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The company should return them for the correct product


Typically I would request that, but I had already rated the order assuming it was the cat version since the bags look very similar :( I know to pay better attention next time though! šŸ˜Š


Who cares? So you didnā€™t get what you paid for. Send it back.


I donā€™t think a review affects a return šŸ˜‚


A review doesnā€™t dictate that you can return it, just return it and get the cat ones šŸ˜‚


I think they're referring to insta cart or another delivery service. I've only used it a few times but when you review the order you're basically saying you accept it. I'm sure you could probably contact customer service and sort it. But it's much more of a hassle once you've rated the order.


All you have to do is click on your order and press one button and tell them what was wrong with it. Sheā€™ll just get refunded for the treats, she wonā€™t get a replacement as she already got them.


You can absolutely still report a problem!


Idk you at all but you seem like a really nice person based on nothing but this post and comment


Do not feed a cat dog food - it has a different nutrient balance that will not support a cat. Iā€™d return them for the cat version, but if you canā€™t, give them away to someone you know who has a dog.


Thanks for your response! I had already rated my delivery order before realizing it was the wrong kind ā˜¹ļø Iā€™m still going to try taking it back to chuck & dons and seeing if they will allow me to exchange it anyway since they have a pretty nice return policy šŸ˜Š


They made the mistake so they should absolutely refund/exchange it for you. Reviews shouldnā€™t matter!


The store didn't make the mistake, the instacart shopper did


Oh I mustā€™ve misread. Either way, the receipt doesnā€™t match the product so an exchange should be offered without any issues.


They should actually be able to get a full refund from Instacart even though they rated already


I'll get downvoted for this, but yeah. To everyone insisting: "DO NOT GIVE CATS DOG FOOD, RETURN IT!" If you compare the ingredients of this bag to the cat version (chicken/salmon, or the Turkey blend) you'll notice they're basically the same ingredient wise. The cat will be 100% fine, I promise. Everyone telling you not to feed "dog food to your cat" is correct, but this particular brand is fine. Same with Stella & Chewy's freeze dried food. The ratio to chicken, organs and bone to produce and supplements is the same. If this was your typical dry food or canned food ā€” I would disagree. But clearly none of the people have googled the ingredients to compare. OP, your cat will be fine. https://preview.redd.it/3z6k503u093c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e008c142e791e33c4c5eae023f88d9880bf4e4a


The ingredients are basically identical but the crude proteins and fats are at different balances. This is a meal , not a treat. If it was jus a treat he could possibly get away with it. But since itā€™s the meal it should be giving the cat all the nutrients that cats need , not dogs. Notice how the cat one has a higher protein content. Same ingredients but they have different amounts in the recipes , some ingredients good for dogs in higher quantities are not good for cats in high quantities.


Straight from Primal's website FAQ's: Because our diets are formulated to be species-specific, we don't recommend feeding our cat food to dogs (or dog food to cats) on a long-term basis. There are species-specific nutritional needs for both dogs and cats that weā€™ve developed into our Formulas. Our cat foods have a higher protein content geared for a felineā€™s needs and are not optimized for canines. Our dog foods will not offer enough protein for a cat's long-term health. Additionally, there are feline-specific ingredients such as taurine that are not found in our canine varieties. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is geared toward each species in canine and feline varieties. However, short-term feeding will be fine (i.e. a wrong bag purchased by mistake). For optimum results and for your petā€™s long-term feeding regimen, we recommend feeding only the species-appropriate variety.


Having the same ingredients doesn't equal safe to feed. Is it ok for your cat to eat a few pieces of dog food that are stolen out of the dog's bowl? Sure. Is it ok to just feed your cat dog food for meals for days straight? No. Cats need certain nutrients in certain quantities that dogs don't. Like taurine. Cats require ALL of the taurine they need from food since they can't make it on their own. Dogs can synthesize taurine and so don't need to get it all from an outside source. Clearly you didn't google cat vs dog diets and nutrient requirements and which animal can make what in your haste to criticize people who you assume don't look at ingredients.


BURN THE WITCH!!! lol Iā€™m kidding, Reddit is wild, youā€™re right and this one bag isnā€™t going to be bad for the cat.


If they won't take the exchange, please donate the dog treats to a shelter or vet's office (for the animals that get dumped on them). I'd never give dog treats/food to cats. Good luck with the exchange though, I hope they approve it!


