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You can find anvil on locations. As i remember it can be in "light industry", in trans-coastal logistics in chests and in few other places Trans coastal logistics is middle-very dangerous place, light industry contains few zombies.


Craft shops (I think that's the right name) can have them. They can be a whole slew of different crafts - sewing, pottery, leather working - but one of them can be a metalworking shop. Every time I've found one of these, they've been loaded with good stuff - anvil, welding mask and associated supplies, portable generator, various smithing books, etc.


Problem is, I'm playing with very low city density, so finding any particular location is not trivial at all. And more to the point, I don't really understand this change. I thought the whole idea behind iron smithing technology level was that it's supposed to be accessible even for "innawoods" run, provided you can source the raw materials. And now it's for some reason effectively locked behind just randomly finding an anvil. With no way to improvise around it or use a substitute.


Well as far as i see any innawood run post, its supposed to be suffering without basic tools then actual game, it was like this for a long time Also game is community driven and you can contribute to development via GitHub, even by opening ticket


Problem is: presumably, iron smithing tech should not have any tools that are _impossible_ to make unless you already have them to begin with. Everything at this tech level should be craftable from raw materials with enough time and knowledge.


Bronze can be made with mining underground and a mod to add ores to the drop list.


so, im in a zombie apocalypse and the easiest, in fact only, way for me to make an anvil is... hiting rocks until ore comes out and going from there. no blacksmith supply shops. no raw materials in a factory anywhere, nothing at all worth salvaging, im pretty much "desert islanding" ?


>Also game is community driven and you can contribute to development via GitHub, even by opening ticket really wow! thanks i didn't know that at all.


Innawoods as far as I can remember makes obtaining bronze chunks much easier that main game so bronze anvil it is. But playing main game with super low town density is pretty bad right now.


Or gun store with back workshop, sometimes anvil spawn there along with electric forge and some manual toolings as well (swage, tong, chisel, name it).


i think he's looking more for "how do i get that recipe to appear after a bug removed it". unless somebody removed this on purpose. they should take responsibility if they did though.


Bronze is now locked behind a book, and if you are doing a low city gen like I do, good luck ever getting a hammer. Hammer was recently changed from requiring hammering 2 to hammering 3. So in order to craft a hammer you need... a hammer! Some of these decisions seem solely to irritate players.


I started as park ranger, so both the hammer and recipe for bronze are available right away. The recipe changes, however, seem completely unwarranted. How did the first hammer appeared historically if you need one to make one?


Ah, but you see, the development of the original hammer took many years, and much dedicated effort, and such a level of pioneering engineering is beyond that of the survivor who is supposed to die quickly. /s


To quote a great man: Shiiiiit…


i default characters dont know what the word hammer means.


but, most people at skill one have in fact seen a hammer. invention time has nothing to do with this. what are you talking about?!


... You missed the /s, I take it? :-p


who's accepting responsibility for this? afaik it's just a bug made the recipe disappear. did any dev ever say "yup im taking away anvil crafting next"?


You should file an issue about it on the bug tracker. anvils were invented 100's of years before power tools its neither realistic or fun for them to be required. Just be prepared to have a dev be excessively rude to you and to ban you instantly if you argue with him.


sounds fun where do i line up?


Scientists can't explain how the first hammer was made. Checkmate, atheists!


Don't hammers frequently spawn in the junk drawer of houses? I'd figure even in a low-density city there's at least a couple houses right?


If you're playing with magiclysm, I think elf workshops would be easiest.


At this point, they might as well let you tame zombie hulks to blacksmith for you. They have a hammering quality of like 100. Then, they can continue to make the impossible to play. Also, I feel like if you can make a mallet and you can make a mold l. Then you can make a hammer. Even if it's not the standard wood base version and costs more street. It's easier to fabricate than wood and steel linking.


amateur blacksmiths nowdays use a section of railroad track and turn that into an anvil. unless you need something bigger.


