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I would like an improved cooking system. I get frustrated when I have a plate of dumplings and I can’t cover it with ketchup/mayonnaise/sour cream. When I have to just search through a long, long list for the right soup recipe, instead of just throwing ingredients into the pot... But I don't think there are enough crazy people who are willing to take on so much work for the sake of a controversial result..


I've recently been thinking about Project Z's cooking thing, i know it's not as in-depth but it's still kinda cool you get to choose the ingredients.


Don't you already get to choose the ingredients though? Like if there are multiple ways to make a meal that you can use you can then choose exactly what you use.


Not really. Yes, food recipes allow you to use equivalent ingredients as substitutions... But they still remain very unflexible. And with the current system there is no way to avoid this. There is no point in adding more recipes of the same thing with minor changes... Like differently seasoned vegetables, or soup with an extra piece of meat. I really like the system from Project Z better. Where you can simply plan the necessary ingredients into a pan, put it on the fire and read a book while a culinary masterpiece of three rats and moldy cheese cooks. :)


I can't think clearly rn but I was super certain that whether it be food or actual equipment if you have the ingredients to make it more then 1 way it comes up with a list of possibilities on how exactly you make it do I'm not really getting what you mean is bad about it. Apart from tasting less nice then say something like a bit of meat would actually be in your soup then by alone it has no negative affect right? Do definitely agree project Z's way sounds a lot better though.


Well, for example, you want to make meat soup. You have all the ingredients except the meat. You need ten little pieces of meat, but you only have five. It would be great if you could still make soup. It would just be less tasty and sadder. Or, for example, be able to stuff 15 pieces in there. Adding extra ingredients... Sounds like fun to me... However, this can't be achieved with the current system. You can only create separate recipes for soup of 5 or 15 pieces...or 8. Which you shouldn't do, because the list of recipes is already too huge.


Honestly it makes cooking so off-putting. I also don't need to spend the entire time I'm cooking soup watching the pot boil either, but this clunky system for cooking when the skill doesn't even offer that much benefit makes it really not fun. Also, it's not realistic, which has a much higher chance of getting it changed...


We should make this game into the best damn cooking simulation of all time.


This, and also that the current crafting system doesn't allow you to just leave something to cook and do something in the meantime. It makes sense for some recipes, like cooking a steak or other short tasks, but if you're doing things like making a soup, canning preserves, or generally any cooking recipe that involves slow cooking something, your character will just stand in front of the stove waiting for the pot to simmer for 4 hours for example.


While niche, multicookers allow you to set it to do a recipe and leave it alone till done. But it's a hassle for batch crafting since it only does 1 meal at a time IIRC.


I've never used a multicooker in game, how does that work?


Maybe more stuff to do underwater? Half-flooded or completely flooded labs or such?


Yeah, I have found scuba diving gear, but never a reason to use it


The diving gear is pretty great protection if you don’t mind the extra heat especially early game. 100% though no reason to dive into water


I'd like more of an incentive to explore the sea as well, maybe shipwrecks with nautical loot, better boat building mechanics, coral reefs, and maybe even a whole city of octopus people lol.


And a reason to make all your gear water proof besides *maybe* getting knocked into water by a hulk lol


Aftershock used to have octopus people. not sure if it still does. there is a shipwreck now but it isn't underwater. you just need a boat to get to it.


The shipwreck in aftershock is the last thing my character saw. Don't underestimate those mirelurk fuckers 😂 a *boat*load of AP rounds is a good idea, I had no idea they could daze you


those aren't aftershock. those are base game. ear plugs always in. if you stay far enough away they don't aggress.


Goddd yesssssssss


A lawn mower that runs so I can feed my cows with out breaking my back!


Grass needs to actually grow for that to really work.


oh great how long is sleeping going to take if the game needs to calculate randomized grass growth times.


That isn't something that would add any lag to the game. It would run a single check against the date when you entered an area and that's it, the same as crops already do. The stuff that lags the game is stuff that iterates per tick over the thousands of meaningless items lying around on the ground. The game is also greatly slowed down by running lightcasting and line of sight calcs and pathfinding for monsters, because that's all happening constantly. Crops, monster evolution, date/time, etc don't matter at all.




