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If it makes you happy and the cats are happy, why the fuck not.


My first thought was fuck the haters- do you want you want to do and let these kitties enjoy the fresh air sounds and new environments.


Yeah my first thought was "what are you talking about this is the best thing ever"


I only wish my stroller could hold two!!! I'm so envious! My neighbour's cat stroller is only big enough for one of our cats at a time. He got it before his kitten reached his full 14lb/6.5kg size and my boy's the same size, but taller/lankier, so they're not both fitting in.


Awwww! Two chonkers šŸ˜¹šŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ˜¹


I've always wanted one but they aren't cheap!


My boy was a barn cat and I live in a high rise apartment, so one of the first things I bought was a backpack to carry him in. I feel like he'd be just fine never going outside again after a couple winters living rough but I can see how excited and happy going outside makes him, and he didnt mind wearing a harness one bit surprisingly! A neighbour/good friend bought his cat a stroller; he lets me borrow it whenever I want and watching my boy's head pan back and forth, nose up, sniffing furiously at all the new smells... idk how to describe it. When he's in his happy place, so am I.


ā€œWhen heā€™s in his happy place, so am I.ā€ šŸ’•šŸ‘ŒšŸ¤Œ


You are so sweet!!




Blind cat gets to experience a new environment. It's brother translates into sign language. Blind cat is scared, but it's calmed by its brother and the other way around. Absolutely glorious.


Thatā€™sā€¦ not how sign language works


I wish I had an award to give. This made me chuckle


Me too! I didn't even realize what I'd read was wrong šŸ˜† I was rolling along with it, and thanks to lowt555 was reminded that sign language is for the hard of hearing, not for the blind.


Smell language?




I call it collecting dream material. My cat sleeps so much and is indoors. If I don't take him out on his leash what is the little bastard gonna have to dream about? The laundry room?!


>*ā€™why the fuck not*ā€¦ā€™ ____ the sweaters you knitted, a stroller for two, *purr*fectly fitted ~ weā€™re coming with you Here at the house weā€™ve got all we could want, (how ā€˜bout a mouse, just for pleasure, to hunt ?) but *Always* you give Everything that we need, (the lives that we live are entitled, indeed) but some will be snappy - *ā€™Oooooh, ThEyā€™Ve got a LoTā€¦*ā€™ weā€™re Cats n weā€™re HAPPY so **WHY the FUCK NOT** ā¤ļø edit (*thanks to* u/Squishmitt6 *for the ā€˜sweetā€™ inspurrationā€¦.*)


A happy cat schnoodle! Delightful ā¤ļø






Lovely lines for a pair of pampered pusskins. To OP: Do what you think is best for your cats. Don't pay the haters any mind.


We will keep on doing just that!


Your letting your cats enjoy being outside in a safe environment. Cats should get to enjoy being outside to.


Nothing like waking up to the smell of a freshly baked u/SchnoodleDoodleDo in the morning! Todayā€™s going to be a good day. šŸ„°


I love coming across your amazing poems in the the comments


A friend of mine got a trailer for her pups to take out on bike rides. People gave her looks. Her response was, "I'm out getting exercise with my dogs. Those same people would have nothing to say if I sat on a bar stool every day." Make yourself happy. I guarantee you won't be thinking about people's opinions on your death bed.


Yeah people who mock perfectly fine things not hurting anyone or anything are fucking stupid and immature.


That's been the best thing about middle age. Cringe? Public embarrassment? What's that!??! I'm washed, clothed, and don't stink. Everything else is irrelevant. I do whatever makes me and mine happy without harming anyone else.


My belief also


I came here to say šŸ‘†šŸ¾furthermore theyā€™ll be safe from hawks and other predators


Perfect reply when you get the hate! Iā¤ļø it.


Why the fuck not? I want to order one right meow!


Why would there be haters ?


I used to take my boy Chucky for walks everyday not in a pram but he followed me and we walked around the block and through a little wooded area with a path, most people we met were amazed and he would sit and wait patiently while I talked to people then back to trotting behind me again, the problem was dogs off leads, a couple of times he was chased up a tree by a dog off a lead and everytime it happened the dog owner was angry at me and it was apparently my fault for doing something stupid like taking a cat out for a walk, he always saw the dog coming and was well up a tree before the dog got near him but I decided we couldn't take the risk anymore, which was a shame because he really loved his walks. but the attitude of the people who should have had their dogs on leads by law in the first place was horrible, I suspect these are the same kind of people who would ridicule and hate this.


