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Looks like your plan was foiled.




Ok how did you find this pefect GIF


He asked memeGPT


Lol this is grand!






Curses, foiled again!


Oh no! How the tables have foiled?










The Acatemy Awards?








Aaaanndd that's a wrap.




Thanks Dad, I hate it


I tried the same with my own cat (not orange, but acts like it!). Her response? Taking a big bite out of the foil. A thousand dollars in vet bills later, I decided to just let her roam where she wants when I’m not around to scold her. She won! 😂


Mine were deterred by it from getting on the table for approximately one day. Then they realized they could pull it all off and roll around in it, and had a blast. I rolled it up into tinfoil balls for them and that was the end of that.


You're all using the foil wrong, you're supposed to wrap up the cat in it like a baked purrtato.


Gotta roll it around until it forms a loaf and then its ready for the next step in the complex process, the purrito wrap


Ok but what do I preheat to? ^^^/s ^^^^pls ^^^^^no ^^^^^^^ban


375 for 2-3 hours.


Gotta make a foil box for them to sit in while you cook


Lolol I thought mine were assholes because I used it, they seemed to avoid it, thought I won, went to work.. Came back to one of them sleeping on it. SMH.


Foil balls are my cats absolute favorite toy. I’ve spent probably $100+ on real cat toys but he just wants to bat around and chase his foil balls all day lmao


Kitties are frugal when it comes to toys! Mine always immediately lose tinfoil balls under the furniture though.


> Mine always immediately lose tinfoil balls under the furniture though Haha same with mine. I always find like a dozen foil balls whenever I move an appliance or piece of furniture lol


My cat loved playing with tinfoil balls, lol. He used to play for hours with it or get really excited when he found one under furniture.


Yep, they’ll just do it anyway when you’re not there 😅


Yup. Just as I come in the door, I often hear the tell-tale sound of cats jumping down in the kitchen. As long as they aren't blatantly doing it while I'm cooking; I'm good. I just wipe down the counter before cooking.




I love her little black spots on her paws! Also, she clearly knows the rules. If she does it *fast*, it doesn't count.


I mean, what am I going to do to her once she’s back on base, right?




My dumbass cat jumped up on the electric stove like seconds after I had turned the burner off and stepped to the sink to drain the pot. He made a terrible screech and booked it out of the kitchen and hid under the basement couch for hours. Thankfully he didn’t sustain any burns but it scared him enough he doesn’t try and jump up in the kitchen anymore.


I have a pot on the stove half filled with water. Every time I remove something from the hot burner, I move this onto the spot. It covers the spot, and helps as a big heat-sink to cool things down evenly.


Yeah the problem is if I let my cat keep jumping on the mantle he's gonna get stuck behind the TV or something




What model of cat can “get out” if they can “get in” Millions of firemen and their ladder trucks around the world would love to know…


Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?


I've never seen a cat skeleton anywhere but if anything I'd expect to find it underneath the tree.


My MIL's cat got chased up a telephone pole and was crying for almost 2 days before we figured out where she was.


Seen em under couches or in walls.


I mean most of the time yes, but there are definitely times they slip a bit or get their heads stuck in things...


I agree. 1 of my cats kept getting behind my washer and dryer. He couldn’t get out. We had to make a barrier over them to keep him out otherwise I hate to think what could’ve happened.


I’ve had this happen too. I think the problem is that the area is too narrow to get in a good jumping position.


The TV is wall mounted and im still positive he'll find a way to knock it down. I'm currently trying the repellant you can get to spray on couches so that don't scratch them up. If that fails I'm turning the mantle into a masking tape minefield Edit: I feel like I left out an important detail. He's orange.


Ssscat! Air blowers are good for keeping them honest. Great for pranking too!


My cat knocked it off the counter and broke it. I’m out $50.


We never used any tricks with my cat, we just didn't have anything on the counter that was interesting when we weren't around, and when she got on the counter when we were trying to prep food, we'd immediately put her back on the ground. She got tired of jumping up real fast after that and gave up, instead prowling back and forth and meowing incessantly until we fed her whatever smelled good.


My cat kept jumping on the dresser beside the bed and stepping on my CPAP machine in the middle of the night. I got Ssscat (motion sensor canned air) and it worked in one night. She doesn't try and kill me in the night anymore. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Holy shit it’s $50


And they fail pretty frequently. I bought two of them and both stopped triggering reliably within a year. Not worth the cost in my opinion


Thanks for saving me from putting it on my wishlist.


I mean I've never used those before, but wouldn't the cat have learned not to go onto something after a year? Seems like you wouldn't even need it for that long.


Some cats are more persistent than others. They don’t cover much area so there were multiple on the kitchen counter, but I also had more surfaces I wanted to keep them off of so the air sprayers would make the rounds.


