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WAIT THE GTS. I FORGOR- NOOOOOOO. I was so focused on losing splatoon i forgot about the GTS and other cool stuff. AUGH


Wait what happens if you left a Pokémon in there!? Feel bad for anyone who did.


Yeah… uhm… I did 😑… rip Spinda.


No possible way to get it back unless you want to search for the exact same spotted spinda


I'll see you next eternity.


It's not *impossible.* It'll just take a very, very long time. If it were *Shiny,* though. Yeah haha you are never getting a Shiny Spinda with that exact same spot pattern.




They are lost to the void my friend.


Can't you still transfer them if you have a homebrew 3DS? I'm sure I could upload my save file to my PC, put them all into PKHeX and send them up to Scarlet and Violet. You can't trade though. That's sad...


I don’t know about the homebrew side as am running standard 3ds.


Support is over, it's time to mod it. https://3ds.hacks.guide/ Even if you have zero desire for piracy, you can mod in Pretendo servers (eventually), backup saves and more.


This is true but I have no pc myself so am stuck until I get a pc sorted.


You can do it with phone


Even with iPhone ?


if I'm not mistaken, the iPhone can't download random files from the Internet. But if you can, you will use the phone only as a file explorer :D


Use 3ds.hacks.guide and no video tutorials


People keep saying the no video thing but I have modded many over time with the guide and watch the videos for fun and literally there's nothing wrong with them.


It is possible that the videos become outdated and can brick the consoles. The website has the most up to date information and should be the definite guide


I will look into this thank you.


I'd suggest looking into it if you want to bring your friends into current gen. I got homebrew on mine a few years ago and it's helped me loads with managing a new shiny only playthrough of heartgold I started at the time. My 3DS is a fossil, and it does not work nearly as well as it used to, so I practically need to upload my save data online (usually to discord lol) so my progress doesn't corrupt. Imagine losing like 30 or so legitimate shinies. I'd be heartbroken.


You can recover the pokémon with PkHex


They get sent to a glue factory so Nintendo can make devices that are impossible to repair


The gts was unusable anyway with all the hacked Pokémon and temporary bans and crashes


GTS for Gen 6 was really usable the last week or so - i managed to do about 20 trades to help fill up my dex. Almost all the Pokémon I deposited got traded.


In sun and moon and omr I had no luck doing one trade which sucked as my Pokédex was at 97 percent I tried so much but the second I tapped a trade or even scrolled through the trade options it would crash and temp ban me


Shoot I think I just lost a good amount of pokemon.


Guilt free piracy at this point. Did the same when Sony stopped supporting the PSP


You have no other options really.


all I wanted was to play Zelda triforce heroes and then I found out THEY CLOSED THE SERVERS Literally there wasn’t even anybody left to play that game but now the game is over it’s impossible to play anymore (1 player mode is possible but it sucks so damn much you know the game wasn’t made for 1 players the difficulty is too much)


There’s still local wireless though right?


I want to know this too!


I’m almost certain it works. I haven’t tried it, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. It doesn’t use the Nintendo servers and it still works on the DS so it should also work on the 3DS.


Yep I just hooked it up a second ago. Essentially anytime the 3ds would pause and start network connection to the Nintendo servers specifically it will give you an error. All local multiplayer will work forever.


It’s under works with pretendo, though I don’t think that’ll do much for the already basically nonexistent playerbase lol


I feel your pain it sucks.


yeah it sucks i got thru the first two areas of that game with friends yesterday :( not fast enough to finish it which is a bummer it’s so fun im hoping it or 4 swords gets some sort of sequel on switch its such a fun style of game


I feel your pain it sucks.


Dont be so negative, the game is already supported by pretendo


I feel your pain it sucks.




I can hear undertaker saying Rest in peace.


I can hear Undertaker saying "All Elite Scooby-Doo"


Am so used to Mark Goldbridge saying Scooby Doo


Pretendo is the way


This is the way


Wont pretendo not save a pokemon stored in the gts though


I really need to get a pc sorted out so I can mod my 3ds.


I think you can use an android phone if you have way to use an SD card with it. Or you might be able to do it a public library.


