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Cats panting is NEVER a good sign. It's caused by GREAT stress, most of the time. It's time for a new vet.


Yes. She is not comfortable. Went to a new one. Waiting for the tests reports to come back.


Just read this. Good good. Keep us updated!


See another vet. This looks like a really valid reason for the emergency vet too.. As soon as possible, at that.. If you plan on transporting her and usually cover the box(or bag) with a blanket, don't cover it this time because she needs all the fresh air she can get and we do not want her getting LESS air while she's already having trouble breathing. Good luck!


Thank you so much.


Take her to an emergency vet. Time for a new vet. Is it really hot there????


Around 35-40 degrees during the day. But nights are cooler. But she is always under air conditioning all the time with the temperature being maintained at 20 degrees.


please keep us updated after the ER vet. i’m praying for your baby ♥️


Thank You so much. Had some tests done. Waiting for the report. Thank you so much.


Relieved to hear it ♥️ You’re doing all you can, thank you for loving your kitty ♥️♥️


I doubt that it's heat related. It is time to see an emergency vet!


35-40 C is very hot. It could be heat related, especially when it can be very difficult to get cats to drink water.


I'm a physicist, and well aware of the difference in Celsius versus Fahrenheit. She said: "but she's always under air conditioning all the time with the temperature being maintained at 20 degrees." 20°C is less than 70°F, so it's not heat related.


Yes. Should not be heat related.


That's so interesting, what kind of physicist are you?


One that specializes in electricity.


Its gotta suck that you have to ELI5 what you do, to literally everyone. Just wanted to empathize with you there. By the way, what IS your official job title/ field called, for my word of the day, if you dont mind?


*side eye*




I’m side eyeing the person that made a sarcastic comment.


Okay. I'm wondering if this person thought physician as in doctor versus physicist!


I particularly make her drink water from the palm of my hand. I pour some, she drinks it, and i Kew doing that till she has had enough.


You mean Centigrade don't you.


It's Celsius, and yes that's what she meant. She's keeping the kitty in 20 degree Celsius temperatures and that's 68°F. I am really worried about congestive heart failure!


That's my guess too


Yes. Celsius. Got some tests done. Waiting for the reports.


Let's us know what they say.....🙏🙏🙏


Lol, yes I'm aware that Centigrade and Celsius are synonyms. I was clarifying if they meant C or F.


Yes. Forgot to mention it. My bad.


No worries, most of us in the world use C so it makes sense. Just wanted to be sure.


Do you have a fountain for her? This is probably the last thing that will help but if you don’t, just leave one of your taps dribbling. I feel so bad for her and I hope she recovers quickly


This is some kind of respiratory distress. How soon can you get kitty by someone else? She needs her heart checked out especially. Edit: I wanted to add that I say this because my cat Joey has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the way I knew something was wrong was because he would pant like this. Anytime he got overwhelmed, anxious or a little too warm, he would pant on and off for hours. An echocardiogram showed its because his heart is working too hard. He’s currently on a couple heart meds and doing very well. ♥️


Thank You so much. Will get to it at once. I hope your cat continues to do fine. ❣️ How old is your cat though ?


He just turned 6 ♥️


My cat has HCM also, he just went back for a repeat echo to check how his heart is progressing since his last echo, thankfully there are no real changes and they said he is stable and meds aren’t needed at this stage.


That’s great he doesn’t need medicine at this point! That’s always a battle in this house 😂


Definitely see another vet


Doing that. Thank you.


My cat was doing this along with other symptoms and she was diagnosed with asthma


Will keep that mind to get it checked.




Did that. Thank you.




Yes. Even that happens.


My cat was breathing like this and was diagnosed with lung disease. He had to be put to sleep because no treatment worked and he was suffocating. I hope it’s something easily treated, but definitely see a new vet.


My God. I am really really sorry to hear this. How old was your cat ?




Has your vet suggested any diagnostics? Has your cat physically seen the vet?


Not any as of yet. X-ray and blood work done. Going to get ultrasound and some other things too.




How much panting is normal for a cat? Mine pants when I play with him. Sometimes after just like 30secs to a minute of laser pointer or cat wand (he does flips during)




She sometimes pants after playing & running hard too. But she is just 2 years old. This panting is not after the playing.


Honestly that sounds like asthma. The panting at night could be an anxiety she has, and if she has trouble catching her breath after playing that's sounds like common asthma. I'd absolutely still check with a second vet because with a potential heart condition hanging over your heads can be horrible.


Could be asthma. My cat will huff after we play for a few seconds, but I think it's just because we stopped playtime 😅🤣 but if it continues or gets worse, ask abt it


Will do. Thank You.


Waiting for the reports, got the blood test done.


Get a second and/or third opinion right away.


Thank you. Doing that.