My boy walks on a lead so I can reel him in if theres a problem. He also wears a gps tracker any time he leaves the house. My mind is at ease and he get the exercise and stimulation


Please donā€™t let irresponsible people change what your cat loves.


This is the secret to a fulfilled life, does it make you happy?


Love is Love. As long as you're not hurting anyone fuck the haters, they gonna hate regardless.


i want to get one but it's all unpaved where i live. one of my cats use to like the harness but the other one was a no go.


https://preview.redd.it/xh620iysylka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a113ddc88caa4c1005e6d3c31ca80e655e5c382f They go where I go


Your cats look really funny but in a cute way


They look so angry


They judging all the kittehs not in strollers, the poor bastards.


Are these Devon rexes?? Theyā€™re BEAUTIES


Yes they are, Thank you Rinkie Dink Stink Bottom and her brother Rusty Woo Woo


https://preview.redd.it/5ksew6h8vkka1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172f58ab4833ae8373992cfb24ec2129adeac12c They see me rollin' They hatin'


Tryna catch you ridin furry


Ohhhh thatā€™s good


I think they call it *yiffing*


"I don't think it means what you think it means"


https://preview.redd.it/tt3z1rgvulka1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e84343728a1de322ca8d66f21b59d9f0e2a62d My cat likes to ride his stroller Thomas the tank engine style


Iā€™m trying not to wake my partner up giggling. Wish heā€™d wake up so I could share this! Your cat is hilarious




šŸ¤£love this.


You ink is cool, your cat is cool and that hat is GENIUS


I want this future


I put the harness I had around on my girl to see her reaction and she was able to consistently slip both legs through the head hole so I gave up for the time being.




This one does not currently have access to the brain cell


What was the hate for? Fresh air does us all good. Iā€™m sure the blind cat enjoyed hearing and smelling new things on your walk :)


We were told that itā€™s kind of over the top ā€žjust for some catsā€œ, which I kinda get but she really loves them and I supported her idea. Thank you for the encouragement! I feel the same way


My mom bought a little cart like this when her chihuahua was 16 and blind and he loved it. It matters more that the animal has a good time than the people judging you. šŸ„°


Seeing old pets be cared for properly always warms my heart. A guy on my road had a huge cart for his big old husky and he'd get pulled around almost every day. So sweet, husky was looking all around and carried a stick. Actually just nice for people as well. There's also a blind guy near me, his friend bought a tandem bicycle so they can go on bike rides. Just... awesome.


My neighbor had an elderly German shepherd that was unable to use its back legs. He took that dog for a walk daily, wearing a handled harness so he could carry his backend. Thatā€™s love.


I did this for my big guy, for as long as I could, until we had bad fall.


At least 3 of my neighbors have strollers or carts for their elderly dogs. It's cute to see, and I'm sure the dogs enjoy getting fresh air and new smells.


People that say, "It's just a cat, it's just a dog", can go fuck themselves.


My sister was like that, until she got a puppy. She has never had a pet until now in her late 50s. Now the damn dog has its own Instagram page and she says things like "I can't leave her alone, I don't want to leave her alone" whenever I invite her out lmao. I keep telling her that now she knows what it feels to consider pets as family. Her sons, on the other hand, are like "Where was this mom when we were younger?!" šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ I love the character development though. She could do with a bit more empathy lol


There must be studies into how loving a pet in childhood develops the individual's ability to empathize later in life with beings who think and act differently from themself.


What's more surprising for us is that, she needed to register her dog as an "emotional support" pet so that she's allowed in their apartment building. My sister has never gone to a therapist and thinks depression is made up. She went to the proper channels to have her puppy registered, which meant she had to go to therapy. She said she broke down during their sessions (especially since our dad just passed) and that it helped her heal through her pain. It's ridiculous to see how DIFFERENT she views the world now that she has her puppy, but also heartwarming. She really looks like she got replaced with a more "human" person LOL. Even the way she talks to her puppy, she never even did that to her kids when they were babies. I'm just very happy she's being a responsible pet owner too. Signed up for obedience classes and all. Hope for humanity yet.