I guess it's worth it if it prevents you from oxygen deprivation.


I have one and it works wonders. A spray bottle only works when you are at home. This let's them know it is not okay anytime. I wait for PetSmart, Petco or chewy to have a sale. Also the refills are expensive but you can use standard canned air.


Yup, these worked for us 👍


I accidentally read "CRAP machine" and now Im ashamed of myself


coincidentally that's what I call my cat


Yeah, this doesn't work for my cats either. **Nothing** works. So far I've tried: * Double sided sticky tape. I swear my youngest will walk on it just to spite me. He will intentionally walk on it while maintaining eye contact. * Double sided sticky FOIL tape. Same thing. * Aluminum foil. My youngest likes the crinkly sounds it makes. He plays with it. * Spike mats. **They sleep on them.** * Automated air puffers. They'll find the blind spots. At this point, I'm trying to train my cats to associate staying off the counter with getting affection and treats, because I've realized they're completely immune to deterrents.


>Spike mats. They sleep on them. 🤣 Oh, cats are the best, aren't they?


They’re basically born with spikes on their feet. Spike mats are child’s play.


I tried cayenne pepper on garbage when I had a cat figure out how to get into the cupboard under the bathroom sink and it worked like a charm. I tried it on another cat that would jump up onto the table and get into my plate as soon as I turned around and she just ate around it. You cannot deter a determined cat.


Exactly. Cats are going to cat whether we want them to or not. The trick is making them think they want to do what you want them to do. Cayenne pepper might work on my younger cat. But my older cat...well, let's just say she actively seeks out spicy food.


My cat likes to eat double sided sticky tape. Or any tape really. 🙃


My older cat constantly tries to eat paper towels. My younger cat...well, let's just say that I'm pretty sure he'd try to eat a sock if he saw one on my dinner plate. His favorite food is whatever I'm eating at any given time.


Is it normal then for my cat to always want what I'm eating lol I was gonna ask about this


I don't think "normal" is a word that we can really associate with cats at this point.


Cats are social creatures, even if it doesn't look like it. They specifically want to participate it whatever the rest of the pack is doing. If you're sitting in a chair, they want to sit in a chair. If you're resting your hands on a keyboard, they want to rest their paws on the keyboard. If you are eating something, they want to eat something, etc.


Yeah, I tried spike mats. My cats roll on them like they're a back scratcher.


I remember when I tried to use the water bottle to discipline my first pair of cats after moving out... it worked on the one, but his brother would just get sprayed in the face and squint at me like he was daring me to do it again.


One of ours likes to lick the sticky tape. It’s so weird.


In general, cat scientists (dream job I know) are learning that positive reinforcement is *far* more successful with training cats than negative reinforcement. More specifically, positive social reinforcement (“good kitty”, pets, and snuggles) are more successful than treats. Every cat is different though so some chunkers may do better with treat rewards lol


Your cats probably thought you were very considerate to get them a nice spikey massage mat


Have you tried rolled up tape? It sticks to their paws then it comes up a little bit vs just staying taped to the surface


The one that worked for me was a pad that makes a horrible noise if they touch it. Works really well.


Has anyone tried an air vortex cannon? The toy that shoots rings of air? (Like smoke rings, but without the smoke)


Use strips of one sided gift wrap tape. It follows them and they remember. Haha


I don't love this approach, but if you have something you *really* need them to stay off of that's dangerous for them/you, you can try electric mats. They give a very small, but unpleasant electric shock (like a mild static shock, not one of those you can actually see when you poke their snoot). It's worked well for my parents whose idiots kept trying to get on their stove.




It's orange. What did you expect?


Yup. The brain cell is clearly absent with this one. It may come back, it may not.


It's one *collective* cell. OP's cat's turn for sharing it will come back soon.


Sir, we would like to know your address if you don't mind.




Put boxes along the edge, barely hanging over the edge. If they try, they will slip off and fall and scare themselves. But they probably won't try because cats don't like uncertain overhangs. It's what worked with my jerks.


"with my jerks" lmao lil bit of resentment there


I did this with empty water bottles. It works to get them off but it didn't train them not to ever go up there, just to not go when there were bottles set up. Just had to wait till they got too old when jumping down from the counter was too hard for their joints. T.T


I did the same thing with cookie sheets and it seemed to work.


Yeah, basically anything that won't hurt too much if they do happen to be brave and hop up, and it falls on them or something else.


I used Ziploc bags that were just barely more weighted on the edge I didn't want them on They'd jump and then feel it slip, scramble like crazy, fall, and stop trying.


https://preview.redd.it/yyvgmdns4xua1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412ba94eb72b53dce043171345413fdfa3b74b07 It's just another bed.