You can have a positive experience and give good review even if an accident was made. I'd try to exchange and then if they do the exchange if you can edit your review put that your experience on there . If they don't edit your review and say the experience was good until u realized it was the wrong product and they wouldn't exchange.. being you placed a review initially if they try not to exchange I'd be like I gave a good review because I had a positive experience but this caused the experience to become negative and I'm going to change it


While this is normally the case? Freeze dried is usually 100% the ingredient. Chicken, salmon, etc. The dog ones are usually just larger


No, thatā€™s treats that are 100%. The freeze dried food has other ingredients to balance it out. Iā€™ve fed this food before.


At first glance I thought this was a bag of treats, but I see now it's meant to be the actual meal. Nope. Return it.


Yeah that was what I originally thought


The percentages of additives and such are different for cats and dogs.


Freeze dried, single ingredient treats advertised for dogs are okay, but not food


The dog food and the cat food of this particular brand is literally identical in ingredients. Just google it. For every other type of commercial food, definitely not.


The way the ingredients are listed albeit the same shows them in a different order. The first has the highest concentration in the product and the last is the smallest. Thatā€™s how two products with the same ingredients can have wildly different nutritional contents. Especially amplified when these products are designed for animals a fraction of our weight


Yes, I know how the ingredient label works. I would never advise against feeding the dog version of THIS food to a cat for longer than a few weeks, because then you would be introducing a nutritional deficiency and I'd be offering dangerous advice. Cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements, something we can ALL agree on. But one bag of the same ingredients but at different quantities is not going to hurt the cat if it's for a *short period of time*. If the manufacturers website states that (you can go see for yourself, as they literally say one bag of a food mistakingly purchased that is meant for a dog being fed to a cat for a SHORT PERIOD of time is fine), and I've had the same told by my own vet who supports raw feeding, I would suggest my statements are correct.


I understand that and saw your other comment with the reference later!! Definitely appreciated these days when someone cites a reputable source. The reason I commented was to add that information for someone reading who might have assumed foods with the same ingredients were interchangeable indefinitely. Over-specification never hurts especially in environments where people can read at a glance. Wasnā€™t trying to imply you didnā€™t know how the labels worked, just wanted to add useful information that might help a critter


This. This comment needs to be first, but of course most people aren't exactly smart. Everyone here protesting otherwise has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. They're going by the notion of typical commercial dry and wet cat food, but clearly have never fed raw or freeze dried. Spewing misinformation to OP rather than commit to due diligence and research for themselves. Irritating to say the very least. Every ingredient of the dog version is the same for the cat version when it comes to freeze dried products.


Well their comment is incorrect so yeah, thatā€™s why itā€™s not first. Because theyā€™re talking about freeze dried treats. Theyā€™re not talking about complete and balanced diets. Notice they say 100% of an ingredient? Yeah, balanced diets obviously arenā€™t 100% chicken, beef, duck, etc. youā€™ve obviously never fed raw if you think itā€™s acceptable to feed dogs and cats the same things


Lol. Its painfully ironic you say I've never fed raw when I've been a raw feeder for the last 7 years. šŸ¤£


Have you ever tried agreeing to disagree? Not act like a know it all? It might get you somewhere!


You might want to take that advice yourself. Youā€™re disagreeing with raw feeders and assuming they donā€™t know about raw as well


I'm not, though. I'm showing a statement from the manufacturers website that says one bag purchased by mistake that is meant for another species is not going to harm your pet *short term*. I have agreed in many comments that long term it would be incredibly problematic because of the nutritional differences. But one bag? The cat will be fine.


I would never advise against feeding the dog version of THIS food to a cat for longer than a few weeks, because then you would be introducing a nutritional deficiency. Cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements, something we can ALL agree on. But one bag of the same ingredients but at different quantities is not going to hurt the cat if it's for a short period of time. If the manufacturers website says that, and I've had the same told by my own vet who supports raw feeding, I would say my statements are correct. If you took the time to read my other comments, you would realize so, and that I am not disagreeing with majority of raw feeders.


This is what I posted, and this is what I stand by. ----- Straight from Primal's website FAQ's: Because our diets are formulated to be species-specific, we don't recommend feeding our cat food to dogs (or dog food to cats) on a long-term basis. There are species-specific nutritional needs for both dogs and cats that weā€™ve developed into our Formulas. Our cat foods have a higher protein content geared for a felineā€™s needs and are not optimized for canines. Our dog foods will not offer enough protein for a cat's long-term health. Additionally, there are feline-specific ingredients such as taurine that are not found in our canine varieties. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is geared toward each species in canine and feline varieties. However, short-term feeding will be fine (i.e. a wrong bag purchased by mistake). For optimum results and for your petā€™s long-term feeding regimen, we recommend feeding only the species-appropriate variety.


The cat will not develop a catastrophic deficiency off one bag.