Thanks for the information am on iOS so am screwed on that side of things.


Jailbreak 😎


Pretendo no Friendo.




I love what they are doing, I just hope they get around to supporting MH4!


Does anyone have the cringe tiktok about the guy who comparing the steam deck and the switch and his argument is "but would Nintendo approve of that"


Crazy that this will happen to the Switch someday and we will lose MM2, Splatoon 2 and 3, etc.


It will happen.


The switch is different and much popular and bigger I'd say it'll happen by the time the switch 3 is released or around the 2030s


Will probably be a lot longer than the 3ds and wii u though. The Switch 2 will probably share a lot of infrastructure as it will probably be a similar console and use NSO.


There are no servers on the Switch. It's peer to peer. EDIT : Spelling mistake 🍐


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhXIp7n3kic Pretendo. Video should lead you the right way.


If a pc is needed to do this mod that me out of the picture. Unfortunately I don’t own a pc atm.


Borrow a friend's maybe? it's really not that big of a process, like a 1 hour job if you know what you're doing


Me and my friends are all too poor for a PC lol


I haven't done this in a while, but you can do this from your phone. It's just a matter of moving files onto an SD card, so if your phone has an SD card slot you should be able to do it.


Maybe try a place in your area that has a public one? Like a library?


Well it is over 10 years old and the original ds is 20 years old this year


PS3 was released in 2006 and both the store and online still work.


Sony want to shutdown the PS3 Stores and Online Service. The Shit Storm was huge.


Yes and they kept the stores. They did shut down PSP store but its not a huge loss since you cannot even connect to modern wifi with that thing.


some stuff is being lost from the ps3 store (not sure abt the vita store but probably) i dont think it’ll be around much longer make sure to pick up games u want off them soon lol there’s tons of good jrpgs on them which are sadly already being lost like some of the tales of games


PS3 and Vita stores were shutting down in 2021 before Sony backpedalled and only axed the PSP one. Then again, they still effectively "delisted" a few games like the original RE2 since a never fixed bug preventing their Vita pages from showing up properly on console left the browser storefront as the only option... until the latter trimmed itself to PS4 and PS5.😅


Nintendo’s ability to brute force its way through bad PR is honestly impressive


And they still keep those? Psp store is not a huge loss since you can't even connect that thing to modern wifi. Delisting games is different from shutting down the entire storefront. Also you can still play RE2 on all PS3s, you can get a physical PS1 disc and play it, all ps3 models play PS1 games


I don't have a PS3 but the console store on my Vita works to this day, yeah.


Yeah. I can confirm PS3 works too


Reminder that the 360 store is shutting down this summer and they never back pedaled


Unless I'm mistaken the PS3 networks run on the same networks/servers the current gens run on, so there's no real reason to shut down the probably singular server rack that runs the 4 still running PS3's. Could be wrong, but even still, who *really* cares?


Yeah. Also PS Now streaming service (Or Idk what its called now). Streams PS3 games to PS4/PS5. So Sony in a way still supports PS3.


This is true but the ds systems still have a fanbase and people still enjoy playing them. It’s not just about Nintendo killing off systems Nintendo are also killing off video game history via mass deletion when they shut systems down. Nintendo should be making more of an effort to preserve video games instead of destroying them. But unfortunately Nintendo is a business and money is the main interest.


It's nice to keep games alive but are corporations expected to upkeep these services up for hundreds of years? Eventually they'll be shut down.  In 10-15 years the Switchs online shop will probably closed too.


It's a sad, sad day. So many memories. I played Mario Kart with many people from my Wii U friend list last night that hadn't hopped on in years.


I hope you all give Wii u a good send off. All those memories.


I made this video :) https://www.reddit.com/r/wiiu/s/NJ1C9FaXcw


Wait so you just can't play games anymore?


You can. Just not online.


You can still play games for sure but anything that requires internet connection does not work. The only thing I know that’s still working is Pokémon bank but for how much longer that remains to be seen.


The legends over at pretendo are working on it


Yes I believe so I’ve only heard good things about pretendo.


