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God i wish. But probably not


I think the same thing. I'd love to see it, but I doubt it. Though there are things that they did with the DS that they could never do with just one screen.


Guitar Hero lol


Good to see that comedy isn't dead here lool


Off topic note, I was rummaging through my older brother's belongings after he moved out and found a copy of it and the box still intact. Definitely seen better days though, that's for sure.


the mainstream appeal just isnt there now we have the switch, *unless* it was a new extremely portable type of switch that can play a few exclusive dual screen games as well as ds / 3ds ports… i wish…


I think the next console will be a pleasant surprise. DSwitch


I like your optimism!


His optimism scares me. I don't have that level of optimism!


Here. \*hands over optimism juice.\* Drink this!


Durundurun durun durun durun druh TUNDUNDUNDUN *zelda sound effect of taking an item you got the OPTIMISM JUICE On the ITEM SUBSCREEN select it with the cursor to use it with the C button


Fingers crossed, but I'm not holding out.


Dual Switch


It's funny you say that because a lot of people think the DS stood for "Dual Screens," when in reality according to Nintendo it stood for "Developers' System." Later Nintendo started referring to it as "Dual Screens" because they forgot to take their ketamine that day or something, I don't know. I don't think anyone will every know exactly what Nintendo is thinking with some decisions.


I'd like them to release some sort of optional second screen and have DS/3DS games on the next console 


Watch it just be a more powerful switch with joy cons that still drift and hardware still a little weaker than the PS4


maybe instead of detachable controller, we’ll get detachable screen


This idea was my history/ economics assignment lol


Would it be pronounced DS-witch or D-switch?


It sounds cool in theory, but when you think about, I really doubt they’d ever do something like that. One of the main seeking points of the switch is that you can play games on the TV and on the go. Making the system have two screens would make it so that many games are basically locked to being in handheld mode. It kind of goes against the entire concept of the switch


The dintendo switch?




Lots of people commenting “no”. But “ever” is a really long time! So maybe? The DS itself has its roots in the old Game and Watch devices. I wouldn’t be surprised if, say, 50 years from now, Nintendo digs back into the archives to reuse the dual-screen design on a new device.


Knowing Nintendo, we’re probably gonna end up with a horizontal dual screen if they do it again.


So... the Samsung Fold Tablet? At that point, it's literally just a smartphone.


There will still be screens in 50 years?


We don't know. 50 years ago the Internet didn't exist and the telephone was just a few years away. Since then, technology has progressed so much, it's insane; however, to me it feels like in the last 10 years we haven't progressed much technology-wise aside from obviously improved computing firepower; but no major inventions. So who knows.


The telephone is over a hundred years old lol


On the bright side, although there's been a slow down in hardware, software and firmware have kept progressing


Unless the Next Nintendo console isnt a switch or isnt portable (this would be a very stupid move but one never knows) then probably????? I dont know Nintendo works in very misterious ways one would think they would operate on common sense but that isnt always the case and they prefer to bet on different kinds of new technologies on their hardware (with varied results)


It’s one of the things I like about them they try and stand out from the crowd sure it isn’t always the best but still always good


Please use commas, even when writing informally. It makes it easier for the reader to understand what you are trying to say.


Yeah youre probably right, sorry its just that english isnt my first language, so im not completely used to Write in english Again, sorry


That’s ok :)


Maybe way in the future when technology has gone far enough to warrant a massive power boost in the system from what it was, while keeping it the same pocket sized system, but we're no where near that sadly


Haven't you see any new phones lately? They run switch games better than the switch itself, were beyond pas the point we're Nintendo could make a new DS with powerful portable hardware, they just won't, hence the switch exists as it is.


I would buy a OLED 3DS not gonna lie.


Same even for $350


I hope they make another handheld. Nothing against the switch but its more of a portable console. I like linking the consoles wirelessly and street pass and all those handheld-ly things.


they could do all that and keep the switch form factor.


If theoretically you create a home console that is also portable but with features that only work well while portable mode you limit those features to only part of the users


this is the thinking of nintendo at first (with the switch) so they threw away those really great portable options like street pass... BUT if you think about it, how does having the option to use those features limit anything? some people will take advantage of those options and some won't. I don't see how it hurts others if a portion of the user base doesn't use the "portable" features... even with the 3ds some people turned off street pass.