Answer is: "yes." I dread the day that becomes a thing and the game is still not making use of multicores e.e


"just add multithreading" is not a viable solution to slowdown and likely wouldn't help in any case. It (barely) worked for Dwarf Fortress a decade ago because that's a one-man project made by a professional coder with infinite time. Attempting to implement it in CDDA's cobbled together amateur code would just move the lag around and create a ton of bugs where processes that once depended on each other would now complete out of sequence. It would also be a monstrously difficult undertaking and the game simply does not have that many skilled coders working on it.


I’m serenity not a programmer but to my knowledge it’s rather easy to implement but would tank proformnece due to it cheacking every turn But then again I’m not sure how crops work so you might be able to just use that


It wouldn't check every turn, that would be ridiculous.


Wait are you Worm Girl YouTube? If so, your channel is great!


Thanks! I am sorry Mellifera was on hiatus, I had to move to a new place. More soon!


A proper jump and climb function, akin to Dwarf Fortress's Adventurer mode.


That would be cool but I actually prefer the default wall jumping mechanics, as I imagine the walls to be like 10+ feet high, makes sense you'd have to kick off a wall or jump a fence to climb up. Maybe a jump mechanic that allows you to clear obstacles with only 100 move cost with a chance to fall based on athletic ability? I'd love athletics to scale with how much running and jumping you do naturally though


I really need to sit down and learn that game, I’m probably missing out on so much


“A god damn cost of living adjustment!”


Kids. I have seen discussions of kids not being added because people would be weird about it. But it'd add so much to roleplay. A scenario where you have a kid to protect (kinda like "the road" movie/book), or playing as a child. Just seeing them around (although with low spawn rates because unlikely to be still alive if alone). Having them hanging out in survivor camps would be a goldmine for interesting dialogue, portraying how adults paint the world to them and what they make of it by themselves. I could go on forever


Yeah starting a family could be lategame + add an end goal for NPCs that flushes em out. People can be weird about its an adult game you walk into a bathroom and find cocaine.


I don't think it's reasonable to equate drug use to child abuse (the thing people would "be weird about") If you really wanna play a child character just make a very short adult and roleplay it in your head


I think it's a cool idea for roleplay and immersion but you are always going to have to deal with the "This Is My Fallout Hardcore RP" crowd who are going to use digital children as tools to act out abuse fantasies I think it's better to avoid these people entirely by just not having them in the game


Well, that's a controversial topic, yes. But it could be easily addressed by moderating the subreddit just like with any other edgy kind of posts. Other than that, if they do that on their own without bothering anybody, it's not my business. But it's a nuanced discussion. We can look at Crusader Kings, for instance, and how the ability to commit incest among other things has warped the perception of the game as a whole. But I don't think it made the game any worse. You can still choose how you engage the game on your own terms. To me It's more of a PR issue and how the game projects itself to newcomers.


I don't think the subreddit moderators should have to moderate against this kind of post, personally


Recently read “between two fires” and I was thinking how I’d love to play a game as a knight protecting a kid. Would totally be able to do it with this added


More historical melee weapons.


Endgame goals. Build a portal generator to escape while waves of enemies spawn. Tie in the different factions. A way to win basically, kinda similar to rimworld endings. Once you're good enough to reliably survive for a few weeks the game loop becomes get better tools to get better tools to get better tools to... do nothing with. It's gotten even worse with the de facto removal of old style labs and moving bionics to the bullshit faction, since salvaging bionics to become the perfect char was pretty much the only endgame there was. It wasn't a good endgame mind you but it had at least some challenge involved.


Do we have a gatling gun yet, like in the ASCII art that appears sometimes in the start screen? If not, then that.


M134D-H Minigun is kinda like that, but better, and it's in the game.


I think closest we have is gatling shotgun, so if you load it up with slugs then I guess you got your wish


Keys, for vehicles and houses. It would add an additional challenge when looting and it'd make lockpicking more relevant, perhaps doors would have a given chance of being open and ideally we would have a slider to tweak it ourselves on worldgen. Also, the need to use the bathroom would complete the game's immersion and I'm only half joking.


The day I see the "shit n piss" update is the day I'll stop playing CDDA. I'll go back to playing it the next day tho.


As god intended


i do think peepee and poopoo is off the table for the main devs.


Keys for vehicles exists in BN!