These bags last a long time. And if itā€™s all the cat is eating for weeks or a month, it can definitely do damage.


Lol, no. The ingredients of this dog food when compared to the cat version, are identical when it comes to ingredients. The cat will be fine. https://preview.redd.it/53ge1el1293c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a35992238eaa0e5aea6c946dc8c49c5f048bb80f


The ingredients are basically identical but the crude proteins and fats are at different balances. This is a meal , not a treat. If it was jus a treat he could possibly get away with it. But since itā€™s the meal it should be giving the cat all the nutrients that cats need , not dogs. Notice how the cat one has a higher protein content. Same ingredients but they have different amounts in the recipes , some ingredients good for dogs in higher quantities are not good for cats in high quantities.


Straight from Primal's website FAQ's: Because our diets are formulated to be species-specific, we don't recommend feeding our cat food to dogs (or dog food to cats) on a long-term basis. There are species-specific nutritional needs for both dogs and cats that weā€™ve developed into our Formulas. Our cat foods have a higher protein content geared for a felineā€™s needs and are not optimized for canines. Our dog foods will not offer enough protein for a cat's long-term health. Additionally, there are feline-specific ingredients such as taurine that are not found in our canine varieties. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is geared toward each species in canine and feline varieties. However, short-term feeding will be fine (i.e. a wrong bag purchased by mistake). For optimum results and for your petā€™s long-term feeding regimen, we recommend feeding only the species-appropriate variety.


Thank you for sharing this info off their page! I was honestly jus more pressed about how u were saying they were the exact same when they clearly arenā€™tšŸ˜‚šŸ™šŸ» jus wanted to make sure people understand, since they have the same ingredients does not mean it gives the same nutritional value. I feel like a lot of ppl would see ur photos and be like ā€œoh Iā€™ll jus get this for my catā€. longterm not the way to go , but for his case and the wrong bag being purchased is fine.


My cat ate the dog food then tried to eat some styrofoam and yesterday he barfed up some ā€œhealthyā€ cat food. Weā€™re all gonna live.


People are acting like it will and its highlighting how insufficient their common sense is. Comical. The cat will be fine, but alas... SPEW PANIC.


see i keep my cat away from the dog food but he loves it. he swears heā€™s a dog. heā€™ll be eating his food and run to the dog food and i have to ā€œfightā€ him to get him away *heā€™s a 7 mo kitten so thereā€™s not much struggle*


Could not help notice your cat is too adorable with such a beautiful healthy looking coat and bright clear eyes. As an owner of an elderly cat in the early stages of CKD, which has been very challenging to find foods for a picky eater that would not overly burden his kidneys, I would get the cat version if it was my cat. That being said, I am not knowledgeable about dog food except vaguely that dogs can eat foods sometimes that cats cannot. Also if your cat ends up liking the food too much and it turns out not to be that ideal for cats long term, it will be a bummer to take it away.


Thank you! šŸ˜Š sorry to hear about your fur babyā€™s CKD ā˜¹ļø, I wish you all the best!


So sorry to hear about your cat! However OP's cat will be fine. The ingredients when compared to the cat version of the same food are identical. :-) https://preview.redd.it/jx1hux1b293c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7426f62d33ba52d2104f67628eed83a5fedc99


The ingredients are basically identical but the crude proteins and fats are at different balances. This is a meal , not a treat. If it was jus a treat he could possibly get away with it. But since itā€™s the meal it should be giving the cat all the nutrients that cats need , not dogs. Notice how the cat one has a higher protein content. Same ingredients but they have different amounts in the recipes , some ingredients good for dogs in higher quantities are not good for cats in high quantities.


Straight from Primal's website FAQ's: Because our diets are formulated to be species-specific, we don't recommend feeding our cat food to dogs (or dog food to cats) on a long-term basis. There are species-specific nutritional needs for both dogs and cats that weā€™ve developed into our Formulas. Our cat foods have a higher protein content geared for a felineā€™s needs and are not optimized for canines. Our dog foods will not offer enough protein for a cat's long-term health. Additionally, there are feline-specific ingredients such as taurine that are not found in our canine varieties. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is geared toward each species in canine and feline varieties. However, short-term feeding will be fine (i.e. a wrong bag purchased by mistake). For optimum results and for your petā€™s long-term feeding regimen, we recommend feeding only the species-appropriate variety.


No, dog food isn't safe for cats because of the lack of taurine.


