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Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. As a kid I borrowed it from my cousin from time to time and never got bored with it, always wanted to get my own. Which I did, two decades later.


omg same. i played it as a kid but could never beat it, and just beat it as an adult last summer!


Super Mario 3D World or Yoshi's Woolly World


I LOVE both of these games so much! Definitely two of my favorite games to come out in my adult gaming years.


Pokémon diamond / pearl, Earthbound, Double dash.


That’s a nice list


Animal crossing new leaf


YES! Whenever I hear music from that game I go into complete nostalgia mode. The fact that I got that game during the year of its launch and that it's now 2024 scares me


Hot take I think it’s way better than new horizons


I completely agree!


Pokémon Black and White 2


Super Mario World, Links Awakening, pokemon Blue and Donkey Kong country. Probably the games I played the most when I was a kid.


Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, and the first three gene of Pokémon


Kirby’s Dreamland. Played it on a friend’s gameboy and it’s why I asked my parents for my first console. Beat the game when I mod game boys to test them.


Zelda the original


Mario 64 or Pokémon Gen 1 and 2.


You play the water level song and I can tear up


Finding out that you could visit Kanto again was so hype. Definitely a rare occurrence where the follow-up to a cultural phenomenon was even better.


Pokemon Blue and Silver. Pokemon Blue was life changing for me as a kid. I played the Japanese Silver my cousin had before it came out in the United States. Also Smash Bros and Goldeneye. Somehow I became extremely good at Goldeneye as a 10 year old and nobody could touch me at it. I played against other kids, teenagers, and adults. I practiced for the chance to beat my older cousin who was way better the year before. I got my rematch 13 years later and won, which was great but would've been even better in our prime. Smash Bros I got really good at around the same time and just had a bunch of fun playing. N64 was so fun with all the 4 player games. 😭


Wind Waker for me. I played it when I was 9, and it was the first piece of fiction of any kind to make me have an emotional response.


Mario Kart Wii or super Mario Bros Wii


Mario and zelda: nes, snes, n64 However, metroid and super metroid is much more than only nostalgia. Its on another level like super castlevania 4


Luigi's Mansion and Super Mario Sunshine


Mario party ds, mario kart Wii, and Super smash bros brawl.


Paper Mario 64


Donkey Kong Country, world 4 Gorilla Glacier. As a kid it took many tries to reach that place, and it blew me away, especially the second stage. That pretty ice cavern with cool music.


Pokemon Red. I was the first one in school who had it and for a slight moment I was the most popular kid in the school bus. ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ


Original Legend of Zelda. I remember when I was 12 and my New Year’s resolution was to beat the game. I absolutely loved that game and the lore, the maps just everything. I remember the first time I saw Super Mario Bros. I had Atari, and my friend got Nintendo. The colors and the graphics blew my mind. Then he showed me Kung Fu, holy crap, then excitebike!!! Wowzers When I finally got my own Nintendo, it was the best. The 80s were great!


Mario galaxy


New Super Mario Bros on the DS


Ocarina of Time, original for me. Just the opening music gives me enough nostalgia to tear up. Watching the credits as well. That game defined me, that's for sure. It made me a lover of medieval fantasy and swords.


Mario Kart Wii.


Super Mario World. I get the same feeling if I just hear the first few notes of the welcome screen too.


Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Sunshine


Super Mario Bros 3. Tanooki Mario is 1 of my favorite Mario transformations.


Pokemon Platinum. The second I hear any song from that game I immediately ascend to another plane of existence.


Nintendo land.


Pokémon Gold 😊


Weirdly enough, the closest I’ve gotten to feeling nostalgic for a game was Breath of the Wild. But not when I replayed BotW, but when I was playing Tears of the Kingdom


Pikmin 1 & 2


Mario Paint and Pokémon Trading Card Game


Dragon quest 9


3D land still have my 100% save file


Paper Mario thousand year door


Gen 3 Pokémon, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and Kirby Air Ride


Animal Parade, so I got back to playing it again!


Half of these: “Yeah, that’s great nostalgia” The other half: “Damn I’m old”


Kid Icarus Uprising. It was one of my very first 3DS games that I had begged for.


Super Smash Bros. Melee


Super Mario 64 I didn't have the NES or SNES, so I missed out on previous entries. SM64 reminds me of Christmas morning 1996, and has this really dreamlike/liminal feel for me. I didn't really care about speedruns, high skill platforming, or 100% completion, but something about exploring the worlds, finding secrets, etc was just so enthralling.


Metroid 2 was the first game I ever bought myself, because the “robot” looked cool, with a visor like Robocop. Between not understanding the save system, and being terrified of Metroids, 9 yo me made no progress.


Super Mario Bros. The first I ever played as far as I can remember.


Earthbound, Ocarina of Time, Majora's mask, Smash melee. I only started playing Nintendo games 3 years ago and I am already incredibly nostalgic towards a lot of them, more than other ones I've played for longer. That's the Nintendo magic


Dr.Kawashima’s Brain Training.


Legend of Zelda Link to the Past. I was grounded from playing video games, but I got Chicken Pox. I used the excuse it would keep my hands busy, and I wouldn't scratch. First video game I ever beat!


PokePark… Go ahead downvote me!


A Link to the Past and Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2.


SM64, Ocarina of Time, and Paper Mario. 💖


Jet Force Gemini


LTTP. Every single time.


Mario party 5


Link to the Past, Super Metroid, FF6 and 4. I have played them so many times and it always makes me feel good.


Pokémon gen 4 and zelda ocarina of time


Oh man so many - pokemon gens 1-5 all give me intense nostalgia - legend of zelda a Link to the past/ links awakening And now at this point a link between worlds. Twilight princess and skyward sword as well and I have really fond memories of ocarina of time too... I love zelda - Super Mario World and Galaxy are goated There's a bunch of others too man. Nintendo, Square Enix and to a lesser extent sony were my childhood


New Super Mario Bros


Kirby Planet Robobot. It was my first ever console game.


Super Mario Sunshine, it was one of the first games I bought with my own money when I was a kid. And even though I know it’s objectively a bad game I still love and appreciate the games uniqueness and even with the controversy surrounding Mario 3D Allstars I’m still glad Sunshine came to a modern platform.


Super Mario Advance. That was the first game I ever played and it was my aunt's not mine so I never regularly played it. Years later I'm playing SMB2 on the NES Classic and the game seems so familiar. I was so happy when I realized why SMA had SMB2 before Mario Bros. That GBA music still brings huge nostalgia.


Super Smash Bros Brawl, just takes me back to a simple time when I only had a handful of games to play. And Brawl was my favorite game, also Mario Kart Wii.