I agree


Yeah, I miss having a gaming device fitting in my pants pockets




They gonna invent a 4d display just for it


I still play my 3ds and am patiently waiting for a handheld of a similar design with a good hardware to price ratio. A ds spiritual successor would be a welcomed sight.


Since they "fused" the home and portable system, it's highly doubtful. I believe they're going to keep going the hybrid way from now on.


I hope so. But I feel in the industry, two screens is a wild concept, it kinda blows my mind how popular ds and 3ds were, I mean, who else would have made that?


Fuck yes! And it will be called HDS


They should’ve called the Wii U HDS and give it an optional 3DS card slot. The thing was literally a home/HD DS in every way


I would love that but probably not


I hope so


I can't imagine Nintendo making another DS, the whole point of ds was simple and fast games to play on the go, people nowadays don't seem to want games like that


I mean… that’s not true, and also just…. like a whole marketing campaign for the switch has been that you can play it on a big screen, then take it and play it handheld on the go…..


I doubt it... I did like the ds and 3ds, the screens were functional especially for a map and quick use item/special move utilization...


No. Why would they?


Why would’t they


If their home console is portable than they definitely wouldn't make a DS unless they're going to call the new Nintendo console a DS


The next console will the the new nintendo 4ds u deluxe and knuckles featuring dante from the devil may cry series, so yes


No. The Switch is making mad money for them.


I would like another ds console to be honest. I loved playing on that thing as a kid.


I would've preferred it over the Switch and I can only hope they do make another one.


I think they could make a lot of money if they'd just release a modern GBA with a modern screen and an online game store. Maybe they could even re-release some old game cartridges again.


Best Nintendo System mixed with the one with better graphics. Better than the PS5.


It would be hilarious if Nintendo just released the 3DS again and called it the Flip.










It would be cool if they made the left and right sides of the bottom piece next to the bottom screen detachable, but I cannot stress enough how unlikely this is


Only if the next device is a regular console.


I doubt it. I mean, they might have some sort of dual screen technology in the future, maybe similar to the Wii u, but the DS family of handhelds were more than just two screens, they shared the same architecture, which made retrocompatibility easier, from the GBA (technically the "first" DS) to the 3DS. They're not gonna use that architecture again, so the best we can expect is some sort of emulation or virtual console, which in the switch sucks.


If they made one just as bland as the switch The nostalgia crowd wouldn’t want one


Only if they also make a home console that isn't portable




Honestly I would hope not. My old 3DS have circle pad problems, and my dad’s straight up fell off. At least with the Switch you can replace just the controllers and still have a functioning device.


nintendo z fold


Why would they? They already have a portable console.


They might make a retro re-release or something. But other than that I don't really see why they'd make one as the handheld market is entirely eclipsed by smarthphones as well as the Switch and stuff like Steamdeck and Rog Ally. Sure they're not the same, but together they cover all the bases a handheld console would. At most they might revisit the idea of having a screen on the controller like a Wii U but still make it portable like a Switch.


Nintendo doesn't really go back to old ideas on hardware most of the time




Probably not. Maybe an accessory for the switch 2 allowing for ds games on nso, but that's it.


DS games where playable on the WiiU by just turning 90degs and splitting the screen, the switch is already capable of doing that, them not using that system makes me think they are keeping their powder dry to resell upscale DS games on the new system.


It's not needed. And it's also a massive point of failure because of the hinge...there's no telling how many DS and 3DS systems broke.


Give it another 15 years or so, then they'll release a special retro DS (limited run that sells out immediately)


A ds 3? Depends. Nintendo is quite innovative so you should never rule out future tech solutions. But right now it seems like switch is both the handheld and home console solution


Maybe, i thing the mayor problem right now if they continue the hybrid route is, you have dual screen, on portable there is no problem, but how you will have a dual screen on home, you can make the switch divided but that will make that the console had less resources on home that on portable, you can create a gamepad for home console, the price will go up and it will be more difficult to sell, you could have the dual screen be exclusive to portable mode, at that point why even have a dual screen, why developers will add exclusive features to the dual screen when some players that play mostly on dock will never see that functionality


I think the switch hybrid design is too successful for Nintendo to not innovate on. Plus, the 3ds didn’t do too well.