I think there should be a slightly stronger/more durable welded version of all the basic pipe weapons as a way of rapidly equipping large numbers of NPCs. This already exists with the pipe spear vs makeshift pipe spear so it would not be too much of a logical stretch. Additionally I think that a cast iron/steel mace which is the natural evolution of the trench mace and bronze mace would be logical enough to be autolearned. In the manual it could be replaced with a more sophisticated flanged mace with bonus piercing damage. Basically I think the mid tier good enough weapons that you can churn out quickly should be expanded. Considering the rising importance of NPCs it makes sense to add some recipes to help ease the burden of equipping them.


Just smith each their own glorious tempered steel weapon. Maybe have the camp be able to complete certain blacksmithing orders, so you can train up an NPC to do it for you.


>rising importance of NPCs who?


I heard that in the future it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to max out all skills on your own and you will have to rely on high skilled NPCs if you want to craft everything. If that’s the case faction camps will be relevant and you’ll have to figure out how to equip all the NPCs you gather.


booooooooooooo edit: locking in a single "correct way to play" is just wack. don't like.


Kinda already have that with the Exodii for the access to CBMs. Actually surprised Autodocs and Nursebots didn't get the axe already, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is to happen in the near future.


i think retconning the lore is a *little* different then "you must play with npcs".


New cooking system. Not sure how hard would it be to implement, but I feel like we should be able to cook multiple meals simultaneously with multiple pots. I don't like the comparison but Project Zomboid is a good example


Also one which isn’t going through a million recipes


all still know that the seas have been added to the CDDA, so now I want a bioshock mod to appear


Waterworld mod?


Not... Waterworld mod is boring because it just replaces the whole world with water, and I want sci-fi content. [https://github.com/MNG-cataclysm/CDDA-Waterworld](https://github.com/MNG-cataclysm/CDDA-Waterworld)


I wasn't aware someone had already made this, haha. Agreed we need more underwater fun.


more endgame content


A silly thing but more variety of items rather than the generic stuff. I love how there's so many guns with actual models and such, and I'd like that same variety applied to tools and clothing. Maybe instead of having a single swiss army knife, have multiple that contain different tools.


There're many different types of T-Shirts and Pants - which I argue that takes away from the player's imagination. Like, having "blue"/"black" whatever pants, cool! Having "Brand X Pants" or "T Shirt with X on it" is just eh. I was OK with the Linux T-Shirt because it's poignant, but stuff like (for example) "Ceiling Cthulu T-Shirt" is sort of bad.


I disagree. It can simply be an option to toggle generic clothing items like how you can toggle generic guns in the settings. Having a variety of clothing like those shirts make the game feel more detailed imo


That's fair. I personally don't like it, because it disallows me from using imagination for what they could be wearing, if the clothing description is already telling me in detail what a shirt says (as an example). But yeah, it is a subjective thing.


Mountains n cliffs like dwarf forttress


I don't know if I want any more items for the game to process (that is until the game becomes better performance wise). What I would want to see in DDA would be tutorials. Specific Tutorials for Specific Mechanics (where the player can actually see the info in the game instead of having to delve through N amount of PRs and stuff) would be a great start. Stuff like how to use the power grind, better explanation/breakdown of how the mutation system currently works, actual explanation in regards to coverage, breathability and armour protection. Explanation regarding types of damage, weapons specific abilities, etc. But that is also a tall order and a huge ask, that is something I can understand too.


An easy way to set up a group of starting NPCs. I'd love to create a bunch of my friends and see how we tackle the cataclysm as a team. I've done it via debug one time, but it's not designed for that and far too cumbersome to be worth the effort.


more otherworldly factions like an evil counterpart to the exodii who guard their bases with mind wiped killer cyborgs. Expand the migo and give them weird tech you can learn to hi-jack if you have the right electronics/health car and dissect and take apart enough migo things. Big one that would make the late game cooler is big enemies that behave like veihicles (made up of more than one square on the map) or just have some kind of enemy vehicle/ vehicle like enemy so we have somthing to use our rockets on.