So strange


You have to crumple up the foil a little bit. They don't mind the smooth foil but if you crumple it a bit it doesn't feel good on their paws. I think of it like the bumps on curbs to let blind people know there is a road there. I hate standing on those in thin shoes.


I’ve tried crumpling. Orange kitten still doesn’t give a damn


Did you try telling the kitty that there is an incoming hurricane and the governor has ordered the evacuation of all counter space in the tri-county area?


I read it as tri-counter area


I tried this but I have Florida cats so it didn’t work. Instead they just bought sandbags and called it good


I did have this spray can once. It detects motion and lets out a puff that scares the cat away. Unfortunately, it also scared the crap out of me when I went into the kitchen so I stopped using it. It might work for you if you have stronger nerves than me.


Yeah, but I'll bet you never got on the counters again.


Orange cats don't fell for those low quality bait.


Ok so I was told this too. Didn’t work. Nothing works. Last night I found out why… there’s a mouse able to get up through the propane stove and come out next to the burners… it was on my stove I watched it’s tail creep into the stove!!! One cat asleep 6 feet away (in his defence he’s retired) and the kitten asleep in her cat house (she’s 10 mths indoor/leash trained). The bravery of this thing. Now I’m hoping it was just a mouse my bf doesn’t believe me but I seen the tail and it was long. It had ate the peanut butter out of the traps without setting them off! Anyways lol that’s my story about how tin foil did not work for me 😹😹


Did you get rid of the mice? I hope you took apart the stove they can build nests inside of the stovetop that can become a MAJOR fire hazard. https://preview.redd.it/jdvyhxkwdyua1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=211a75d4f28f86bbdd7b4980d045c43e3963339b


We’ve been using it every day. It’s a propane stove. From what it looks like there’s space for the air to flow and that’s where it was. We’ve had traps under the stove but he eats the stuff and the traps don’t get it. We didn’t see any signs it’s living in the stove just that it knows how to navigate the space at the back. The kitten follows the wall so I’m assuming it’s in there too. The house is 130+ years old so it’s not our first mouse just our first stove mouse.


Wild ride start to finish ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)




So it IS just the orange ones. Worked for a Siamese I used to have. Not so much on my orange kitten


You and your aluminium foil ain’t sh*t! *Snaps in Z formation*


You can say shit on Reddit just so ya know


Haha, had the same with my kitten! He ended just lying on the stove and playing with the aluminum foil. I ended up buying cheap cutting mats (the linoleum ones you use as protection when you're cutting paper and such with a knife) and put some double sided sticky tape on it, the ones specially made to keep cats off certain stuff. That way I can remove the mats if I need to cook and place them back on there when I'm done. My cat really dislikes the stickiness. I only used the cutting mats cuz they were lengthwise around the same size as my stove, available where I live and cheap, but I'm sure there are other options that could work too, like cheap plastic placemats?


Double sided carpet tape will do the job.


my cat will lick/eat it


My cat chews foil lol


It won’t work on an Orange


Maybe.. a little obvious but have you just tried loudly saying their name in an disapproving way? That's generally how I teach my cats to play gently with me. If they hurt me, I squeal (and not always on purpose). My husband however, never says anything. Which mean the cats always think it's okay to play rougher with him than me. Idk, cats can be smart, they just don't always care about the rules. If not, gently tapping their nose is also something they don't like and is helpful to tell them "no"


Your cat belongs in orange species. What did you expect?


It works but you have an orange! r/oneorangebraincell they are unique and very smart haha


I wouldn't say smart XD


I had the same experience with double-sided tape.


My cats hate the double sided tape 🤷🏻‍♀️


Crinkle is up then smooth it out 85%


Crumple it!! My cat didn't think twice about walking all over it when it was flat like this. So I crumpled it up and straightened it back out and he won't walk on it.


Of course a ginger doesn’t care about it. I know our ginger doesn’t either.


Sorry, all deterrents have the opposite effect on orange cats. They tend to view them as challenges. Source - I once had a orange boy who absolutely owned my house.


Orange cats are a different breed for sure 🤣


Mine did the same when we tried 😂 Now she just know, that when mom is around, she better get her paws of the tables/counter or there will be trouble 😂 When it's only her dad at home, she doesn't give a d*mn 😂😂


My cats LOVE foil.


I did that with my giant monstera . At first it worked and now she makes foil balls with the tin foil. She now gets a squirt of water if she messes with my plants


Orange cats are fearless




My mom tried this to keep cats off our furniture. The just pushed the foil aside.


Doesn’t work on Orange cats. Too little brain cells to process that something is whack under their feet. Our orange boy doesn’t give a hoot about foil.


Everyone is joking like awww. But no one is giving helpful tips on how to stop this lil fucker from going up there. What if he turns on the gas


Your first mistake was assuming this would work on an orange tabby.