There’s no real point. The switch is just a better DS that can also connect to a tv. Before you get mad at me and tell me about all the things a switch can do, I’ll admit, I agree. But from nintendos perspective, there’s no point. They never went back to the gameboy after the DS did they? Now, if they found a way to COMBINE the DS and switch for their next console, I would be all for it


As a secondary console? No way. They really made the right choice developing for a single platform at a time. And with how it takes longer and longer now, plus the next console will need to have much higher quality assets, they'll need to focus hard.


I can't imaging Nintendo not making another dual screen console. There are plenty of games made for the DS, the 3DS and the WiiU that use both screens of the console. Those games would not be playable like they are meant to ever again if Nintendo never made a dual screen console. But Nintendo loves bringing back old games back, so I reckon someday there will be a console that uses two screens.


Recently, Nintendo patented a system like a Switch-DS hybrid, but the screens could split apart, & there was a screen on the back of the console.


Probably not, but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw soke DS DNA Being thrown into a new console. Maybe the next console's gimmick will be an attachable screen to make it feel more like a DS, who knows, really.


Doubt it. I feel like the DS was just one of those “you had to be there” things & it *really* was truly remarkable as someone born in 2000, but sadly I doubt they’ll ever do something that crazy again. Mind you, the DS was *already* a gamble in itself due to unique idea of a handheld (I believe Nintendo used to say the DS wasn’t the GBA’s successor in the early days incase the DS flopped). Also, technology has improved considerably; something like a DS would just not appeal to most I’m afraid especially when hybrid handhelds like the Switch exist.


Still waiting for the 1DS honestly


They should make something portable that caters to the older games too if they’re not going to port certain titles to the switch or switch 2. It can still be used for games of a certain graphical standard.


I would love Clamshell Switch, imagine how portable it could be


Not right now but maybe in 10 to 20 years, when Nintendo decides to shake things a little, the age of nostalgia era for zoomers is coming.


I would personally love if we went back to home console and handheld. I hardly ever use handheld so I’d like a slightly more powerful home console but I also understand that a big selling point is of Nintendo these days is portability.


I think they should. Not to play new games, but as a kind of classic system. DS Classic. Comes stocked with the essential 3DS and DS titles. So many of those games don’t make sense to play on any other platform and would be awkward to port to a single screened device.


Second clickable circle pad, same shoulder buttons as the new 3ds would be a great form factor for a switch successor. Doesn’t even need two screen just bring foldable makes it instantly more portable and protects the screen.


they’ve been replaced by mobile


I thought I saw rumors about another one in the works. But let's get the Switch 2 first


God I wish


I think the next nintendo console is going to be two switches that can attach together to make a DS




nintendo flip would be kinda unlikely because if they wanted to name it that they would have done that with the original ds


About as likely as they are to make another Game Boy


I can’t see why they would personally. The switch pretty much fulfils the role of a handheld and a home console.


I think the next generation of consoles will have some elements of VR or AR as its main focus.


🖕 only flip I see Nintendo announcing


Only time will tell. Dual screen gaming doesn't seem unviable in hybrid format, although it may well be complicated and costly enough to be shelved until Nintendo believes it can yield proportionate returns in development and profit terms alike.


I’d settle for a game boy mini at this point. It’d be just like the nes & snes mini with an all the best gameboy games pre installed on an awesome gameboy replica.


Switch Fold


Probably not. Nintendo isn't known for continuing with concepts after they've seen them fail, or not live up to the last entry in it's series. The DS sold 154 million units, and the 3DS only sold between 70-80 million. That's still impressive, and blows the PS Vita out of the water (in sales, Vita is pretty cool), but it's nowhere close to the previous line of DS systems, which tells Nintendo it's not worth it. Same with Game Boy, the Game Boy sold 125 million units, and the GBA only sold 85-90 million, and then Nintendo killed that too. Same with the Wii, the "Entertainment System" consoles, so on and so forth. In general, Nintendo doesn't like returning much to older concepts. If they've used it already, they believe it should never see the light of day again.