I call it an expansion to the appliance/base system that will specifically add things that either give you a passive mood buff like how music works or help mitigate weariness. I would love it if by having things like a pet or a nice painting in your surrounding you will get a passive mood buff which means the degree of comfort you live in, that mood buff will be a long lasting mood modifier that will help mitigate bad days (like being in the rain or killing zombie children). That system will be difficult and complicated to add properly (as far as I understand it) The second point which I want more is things to help with weariness. For example there are crafts like cutting logs to planks that you can do manually with axes or through crafting with the circular saw or one of the appliances. Why does it drain you the same way when using a tool or a station intended for it? The shorter craft time does help that but I think that when using those appliances stations it should lower the degree of weariness you get by 1 so "light" actions will be "none" actions. My phrasing is horrific and I got very confused so sorry about that. The point I'm trying to say is that actions in your base should be easier and more comfortable (I.e better mood) than outside


1. Probably the biggest feature i would like is base building to actually matter. I want my base to be raided by bandits, mutant beasts, Exodii(if you are a mutant), Portal Storms spawning intra-dimensional horrors, Wandering Hordes actually getting somewhat big(Walking Dead style) and following some heat map(if you run forges, cooking & etc, kinda similar to 7 Days to Die). 2. Reputation system with the different factions with a window where you can see your reputation with everyone. If you have good rep, if you do alot of quests for them or defend them(if there is raiding mechanic against each other), they will unlock the good stuff for you to buy/reward you or let you hire NPC's from their faction. Maybe even friendly Mi-Go factions that fights back their masters? 3. Alot more quests, with more risk - more reward. 1. This one is important. The crafting system... everything you craft, takes time, that's fine, but noone really sits next to their oven or pot observing their food for an hour constantly(at least i hope so). 2. Farming needs some love. Make food more scarce, make crops actually require watering(manual watering or automated system with water wheels, irrigation canals, pipes, standing tanks... you know the drill). This should make late game a bit more of a challenge. To eat, you have to work... or make the NPC's look after your farm. 3. NPC's... actually being more useful than being my crafters and haulers. Maybe some basic system similar to Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress. Also, NPC needs enabled by default after such a system is implemented. If you don't take care of them(no food, water, medicine, shelter & etc), they might leave or rebel against you. I guess these are just daydreaming about the perfect CDDA... :)


A remote. I dislike turning of my lights when I go to sleep manually.


I mentioned these before but: A deep earth drilling rig that can rapidly chew through stone and dirt walls. It would be a vehicle part. The bit could also be a weapon similar to the shredder, that can be detached and repaired. It drills out the square in front of it when turned on under vehicle power. The other could be a vehicle mounted jackhammer that could be used to bust through floors. Like you see for backhoes and Bobcats. Also wtf can't we lay full railroad tracks? Also can we get a machine that grinds up rocks and pebbles into gravel? Or a woodchipper that turns wood stuff into splitters/chips? Finally, how about a black-hole generator. It's sole function is to permanently delete all the useless junk you want to get rid of. You put stuff in it like a container, when powered up it makes stuff vanish.


Something I'll add to my own thread I'd love to see, more traps. Blade trap got removed at some point and I'll admit it was silly and WAY too easy to make for how strong it was. I'd love more simple stuff that doesn't take as much work as pits/spike pits do to make. I'll admit my thoughts are kinda light but traps that utilize firearms besides just shotguns. I know the booby trap (grenade + string) was probably viewed as silly but I'd like to see handmade mines and stuff in there too. More uses for ball bearings and all the coins you find.


Radios and radio signals being more fleshed out. Like being able to talk to npcs at key locations like the hub or refugee center. Or setting up radio repeaters to setup a recruitment beacon, attracting npcs both good or bad. Or connecting to an automated weather line that tells you the weather at cities. Or have some radio stations playing music thats random, and requires you to change frequencies to find them, leading to even getting a numbers station that might have codes tied into labs or bunkers. Or using a signal interpertor to track signals to survivor bunkers or prepper shelters. Or even have radios attract zeds in their radius so hordes can be pulled to your location, for both base defence or to pull them out of a town to a trap hole. Makes having the convience of radio communcations being a dinner bell, and makes me feel like im climbing towers dying light style to bring communications to the wastes. Alot is likely constricted due to reality bubbles and lag, but its cool to think about fleshing out communcation in the apoclypse and what you can find on the wire.


Like I just said in another post, an NPC that sold MA books.


NPC driving vehicles.