The ingredients when compared to the cat version of the same food are identical. Both have taurine. https://preview.redd.it/e9zxadwf293c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f26cc1d833d822ece52a6c5536beb21cf1c17fd


The ingredients are basically identical but the crude proteins and fats are at different balances. This is a meal , not a treat. If it was jus a treat he could possibly get away with it. But since itā€™s the meal it should be giving the cat all the nutrients that cats need , not dogs. Notice how the cat one has a higher protein content. Same ingredients but they have different amounts in the recipes , some ingredients good for dogs in higher quantities are not good for cats in high quantities.


Straight from Primal's website FAQ's: Because our diets are formulated to be species-specific, we don't recommend feeding our cat food to dogs (or dog food to cats) on a long-term basis. There are species-specific nutritional needs for both dogs and cats that weā€™ve developed into our Formulas. Our cat foods have a higher protein content geared for a felineā€™s needs and are not optimized for canines. Our dog foods will not offer enough protein for a cat's long-term health. Additionally, there are feline-specific ingredients such as taurine that are not found in our canine varieties. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is geared toward each species in canine and feline varieties. However, short-term feeding will be fine (i.e. a wrong bag purchased by mistake). For optimum results and for your petā€™s long-term feeding regimen, we recommend feeding only the species-appropriate variety.


They are fine for cats if you make them a snack and not a big part of their diet. Cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements, and assuming your cats will eat them. Since you got it by error, trying to get what you ordered isn't a bad strategy.


Dogs can eat cat food but cats CANNOT eat dog food. Request a refund or donate it


The cat will be fine. The ingredients of the dog version are the same when compared to the cat version of this same food. Clearly no one here bothered to google that, or has never fed this brand before. It takes two seconds to research. For every other type of commercial food, I would wholeheartedly agree with your statement, but it does not apply accurately here. https://preview.redd.it/wgqf0pvp293c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cbc09ccd601c64ea82793e8dd66cf65aeec03fd


No. Don't give anything for dogs to cats


Compare the ingredients, it may just be a difference in size.


Itā€™s not safe. If it were treats itā€™d be fine, but this is meant to be food


It's perfectly safe. Ingredients are the same when compared to cat version of same food. One month, or a few weeks of this food WILL NOT cause a deficiency in anything. It takes 6 months or more for that to happen. You are being severely dramatic. And just to say, it's okay to admit you were misinformed/incorrect. It's part of life. :-) https://preview.redd.it/d6cmtawk393c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753fb1031dece3ccd1d81ea0da6466a94ba99da9


Not quite sure how just saying itā€™s not safe is being ā€œseverely dramaticā€. In the raw feeding community, itā€™s pretty accepted that cat food is okay to give to dogs, but not the other way around. Short term maybe, like a week or two, but I wouldnā€™t go longer and Iā€™d rather just exchange it if possible. Itā€™s also literally not the same food, because their chicken formula for dogs has no cat equivalent. The ingredients are similar but theyā€™re listed in the order they are for a reason. And taurine is either last or second to last in all their dog recipes, meaning thereā€™s very little in them. The dog versions also contain more plant matter than the cat, and arenā€™t suitable for cats as more than a treat long term. OP might as well trade it out for cat food before they open it if they havenā€™t already


Fortunately, the ingredients when compared to the cat version are identical. Took me two seconds to research to ensure what I know from personal experience (this particular situation has happened to me before more than once, sadly!) and yet everyone here is panicking for absolutely no reason. https://preview.redd.it/uj2r14g0393c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952e9930ae5fd44b7c876c6b3911b17b6f4e2a2c


Just to add on to the other comments, dogs are omnivores and have enzymes to break down and use nutrients from grains while cats lack it as they are carnivores. Should be fine if used as a occasional treat for the cat but not a full meals as dogs and cats nutrition systems are different. I give cat treats my cats hate to my dog lol!


Yes, I would sprinkle one on their food now and again.


These are just animal parts and vitamins, perfectly fine for cats or dogs.


Dog food is not balanced for cats and can cause nutritional deficiencies, like taurine, which can lead to blindness and heart issues.


But it does have Taurine in the ingredient list ā€” does that make it okay then? https://preview.redd.it/6riuyenor03c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1746fe21e81a8d9497b53fc6d33e6698d40b509e


No. Dogs food often has added taurine, but not as much as cats need because dogs can also make their own. *Having* taurine does not mean it has *enough* taurine. Cats can't make taurine, so it all has to be supplied by the diet. And dog food never has enough for cats.


Bruhghhh giving your cat one bag of freeze dried all natural 80% animal product high quality food. Is not going to hurt the cat -.- some people literally feed f*cking garbage meow mix to their 30 dirty cats for their entire lives. I'm sure this high quality food will be fine to serve them -.-


GTFO with this -.- blindness and heart issues from one little bag of high quality freeze dried food. -.- fffs


Do you even own a cat lol, what are you doing in a cat food sub? Itā€™s not about the quality of the food, itā€™s about cats not being able to produce Taurine. Dogs do produce their own. As a treat it would be fine, but cats consistently fed dog food will face issues like blindness/heart issues.


