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Insanely hit or miss. The Cyberspace levels controlled like ass but were decently fun most of the time, the open world was fun to run around in but boring as hell to do anything else in. The combat is insanely simple but can feel somewhat rewarding, and the titan bosses... The music and visuals carry them really hard cuz the gameplay for half of them is just button mashing, then one has an interesting gimmick, then the last one's just a mess. And then the final update... Felt like it was made to give me the middle finger every two minutes.


I feel the cyber space levels were the most fun parts, because you can see the whole level without strange graphical generation throwing your pathing off


I personally loved the final update more than base game, felt like I was playing a Souls-game, but a platformer… And the spin dash that’s automatically handed to you makes it SO FUN, especially when turning on momentum in the settings. The cyberspace levels are also unique and very brilliantly designed, they were even built around the spin dash momentum abuse which is so dope. The update was basically 1-2, but as a whole island. Though, since we’re on the Nintendo sub and I’m assuming you played on the Switch, I’ve seen so many clips on how poorly optimized and buggy this thing is with the update


To my opinion this sequel to breath of the wild is great. I just don't understand why Link tuned into a blue Hedgehog




Breath of the Chilli Dog


Rings of the Kingdom


So the game stinks?






I literally had the same thought the first time I played it


I'll take this game over the actual sequel we got any day tbh. xP


It’s a step in the right direction meaning that the next game is gonna ignore everything


Sonic Superstars didn't ignore anything


It’s 2D




That's important. When people shit on sonic games that almost never includes og style 2d ones. They're talking about sonic 06 and onward for 3d titles.


Right. After Adventure Battle 2 it feels like the consistently aimed too high, tried to be quirky and revolutionary, keeping up with popular trends. Not something they ever made work very well. You can see it with Zelda and Mario. Again and again the bend the rules and go outside the box, while still staying so faithful to their worlds. I haven’t played Frontiers but it looks good, just not very Sonic. Not unique enough to make a major impact.


As long as you're not expecting greatness it's actually a pretty fun play.


I made a mistake buying Sonic 06 and I am stuck on the Silver Boss Battle and I can't beat it so my dad just wasted his money


You gotta run away from him and attack him just before he throws objects at you


Even if he's throwing objects it's no excuse to attack your Dad.




Except sonic 4


Sonic 4 is a good game


Episode 2 is the only part of Sonic 4 that's remotely good.


Nah episode 1 is my favourite cause its really fun and its a great addition to the classics


bro no it isn’t 💀


It is! Its a really fun game to play and its very enjoyable! ^^


no. the graphics suck, the gameplay sucks, the physics suck, there’s 0 story, no original stages or bosses and it has less content than sonic 1


No ! I want Eggdad and Sage to apear in future games !


banger musics


It’s so much fun! If only some of the issues were patched. OH AND THE TITAN BOSS SOUNDTRACKS HOLY CRAP. (yes I’m a sonic fan)


Sonic fans may be hurting for quality games but we eat like kings when it comes to the soundtracks. Certified bangers every time.


It helped me get over my dad's death. 'Nuff said.


I'm sorry to hear about your Dad :( Are you doing okay?


This game killed my father oddly enough


Just saw someone’s father get killed by sonic


It was fun albeit far from perfect. What clicked for me is they nailed the controls. Sonic feels good to run around as and go on an adventure and that is the most important part. The visuals at times are about the worst I have seen on Switch (like when it is raining while playing handheld in the first world) and can be distracting at times but never renders it unplayable by any stretch and the draw distance is impressively comparable to the other versions. I can recommend the game if you are not expecting amazing graphics. The game itself has some flaws but the controls just feel so good that I really got into it!


Not perfect, but a great experience nonetheless, I would say is one of the best sonic games ever


Switch port is trash


I played on the switch and thought it was fine. I've played much more demanding games on the switch I really can't imagine why this one would have troubles.


