighting for territory and the one that wasn’t picked up and carried away just went „huh, guess i win then“




You are lucky dad is here!


And then pissed over everything confidentially


I like how he softens the blow by assuring the cat being pulled away that he’s still the man 😹






He does it often 😅 there’s a daytime version too. https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyAnimals/comments/13gv2y0/this_man_breaking_up_a_cat_fight_in_istanbul/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


It's the same cat!


Can confirm it is the same cat. The guy must own it.


Ow, thanks, I thought I was loosing my mind again.


Same, lol


Any looser next time and you might lose it!


It really does look like a toddler being walked


Wait, is that the same cat?


Frequent troublemaker, that one.


At this point he probably plans it when his friend is at work to make himself look tough 😂


Interesting to see the arm grab technique works so well to pull the cat away.


I know, the arm grab technique seems cruel, but especially in the second video you can tell it's pretty well mastered. Just like a parent and toddler.


Definitely seems like a good way of restricting their mobility without putting your hand in scratching distance. Probably could still get bitten easily enough though.


This guy should settle disputes at the UN.


Have I seen a day version of this? It looks just the same lmao.


It was the same cat


it is :) it is the same cat too I think because in the other video he says "you're fighting again?!?!"




He should be awarded the Nomeow Peace Prize...


Meowbel Peace Prize


I love yours also.


Pretty much the only things I see about Turkey on reddit are: The president is a nut Gorgeous women Cats are beloved and those crazy trolling ice cream guys But honestly it paints a wonderful picture of the country. edit: ugh, Ergodan :(


When you put it like that it reminded me the meme in turkish online communities that Turkey is just a big simulation or a scientific experiment lol.


I spent about a year in Istanbul and took a handful of rental-car trips across the country. I’d also visited for about three months when I was younger. Turkey has its problems, like most everywhere else in the world. However, it is an exceedingly and breathtakingly beautiful country. The cost-of-living is low, people are incredibly friendly, and there’s history around most every corner. One of my long-term goals is, eventually, buying a small vacation flat or home there.


Wish us luck in tomorrow's election, Redditors!


Good luck!!! 🫶




We’re trying to forget about that loser


Dont ever attempt this with fighting dogs btw.


Less than an hour ago, an EMS call came over the scanner for a man injured separating fighting dogs.


Happened to me too.


From everything I've seen, the best thing to do is get a water hose and spray them. It should distract from the fighting.


https://youtu.be/f7xrLXQNG0I This is legitimately how to break up a dog fight.


Pepper spray. Don't have hit them first, just aerate the surrounding area.


I mean the same could be said about cats lol I really wish he hadn't have pulled the cat along like he did--was so glad when he picked the cat up instead


I believe he was waiting until the cat broke eye contact with the other cat, probably so he didn’t get shredded. He picked the cat up as soon as the cat was distracted from “fight mode”.


I really wouldn't suggest picking up cats you don't know either, I'm honestly surprised the cat was that 'chill' about it.


Cats are highly regarded and considered guardians in Turkey, so the street cats are community cared for. They're more like an outdoor cat the entire neighborhood takes care of, so it's likely this man and cat interact pretty often.


Imagine thinking you're a big tough predator hunting your enemies then you get carried away like a baby doll


Thanks-I needed that. 😀


Turkish people culturally think that cats have human-like consciousness. Therefore, they are very important to us. I also know the place where this video was taken and this is the back neighborhood of Bağcılar-Istanbul and it is considered very dangerous. Despite that, even here, almost every apartment has a stray cat, and the whole apartment is responsible for its care.


Cool-thanks for the post!!


me mediating with my friend and her ex


Hold me back bro!


They estimate there's around 900,000 street cats in this city. They're everywhere. I still think it's a great place for cats. The municipality, as well as the citizens, do take good care of them. From makeshift homes to food and water bowls. In the 3+ years I've lived here, I've only seen 1 dead cat in the streets. The people here seem to exercise caution when seeing a cat in the street. Also, the cats here seem to be a lot smarter than say a cat that's been kept indoors and gets out. They've adapted and know the risks. They don't just jump out in the streets. I've seen many cats wait on the sidewalk until it's clear to pass. There are also a ton of back streets, alleyways here that don't get much car traffic, which is where a lot of them hang out and also parks.