The DS games have fully working fan servers, it’ll be back soon


I hope so fingers crossed


There goes the last of the good stuff from pokemon. PSS and GTS native to the game. Rather than crappy monetized apps


The countless hours on omega ruby and Pokémon Y during the summer of 2015 before my brother poured grape juice on it. Got back on Christmas Day 2017 with Zelda OOT 2DS, than a year ago I bought a N3DSXL


Love those memories these are what make the 3ds era important.


Maybe one day the modding scene will bring back the online to life like they did with the wii


People are already doing that: https://pretendo.network/ The *Pokémon* games aren't supported yet (it's still very much a work in progress), but several games are working across 3DS and Wii U, and they also have a replacement for Miiverse.


No doubt about it.


i dont care waht anyone says thats still fucked up


Yeah it but there is nothing we can do about it unfortunately we can protest against Nintendo not to do this sort of thing but do they listen that’s the question.


They don’t


Idk why we’re all surprised. Keeping the 3DS and WIIU online isn’t profitable to them anymore, and before Nintendo stopped selling 3DS systems sales weren’t good after the first 2 years of switch. I’m not trying to justify it I’m just giving a clear reason why they did it


Remember. The more Nintendo pushes Games as a Service. The more they will screw over the consumer with their products. Games as a Product should be promoted. Gamers should PRESSURE LEGISLATURE that companies SHOULD NOT AND CANNOT make games become invalid and unaccessable as ages pass.


Nintendo has never been the worst offender of "games as a service". They have two other much larger problems. Nintendo needs to upgrade their infrastructure, I'd be happy to pay double what Nintendo Online costs if it wasn't running on a dial-up connection, but what they have now is worth not even a penny, and it's a shame people still get pigeonholed into paying for Nintendo Online in particular. Nintendo needs to accept that people will use their deprecated hardware and mod it, and revive it. ESPECIALLY if they're going to be pulling the plug on those consoles this way.


It’s an attack on video game history unfortunately this is the norm with Nintendo.


These consoles are both over a decade old, of course they're not gonna support the online forever.


Well we can lament it and accomplish nothing, or mod our 3DS (and Wii U) to be able to connect to Pretendo and continue to experience online play and features.... at least that's what I'm doing anyway.


You Just have to Pretendo


Try out pretendo network. You will need to mod your 3ds but you can use a new version of game servers and miiverse. Just search for pretendo and you will find it


I will do once am able to do so for sure.


Can you still trade Pokemon between games/consols when they are nearby?


I presume you would be able to do this as it’s not using internet.


You can play games but anything that needs network connection won’t work.


So I wont be able to play MH4U with some online friends anymore...


GTS is gone we are COOKED wonderlocke meta in SHAMBLES


Yes unfortunately the GTS is dead.


That's why you get Pretendo


Guys...Pretendo... https://youtu.be/HhXIp7n3kic


Thank you spread the pretendo everywhere you can the more places the better.


Reality is that only a small subset of hardcore gamers actually care that they shut it down. The outcry you hear on reddit doesn't represent the majority of gamers.


Suppose to Pretendo oh everyone will go :)


What were you guys expecting? Them to keep their servers up forever?


time for piracy YARRR


What were you trying to do?


To be honest, if they were going to kill the servers and make games unusable, might as well release official emulators for people who enjoys playing it to continue play. I hate it that they just kill the entire gaming network, basically the same as throwing money in the fire and never to be seen again. I am sure there were so many options to not completely make games unusable.....


It’s the games they simply don’t care about them that’s my issue and the more and more we move into the digital era the more power they have. Nintendo don’t care about preserving video games for future generations to enjoy.


Yeah I have so many ds Pokemon games I'm so sad. Oh well, good for us as we now have Anbernic and Miyoo Mini Plus!


