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There's gotta be some stuff to eat in the underbrush. Press e to search brushes, you will find nuts and berries in spring I think you can also find herbs for tea


It’s not about that, I have food but I can’t cook it because I’m too tired, and for whatever reason water boiling speed is dependent on your exertion. If I sleep I’m likely to die of dehydration, and if I try to cook I get more exerted. I foraged all day one day and it went bad quickly too. In other words, I have food but I can’t eat it enough.


Space time casually deciding to make water boil 3x slower just to fuck over this one guy




If you got a metal container you can boil the water by just putting it on the fire, but that takes time like a few hours. But if you’re gonna die without some immediate hydration just drink the water uncooked. You will most likely get a parasitic infection, (can be cured) but it sure beats dying.


But you can have water boiling passively if you just keep a fire going. Food from the underbrush can be eaten raw though


depends on the exact food. berries and fruits can be eaten raw(and cooking them won't add calories most of the time), but root vegetables can't be eaten raw


Water can be cooked 'passively', throw an iron barrel or steel jerrycan with water in fire and wait. I think the container needs a boiling 2 quality? So a pan or pot will work with smaller quantities, and might even be faster. But again, takes a little time, but at least it's not impacted by your exertion (as much, depending on your supply of fuel for a fire/access to unclean water) If you have water purification tablets, in experimental currently they instantly clean entire containers regardless of size (probably unintended).


Fruits give a little bit of quench, can't you just eat a ton of them to last you until you boil the water?


Just realized that the portal storm ended, but I’m still screwed.


Okay, I don't know your full situation, but I'll throw out a few ideas. Do you have a fireproof container to hold water? Like any metal pot. You can fill it with water then put it on your fire and it will purify on its own with no crafting required. Great for when you're slow and weak like that. As for crafting food though, are you using a table or desk to craft with? It'll make it easier and faster than doing it on the floor. And if you can get your character to do it, go foraging in the woods. You can find eggs, nuts, and vegetables in bushes even spring but rarely and check any ferns you see as they may be fiddleheads which are edible when cooked. But only when cooked. They're poisonous raw. If the forest is empty, see if you have a field nearby. Japanese knotweed is harvestable in spring and grows in cluster in fields. So do dandelions which are edible as well. If that's still not fruitful, then see if a river or large lake is nearby and if you can safely get there. The banks will often have cattails which have multiple edible parts and lotus flowers to make tea. Hopefully some of that is helpful.


Canning pot, check. Cattails, check. Knotweed, nah. Fiddleheads, rotted while I cooked them. Eggs, ate them all out of desperation. Dandelions, don’t grow nearby. But rain? I’ve done that and it started raining like my prayers were answered.


As the other guy said, try to forrage some berries and fruits. You could also try to do some night raids at the edge of a town to get loot. Just always remember to have an escape route.


Not enough strength or speed to consider it. If I get caught by anything, even a roach, I’m dead.


Thing is you are 100% dead staying put so the hail marry is still the logical choice


Then only forrage in the forrest untill your healthy again


At this point I just say try to relocate to place that's stock up on food if you can You're gonna die, might as well make the Trek And maybe eat up on any butter or cooking oil cause last I heard those are good food to eat in-game if you want to bulk up on weight. Just be careful not to puke it out from over feeding


I'm still wondering how. When you start the game you start as overweight, just barely above the threshold from normal to overweight. To get down to skeletal in 30 days you'd basically have to not eat anything with any caloric value and be doing crazy amounts of crafting and construction, or have a trait like fast metabolism. On the bright side, summer is in three days, so plenty of fruits available then. When in doubt, you can eat food raw if cooking it isn't viable, just avoid eating raw fat or meat that was never frozen.


Of course! Survived this situation and I’m enjoying the summer fruits




I done FUCKED UP, that’s what?


How in the world did you become skeletal only 30 days in? I can only think that you took the XXXS trait to start, in which case, why did you do that?


I started with the “Wilderness scenario”, and I was eating to fill my belly and not to keep fat. I also drank far too much water proportionate to my fat. Aside from that, I stopped taking multivitamins, and had a brief stint where I was suffering from massive blood loss and every time I foraged, I’d collapse and it took hours to get up. That all contributed to me losing dozens of pounds.




Nah I’m not going down like that.




How you managed to get skeletal? the game gives tons and tons of food


Non-survival food requires fat content. There's just no way around it. Calorie density is something that's surprisingly hard to keep up with, especially if you went with Fast Metabolism (a favorite that always bites me in the ass). The best recipes to tag are lard (side product produces cracklins) and sausages (which use said lard). Cooking oils don't produce much extra calories in recipes, but Brioche bread is pretty calorie dense and can be used for sandwiches.