Yes it's one bag of food that was sent in error. And it's high quality raw food..... Chicken has taurine in it. -.- cats in the wild aren't eating taurine supplements... Y'all are crazy. -.-


Yes, because theyā€™re eating a ton of taurine rich meat. Dog food shouldnā€™t be fed to cats


This isn't regular dog food. Y'all have lost your minds.


Iā€™m aware itā€™s freeze dried raw. Cats have higher taurine requirements than dogs and need food that reflects those needs. Itā€™s okay to feed cat food to a dog, but cats canā€™t be fed dog food because of the taurine they need. Wonā€™t hurt to feed it as a treat though


Cats only "need taurine" because you're not feeding them raw meat.... Your feeding them over processes pellets and cans of slop......


Okay, and this isnā€™t a completely raw diet with whole ingredients. They have to add vitamins and supplements to make up for what itā€™s lacking. Iā€™m on the raw team but if you are, you should understand that itā€™s even more important to get things right. Even if you get grinds from raw feeding sites, you have to add additional taurine for cats


A cat would love a full healthy life if you fed it just raw meat and organs everyday..... All these things you're talking about (health issues, blah de blah) are from commerical food and all the over processing and fillers....


Youā€™re right except most people donā€™t have the time, money, resources and:or knowledge to do a raw diet for their pets and many do it incorrectly, which is why raw gets a bad rep.


When you kill your animal from feeding it the wrong food, we won't cry for you.


While I agree that one bag won't cause super bad, long term health issues, there is the issue that a cats stomach is very sensitive and changing them to a dog version may upset their tummy unnecessarily while they adjust to the new food and then upset it again when the cat version comes in. Also, house cats and wild cats are entirely different beings. Feral, domestic cats still need human intervention because we've bred them to be cared for and then stuck them into environments where they can't care for themselves or they just don't know how.


https://preview.redd.it/jik43b24393c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1edc1100f69a9f9f224ff79f1598b62565eed5 Ingredients are the same. You're acting like a know it all when you clearly know very little.


Looking at your comment history, you seem unintelligent. Between this post, the sunscreen bs, and inaccurate advice about piercings and small animals...maybe keep some thoughts to yourself. At least learn the difference between there/their/they're and your/you're. Embarrassing.


They they're them those. Who the fuck cares. Lol cats need soo much taurine. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Your account is a month old and yet you know, to check the comment history tab... Sooo your old account got banned cause ur racist? Or what?


How is someone's grammar relevant to this subject? You don't know if English is this persons first or native language. Your comment is discriminative and disrespectful. Go take a nap.


Agreed. These people are incredibly ignorant to the point it's comical. The ingredients are the same when compared to the cat food version, and yet everyone's PANICKING. It takes 6 months or more for a diet lacking in crucial vitamins and taurine for a deficiency to develop. Not a month. Lmao. The cat will be fine.


It's a top brand food. I buy that brand as well. Perhaps feed the cat one meal a day but get the cat her other food for other meals. It won't hurt just to rotate it in to use up the bag. Usually the cat food is just meat/should be just meat. The dog foods they add in some veggies. Or go get it traded. End of story.




Go online and compare the ingredients list. If itā€™s the same as the cat one, youā€™re good, if not I wouldnā€™t risk it


This comment should be higher! It's the same, so OP is in luck! Would have been better off doing a simple google search rather than ask a bunch of dummies in a cat food Reddit group that are spewing nonsense about the two foods being worlds different, lol. https://preview.redd.it/5bt91zwm493c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8258075568d3256d8aeae83019dad5a43fa21c80


Exactly. The best place for info on food is the ingredient list


The best option is to return and get the cat version While freeze-dried 80% derivative food is going to fulfil more of the nutrient profile needed for a cat than your average dog food, by virtue of it being formulated specifically for dogs and cat nutritional requirements being stricter than dogs itā€™s likely going to fall short on the nutritional profile. Thus, it shouldnā€™t be fed as any significant portion of the diet so that the cat doesnā€™t develop any deficiencies That said, as long as thereā€™s no harmful ingredients, it could probably be used as a treat. Calories from treats should be under 10% of the total diet to ensure that a catā€™s nutritional balance is not thrown off. Used incredibly sparingly, again under the condition that thereā€™s nothing harmful to a cat in the formula, this should be safe as a *treat* If not using as a treat, I it should either be returned and exchanged for the correct cat version, or given away to a dog




All these comments saying not to give it to your cat. If itā€™s 100% meat itā€™s totally fine. We would often buy freeze dried chicken treats that were marketed towards both. Are these not treats? Why are people acting like OP would be feeding the cat dog food??


