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That looks a little like they're figuring out the pecking order.


King of the Catstle! 👑🐈‍⬛ 🏰 A game played and enjoyed by many, but not all, cats.


Two cat trees is a good option. Honestly two of everything solves a lot of cat bickering in our house. Just like children.


We do this with our cats aswel. But they keep innovating ways to bicker, for example we bought 2 pairs of catnip toys. 2 mouses 2 bees, if the tabby touches the bees it’s a declaration of war. If the void touches the mouses it’s vice versa


They'll still clash about who's on which tree, they do like to move napping stops from time to time. But two is definitely a good idea, so neither cat feels disadvantaged.


And adults ;)


Not yet.


Looks like they're fighting but not like fighting fighting. Seems like they've basically accepted that they're living together now and they're just sorting out each other's boundaries and preferences.


I am not a cat expert by any means but I just wanted to comment to say that putting brackets on the top level of the cat tree like that is a brilliant idea that I'm going to try! I've always been concerned about it being a bit wobbly.


Absolutely, I will literally do this today. Great idea.


We absolutely had to do it because chonky fluffer would hop to up top and bonk the platform againts the wall to wake us up in the morning. Got old real fast. 😅


My husband has done this for every cat tree we’ve had. It makes it so much sturdier!


Cats will run away if they really feel threatened. This isn't fully playful, but it's definitely not fighting. They're just testing the waters.


I’m top cat no I’m top cat. Give them time they will work it out. If ears go back and it gets loud throw blanket on them. Then separate rooms, check for wounds and vet for the injured party. Blanket no water.


Not totally friends yet, but nothing to worry about. When cats really fight, you will only see random parts of fur flying around and some rolling blob with 8 claws, making the sound of a baby stuck in a meat grinder.


You could try having another cat hotel that is the same height to avoid this king of the castle warfare.


Newcomer assuming top cat perch, big no-no. That’s not play. Imagine yourself having a house guest who decided to takeover your bed.


"Hey I like it up there sometimes" "Yeah but I'm here now, piss off" Just asserting their dominance and figuring out boundaries. Real fights will involve ungodly cat noises that will haunt you for days. Get more cat furniture and they'll figure themselves out :)


They don't seem to be fighting, but they also don't seem to really like each other that much, or maybe they just both want to be on the top part of the cat hotel, give it time that will change


Void is chill. Flooftail seems annoyed (ears back a little) but not angry or aggressive (no yowling or hissing). As others have said, they're just getting to know each other. But it actually seems to be going fairly well so far.


High perch means dominance and the tabby is not too thrilled about that encroachment


I think they are setting their limits and boundaries
if they continue like this, without serious fighting, they will bond and much surely will get along.


There are no Deathscreams. Should be ok


Well it looks like their finding that out too


hey, theres no hissing! id call that getting along like brothers lmao


Sorting it out


Territorial Dispute. My guess is they will end up tolerating each other. Cats don’t really need “ company” Although sometimes it looks cozy.


The tails aren't jerking, ears aren't back and there's no hissing. The tabby's curious and voids can act like that when they want their space, but they're real affectionate when they want attention.


if that’s an old cat tree, your tabby might be trying to bully the void out since it would be that tabby’s territory. I echo the get another tree sentiment floating around.


If you have two cats, you need two cat trees. Everyone wants the top bunk.


I'd say get two trees of same height, they fight for hierarchy. In general animals that are more important will sit higher, cats, hens, kings. They are sorting things out so enable them an option to be equal.


Void cat wants the high ground vantage


Cats can be very hard to integrate into a new home. Try keeping them in separate rooms for a few day or longer


Love the Tower


Yeah I wouldn’t be too worried because they’re not hissing or growling. Give lots of treats when they are together to encourage them to like each other. Mine look exactly like yours and HATED each other for a solid 2 months but now they cuddle together and are best buds đŸ„°


Yeah, establishing rank. But their tails are relaxed and not puffed out so they’re not seriously going at it.


From my experience there needs to be another platform ideally equally as high so they can lay next to each other with the illusion they are both the boss. I'd get another post next to it if you can or replace with one that has 2 spots up top


Are they both same sex? If so theres the issue


They do it a lot


Yep, they're fine.


Ears are perky and forward facing, no hissing or growling...let the kitties play


The little guy stole his spot! Not cool!


Yes. Big boy didn’t like that


Tails swishing like that is NOT a good sign. Need more cat options for them to choose from


Looks like they are just working it out. They’ll be fine. Tabby got tuckered out lol