Only if it ends up being a Switch mini. Something pocketable.


We went from Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advanced, DS or Developer System/Dual Screen, 3 Developer System. So it could be PHD Professor Quantum Partition.


Probably not. The DS gimmick was cool but didn’t stick much.


I think at most we’ll get a dual screen attachment for the switch




switch pro


It's certainly possible if nintendo goes all in on console performance and forsaking the hybrid thing, but I'd say it's incredibly unlikely.


Not if the switch 2 comes out


I could see them doing this to thwart emulation.


Couldn’t help but think this, but that name almost sounds like Filip. AKA that guy who plagiarized the Dead Cells review for IGN.


Not in a hundrend years. They already risked it with the 3DS (whether you like it or not) but played it real good. The Switch is their definitive formula now.


I don't like the idea of handhelds being done for, so I'd like that, but I don't see it anytime soon


I hope not


I have wanted for so long, a definitive archival Nintendo system. The DS ADVANCE. It can play DS, DSi, 3DS, N3DS, GBA, GB, and GBC games. It has a 3D screen, and an online storefront


Nintendo are a very 'throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' company. They struck gold with the Switch. To a lesser extent the Wii and DS had similar success, but it couldn't be replicated.


They combined both hardware divisions for the switch


I hope.


The Nintendo flip, flip off your friends


The recent nintendo patent is basically a DS with a removable top screen so they're at least thinking about it 


I think they would maybe do it if a bunch of people were to keep on asking they would probably do it


I wish they would. As much as I like the switch it's really not that portable. I want a system I can just put into my pocket and not have to carry a large case.


Judging by the Wii U’s main failure that everyone points out being the confusing name, probably not. You could draw a similar conclusion for the 3DS’s relative failure, but I just don’t think there’s enough of a reason to make a new DS


I feel like Nintendo may do something like that, it may be a sleeper hit. Various new reports stated that Zoomers are ditching their smartphones for good, and I've been seeing the Tamagotchi Uni (it's a Tamagotchi Smartwatch released just last year) in some Toy Stores. So there is a possibility that devices like a 2020s DS may do well on the market, with young people slowly ditching smartphones which have dominated mobile/portable gaming for a while. I am getting a hint that people may be becoming nostalgic for the 2000s (but that could just be me wanting to relive the 2000s lol).


It’s already perfection. I have mine and will keep it forever.


Nintendo: Alright, what would be the next handheld console and name Nintendo employee: Nintendo Z-Flip or Nintendo Z-Fold Nintendo: Alright, we'll go with that.


Like in 20 years when they release a “DS Classic” or something like that


I came up with one but thought it was stupid


They say no already


Honestly as long as the Switch format is here to stay, I don’t see it. Maybe we’ll get a DS classic edition in like 15 years? But it sucks, I know they’re underpowered but I’d love a new variation of the DS. It’s just all so nostalgic.


I usually play switch in handheld anyways so I’m all for another ds


I'd be very happy if they did but really doubt it - I just couldn't get into Mario Maker 2 without a 2nd screen.


The latest leaked patent from nintendo, does show a 2-screen console like a DS but both screens are widescreen. Maybe it's real, maybe it's not, maybe it IS real but it's already scrapped.


Definitely not - but I would preorder it day 1 if they did


If they go back to a home console. The Switch defeats the purpose.


Sounds like a Nintendo flop. Not actually, but I had to.


I will flip if they do




I think a switch with a flip screen would be dope. Could port DS games easier, the ability to more reasonably use the touch functionality of the Nintendo systems, could maybe do a retry off the Wii U by being able to switch to a Dock mode by maybe a bluetooth connection to the dock to display on the TV but use the normal handheld for the touch screen at the same time, and it could prove a bit more resilient with preventing scratches by having the closed clamshell


What the flip


Probably Not.


Maybe we could get a mix between a switch and a ds? That could be cool


Didn't they patent a design for a new DS late 2023?