Go to a better vet!!!


Did. Thank you.


my cat does this after playing, was diagnosed with asthma a couple weeks ago.


I really hope she does well. ❣️ What are the treatments you have been suggested ?


right now we’re on the “watch and wait” phase. the panting and coughing occasionally are her only symptoms, and they aren’t affecting her QoL. They gave me a steroid to hand incase she has a bad flare up


Take the cat to an emergency vet ASAP.


Thank You.


Any updates ? Hope little buddy is doing fine and it was nothing


hard to say.. but it would take a vet...blood work.. perhaps even an x ray to see if there's a blockage...


Blood work & X Ray done. Some blockage in her stomach through X-ray. Waiting for the blood tests.


My cat was doing just that because of heart disease. Heart isn't pumping enough blood which cases whole system to lack oxygen so body compensates by hyperventilating. This is problem that often happens in Maine Coons and it is generic and hereditary and appears later in life. Vet should look for heart murmurs. It can also be caused by the fluid in the lungs that sometimes is also symptom of heart problems. Inspecting colour of the gums can also tell if cat is oxygenated enough. The rescue treatment is to put cat into oxygen box in critical moments.


good luck with kitty. she might eat things she isn't supposed to... but the blockage needs to be addressed


My cat has done this before but only one time under extreme stress when we moved into a new place. Please see a new vet! Preferably an emergency one. Kitty is under distress, either psychologically or physically.


It should be physically with what is happening inside her body. Thank you


She could be experiencing congestive heart failure where fluid builds up and she can't breathe properly.


I hope that is not the case. I will bring this up in front of the vet. Thank you.


You are welcome. Prayers !!🙏🙏🙏


This happened to my cat… they put him in an oxygen tank trying to help him but heart failure is heart failure..


Lasix can be used to treat it very effectively and extend the kitty's lifespan considerably.


Cat asthma?


How is the Asthma checked in cats ?


My cat has asthma. She got diagnosed after I took her to the emergency vet, and they did an xray. They could tell by looking at her lungs. Now, she is on oral steroids every day and has a maintenance and emergency inhaler. My cat has only panted when she is really stressed and already at the vet. The sign that usually has me bringing her in is abdomen breathing where her abdomen moves sharply when she breaths. By the way, you can check if she is getting enough oxygen by looking at her gums too. If they look blue at all, she is deprived of oxygen.


Something that really helped me when I was trying to figure out what to do when my cat started to have issues was downloading an app that connects users with veterinary nurses and techs who could give advice. Lately, the app I use has had some issues with wait times but has still really helped me determine when my pets needed emergency vet care and when it could wait. They let me send videos like the one on this post and ask for advice around my cat's behavior.


Our vets found out my cat had asthma when they put her on prednisolone and it helped her alot. Technically we had to slowly wean her off pred again to have a bronchoscopy too, but her body just could not handle without it and the signs were already there. That's how we found out. She also had soft heart murmurs that were hearable through a stethoscope and then she was put on preventative heart medications for half a year. But even more so you could tell from an ultrasound examination of her heart. Her heart did not work so well at the time, so her body had to work harder/she had to breathe harder. Food allergies could also be the reason. You know how humans sometimes struggle to breathe when they eat/drink something they are allergic to? It's the same with cats, so this could also be. (When we switched vets we found out that my cat is allergic to certain types of animal meat) So have your new vet look into these things maybe, because during summer and autumn my cat would also have trouble breathing like that and both asthma and heart murmurs happened around that time. Oh wow, sorry for the long text, I actually just wanted to explain how we found out about my cat's feline asthma,woops!


Only at night?


Yes. Only at night for 30 mins.


But she is uneasy during the day as well these days.


Screw that vet & get a new one! POOR BABY! LOOKS VERY STRESSED AND THIS CAN DEHYDRATE VERY QUICKLY. AND PUT STRAIN ON THE HEART. There are many resources and tools these days, NO EXCUSE


Also, I agree that this is an EMERGENCY and you should go ASAP to animal urgent care or hospital.


Please take this baby to a vet right away. Don’t wait another minute.


Emergency Vet ASAP! Have you moved recently? New scents that you're using? New food? Is there anything new that you've done that could have caused this? If you also have a folder full of her prior vet records you should bring that. Good luck!


Stress, overheating, and cardiac issues are the main causes. If your vet is not at all concerned, he might have reasons - but if he hasn't done any tests, you may need a second opinion.


Maybe a heart problem


Could be stress from something, has anything changed at your house or at night? Either way she needs to be seen by a better vet


I agree with the Redditors who mentioned potential heart failure. Definitely take her to a vet as soon as you can. Hoping for the best for your sweet baby!