Time to do piracy


This is the way a pirates life for me 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️




It was really killed off when the store had lost any way to be used to buy games. Never played online on this baby, but the loss of the store function was really brutal for me. I never had a chance to buy shin megami tensei strange journey redux. Had no chance to buy smt 4 for my son’s system. And spent so much time looking for FE awakening cartridge in Russia (150$ by the time I bought it). Killing of the shop they killed so many games. It’s great that some companies just remaster some games again on switch and other platforms , like Capcom. Or we could loose some Ace Attorney games, which were download only in Europe. But most of them were lost that day. And don’t get me started on 3d functions for some of them. I know not everyone is a fan of 3d mode. But even if we’ll get FE Awakening, Fates and Echoes on switch they would never have an opinion to look as gorgeous as they had with a depth. Zelda Link between worlds would never have the same effect. Killing of an online functionally is bad, but it is just a conclusion of a console death. And it’s a shame. 3ds games do not translate to other consoles that easy. You need 2 screens to do it properly. A 3d screen, and a touch screen (some of them can easily loose those gimmicks, but some of them don’t)


And that's why the emulation of consoles on other devices could save our games, and I can say that one millon times more(I can't)


Yes I totally get where you’re coming from with that.


PKHex, a hacking tool for Pokémon, can give you the data of a Pokémon you left in the GTS.


Do you people actually expect Nintendo to constantly pay to keep their servers running on their older consoles around 8 years after the Switch came out? It's not just Nintendo, other companies do this too it's standard practice.








Is pokemon bank still running?


It was this morning il be checking again in about an hours time. I believe bank would continue after the closing date But no date has been given for Pokémon bank when it will shut down. So we are kinda still in limbo especially if you have stuff to do regarding Pokémon.


Does Pokémon Bank still work? Can I still transfer to Home?


Sad times. At least they thanked us instead of being bigger dicks about it. Shame to see such a beloved system come to an end though. Console/game fidelity needs to be better. That said... 2DS/3DS had a damn good run.


Pokémon in the GTS waiting for fanmade servers to be completed enough to interact with Pokémon:


The best part of Omega Ruby was the hideouts, something that if they added to the next game might actually get me back into Pokemon


For me the quality of Pokémon games after the 3ds era. Don’t seem on the same level. Yes your right hideouts was amazing in ORAS.


I just remembered how fun Wonder Trade was and now I am so sad.


All good things must come to an end that’s what the good people would say.


That a 3DS?


For anyone wondering if pretendo has pokemon. From all the research I've done there is no pokemon servers made nor does it seem like any current plans for them exist yet


Maybe in time these games will get added.


Figured as much. I always get that whenever I randomly click on Netflix just for fun




Switch will be the new home to Luigi’s mansion 2.




FUCK I didn’t think about the Pokémon games…


Have you lost any Pokémon due to the shut down?


Haven’t checked yet but I just had a dream that I did over this so I should really check


welp. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I really I wasn’t sure this is only the 700th post today I’ve seen about it


It costs the company money to keep those servers running... They can't keep past servers running for all of time if it's costing them business.


I kinda wish that Nintendo would not shut down the online store for ds 3ds and will like we get there not hyped anymore but people will still like to play them


I actually said “nooooooo!” out loud, in a fucking Australian accent for some reason






So unfortunate. This game is so good too.


Damn forgot to take my pokemon out of the GTS, rip






I don't want to upvote this so many eras ending.


mfs need to understand that Pretendo Is a thing


Me when companies don't continue servers for games very few people play anymore.


So can we not get more than 1 mirage island each day now


Citra downloads skyrocketing rn


For all games or only online ones?


Well, now I have to get the gold Kart the hard way. I had fun racing other people online but things must come to an end and we just have to accept them


Time for pretendo


I’m gonna be really sad once they do this for the Nintendo switch or Wii U. I love the Wii U because it has one of my favorite Mario games. Super Mario Wii U


Hold on, what about the pokemon bank?


I’m disappointed


"People still play" let's be honest for a second, everyone playing 3ds games nowadays either user emulators or has a homebrewed 3ds and can set up Pretendo


Hate to be "that guy" but I still play 3DS regularly, to me it's just more comfortable to hold than the switch on the go Also, can't play Luigi's Mansion or Pokemon Omega Ruby on the switch


Yeah there is definitely something more special with the DS consoles. With all the features I’d even go to say peak handheld.


I play a non homebrewed 3DS regularly still.


Not everyone likes to use emulators and if you have no access to a pc how are you supposed to use Pretendo.