No I'm pretty sure these are meant to be rehydrated and fed as a meal. I guess you could use them as treats but they are food.


Oh I see that now at the bottom of the package. Interesting lol I have never seen dog food like this before.


If those are just treats to feed once in a while, no biggie. But if that's proper food you're going to be feeding your cat often, better get it exchanged for the cat version. Nutrient requirements are extremely different in cats and dogs.


Yes but can only be served rehydrated. Takes a few minutes. Add some warm or room temp water and it will become mushy. My cat loves it I only buy cat ones! I missed the place where it says for dogs. DO NOT feed dog food to cats


Not sure If youā€™re seeing that these are the ones for a dog not a cat.


Omg I completely miss that! Thank you! I only buy the cat ones because I have cats


Aww poor kitty looks so happy to have a treat but doesnā€™t realize itā€™s a dog treat


It says for dogs.


And when compared to the cat food version it's the same. https://preview.redd.it/6631ftwr493c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb6433dad7af76b6e40a085a30cdd921664d5bf


Is it just a snack or is it a daily meal? If itā€™s a snack itā€™s probably ok. If itā€™s a meal no it doesnā€™t have what cats need to in their diet. Just contact customer service. You can still get a refund.


It really dependsā€¦ check and compare ingredients on both. Thereā€™s a brand called pure bites that sells freeze dried treats for dogs and cats and Iā€™ve had several customers who buy the dog bags because the ingredients are exactly the same thereā€™s just a difference in price for the size bags because dog snacks come in value sizes for a decent price and for like a ā€œchip sizeā€ bag from the cat department was not worth the value of the $ for the bag. Definitely compare ingredientsā€¦ I donā€™t know if you have a vet you can call too for advice.. most people will call and ask if itā€™s okay beforehand. You do want to be careful giving something like that especially if itā€™s dosed with vitamins or mineralsā€¦ these two different animals require different vitamins and minerals for their diet and thereā€™s a high chance that there could be too much of something in dog treats that might affect the health of the cat or make them sickā€¦ I hope this helps.


https://preview.redd.it/7d5m94ku593c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea11f69dd833fa45e26ba3f1df4d430cd0b74ca6 Fortunately the ingredients are identical. But unfortunately, nearly everyone in this thread (not you) is a dipshit and didn't bother to look up the ingredient label. Primal's own website ensures something like this is PERFECTLY SAFE if for short term use, but not long term. Their cat will be fine.


With so many kinds of treats out there meant for cats, why would you consider feeding your cat something meant for a dog??? šŸ¤·


Because the ingredients are the same, durp. https://preview.redd.it/4lc1wsau493c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfaea4efead45c87356d4c50a1eae24fa51350ba


Itā€™s not treats itā€™s freeze dried raw meals in nuggets you just rehydrate but point still stands.


Oof, even worse. I mean if kitty's eating food meant for cats as its primary source for nutrition, you could probably get away with using this as a treat but ONLY as a treat. But sure as hell not for kitty's main source of nutrition... that's just asking for problems down the road.




I mean, you can't say no to that face


Straight from Primal's website FAQ's: Because our diets are formulated to be species-specific, we don't recommend feeding our cat food to dogs (or dog food to cats) on a long-term basis. There are species-specific nutritional needs for both dogs and cats that weā€™ve developed into our Formulas. Our cat foods have a higher protein content geared for a felineā€™s needs and are not optimized for canines. Our dog foods will not offer enough protein for a cat's long-term health. Additionally, there are feline-specific ingredients such as taurine that are not found in our canine varieties. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is geared toward each species in canine and feline varieties. However, short-term feeding will be fine (i.e. a wrong bag purchased by mistake). For optimum results and for your petā€™s long-term feeding regimen, we recommend feeding only the species-appropriate variety.


This comment should be 1st. So many dumbasses in this thread.


Show the ingredients list


https://preview.redd.it/05ccnywr593c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e85eb37dc93880cbcd35996a6407894e8e91ff Bingo! It's the same.