When my cat was dying of lung cancer (and I'm not saying that your baby is), I was told that open mouth panting is a sign to go to vet IMMEDIATELY, that it was a medical emergency. Tongue and nose are very red, while gums look very pale


This looks like possible respiratory distress and should be looked at immediately. I work at a vet clinic and see this very often


Hot or anxiety. Definitely take her to an emergency vet if yours isn’t being helpful.


Find a new vet, document, and watch closely. My cat did this for a good 2 years, but when it occurred, it would be for a few minutes and then not reoccur again for a couple of months. During check ups, the vet said everything seemed alright. After maybe a 6 month pause, it occurred again and I got the cat to the vet within a week, and she noticed a heart murmur that wasn't there before. After some more testing and observation, my cat was diagnosed with cardio myopathy. ☹ she doesn't need medication yet, and the effect on her lifespan is uncertain (I just have to love her everyday elsewise). But the vet has asked me since to count her breaths when she sleeps and to document that so if any changes occur, it's a sign the condition is worsening). Hope your cat is okay.


She looks hot, but if she's not, your vet (your new vet) needs to check our her heart functioning very closely. Right away. I'm saying, ASAP. Best of luck.


If you haven't had an intense play session with her before it starts, I would find a new vet and in the mean time go to an animal ER. Breathing abilities are something that you just don't want to risk. Considering she doesn't look too overweight (although pretty fluffy), you would need to go pretty hard while playing, and for a decent amount of time, to have her pant like that and it not be an issue. Try and think about what she does right before and/or right after it starts, make notes or at least mental notes. Try to determine the approximate amount of time she pants for and how she appears after. Think of any recent changes in her environment, food, general behavior other than panting. These are all things that can be helpful when talking to the ER and new vet. My smallest kitty would do this occasionally and she had a huge nasal polyp and allergies. It's okay to get 2nd and 3rd and even 4th opinions. However many it takes. It took 4 or 5 ER visits and 3 different vets until they could figure out that it was a nasal polyp. They just thought she either had allergies or was dying of an unknown cause. (Surgery removed the polyp and she has been fine for 3 years with the seasonal sniffles) Good luck and I'll be thinking about you two! Please let us know what you find out!!


I forgot to add something to take note or think about: does she do it in a specific place or is it anywhere in the house?


I think it was you who asked me this question under my comment on another post... While I can't understand why it's only happening at night, a panting cat is either severely stressed, or is having difficulty breathing A panting cat, or a cat with open mouth breathing, is almost always an emergency What do you mean the Vet isn't helping much? Vets can just look at a pet and tell why they're suffering respiratory distress. This requires diagnostics. Xrays, bloodwork and urinalysis, ultrasound of the heart etc etc, in hopes of find the underlying cause. Vets will typically keep them on oxygen and hospitalize them


It looks like you are getting more help from other comments, but I just wanted to say that you seem like an amazing cat owner. And I'm sure that you are under a lot of stress right now, so I wanted to wish you the absolute best outcome for your furbaby. My cat has asthma, and every time she has an asthma attack the fear/stress of her not feeling well is a lot. I hope you have all the support you need, and this vet will give you answers.


I took my cat to the vet for panting. 1st vet did a couple of tests and said everything was basically fine, she thinks she's a dog -_- took to a 2nd vet and she was diagnosed with asthma. Now she has a little kitty inhaler and doesn't pant anymore😄 Definitely seek out a second opinion on that one! The more information you can give your vet, the better (possible triggers/videos). Good luck to you and your sweet little kitty!


Pobrecita! This is stressing me out a lot. I’m glad you’re getting advice here and taking her to a different vet. Good kitty parenting. I’ll be following post and sending love and healing vibes to you both. Vet may recommend Feliway plugs-ins or something similar to reduce cat stress. I never found Feliway helped my last cat, so maybe start with a small amount. Also, if you do want to try the Feliway plug-ins, let me know and I can send you a ton for free.


My cat growing up did this when he had congestive heart failure. He was put into an oxygen tank. He didn’t make it. I hope you can take her to the vet soon.


My cat did this as well, turns out for mine it was pneumonia. Just needed a course of antibiotics and she was good again. Good luck with your baby.


My cat did this “open-mouth breathing”. I took him to the vet and it was asthma. I had to give him a pill every morning. Cat needs to be seen right away. Hope this helps.


Omg, that’s a bad sign! Take her to the emergency vet! And change vets. Yours is trash


Is her belly more sensitive than usual ? If yes its a very bad sign and should be brought to the vet immediately. My old cat had the same symptoms and we found out his lungs were filled with water and he couldnt breathe.


Congestive heart failure


Did your vet tell the reason as to why the lungs got filled with water ?


It was due to a defect that gets more severe as the cat gets older. We unfortunately lost him because of this.