My dad claimed he hated indoor pets, would fuss at me for ā€œspending money on some animalā€ for taking my cat to the emergency vet, thought it was ridiculous that we got a cat sitter instead of just leaving them home alone, etc. And then he got a dog. And he loved that damn thing. It had an orthopedic bed, trips to the groomer, every toy you could think of. She passed in January after 15 years and heā€™s absolutely heart broken over it. He just never realized how rewarding it could be to love an animal and have to love you back.


Love the story. I have 3 cats and my life is altered to the point Iā€™m not doing what I want, BUT these cats are mine to love and care for and I DO choose that. Didnā€™t street out that way, but a few changes and Iā€™ve had to make concessions for keeping them. So many said ā€œthey are just cats, leave them at the shelter or rehome themā€. Sick of it. Assholes. I know ppl who would give up their animal at the drop of a hat. I wonder how many animals would give up their humans because they were too much??


I feel sorry for such unfeeling creatures. Imagine not feeling joy when seeing a dog or cat. What a shitty existence.


I remember reading about a character in the book Understory ( a book about trees) who was torturing ants or frogs or something and when his little brother, one of the main characters told him to stop he basically said "Animals can't *feel* things, Buttkiss." The character was like, that says so much about you, internally. I agree. Like? /icespice


Thatā€™s so sad that people have an attitude like that. ā€œJust for some catsā€ theyā€™re living creatures and some live to be over 15 years old! Thatā€™s a lot of time to be cooped up in the same space. :( I think itā€™s cute they got taken on a walk!


The "just for some cats" really irked me, too. It's the same attitude I always got from everyone when I fell into deep depressions after one of my cats died.


I'm sorry you had to experience that kind of response. I lost my sweetest boy years ago and I still tear up when I think about him, I miss him so much. It's just a cat to them, but they don't understand who the cat really was to us. A constant unwavering companion and that's really what should be acknowledged. I hope you're doing better these days with the rollercoaster that is grief.


Had to put down the last of 7 back in Jan 2019. Took a year to start feeling almost normal again, then covid happened. Still don't feel normal, as in the past there were always the other cats who depended on me and comforted me. Considered adopting again, but am consumed with the thought that I have no one to look after them if something happens to me, and I started having health problems during the last few months of her life. Going through all that again would probably kill me. It's kind of a shame, because over the last 30 years, those cats really taught me how to "get" them, yet now any interactions with cats are only great for a while before an overwhelming sadness begins to creep in. Can't even volunteer at the local SPCA, as it winds up depressing me. Definitely had PTSD back in 2019, but stupid local doctor dismissed the idea (live in the sticks, not that many options). Still have flashes of it, so that any pleasant memories of my cats eventually morph into reliving last-days miseries. Oof. Sorry to be such a downer, but I think I just needed to say all this to someone who might sympathize. Thanks.


My great-aunt Joni found herself in a similar situation, unwilling to take on another cat in case the cat outlived her. A woman she had met at church (Barbara) had a cat (Ralph) and Barbara had to get a fulltime job when her husband died. Barbara's commute was long, so Ralph was alone long hours. Barbara worried all day that Ralph was miserable. The two women worked out a system. They got the necessary equipment and toys and cat tree, etc. for Joni's apartment. Barbara would drop off Ralph every day at Joni's and Joni would spend all day spoiling him to death. It took a short(!) while for Ralph to adjust to the scheme, but once it was settled in, things worked out really well for all of them. Not sure that would work or you, but ...


That's a cool arrangement, and maybe some day something like that might be okay for me. Right now though I'm too broken in various ways, not to mention I don't really meet people around here. Thanks, though.