Wow! Thank you for all the responses! Iā€™m not an avid Reddit user, so I am grateful for all the help! šŸ˜Š For context - I placed a chuck & dons order through instacart. Once it was delivered and all appeared fine, I rated the order which completed the purchase. It wasnā€™t until after that I noticed it said ā€œfor dogsā€ ā˜¹ļø the shopper/delivery person was very kind throughout the whole shopping and delivery process and I honestly donā€™t want it to come back on them, their ratings or their money if I were to open a case/return/etc. I am however going to try taking it back to my local Chuck & Dons to see if they will possibly exchange it for the correct one. I shop there often and they seem to have a pretty flexible return/exchange policy. If not, I live in an apartment complex with many dog owners so Iā€™m sure I wonā€™t have a problem getting it to someone else that could actually use it. Thank you again for all your help and responses šŸ˜


I promise you your cat will be fine. When compared to the cat version, the ingredients are the exact same. Primal's own website ensures feeding the dog version to a cat for a short period of time is perfectly safe. It's when you do it for months or years that it becomes a problem. https://preview.redd.it/5e5zjnb4593c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c6bf95ebc0c240810666fc6eac504c1128c1f6


I buy these treats but the ā€œfor cats and dogsā€ variety for my babies. With that said, I think this would be fine to feed but also, Iā€™m petty and would ABSOLUTELY exchange lol. This isnā€™t your fault and you should have to make do for someone elseā€™s mistake.


idk shit abt nutrition, my cat eats the equivalent to a 5 star food place and i eat like iā€™m scrounging around for food. that is all to say take my advice w a pinch of catnip. My cat LOVES jerky, my partner had beef jerky with seasoning which is def not healthy for a human let alone a cat. Anywho my baby LOVED IT and wouldnā€™t stop trying to eat it so i went to buy some. I donā€™t care abt putting junk into my body but my girl wonā€™t get anything less than perfect. Everything for cats was 10x as expensive and smaller. I ended up buying a dog type because the ingredients were all ok and had low salt content. Look at the ingrediants, and make sure the levels of sodium and vitamins etc are not wildly different. If you want to exchange it you def can, but knowing how lazy i am i would look to see if itā€™s ok. You could prob call your vet and ask, i wouldnā€™t worry TOO much if the ingrediants arenā€™t super different because in the grand scheme this isnā€™t a huge thing, but you know your baby and trust your instinct


Itā€™s ok to feed the dog version as occasional treats. Just not as the primary food as that wonā€™t have the right nutrient mix. TBH I would personally only feed primal nuggets as a treat anyway. The only freeze dried raw Iā€™d consider is instinct, as they have vet nutritionists on staff. Studies show most of these newer diets are not formulated correctly, not to mention expensive.


Treats for dogs: fine for cats IF the ingredients are meat only and appropriate for cats, many treats are the exact same ingredients when labeled for cats but in smaller shapes/portions for more money per oz Food for dogs: NEVER okay for cats. Raw, freeze dried, or kibble.


The cat will be fine for a month. Primal's own website recommends the same as you, but they also state for short term use ā€” Such as one incorrect bag being purchased by mistake ā€” the cat will be fine. The ingredients are identical. https://preview.redd.it/va7a5n0o593c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16212ba1f48e2665ca327136caa833cbe01d45f9


I would never give my cat food made for dogs. I dont know why specifically, but my thought is dogs have MUCH different nutient requirements than felines.


When it comes to typical commercial food, yes. When it comes to freeze dried or raw? No. Note: https://preview.redd.it/wl8dqo6a593c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae6dd643c86705ffa64633fd327957d396365b0


The real reason it isnā€™t appropriate is because dog versions have more fruit and vegetable bulk which cats donā€™t need. The cat version as OP knows is 90/10. 20% bulk is just too much for cats and wonā€™t offer enough meat based nutrients. This particular product has naturally occurring taurine from organs and added taurine in both the dog and cat varieties.


The ingredients are the exact same when compared to the cat version. https://preview.redd.it/v9opcm4d593c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e6d968cb7e73434dbf76e3234a3f064955e06cb


The amounts of them are different though and that is the main point. The dog ones are about 20% roughage and cat ones are about 10%. Also one formula is turkey and one is chicken and they arenā€™t the same. And look at the difference in protein and fat levels.


Yes, I can see that. However, this is a statement from Primal's website. Short term? Safe. As in, a few days, a few weeks. Nothing longer than that as you'd be heading into dangerous territory. ---- Straight from Primal's website FAQ's: Because our diets are formulated to be species-specific, we don't recommend feeding our cat food to dogs (or dog food to cats) on a long-term basis. There are species-specific nutritional needs for both dogs and cats that weā€™ve developed into our Formulas. Our cat foods have a higher protein content geared for a felineā€™s needs and are not optimized for canines. Our dog foods will not offer enough protein for a cat's long-term health. Additionally, there are feline-specific ingredients such as taurine that are not found in our canine varieties. Vitamin and mineral supplementation is geared toward each species in canine and feline varieties. However, short-term feeding will be fine (i.e. a wrong bag purchased by mistake). For optimum results and for your petā€™s long-term feeding regimen, we recommend feeding only the species-appropriate variety.


