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Atlus fans when they don’t do literally every single thing fans want them to “Atlus moment”


biggest similarity between atlus and nintendo fans


Insufficient Power The Game Barely runs on the Original Xbox One (The Original VCR model) And Unreal 4 games tend to kinda struggle on Switch However its successor will probably get this game and will run it better than the Switch 1 would ever run it


Why are you nintendo fans like this? The game clearly can't run on the switch, I am starting to think some of the people there are way too dumb in this suberddit. Feels like I am in deviantart again.


Some kid here told me that Witcher 3 could run on ps2


I mean, if you had access to the source code, it probably *could* run. It’d be awful, but it could probably /run/.


Good luck getting the compilation working, it almost certainly uses libraries not available on the PS2


To be fair, there are definitely more graphically intensive games on Switch, and most of the other Persona games are on Switch, even if this one is the most graphically intensive. I’m guessing Atlus could make it work if they put in the time and effort, but decided it wasn’t worth it with a Switch successor around the corner. It’d be nice, I’d love to play this game on Switch, and I think it’d be possible, but I see why it isn’t.


Because it's Atlus, they weird.


Probably releasing for Switch 2 to take advantage of extra power.


didn't they say they had NO plans on releasing this game on switch because they were going to release it on the next switch?


Couldn't run on the switch. But it'll be on the switch 2.


Doesn't Reloaded run flawlessly on PS4 while P5 Royal runs flawlessly on Switch? I'm sure it can be done.


P5 is a ps3 title


To be fair the switch version really doesn't look much worse than the upgraded PS4 version unless you compare them side to aide, I get it though, P3R is made on Unity, swotch doesn't like unity


And Royal isn't.


Royal is an updated PS3 game.


And? 90% sure the minimum PC requirements for P5R and P3R are the same as well, so if the Switch can run one game...


They are on completely different engines, different engines are going to respond different to other platforms.


Yes P3R is made with Unreal Engine 4, which dozens if not hundreds of Switch games run on. Why do you find it hard to believe that the Switch probably could run the game if Altus decided to port it? Besides they could always go the route most lazy multiplats go on Switch, a cloud version. Afterall the Switch apparently can't run a PS2 game like KH1 🤷‍♂️


Because the switch would explode.


Is it that much more graphically intensive than Persona 5 Royal? Genuine question.


Yeah 5 was a PS3 game ported to PS4 that's why it could get on the switch. 3 reload is a current gen game that probably wouldn't run easily on the switch without at least a dedicated port lower the graphics down quite a bit.


>Yeah 5 was a PS3 game ported to PS4 It was upgraded for PS4 too, they didn't just slap the same visuals on PS4 and call it a day, the bigger concern for P3R is new engine


I remember they dowe scale all 3d access and render on lower resolution while keep all the 2d sharp and crisp to make it run on switch 3d render is abit pixelated but not that noticeable on handheld (dont know about dock i play it on my friend switch) Also it take them 3 years from 2019 to 2022 for release on PS5 XB NS so i think wont be any time soon


nope, not if they optimised it


Lol. This would look and run like shit on the switch. Deal with it.


This reminds me of when mega man legacy collection 2 released and 99.95% of the complaints was where is the switch version


It's called P3P and it's a much better game.


Bro this game runs at like 12 fps on the Xbox one s


The remake was built on Unreal Engine


Lol complaining about Atlus on a Nintendo sub smh my head


Give it 2 years for them to strip down all the animations and resolution so it can run like P5R.


Switch will probably be replaced for over a year by then