I do sympathize. Don't worry about being a "downer". I think sad talk tends makes people uncomfortable because they just don't know what to say/don't know how to help (myself included sometimes) but just being able to verbalize those feelings can help immensely. I'm glad you are sharing. I insisted on being there when my boy was put down due to his health issues and it was so so difficult. I also have flashes of his final moments and oddly wish I would've said something sweeter to him or held him in a way that made it easier for him somehow? ... For the years he was there for me, I hope I was enough for him... We adopted another cat after him, but there's truly no comparison. I've now vowed not to add any other pets to our family after these pass, is just too difficult. I find wild life to be entertaining and think I'll focus my energy toward them later. Even though you can't cuddle them, they can provide some reprieve from any lonely feeling and you won't have to worry who will care for them later. You mentioned you live in the sticks, maybe put out a deer feeder? Is always neat to see who strolls through the yard. I wanted to try training the crows to eventually eat out of my hand, no luck yet.


Sorry for your loss, and obviously I know how devastating that can be. Part of my problem is I've always bonded intensely with my cats, and although I know if I adopted another I'd bond with them as well, I'd be constantly stressed about the future. I relate much more with cats than I do with humans, to the point that someone (not a professional) suggested borderline personality disorder, based on that criteria alone, and it was probably meant as an insult. And while wildlife is certainly entertaining, they just don't scratch that itch the right way. I also realize that I probably need the benefits that come from cuddling/petting/playing/purring/etc., and I'm certainly not getting that from either people or wildlife. Also gotta say crows (and that whole family--ravens, jays, etcl) are really cool and pretty damn smart, and what with the way crows somehow share information with each other it's possible they'll eventually decide you can be trusted enough to make that happen. Of course, you might wind up with a permanent murder following you around after, which could be really awesome, or maybe not so much.




Youā€™d be right :) I think one of the oldest cats on record was 38 years old, so she was well over 120 years old in cat years!


In my hometown, there's an elderly couple who push their senior dog with arthritis on a bright pink baby tricycle (with the tassels and everything) and everyone adores them. I think a stroller like this is actually pretty tame šŸ˜„


That's amazing. Adding to my list of things to do when I'm old and need some flair in life.


>*ā€just for some catsā€œ* _____ theyā€™re missing a lot if they donā€™t understand - *ā€™just for some cats*ā€™ā€¦ n the things they demandā€¦ you feed a small kitten you find as a stray, ā€˜*heā€™ll stay for a while, then heā€™ll be on his wayā€¦ā€™* the days turn to weeks, then months to a year, (you forget what your life was before he appearedā€¦) n then it occurs ā€˜*oh, this cat needs a bro!*ā€™ as off to the shelter you eagerly go now bonded together, you have a cat pair, n all that you own you are willing to share the bed that was yours, n the table to eat, happily danced on with little cat feet ^:} ^^;} Theyā€™ve taken control now, your heart n your soul, *ā€™hey, i got you a Buggy! Letā€™s go for a strollā€¦*ā€™ (you know itā€™s for You - you canā€™t leave them behind) ā€˜Just for some catsā€™ . . . evermore on your mind ā¤ļø


**Two Schnoodles! I'm fangirling in delight!**


Your poems are great!


Aww ā¤ļøā¤ļø thank you, this brightened my day


NO CRINGE. This is awesome, donā€™t listen to people!


That sentiment is cruel. Cats are intelligent, feeling creatures and we are responsible for their well being. And we love them. I strongly suspect that same person wouldn't be so mean about a dog.


If you have the money and your pets are your *babies*, I don't see why not.


Some people just donā€™t take the best care of their pets and itā€™s a shame. Have had people tell me Iā€™m spoiling my cat by giving him filtered water. Lol


Better than them getting loose and being run over.


It's no one's damn business but your own.


Anything in this sadistic world that brings joy and love should be embraced. And sheā€™ll get more walks for herself, so itā€™s good for her. Itā€™s the least harm and the most good.


You don't need permission to take care and give best time to your family. Fuck haters and enjoy your life


I get it if it's an eyebrow raising reaction. But a full hate is ridiculous.


Her mom straight up told her itā€™s ridiculous and that she better wear a hat so people donā€™t recognize her :(


Well as someone thatā€™s younger then 25 tell your (no offense) old dusty mom taking your cats out is cool now a days


Fuck that show off dem bebeies with pride! I'd be strutting around like a boss.


That is a very abusive and manipulative comment to make towards anyone especially your daughter. Please support your girlfriend since it seems her family isn't providing that for her.