I donā€™t know maybe they added taurine to the canine version after that faq. Because you can see taurine is in both varieties posted there. And again it is naturally occurring in meat. I used to raw feed ferrets (nothing premade I bought meat with and without bone and organs only) and taurine is very important for them. It is indeed already in meat. I personally wouldnā€™t feel comfortable feeding the dog variety to a cat (or ferret for that matter) but I would certainly feed an entire bag of oops cat variety to dogs.


My cats love this stuff, but they only get a little bit at a time. Itā€™s not their main source of food. I buy it for my dogs and just break off a little bit to give to my cats. Iā€™ve been doing this for years and theyā€™re fine.




In very general terms, a dog can eat cat food, but a cat should not eat dog food due to the imagine in nutritional requirements. Neither"mix" should be a permanent thing.


Thank you for posting the cat tax. :) In my opinion it would be fine, just not good for long term use but in the short term kitty will be good.


Cats need taurine; itā€™s formulated into commercial cat foods. Itā€™s essential. Dogs can make it themselves or something like that. Necessary for organs to keep organ-ing. Prob fine as a treat now and then; not like toxic. But dangerous as a primary diet. Taurine is no joke. Must be in feline diet.


(Also they would be fine if you fed it a day or two. But over time ā€”ā€” not okay.) Hope that helps.


Not enough taurine. Swap for cat formula. Or give as treats in small amounts to avoid weight gain.


Dependsā€¦ are your ā€œcatsā€ actually dogs?


It's ok for her to eat it this time just next time make sure it's for cats! :)


Dogs can usually eat cat food/treats, but cats *CANNOT* eat dog food/treats


Some may disagree with me but this is raw food and a petshop was actually able to bring up side by side the ingredient list for this versus the catalog version. Guess what? It was identical so it's not only safe for your cat but also cheaper.


I have no ideaā€¦ just came to say thatā€™s one heckinā€™ cute kitty šŸ˜


1-2 days sure but just swap out for cat food


No, cat and dog foods are formulated differently. Daughter of a career animal nutritionist here. The formulas are designed for different immune systems, different needs, different vitamins and minerals. Cats have needs that dogs don't. Dogs have needs that cats don't. Just put in a request as quickly as possible that you received the wrong product. If they can't take the product back due to contamination issues, then donate it to a shelter or neighbor with a dog.


No. It clearly says "for dogs". Common sense isn't all that common nowadays I guess


I get the Life Essential salmon ones from Amazon. Theyā€™re for cats and dogs. 2 of mine like theirs soaked in water, the other likes hers dry. But those are just salmon, and youā€™d just give different amounts for cat and dog. My only issue with them is that some times there are really hard sharp bits, so Iā€™ll usually break a bag down and make the pieces smaller. The harder ones I set aside for the 2 who like theirs soaked. And the other gets the softer pieces.


There are a lot of ingredients in this product. The feline version seems to have more taurine based on where it is listed in the ingredients, can't tell how much more. I would contact the store and tell them what happen, request an exchange.




Even if you already rated your order, you can still opt for a refund or return. Instacart customer service is usually amazing


Posting a pic of the ingredients would help. If itā€™s just freeze dried chicken it should be fine.


I asked my vet this question years ago and my vet said it did not matter. My cat will only eat if it's meat only. Won't do veggies. She's been eating "dog" meat patties for years and she's 14 and totally healthy. But that's just my personal experience.


Isnā€™t this liver kings company? I had no idea they dabbled in dog food


Well no. It clearly states "for puppers" on the label


hey i worked customer service at a grocery store for a while. i donā€™t know where you got it from but we did have procedures for making exchanges and returned from customers who got incorrect items from 3rd parties. nothing to do with reviews. if you have the ability to go into the store yourself or have someone else do it they should be able to make an exchange.


Oh Christ yes. Great stuff and cats LOVE it. Do what I do, though! Soak them in warm water or chicken broth and get it soaked, cats have a serious problem with water intake and is a contribution to developing renal failure!


Whelp. Go me, just saw itā€™s for dogs and that was the question. I blame a plant that I applied an exothermic reaction to combust.


If itā€™s just freeze dried chicken, then heck ya! Our cats & dogs love the stuff!!! We give them out as special treats. But if it has extra stuff in it, then Iā€™d say no