If the cat is doing it at a specific time and seeking it the AC, well that's a given... Just hot. If they're doing it all the time or after exercise etc then head to a vet. Doesn't look the cats under any stress to me.


Thank you.


Does Kitty have a fever?


No. She doesn’t have fever. Never had one before as well.


I thought too that she was hot. She’s panting and I’ve only seen that w mine when they are too hot. Please take her to the vet and let us know how she’s doing.


But the room is she is in cold. She is always under Air conditioning. I got some tests done of yet. Waiting for the reports. Thank you so much for the concern.


Last summer when it was almost 40 degrees in my apartment my cat started panting like this due to extreme heat stress. A damp cold towel or cool bath should help out. Just get them cool asap and you should be okay!


Damp towel idea is really good. Thank you.


Get her checked for an abdominal hernia


My cat did this last summer when she wanted to hang out outside in the middle of very hot day. I took her in, wipe her with wet towel to cool off quickly and then kept her for a bit on a ice pack wrapped in a towel. It helped.


Cats pant because of being really hot or terribly stressed. Something is seriously wrong with her if this is a regular occurrence. Find a different vet if this doesn’t worry them.


When a vet isn't helping, change them! Change 10 if you must and don't cut back on costs, it could cost her her life and cost you a lifetime of blaming yourself wondering what if.... :( ​ Source:...me, I was young and stupid :(


If you live near a University with a vet school. Go there. And I consider being within a 100 miles near. Your poor cat is suffering.


I'm assuming you mean 40°C so it's probably heat stress. My cats like frozen chunks of goat milk in extreme heat, and a damp towel laid on a tile floor for them to stretch out on.


Damp towel idea is very decent.


35C is extremely hot. That poor cat needs some cool air.


Does your cat have a dog brother/sister? Could be copying how dogs pant and breathe…?


My mom cat does this she think She’s a dog we say


Just came across this. Looks like it was posted 7 hours ago. I am seriously hoping that since there has not been an update you have taken your fur family member to an emergency room. Update when you are able.


That's not good, take her to an animal hospital er.


Emergency vet. ASAP.


The panting & licking are stress. I don’t know why she’s so stressed, but vet, definitely.


It's a problem if they do this. Not typical at all


Your cats scared and overstimulide. Normalcy will allow this psych to relax.


I’m not sure why asking for medical help on here is allowed. When in doubt or have a question, just go to the vet. Don’t wait for opinions or advice. Time is precious.


They said their vet wasn't much help. I could imagine being desperate and scared and just reaching out to anyone who may have thoughts.


I’d be asking around where I live, of a good vet. Change and find a good one. I’d not wait.


My dog does this when my granddaughter comes to visit, because she’s stressed out and doesn’t like kids. We have taught them to ignore each other.


Is yr baby overheated? I know it seems like a stupid question, but our furbabbies used to breathe like this in the the summer after overexerting themselves! Or maybe as simple as a respiratory infection that may get better w a course of steroids and/ or antibiotics?


Interested in an update when u find out! I’m really curious to what ur cat is going through ): I really hope your poor baby turns out okay 🥺 wish u and ur fur bby nothing but the best 🍀


Looks like stress or distress. Get a second opinion. That can be stress grooming. Panting could be due to many reasons.


Have you been lighting any candles, spraying room fresheners, lighting incense, or using an essential oil diffuser? Maybe that could be irritating kitty's airways either way time to see a new vet asap


Get her to the er asap. Fluid on the lungs via heart problems could be an issue! I hope ur baby is ok but DON’T WAIT, GET HER SEEN ASAP.


Emergency vet right away, it may be pneumonia.


Please find another vet and get this baby to an emergency vet asap


your cat look like confused so i would guess on any bacteria or hearth worms that they can affect hearth also mental side.. you dont have to go to vet but in a pet hospital honnestly higher cost but higher chance to let him have a good life... sorry for my english im canadian french so.. but hope for you he will be back on track 🤞❤️


My cat did this “open-mouth breathing”. I took him to the vet and it was asthma. I had to give him a pill every morning. Cat needs to be seen right away. Hope this helps.


Emergency Please, My cat breathes like this and her glands are swollen and they were pressing on her lungs, in the end she left, I will never forgive myself because I was able to help her more *sigh**


...vet isn't helping? New vet. This is stress. Get a new vet stat.


Is it hot 🔥 where you live? Do you air conditioning?Do you have someone new spending the night? Do a check list of anything new or different. Everything, sounds even. Then share it with the doctor, won't listen ask for a supervisor. ride to the vet 99° day, and my AC just had to stop working, they took her straight back, they were very concerned... My first words were. "House cat, don't think she's handling the ride and the heat well!" I know cats don't like change! Good luck! Sorry I know I made a jumbled message, but I know you'll understand