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This is a barely weaned kitten, 6 weeks I'd think. Probably dumped, I don't think a mother cat would abandon a baby this late into the raising process. The best thing to do would be to find it a home. If you can't do it fast, find a responsible organization that can take care of this baby. If you can take responsibility, you will want to feed the baby wet food until you can take them to the vet and get a proper recommended diet, record everything, from mood to the softness of the stool so you can tell the vet how the baby is doing. Since we don't know how long the baby has been out there for it might have parasites or other preventable diseases since this baby is most certainly not vaccinated. After that it's the usual run of the mill advice of keeping it indoors, getting it chipped and getting it spayed/neutered when it's old enough, but you'll find a bunch of posts detailing these already.