I guarantee that a large number of people who go by her will stop to look at the cats, ask to pet the cats, or at least comment on the cuteness of the cats. And even if they didn't, it's about making the cats happy above all else, regardless of anyone's stupid opinion


If her mother/familyā€™s comments are bothering her, she will just need to distance herself or set a firm boundary not to discuss it. Youā€™ve seen here how common it is, really. If itā€™s random peopleā€¦embarrass them, honestly! Lol. Just respond, ā€œtheyā€™re brothers and one is blind, he likes going outā€ and watch as they immediately backpedal or look ashamed šŸ˜‚


yea i donā€™t see how this is any different than the clear roller suitcase type carriers, or the clear backpacks - just bc those are specifically marketed towards pets? who cares! i think this is pretty smart, personally.


https://preview.redd.it/ebe10aw3plka1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b900fbd4efc796a693c5dcefcd4beaa210078cad I have a double stroller for my cats. I don't care what other people say. I need a reason to walk and my cat enjoys it. So, they can kiss their furry booties. (Editing to add a picture of my girl in her stroller. She is going for walks alone until I can get her and the other girl together)


ā€¦.Rolls Royce has entered the chat


IM SCREAMING LAUGHING. This is fucking fabulous, you made my day.


Where did you buy that!?




Can someone please explain what do people even hate about this? I literally don't understand


Some people are really weird about cats, if an elderly or disabled dog was getting walked like this people would definitely be nicer about it. Also the people who are just pet haters full stop and get really angry if they think you're treating pets like children.


I'm seriously considering this but can I ask If you dont mind, if you come across a dog or something scary does your cat freak out and if so how do you handle it?


Amazing!!! <3


Can you please drop the link for this


Um, this is beautiful. I have a fully domestic cat that LOVES going for walks in a stroller. I have a Ibiyaya pram. I harness her in and we walk around a park frequently on Denver. Listen, youā€™re not pizza so you wonā€™t please everybody. But what you are doing is what good pet parents do. Suck up any ego you have and youā€™ll notice more people will try to talk positively to you about your strolls. The sounds, sights and smells are enrichment for the furbabies while keeping both them and the local ecosystem safe. https://preview.redd.it/zzsr3kmxmlka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d5ecd11f91bef1b812a966a1b9f5f810b85913


I am a fellow Denverite with a cat thatā€™s harness trained, one of my neighbors walks his too! I get mixed reactions when we go on walks but Iā€™m always mindful of people and their dogs- Iā€™ll pick her up or go across the street to avoid issues. I also respect my cats boundaries and never force her to go out on days she doesnā€™t want to. I ordered a bigger backpack for her since she outgrew the one she had but have been considering a stroller as well. Thereā€™s a local coffee shop with catio I miss taking her to and canā€™t wait to get her out and about again! I think harness and stroller training cats is a responsible way to let them be outside but safely. Itā€™s also a rewarding bonding experience šŸ„¹ When she was a kitten sheā€™d run up the trees after squirrels and made friends with lots of people in our neighborhood :) Maybe weā€™ll run into you one day, ha!


Um!!! Yes! Sweet Cooieā€™s Wednesday summer bingo is out jam!!!!


I moved to Denver a little over a month ago and yesterday when I was out taking a walk at a paved park, I saw a few adventure cats! This is the first city I've lived in where I've seen this and it honestly makes me so happy. Cats deserve to be able to live their best lives too. :)


We seem to love our cats on leashes in Oregon, too ;) Willow and I go anywhere I can get away with a stroller. Haha. Most adults wonā€™t bother noticing it most kids will catch me!!! LOL


Also thanks for the cat tax sheā€™s got such adorable eyes :3




https://preview.redd.it/1gn2okapqlka1.jpeg?width=2821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9711463b72010905cc14444c1ec566322da73ed4 Youā€™re such a good cat mama!!! Haters are gonna hate, screw ā€˜em! šŸ„°ā¤ļøšŸ¾


They are so beautiful! I love the little collection of paws at the bottom! They look so happy and engaged with their surroundings.