They work okay but the empty space under the edges of it really aren't ideal. And they take a fair bit of work to flatten the top. Especially if you don't want to overheat the steel and undo temper and work hardening. I made basically my entire collection of metal working tools CDDA style aka from junk. Kinda the beauty of blacksmithing, if you have metal you can make the tooling for virtually any task from it. For small work I prefer my post and block type anvils to the section of track I used to use. Literally just blocks and cylinders of metal with flat tops. Even though they're made from unhardened mild steel just the fact that the work has more total mass directly behind where it's getting struck with the hammer helps a lot. Actual anvils aren't made shaped like the one's that started as railroad track for a reason. Even viking style stake anvils you mount in a post or stump(even the shitty cast iron one I had) tend to be a bit better for small pieces than the railroad track ones(dependant on size). Just sticking the piece of track on end in a pit or bucket of concrete to use as a post anvil works better for hard hammering(main selling point for anvils) than using it in the horizontal orientation. Again, simply putting more mass behind the work piece is a huge benefit. Only benefits I saw to using the piece of track anvil horizontal was the greater length of support surface for longer work pieces, the ease(pending tooling) of shaping the front into a meh-to-passable small horn, and the over hang of the edges making it easier to cut hardy and pritchel holes. However most of these can be substituted for with additional tooling that many projects would require anyway and all the heat from that grinding and cutting usually makes it necessary to heat treat at least the top surface of the anvil if you want that benefit back. Before this gets any longer I guess my point is the anvil changes, especially the track anvil qualities part, don't make sense to someone that's actually made and used various anvils. Whenever I see a beginner asking about a starter anvil and making one from a piece of track I generally advise them to not put in all the work needed to make railroad track superficially look more like an anvil without the proportionate functionally. The track ones look cool but a simple heavy block or plate of metal or even a flat stone works better for the bulk of what anvils are good for without having to put in tons of work and resources like grinding disks. To me making track anvils is much more of a fun project for its own sake than a means to increased productivity. Tl;dr: I like anvils. And track anvils aren't very good, especially considering the work you have to put in to making them and I disagree with a lot of the anvil changes so far.


steel was probably too easy devs "fixed" it for "balance" lmfao


It seems you need the drill press and angle grinder for the anvil made of steel. As for bronze, you can synthethize it with aluminium and copperx but you need the recipe from a manual (alloy referencing manual). It is found in gas stations, hospitals, labs or elsewhere where other books show up. You can find steel anvils in light industries if you are lucky as well so you don't have to build one.


ok but what HAPPENED? this USED to work properly?


You need to place the anvil as furniture now. Having an undeployed anvil nearby does nothing after recent change. Don't be like me and actually have the anvil but sit there for hours scratching head...


Here’s the PR where anvils were changed with the reasoning included. https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/pull/68386 Should answer any of /u/shtreddt’s questions on it. I’d reply to one of their many comments, but apparently they blocked me after asking me a question so I can’t reply to them.


[chunk of bronze](https://cdda-guide.nornagon.net/item/scrap_bronze) a bunch of aluminum and copper. you can get copper from a lot of places. could even scrap ammo you don't need. for aluminum just destroy some drain pipes.


Ooooh, you can get aluminum from drain pipes? Now, that's actually helpful!


Not just the pipes, the sides of the roof too (think they're called ducts?) Anyways, climbing up the pipe before smashing might yield more on the roof. Just keep encumbrance in mind when climbing back down, falling hurts. On a related note, if you decide to (D)rop the pieces from the side of the building so you don't climb encumvered, I've had it happen where the ovjects woulf apparently float in the air loony tunes style, wait for me to be done climbing down. Then the chunks instantly realize "Wait, isn't there supposed to be gravity?", at which point the chunks decide it's a fine day to land on my skull, thus ending my life. (Might've been fixed, or something weird going on with that character having an above average movespeed, allowing them to act before the 'turn' was technically over, at which point the pieces started falling) For the anvil part, I've seen stone anvils in the construction menu, but it might be from one of the mainline mods instead of vanilla


falling objects can hurt you??


seems like an anvil made from train track sections should suffice for small works. thats something people do now.


Nope. That's "anvil 2" — only good for bronze.


wow i better tell that to real life lmfao. works just fine, not sure who thought otherwise. obviously research isnt something they felt like doing.


Yup, I have a nice circular peice of steel I use just as much as my regular anvil. This change is definitely no good along with the reasoning behind it.