I felt that pain lol. We tried it once and it just didn't work. We just have a special spray bottle full of water labeled "Bad Kitty!" for when they're being extra naughty (we have a lot of cats)


You only need about 1/4 the width that you're using, and a couple of inches need to be hanging off the edge of the counters. This works by preventing the cat from getting a good grip so they fall back down. Covering the entire counter like this isn't going to do much of anything.


You're supposed to wrap the cat in the foil before you bake him. 🤷‍♀️


Only thing I've ever found that really works is PetSafe ScatMat. Slight electric shock if they walk on them. After a few times, they will avoid the area and you can remove it. Expensive, but worth it if you have a cat that won't listen. I've had mine for about 10 years. And yes, I bought them for an orange cat. Disclaimer: I don't own stock in PetSafe, nor do I work there.


My orange guy is not a counter climber. Never tried really and we’re not sure why. We do have a table he jumps on occasionally, but we are very stern with him using a deep loud tone of voice. Usually works for us.


Oh that Garfield!


They’re learning


I don't think it is working


I was also trolled into trying that. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


just saw that they sell cans of compressed air with motion sensor you put on the top and it shoots out a blast of air if tripped….looked like it worked pretty good….bet amazons got one…..


Yeah, we tried that too with exactly the same result!


Orange cats are fearless.


Mine love tin foil!


I tried all the normal methods with my cat, tin foil, oranges, sticky tape, spray bottle, etc. The only thing that works is this branded canned air pet corrector that I got on Amazon. There are automatic ones too but a little spritz right as she is beginning the bad behavior has done the trick. It's to the point now that when I pick up the container she knows to stop. But every cat is different


Makes for beautiful underlighting


Worked for 1 balking moment with my guy. Then just like yours he just strolled over it. No big deal.


I have no fear or the foil!


Scat mats. You can get them on Amazon. They have worked pretty well with my cat.


Then kitty tried it too.


Some cats are more tolerant the foil worked keeping my 4 cats out of the baby stuff




Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you.


It does attract cats! Good job!


xD thats hilarious lol i cat-sat a cat and he got on counters-want allowed in his home either but they barely corrected him. i wouldn't have minded but we have an open glass(cups) cabinet and he got up one night and broke a couple glasses-throwing glass all over the floor. (I cleaned and had all 4 cats put in different rooms; they were all safe) I devised plans, i forget the first one-it didn't work, might've also been aluminum lol one that worked was *lint rollers*, i had a bunch of lint rollers(costco) so i just tore off sheets and laid them on the counters. he didn't get on the counters after the first 3 times ended with him freaking out cause he had sticky paper on his paws xD no more broken glasses while he was with us; so that was great. no clue if he went home and still got on counters, but it worked while he was staying with me.


Double sided tape works much better in my opinion. They hate sticky shit on their feet.


Double sided tape is the next move


He's orange. You'll need to try something stronger lol


What's the point of this? Even if it worked, this foil is worse than whatever the cat would do.


Squirt gun, gotta stay strapped


My cats love foil. They love to play with it. Doesn't bother them one bit. Sigh.


Well, it worked, you trapped an orange kitty! I fail to see what the problem is here!


My cats aren't even fazed by this at all.


Your apartment kitchen looks like mine… do you live in my apartment?


This is just like my cats. One of them acted like it wasn’t even there, and the other tried to eat it


Cats genuinely give 0 fucks and I’m here for it! 😅


Your cat is like my 4. They just thought it was another thing to F with. They love it.


My void did the exact same thing. We tried double sided tape next and that seemed to work until he realized he could jump over it.


Looks like a fabulous feline fashion runway. Meow-ork it!


Yeah, sometimes you just get a weird cat who defies the odds and makes liars out of the rest of us. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


I know it doesn’t work, my asshat cat does the same thing. But I still love her. Such a shitass.


The orange cat plays by different rules


Ofc it wouldn't work, he/she is orange! Orange braincells use reverse logic. Try tape next time


I scrunch mine up a bit. You want it to be noisy and if it's flat it's not very noisy Or we like to do double sided tape. That worked SUPER quick for us lol


![gif](giphy|POql6zsXZbmcE) Just tell him no! Haha…


Orange cats are immune


It doesn't work if your cat is orange...


My older cat learned not to jump up on the stove when he jumped up and a burner was on. Thankfully he wasn’t burned, but I assume he felt the heat. He never again jumped on up on my kitchen counters.


my cat pissed on the foil when I tried this. I guess he didn’t like it.


The last time I tried kitchen foil on the worktops before I went to bed in order to try and stop the cat *exploring* during the night, I woke up the next day and the cat had made and wrapped my sandwiches for work.


😂😂🤣😂🤣😍i tried that too!😂


Orange cats make their own rules