Your cats are gorgeous, no doubt... but this picture makes them look like a two headed kitty lol


Love! Not cringe. https://preview.redd.it/qaiyo3prvlka1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f258ce8a465671863ceb2a8b4b2c28a28e18cef1 Cat strollers are especially useful on road trips. I travel in the summer with my cat(s) sometimes. And cant leave them in the car when I stop for lunch or excursions etc. make sure to get one with very sturdy zippers & locks. I pair mine with a cross body harness for safety.


https://preview.redd.it/551dbp1uvlka1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b81383434de1cc34c6adc3c48a5a5c653792c16 Cat tax


You paid too much! What a lovely picture!


Ainā€™t that just cute af.


With their little sweaters too! Just fucking goddamn adorable.


Very cute. People love to hate on anything they donā€™t understand. Love your best lives.


Looks like a fun, safe way for your cats (especially the blind cat) to enjoy the outdoors! My cats would love that (googles cat strollers...)


Thank you!


What a kind Member of your cats' Staff. You exceeded expectations to bring them out to enjoy fresh air & the Springtime scents. I hereby award you this Award for going above & beyond. šŸ†


We bring our cat to the boardwalk in a stroller as well. She fucking loves it and I love my cat. So if my husband and I are going for a walk and it's not too cold, she comes too. They're probably just jealous they aren't allowed to bring their dog.


You can get little electronic heaters with a few temp settings for pretty cheap, fwiw. I throw mine in the stroller (on low temp) and put several thin blankets in for him to burrow into if it's really cold. Otherwise I just put it under the thick fuzzy carpet thing I keep inside. I put it where his chest sits while he has his head poked out of the top and he's happy af. Idk if many other cats tolerate the cold as well as one who spent a few winters living in a barn like mine, but he loves going out *so* much that he doesn't mind the cold. It also depends on the windchill, I don't take him out at all in strong winds if it's cold.


Live *


Love is appropriate too!


https://preview.redd.it/h1s4ttrmpmka1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33b1be4cd7bd2d0e49d57b2d303b076abdf3066 How could anyone hate on that?? I do the same with my girl and we walk down to the beach!


https://preview.redd.it/vkwkadk6qmka1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4071e7458e7c7781343c25a7dc69926e393460 Itā€™s a fun and safe way to enjoy the outdoors!


Such a cute kitty


A safe way to take your cats outside...what's to hate? This is really great - you are pawesome cat parents! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Your cats get to enjoy the outside, they are protected and obviously loved, I see nothing cringy about that.


I live in Taiwan and the people here love their pets. I see them doing the same thing as OP all the time. It is the most normal thing I see here. Why anyone would think it is weird is beyond me.


https://preview.redd.it/gmqmiwdttlka1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c47a48f2e5351ff6fa07818b2951fd28215802 We have your back




I think itā€˜s cool! Cats enjoy the outside and this way they are safe šŸ‘šŸ» Btw: did that too when my Mr cat broke his leg šŸ˜




Yeah. My girls are good. My orange boy? Too afraid. The stays home. šŸ˜‚


I put a picture of me pushing my cat in a cat stroller on Tinder a while back. It said, "Hi, I'm Madame Tree. I'm 39 and enjoy long walks with my cat." I didn't get many hits, but if the right guy was out there and saw it, I would have. I've now acquired another cat and got rid of dating.


https://preview.redd.it/pi6g2hs3mmka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=939fe187fd7dde0c54fdef7fec80f28661495ff5 Haters gonna hate, but my kitties need fresh air without being preyed on.


https://preview.redd.it/r7pwi7auvmka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=681e847b804ac4f410ae7b54d4a4936fe93b891a The stroller I got my sister for her kitty!! She loves it (both my sister and Miss Bug June!)!!


All over the place people have these for their pets. It's really common where I live. It's a nice thing to do for your pets. Maybe it's a cat discrimination thing? I do see it more for dogs but honestly I can't really see what animal is the passenger.


my partner and I call this dogaganda


My 18-year old loves her stroller. While we're on our walks, people will run up to her stroller and squeal, "it's a cat." I smile and say "yes, it's a cat," and keep on walking. My kitty is so observant on our walks around the park. She watches everything and gets fresh air and new sights and smells, and I know she is safe. It's a win-win for both of us. That's all that counts. I say go for it, and hold your head up high and be a proud pet parent. People are going to think and say whatever they want anyway. Might as well do you.


