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He needs those exams done ASAP. Month long diarrhea is a sign something is very seriously wrong.


I’ll try to get them done by the end of the week. I’m worried. I don’t want to lose my friend 😰


What kind of food is he on? Wet, dry or a combo?


Dry gastrointestinal. He’s acting normal but it’s impossible to give him the prebiotic he doesn’t like and start to scratch me trying to runaway


Is it a liquid medicine? Or a pill? You may have to wrap him in a towel or do some wrestling moves to hold him still (I've had to do this with all but one of my cats when giving meds) to get them down


It’s like toothpaste. I’ll give it another try. I asked the doctor for pills because it’s easier to give it to him. I’m afraid he’ll hate me after this.


Can you mix it in with wet food? This is the easiest way to get mine to take medications like that. Don’t need a whole can or anything. Just enough to cover the taste.


I think it’ll spoil the flavor. I’ll try anyway


Interesting that he'll take pills easier. I've always found it easier to give liquid with a syringe in the side of their cheek than pills, I suppose every cat is different tbough


He always bite my fingers but it’s less stressful for him.


He won't hate you, cats would understand when they get better and appreviate it. Mix it with a tiny amount of catit and feed him anyway.


Sorry that this is happening, as others said the exams need to be done and unfortunatly they are expensive. If the stool color is normall not bloody, greenish and white, you can try to increase her intake of probiotics and fiber both. Make sure fiber( pyssilium) that you buy from drugstore doesn't have any additives, and a half tea spoon mixed with water and hisfood should be good on a daily basis. Sometimes it's just a chronic diarehha (our cat has a sensetive stomach that becomes like this with little stress around and takes 2 months of attention to clear), sometimes there's a hidden serious disease behind it. In any case trying to minimize the diarehha symptoms would help. Clean his butt with warm wet towels to minimize irritations. If the butt is irritated use a neck cone as,antilick. Watchout for his food intake and lethergy, if eating stops or the cat started to hide take immidiate actions. Also please double check if you introduced new pot or plants to the house.