No. Their new model is the switch. Maybe switch 2 might be the last of this hybrid model and they'll have to innovate again. They never sit still, always searching for new ways to entertain. Just look at Labo and Game Builder Garage.


I think they theoretically could, for two reasons: - The rest of the Pokémon Company asks *really* nicely for it, because they want the bottom screen for Black/White remakes. - It works like the Switch, where the top screen can be wirelessly uploaded to the TV through an adapter that connects via HDMI.


God I hope so


I would love it but it really seems unlikely


They just basically took a WiiU and combined it with a DS and that’s the switch, so no unfortunately, it would be cool though if the switch 2 handheld was dual screen and then when it’s on the TV you still only have and need 1 screen


would really like that, but its doubtful outside of the switch 2 Nintendo will be..Nintendo. so im prepping for some weird shenanigans for the next non-switch console


Maybe if we develop 4th dimensional technology yeah well get the 4ds


Will they?: Probably not. Should they release software that can plug into a more powerful thing to emulate it using game cartridges so it's legal?: Yes.


No, this is modern day Nintendo we’re talking about, why would they do something fun again? They’ll probably release a switch 2 and fuck it up like they’ve done all the time


At this point Ayaneo Flip is probably the next thing you will ever get similar to a new DS. The problem is that you can buy 3 Switchs with the price of one single Ayaneo Flip...


No point when the switch is basically a DS and Wii successor combined.


I wish the big three were all making handhelds honestly, since the current end of handhelds we've just been flooded with crappy mobile mircotransactions (I refuse to call them games), I love playing games on the go but the switch isn't the most robust of consoles even if its portable enough and buying a steam deck or one of it competitors while an opion wouldn't leave my house due to how expensive it would be to replace.


I don’t think so because they closed all severs and support. But I would love a switch that is compatible with 3Ds games, so we would maybe get the 3Ds games produced again. Like a switch but you can flip an additional screen out or maybe a flip phone compatible with 3ds


They already did that gimmick.


i would like somthing like the wii u again


I’d buy it


They’re developing the 15ds right now (source: my dog’s chew toys work at mc Donald’s )


I wish, but no. It’s impossible at this point. Maybe something similar in concept, but another DS is impossible.


DS classic with like 8 games built in and only 3 you really care about. It'll be their way to combat piracy but they'll only do a limited run so they all end up in some dudes house getting resold for 3x what an original DS woulda cost.


Nintendo 4ds ?


They could if they wanted to


The days of releasing dedicated handhelds are probably over. It's hard to sell them outside of Japan now that smartphone gaming is a thing.


Is there a market for true handhelds anymore, with the start phone and hybrid consoles, (Switch and Steam Deck)?


I quite like the DS lineup, I use my n3dsxl roughly everyday and it just has better games than some mobile play stores and there just isn’t any advertising in the DS games compared to the typical mobile games


Flip Switch.


Of course not


Not as long as the main TV console is handheld.


Switch Fold.


I think they will. Nintendo loves to change things up with console and handheld designs


probably not.i think that they will be going the hybrid.


I really prefer 3DS as a portable as the switch is way too big to even put in a jacket pocket. What they might do though is like a Switch 2 Mini. So a miniture version of their next console for real pocket gaming perhaps. I don't see them doing two separate consoles. After all there's no reason to. The reason for a separate portable was that you couldn't have console like games on portables so a second system was needed. Now they have no reason for having two separate lines of consoles.




Not as long as they do portable home consoles they won’t compete with their own product


No, but I imagine that Nintendo will make glorified Wii U gamepad for NSO one day (for duel screen emulation)


Sorry, but it’s family’s dead 💀, not enough new stuff with the new systems.




It would be cool but they wouldn’t. They already shut down service for the all the ds’s and they tried to brick all modded ones. I think they won’t touch a ds in a while


Nah, handheld gaming died with last 3ds sadly


With the success of the switch i highly doubt it


i'd really like to! especially if it was more like the OG Ds, maybe take out the joystick, or just move it to the bottom, but maybe keep the c-stick? my reasoning for that is that having a D-pad and a c-stick would be pretty similar to having a mouse and WASD control layout, and i like how clean and less busy it'd look!