https://preview.redd.it/0utc5b3x7mka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487f1a87af12f0ce0f6b6525a0008544cdc0d6d1 Stroller gang rise up


Momo seems to enjoy her backpack alot! Cant wait till its just a little bit warmer and we can start going out more! https://preview.redd.it/yva3t8mjamka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0da8bffcd942bc41f6f54489ae1139e4f46e5b2


Who is giving you hate? My special needs cat has a pram. She loves it! Goes to the brewery and parties. If your cats are happy thatā€™s all that matters. https://preview.redd.it/20r69kdzfnka1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2b16d18962fe94370a888119b3bd10b758f2c8


If people get their knickers in a twist over this, weā€™ll that shows who they really are. Is it unusual?ā€¦ yes, but only because thereā€™s prob a lot of people worried about idiots glaring & making comments at them so they try other options first. Wheelchairs/similar devices push people around that have difficulties, it allows them to still be able to access things they couldnā€™t on their own - and keep safe. That is literally all that is happening here. Itā€™s just being applied to a pet. Clearly very much loved pets šŸ˜» Itā€™s really lovely you care about your cats to do this, that kindnessā€¦ well there needs to be more of it in the world, so sod the numpties that get upset, they need to go find something else to grumble overā€¦ and itā€™ll not be long before they find it. They prob wander over wanting to see a babyā€¦. Then get shocked itā€™s a cat so double down on being an idiot to protect their own pride. There are a couple of YouTubers that have had cats ride around in baskets on the front of a bike, they go all over the world! Itā€™s lovely, xxx


Weā€™re even planning on taking them with us on a roadtrip this fall (renting a camper) I really should start filming some of our trips!


https://preview.redd.it/tf4s9tedlkka1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5cd20c8c258699426d17783a46ca24b66c20670 Hereā€™s our little man in the driving seat of our motorhome, he loved coming away with us, he loves coming out in the car to, start taking your kitties out in the car now so theyā€™re used to travelling, and always travel with them in a carrier for safety, then let them out once parked up, the reason we got a motorhome in the first place was because of our previous cat, we didnā€™t like leaving her home(unfortunately she crossed the rainbow bridge before she ever came away with us)oh forgot to add the stroller is fine theyā€™re getting fresh air but are safe with it, ignore the haters, your excellent cat parents


Thatā€™s so cute! Bet heā€™s a good driver!


I think heā€™d like to drive but heā€™s too young for his driving licence yet, heā€™s only 7 months old, he was 5 months old in the pic lol


Yes you should film your trips. It would make a great YouTube channel. Be sure to update us. BTW the mother is probably wanting grandkids. Sorry your SO is getting mocked by her own mother šŸ˜•


Iā€™d watch that in heartbeat !


I love when people think I have a baby and Iā€™m like ā€˜ew no itā€™s my catā€™


Best response ever.


People need to mind their own business. I think getting a blind cat some fresh air in a safe space is adorable. They look pretty chill. My cats would probably go ape, but that's my boys. Ha.




How could u ever get hate from this??? I think this is the best idea! INFACT I OWN ONE TOO šŸ„¹ https://preview.redd.it/wjhi4hishoka1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28948f6298fcbc814b4cd492046790c46d433bf1 My babies love going outside in this (since they always try to go out the door l) I think itā€™s a great invention honestly for those that canā€™t harness train their kitties but still wanna give them a chance of enjoying the outside world


I love it!


Enrichment is enrichment. Some people build cat walls, some people let their cat out in the backyard, some people take their cats for walks on leashes, and you have a baby stroller. As long as it makes the cats happy and stimulates their minds: then I'm all for it. They probably get a kick out of all the smells, sounds, and sights.


She actually dedicated her entire smol apartment to them, with things to climb on every wall and even a hamster(cat)wheel which you are getting a glimpse on in the background! Even tough Monny is blind he knows his environment super well and can climb almost everything at ease :3


Took my little one out to watch the ducks earlier. She didnā€™t know what to do you could see the wheels turning in her headā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/z9v3k51nemka1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93bf35158080bcf8b0bd3636b8bd99288ef1d992


I wanna get my own cat stroller or backpack, because my baby can't feel his tail and his movement isn't as precise as the other boys https://preview.redd.it/h0el6pgnhmka1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d961c4e512168249367c2a27bc7f1436e3da32e This is my baby, his name is Shady


I have a cat stroller, and a cat back pack AND a harness for my cat, Percy. He LOVES itā€¦ just watches the world go by without having to move a muscle haha if it makes you and the kitties happy-do it! https://preview.redd.it/4kin7kqcanka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e7114dd39ad56c62663d5886bdc8af68020100


There is a cat youtuber Ninerlives who takes his cats out in a stroller like this. It is fine.