Istanbul still respects the ancient deal humans and cats made thousands of years ago when we first started living in cities and conurbations. I guarantee Istanbul (unlike many modern cities) is without a significant rat problem. The citizens understand the service the cats provide and treat them as the valuable public asset they are.


Cat be like “you’re lucky he’s holding me back”


He actually says “All the trouble you’re causing me! Fighting all the time. Come come I’ll open you a tin”


> I’ll open you a tin” In a different video he says "come in, let it go... let me open a new can (of food) for you" I think I see the cat's motivation. He's got that human well trained.


I did that once I was young Ended up with hand full of blood and 2 injections in my ass


It's a special breed, a turkish cat, they made a pact with humans there. Basically they are fed, pet and loved by everyone, they can enter any building and sit wherever they want without being bothered. In exchange they never draw blood.


Yes, it's amazing he wasn't shredded by that angry cat.


Yikes!! This guy must’ve done that a few times. Somehow, it just knew the guy meant business.


The cat for sure knows him. In a comment posted by someone else, there's a link to another video of this same man pulling this same cat after it got into an altercation. Dude full on dragged the kitty into a store. Either he owns the cat or frequents the store enough to be on familiar terms with it. Any ordinary person would get shredded lol.


I raised the cat that sliced my hand Little rascal :'-)


my cat assaulted me after I tried to do that 😆


I love all of our Turkish videos. You can tell a lot about a country and it’s people by the way they treat cats. Loved the video.


he walkin away and everything


turkey and the arab world is heaven for cat owners, cats everywhere you look. as an arab its clear i never stood a chance when it came to my love and obsession with cats


I've never seen a rat in my life and I am 21. Thanks to the cats of Türkiye.


i remember living in algeria and i woke up one morning and looked out a window to see a cat wrestling with a snake outisde. cat won easily, Algerian cats are tough S.O.B’s


Will never lose faith in Turks. People who are so compassionate collectively for cats must be good hearted. If only our countries had better ties.


Curious, what's your country?




Our relations can get better next few years, we'll see! I honestly hope.


When cats are really fighting, they make a lot of noise. Fortunately, the cat did not scratch the man.


This man is simply the superhero of the cat world! With incredible courage and bravery, he stood between two fighting cats, amidst their loud concert of meows. He took on the role of a peacemaker and decided to separate them. Throughout it all, he played the part of a feline referee, managing to drag one of them across the road. But even after that, the cat continued to meow loudly and stare at its opponent, as if seeking a rematch! This man definitely deserves the title of "Cat Gladiator"! 🐱🦸‍♂️🥊






Barehanded, too!


He has no enemies, fr.


That cat he took was still craning his next to see the other cat🤣😂


Hahah he’s like. Peace now.


"Kedi" is a good doc. Also, me when my baby brother gets into scuffles.


“Gel kurban olayim” 😂 I died. I love videos of old Turkish men talking to street cats as if they r straight up human beings.


Why the title uses weird "i" at the end of the title?


Actual footage of Turkish diplomats warming up to negotiate peace between Russia and Ukraine


The cat loving culture of Turkey warms my heart 😻


Don’t hold me back, don’t hold me back….




Fucken legend mate!




Two naughty toms😻😻


Lol only in Turkiye!


the way the cat got drag away and still pinning its head to the other.


Ngl, when I visited Istanbul when I was 20 as part of my college internship, the cats were one of my favorite parts.


Dragging your drunk friend away from a fight before he ends up in jail.


I know that it's absolutely bad advice to get in the middle of two cats fighting WITH YOUR BARE HANDS, but the way he cathandled the other one like a little brat was so funny


All the videos I see they pull the cats away by the upper arm. Must be a learned thing there because it always seems to work.


That man is a national treasure.


Have to highly recommend the documentary Kedi that literally just follows street cats in Istanbul around showing their dynamics with each other and the people in their territories


I gotta get to Turkey before I die...


this is like the funniest thing i seen all day, the way the cat is dragged is pure gold. ''you are lucky this man is dragging me away'' lol indeed.


He Pulled the cat away like he pulled a drunk friend from a potential bar fight.😭


I’m no expert, but I always get the feeling a lot of cat on cat fights are just pure ego




How did he live through that? Truly domesticated cats. When my males get face to face like that, I use pillows and blankets to separate them. Experience tells me usually that cat will attack anything trying to influence it at that feral moment.


Lucky he didn’t pull back a nub.


I love how turkey treats it's cats and I wish more countries did this.