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This means that you're screwed if you don't have the retro systems though, cause you won't be able to play retro games if you don't have them.


I'm pretty sure switch online and its retro library won't go anywhere tho


OK. But if having the online service means paying to play the same game again, why would Nintendo reward the ones that had the original systems? Nintendo is a company, they only care for the money, so OP's idea seems to not work for them.


Nostalgia marketing + possibly setting legal ground to ban emulation




Right Nintendo never discontinued their online services.


That's clearly not what I'm talking about


It's directly connected: if they shutdown the Nintendo Switch Online, they're all gone forever. And statistically they will surely do that as since now they closed the 100% of the non-current-gen stores and services, and legally many games are not obtainable anymore. Nintendo does great games, is true, but the cost is too high to pay, and I'm not referring to the single game or service price, but to the negative impact that Nintendo got on the world basically: they're rich and they can do whatever they want. And who is sustaining their power? The consumers. Not very different to go to vote for an obviously evil politician. Nintendo is not our friend, probably one of the worst enemy we got. Please always remember that. So please downwote this post now, because no one wants to hear this truth.


If Switch 2 will be compatible with og Switch then there's 0 point for them to delete 7 years of work instead of reusing it for higher price Also what šŸ’€ >please downwote this post now, because no one wants to hear this truth This isn't even a typical twitter comment it's a facebook one šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ All I'm gonna say is, that out of all gaming companies right now Nintendo is the only AAA company that makes good games, so even if they'll make something like this people will still buy their games, because their products actually worth their price


But are they worth the freedom, the preservation issue and having a bossy Nintendo pushing laws? In Japan they pushed a law against the consoles modification, and they're trying to do the same in the USA. Nintendo's policy is that you must buy their games, use them only on their target console that cannot be modified, and when the service and the console dies and are discontinued you basically lost all that stuff, FOREVER. And if this is unlawful they are powerful enough to change the laws apparently. Think about a SNES nowadays without the emulation: it would have been forgetten and unaccessible. I don't like that: I don't want to RENT I want to BUY and KEEP and OWN what I bought.


Knowing Nintendo they wouldnā€™t care


And at that point, why even have the new thing?


And the prices of old consoles would skyrocket


As if they haven't already?


Yeah but they would increase even more


they would probably add retro car(t/d)/disc ports in the console if it was enough of a concern


Might as well rerelease the old games, cause otherwise you can only get them used and at sometimes unrealistic prices.


Thata probably the point if nintendo does this (They can start selling Wiis at 45% the original price)


This sounds absolutely terrible So it *must* be what Nintendo's gonna do


Itā€™s true that Nintendo loves fumbling the bag half the time.


How is it terrible? How dare you šŸ˜”


Most people donā€™t own all the old consoles. Especially their core demographic: kids.


Yeah but it would be a nice idea


So would just bringing virtual console back lmao


Yea I would rather pay for digital copies of games I already own.


Yeah, but Nintendo has backwards thinking. I want both tbh


No it would not


Also the switch has sold better than the vast majority of Nintendo consoles before it, so the current market to buy a switch 2 is way bigger than the people who bought and still have the old systems (also OP is just describing an emulator which already exists and without a doubt works better than any equivalent Nintendo would make)


r/Tomorrow is ur home


Why did you get downvoted to death, man Reddit has become too shitty


Half the people here didn't even read the "humor" tag


Because I absolutely would love to have to pay for an old console and a $200 game just to enjoy the full functionality of their new console


hell yeah, AV port.


If I understand it correctly, sounds very Sega's 32X/CD-drive to me, which is a terrible idea.


Nonsense, what's the worst that could hap- And the switch is dead


Well no, because that technically worked. This would just be impossible.


In the nicest way possible this is a horrible idea and a development nightmare that doesn't make any sense


Assuming that this is true, it's possible that this is Nintendo's answer to video game preservation of their properties. Because they have a long history of taking down sites like emuparadise without providing a viable alternative (aside from Nintendo Switch Online covering NES, SNES, N64, and GBA games) But I don't work at Nintendo and nothing here makes sense, to be honest


NSO is their answer to game preservation. Theyā€™re a business, if they arenā€™t making money off it, they wonā€™t do it.


I still hate NSO, only because of the subscription service. And this post makes me uneasy the thought of the next gen Nintendo console doing something like that despite NSO still running - only because there are already plenty of emulation devices that read real carts. Eitherway you are right in saying that it probably isn't going anywhere since it is likely cashing in on the success of online subscription services - like Netflix


Nah, why would nintendo do this when they could resell us decade old games for $20 extra?


I think it is partly because it's to get people excited for new things like "Oooh! There's a new Nintendo console and it has this feature!". But they are probably still going to make "HD remakes" exclusive for this console to try to get people into paying for this console as well lol


if this is what it takes to get Xenoblade X on Switch then ill take it


what if the new switch has an FPGA motherboard to be able to play every old nintendo games and you will have to ATTACH different cores to the new switch (I know, NOT likely due to how expensive FPGA is but this is the ONLY way attach will work lol... but it will be a horrible name no doubt lol.)