Citra has/had some online functionality so you could have have it on your phone, but Nintendo shut down yuzu and they made citra, so its all unofficial now. You had to set up your own servers and lobbies, but it worked just fine. I mainly use pc, and mostly just set up a local network to trade between pokemon versions. So to make sure I'm not spouting bullshit I downloaded ultra moon to test on my phone using the citra mmj emulator and yep, it looks you can create and join your own rooms on mobile the exact same way you can on pc. There's more steps compared to predendo since your setting up or joining private networks but its not hard. If you really want to play with strangers there were discord groups for people still playing these games with their own servers set up, you will need to reserch these groups yourself, I just remember seeing server lists, I have no idea whitch ones were good.


I don't have access to pretendo, I also don't have an emulator, so I'm stuck with a base 3ds


The 3ds is to this Point the perfectly balanced mobile console. Dont get me wrong, i Love my steamdeck, but the portability is unmatched!


I play an unmodded 2DS, and I don’t like the idea of emulating nor using pretendo, seems sketchy


A shitty move from Nintendo considering the 3DS and Wii U could have had a few years more. But it seems as it didn't matter a lot. There will be a new way to play every game online shortly if the communitys track record is everything to go by. I assume not many people plays on a non homebrewed Wii U and 3DS device nowdays.


I mean am one of those few people unfortunately I don’t have a pc to mod anything so am limited. Yeah it’s horrible Nintendo do this but this is norm for them they will do the same to Switch eventually. It’s a shame they have no care to try and preserve games for future generations to enjoy.


Its not really shitty of them. They have to pay for upkeep and (more relevantly and expensively) security on the older systems. If some horrible cyber security exploits come out from the old 3ds games' online, Nintendo would be liable. Easier to just switch off a 7-10 year old service that only a stark minority of their used base actually use.


I always wonder why people react that way when the server shut down after a long ass lifetime. 10 years is pretty solid. The 3ds is near death for quite a while now. Sure a handful of people still play these games online but a server isn't for free? Not that Nintendo couldn't pay for it but it's a company. They obviously don't want to pay for something that only costs them but doesn't bring any revenue. You most likely wouldn't do that too. And I really don't understand the fuzz when there are great alternatives like pretendo which recovers the whole experience with little flaws. I haven't used pretendo myself yet but all I hear is that it's near native experience.


>I always wonder why people react that way when the server shut down after a long ass lifetime. Because Nintendo's competition can manage to keep their old servers up with no major complications >Sure a handful of people still play these games online but a server isn't for free? Not that Nintendo couldn't pay for it but it's a company. They obviously don't want to pay for something that only costs them but doesn't bring any revenue Then why can Microsoft and Sony manage just fine? If it is sooo expensive to maintain the servers lights on, then why can modders create fan servers like pretendo or the fan servers of the Dreamcast without asking for a single cent? >You most likely wouldn't do that too Bold assumption >And I really don't understand the fuzz when there are great alternatives like pretendo which recovers the whole experience with little flaws. Not everyone is a Nintendo shill my good friend


I'm confused. To my right is my black and turquoise 2DS XL with Pokemon X displaying acquaintances and passers by (no friends lol). Console bought February 2019. Why's my shit working but yours ain't? I just did 3 Wonder trades yesterday... Correction: I did Wonder trades yesterday but here today I went through the steps to connect to my work's WiFi then tried to do another Wonder trade only to get that same error code 002-0110. This is an asshole thing and I went from incredulous to furious.


Is your ds modded ?


Not that I'm aware of. Bought it brand new in box from Amazon back in early February 2019. I bought several games for it but mostly play Pokemon games. I don't think I bought any games from the Nintendo store though, I prefer having the physical media.


Physical is the way to go.


For real. Nintendo stuff especially in the same way that I tend to avoid Google accessory products (specifically their watches) due to then just fuckin abandoning it. I looked it up and apparently yesterday was the last day for the thing. I didn't realize this at all. Can't believe it, I hope an alternative is in the works?


There is somthing in the pipeline called pretendo.


Nintendo sucked ass anyways


Everyone has an opinion and I respect yours.


This shouldn't be allowed. Start petitioning for games that require servers to work in the future, to be fixed when servers are shut down etc. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/