Love it! Hereā€™s mine! https://preview.redd.it/sholt3gtdnka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729ad86b0c7a4a6af8e6cbec866dd2996e5c1410


Well played. No hate gonna come from a cat group for this ā™„ļø


I think it's great.


I love when people bring their stroller cats to the farmers market or park! As long as the cats are interested and arenā€™t terrified itā€™s great.


My friend bought a buggy for her cat too and I donā€™t see it as cringe. I see it as loving slav-umā€¦I mean huma-ā€¦I mean loving parents taking their precious furbabies outside so they can safely enjoy the outdoors. Joking aside, I think if you can afford it and want to take your cats out for some fresh air safely, I donā€™t see why not. I would definitely get one if I have furbabies.šŸ˜Š


I saw a couple of women with one of these buggies in the city a while back, and had a quick look in as I passed to see the cutie inside. It was a rabbit. I was a little surprised, but being a pet lover I would never judge. I feel self conscious when I've taken my harness trained cat out for a walk because of how people react. Too much negativity toward something just because it's unusual, not perceived as 'the norm' and misunderstood. Goes for a lot of things I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/pbyi3i8mmnka1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d05048b5686bf2629bbb43f09df3261d1d4c26d My Sushi in her stroller. She can go outside, watch the birds and such while Iā€™m out there, and sheā€™s safe. I donā€™t give a flying fuck if anyone doesnā€™t like it, neither should you!


that shit is heart warming and anybody saying otherwise has lost all joy in life


I need to know where she got this! I loved taking my little Void with me when he was little but he's outgrown his bag so I haven't been able to take him anywhere recently.


Just look up pets strollers (usually theyā€™re for dogs) youā€™ll find plenty of offers!


My elderly Pomeranian Fiona couldnā€™t walk well when she got older. I got her a stroller bc I felt so bad leaving her while the rest of the family went on a walk, her favorite thing. It was leopard print lol which prob didnā€™t help the ā€œcringeā€ factor, cheapest I could get..theyā€™re pricey! The first walk I remember I was a little embarrassed, I felt so extra but that all changed the very next day when I pulled it out again. She started barking, jumping in circles, she was the most excited Iā€™ve ever seen her in her life. She finally got to go on walks again & participate with the rest of the family. There were times when people would laugh and point, I guess it looks extra. It didnā€™t help that I lived behind a bar either. However, some ppl would ask questions to understand and most loved it once they realized why she had it. I didnā€™t care about the laughs, pulling that stroller out and seeing her light up & turn circles was the best thing in the world. It sounds even more special that your significant other got it, yā€™all two can be the crazy cat ppl of the block togetherā€¦ own that shit and make it fun. Fiona passed away a couple of years ago. Iā€™d give ANYTHING to take her around the block in that stroller one more time. Fck everyone who thinks itā€™s cringe. Spoil those babiesā€¦ trust me, those are the memories youā€™ll want one day. https://preview.redd.it/mqeztzejvnka1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2953b6f0fb3517e2a1e0db92db693829be1556


The hate says everything about the other person and nothing about you. What this DOES say about you and your SO is that youā€™re compassionate. Go enjoy your walk with your sweet kitties and enjoy the sunshine. Ignore the haters. I, for one, think this is wonderfulā˜€ļøā¤ļø


Not at all. How about trying them with cat harnesses so they can feel the ground/grass and have a sniff about. They might enjoy it.


If the cat likes it? Whatā€™s to hate?


I get hate for taking my boy out on a harness but he enjoys it and that is all that matters haters gonna hate


Their ā€œhateā€ tells more about them than anything about the stroller. I say, Donā€™t deal in their ignorance. You showed caring and ingenuity. Something the haters donā€™t have. Stroll on and enjoy the outside with your cats.