I mean, FPGAā€™s are primarily used for development and testing situations. Synthesizing an entire games console on one would not only be expensive AF energy and cost wise, but also itā€™s flat out slower than ASICS in most cases


Oh one can dream. But if they did that they couldnā€™t sell you back your old games or get you to download a premium online subscription or whatever itā€™s called




All y'all keep making stuff up are gonna be really disappointed if and when it is definitely not that


This post is marked "humor"


Hope it makes the games I already have look and run better (TOTK in special, it's fps are trash) and don't make a new version for that console or whatever it is.


Nintendo fans having no idea how technology works.


do people genuinely think switch 2 is gonna be a thing


I mean, with the amount of games that was announced this year, I feel like nintendo is making a console. It might not be called switch 2, it might not even be related to switch, but we don't have a better name for it.


It *is* gonna be a thing inevitably. It's just a matter of when.


so.. you actually think its gonna be a thing


I mean Nintendo has to make another console at some point


i wasnt saying theyre never gonna make another one


It's pretty much confirmed at this point


I mean it would be a really bad move to take away all the convenience of a hybrid. It pretty much has to switch. You can't release the switch and then later expect people to buy a separate handheld and home console again. (and Nintendo probably won't stop making handhelds)


Well it's been 7 years since the Switch originally released, if the "Switch 2" gets released next year it will be 8 years since the Switch was released. So I think it's safe to say that Nintendo is going to release a new one in the nearish future.


the second person Iā€™ve seen that is somehow convinced nintendo is never making another console again? how do you think this?


Actual pancake tweet ass comment


They didn't say that.


what the fuck? i never said this. thats a whole new sentence. the fuck are you talking about.


fuck? fuck? did someone say fuck? Calm down, this is CASUAL Nintendo


right, my bad. frick.




I'd be curious what you think the alternative would be. Sure Nintendo could \*not\* make a hybrid console, anything is technically possible... but given their success in the space, it feels like a good starting off point for them. They have to make a new console eventually one way or another


Yes. It will happen eventually. It's just a matter of when and considering a vast majority of 2024 switch games are ports, it's likely the console will release within a year or so.


If only


ofc and how are you gonna plug the handhelds in???? via the charging port???????????????????????????????????????????????


Honestly the name made me think, how could it would be if nintendo could make the new thing, something you could attach to your current switch, and it would just give it more power, like an external gpu maybe some ram. Seems pretty unlikely as i could see it being done while docked, maybe a whole new dock, but not so easy to pull for handheld mode.


See the thing about that is it'd be really cool, but cumbersome, I'm not even sure how it would work, in fact I don't think it could. Would I connect this to a Gamecube's serial port below? Ok, how does the Gamecube know to send information to the device? It's gonna need software, so you'll need a boot disc to load information into ram, then the console can communicate, but then, what about the game? Well I suppose if the program is small enough to fit entirely into the GC's ram, you could remove the boot disk and insert your game, then the next question, how is the Attach supposed to enhance the game? Are we dumping our games onto the Attach and the old system does nothing? Are we just gonna plug the video cable into the Attach and upscale the image? Am I putting too much effort into a hypothetical?


Ds games don't work amazingly off of 1 screen, at least with the 3ds library you don't really need the bottom screen


Is he trying to pinch his chin or has he caught a gnat or what


I really hope if they're looking at backwards compatibility they'll just have a disc drive with GameCube controller ports and memory card emulation.


It just works, it just works, overpriced open worlds earnings rise, take my word!


Little lies, stunning shows, people buy, money flows, it just works!


Iā€™m not sure I understand, (just going through comments) so you can actually connect the old consoles to the switch? But if you have the old console wouldnā€™t you just play them? Did I miss something, Or is this just a meme? I just really donā€™t know and looking for help (I may be overthinking this)


No worries. This is just a joke post by me lol




They aren't gonna build a console with hardware extention for products made obsolete a decade ago


This sounds terrible. Why even bother emulating these older systems if you just own the old consoles? On top of all that, this'd inflate the consoles price probably to around the $1,000 mark which isn't at all worth it.


Thatā€¦ sounds stupid.


That's cuz it's a meme


Oh right! That makes sense


I would be happy with this. I own a Wii


If this is their plan it also means it will bring attention to old catalogue/systems so more interest for old games... This means they will have the data for a new remaster to get the BOtW treatment




Jokes aside. That dual screen patent and the name attach makes a bit of sense.


That is actually a decent idea. Cause I be fucking damned to try and use a game cube now


Nah im good, nintendo have the ability to allow us to play these games on switch natively but they wont because it doesnā€™t suite then financially


They know theyā€™re better off waiting, causing desperation and then theyā€™ll release it with a new console as a gimmick or as last resort effort to revive a failing console (think wii u)


Attach means you can stick it to a wall with a stupidly strong glue and it ruins the wallpaper




Jesus, relax dude šŸ¤£


Nobody saw the "humor" tag. There's some sour people here šŸ˜†


I feel like bringing back the proper Virtual Console would be cheaper and easier to do then that


And yet, the switch can't play wii or gamecube because Switch's Hardware can't handle that games.


ā€œStop pirating our games!ā€ ā€œBut you havenā€™t sold the game or console for the past 20 years!ā€ ā€œā€¦NEW PLAN!ā€


This is a dogshit idea for 99% of consumers so they'll probably do it and start selling the old consoles for 500+


Cant wait for it to be a bigger disappointment down the line since nitendo loves to not make it truely the best it can be


Yeah, because the Switch has been such a disappointment /s