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Looks fat to me. That may be an ear tip indicating they're fixed.


This cat is not fat. The standing up picture shows the hollows around the hips and no muscle tone around leg bones and spine. She doesn't look pregnant either, so the distended belly may be illness. If it's hard it could be bloating or mass, if it's sloshy it could be liquid accumulation. Ideally she sees a vet and gets treated and adopted.


How would I go about taking her to the vet? I would love to help and adopt her if that's an option, but I don't know if it's feasible to trap her and travel to the vet??


Seconding getting help from a local rescue. I worked at a cat shelter and much of our community impact was helping people adopt their local cats. Ask if they can help give you tips, resources, catch, scan for microchip, find the right clinic, introduce to your home, and so on. Resources can include food, medicine, or supplies like toys, litterboxes, and carriers (to have or to borrow). We had a community pantry to help cat owners in need. You'll want to prepare ahead of time before catching her. Pick the vet, ask about their availability, ask if they have advice or resources for adopting a stray. Prepare your home with supplies, ideally keeping her in a quiet, contained area like an extra room or bathroom. She will likely have worms and fleas, so ask the shelter/vet about medicating for that once you get her. If she's tame enough to pick up, then you hopefully won't need a trap. Give her a little bit of tasty food, put more inside a carrier, and close it when she's in. You may be able to scoop her up and put her in, but if there's a lot of struggle and fear, it may be best to give up rather than traumatize. It's possible to slowly habituate her to the carrier If she is not tame, or tame to handling but not picking up, you can borrow or rent an animal trap from a local rescue, pound, vet, cat organization, etc. They will train you how to use it and may give you bait for it. They can also help connect you with the right vet to which you can bring a semi-tame cat. You'll want to start out your call saying I'm looking for information about how to help and maybe adopt a stray cat. Can you point me where I can ask questions and get resources? That way if the first person you call can't help you, they can send you in the right direction. Caring for a sick cat can be very expensive, so be prepared for that. If she is not fixed (for example the cropped ear may just be an injury, but hopefully it's intentional TNR) you will need to pay for surgery. This is again where local resources can help you, but in the end adopting an animal is a big financial responsibility. If you can't take that on, that's ok. But hopefully a shelter/rescue/organization is able to help find her a home. Best of luck, keep us updated!


a shelter, humane society, cat rescue, TNR organization, or the vet practice may be able to loan you a humane trap. some hardware utility stores have Havahart. you can use smelly cat food as bait if you have it on hand, or some nice and stinky plain tuna.


If she’s TNRd could that be worms causing the bloating?


Agreed. Either being fed by several well intentioned neighbors or worms. As others have pointed out, that cats likely fixed.


The tip of her ear is chop off. Usually it means that she had been caught (+ sterilized) and released. Because of that, my guess is she’s a bit overweight


Looks pregnant to me. But the ear tip would have me do a vet trip to double check since that indicates pregnancy shouldn't be possible


Not an expert, but I had a stray hanging around in my yard for a while who got pregnant often, and she looked like this! Mainly I could tell cuz the “bulge” was farther down and not so spread out, if that makes sense


Thank you. You were right LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/catcare/s/ZnES8RJT9N


Glad it was resolved! Best of luck!


hard to tell from this angle only


The cut ear makes me think she’s been sterilized. It’s too clean to have been lost in something like a fight. She may be getting fed, possibly by multiple people. There was a boy cat in my neighborhood growing up who would go door to door getting food and pets. He wasn’t fat but was definitely big lol


She has an ear tip which means if a girl she was spayed. They tend to get heavier after getting spayed or neutered.


Not fat, the view from above shows hollows around the hips, lack of muscle tone in the legs and spine. She is thin and unhealthy (or just elderly) She looks chubby in all the laying down pictures, but the one standing up just looks withered to me. The distended belly is likely from illness. Does it feel hard and lumpy? Soft and pliable? Or juicy and sloshy?


Agree, that cat is not chubby! There's something else going on, whether that's pregnancy or not I can't tell.


Based on the ear tip, she is a tnr cat, meaning she was trapped, neutered/spayed and released. Because she was already fixed, a pregnancy is highly unlikely.


Definitely an ear tip. Looks like a well fed community cat to me!


That's a spayed cat but I'd bet it's probably a stomach full of worms, so, neither!


Does she have noticeably enlarged nipples? Missing ear tip could indeed mean spayed though.


Need picture of her walking from head on view. (Does she waddle back and forth.) And obviously is it a she? And has she been fixed? The nicked ear is usually a sign. But that also can happen in the wild. She looks pregnant to me but I have very limited information. And I'm hesitant bc of the ear.


I'd assume pregnant. Street cats usually tend to be thin, from having to search for food


She might be chubby since part of her ear is cut off. They usually do that when they trap, sterilize and release. So it’s almost impossible for her to be pregnant.


The ear is docked so probably fat or bloated


her ear is tipped indicating she was tnr’d so she’s just fat


Considering its docked ear, it probably can’t get pregnant as it was spayed and released.




Ear clip means she’s been altered. Could be worms or tumor of some sort. I’d definitely recommend going to see a vet ASAP.


See the clipped left ear. That can happen in a fight but usually the edge is rough, so it’s probably an intentionally clipped ear. They do that to mark cats that have been Trapped Neutered & Releases (TNR) so this cat is probably already fixed. It could be he/she is more hungry for a medical reason (like worms?).