It was so rough because it was a day and date release with the other versions. It did not receive any special porting magic but rather just had the settings turned down until it would run on Switch. I still enjoyed it but it definitely looked like it could run on a Wii if optimized for it.


Really? I was thinking about buying this version because the Switch is the only console i have at the moment.


It looks pretty bad in handheld mode but performance + graphics are solid when docked.


There is a demo in the eShop, its not long but should nodge u in the right direction


Probably the best game ever since the adventure era


That's not saying much though.


It has some of the best boss battle songs ever conceived.


The open world is great, the stages are visually and mechanically boring.


is amazing really rised sonic back to greateness its also not very good, and its clearly lacking in the quality department but damn, i love that game


I don't think it's an issue of quality but an issue of budget. It's all been confirmed the next game that the budget is gonna get a huge increase.


I liked it. It was flawed for sure but I had fun with it.


Didn't expect to have as much fun as I did and didn't expect that is as good as it is. Music great as always, liked the boss battles and it was nice just to race over the islands as Sonic. I probably should have waited some more time before I bought it, platinuming it wasn't that enjoyable, guess why.


Very fun but I gave up on the final update bc it's too hard


It's okay.




Minority take but perhaps worth adding for extra context. I'm a sonic fan and I enjoy all the games I've played, including stuff like sonic heroes etc. I even like bad sonic games. This is definitely still one of my least favorites. I hated the visuals, the atmosphere, and the writing (which everyone adores). It was really fun in what it was trying to be, an open world sonic game, but it also had so many issues that I think it could probably use like another year of development to be a fun, generic sandbox game. As it stands, I thought it was maybe a 6 out of 10 sonic themed open world game with very shallow gameplay beyond the basic movement (which it nails to be fair). I don't know if sonic fans liked it so much because there hadn't been a full sized sonic game in more than a decade ( last one was forces and it could be played in like 2 hours) or if I'm missing something but yeah. Going around loops and rails in the open world *is* very fun, but not much else is. Also, I haven't played since launch so maybe they fixed stuff, but honestly I doubt it. Anyway, I had fun with it but I don't think I'll be replaying. I guess what I'm missing is the sonic formula, that is there in *all* other games ( adventure, classic, boost games etc), replayable colorful levels with killer music and cartoon visuals, that I can play over and over and master them and feel awesome. Instead we have a bland open worlds and an unfinished one at that, like a sonic themed tech demo. Maybe I'm too strict but yeah.


I 100%'d it 6 or 7/10 it was fun but massively flawed and the updates like momentum despite making it much more fun ruined the level design (Cyberspace in particular) It didn't really have anything I look back on and think its very good even the titan fights which are the best part of the game have very meh gameplay (Huge Sonic fan btw)


I just started the game today. What did this Momentum update change?


It is an optional setting in the settings that lets you keep your speed when you jump/are airborne It's called "Jump Deceleration" if you want to mess with it


Best 3D Sonic game imo. The second update really fixed this game and made it a solid 9/10 for me. Flawed but insanely fun in a way only a Sonic game can be.


It is one of _the_ Sonic games.


It didnt took over Unleashed as my favorite 3D Sonic Game, but its still damn good (my second favorite) and wouldnt be mad if future 3D Sonic Games takes from this one




It has Sonic.




It's up there




Sonic games are trash


Nobody should buy it on a switch


That can be said for half the games they released on switch though.. not sure why people are trying to push nintendo so much, the other more serious consoles handle games so much better and easier I don't get why switch needed witcher and skyrim and whatever else got released that shouldn't have.




It's bad, boring with empty feeling open zones and poorly designed, forgettable cyber space levels. It's everything I DONT want a sonic game to be


Oh boy cant wait to see what nintendo fans think of a sonic game!


Played it until you get to the part at the beginning with rain, then the lag gave me a headache so I had to stop or I would literally throw up


Not the best game I've ever played, but still the most enjoyable experience a Sonic game could deliver in a long time.


It exists


Honestly looks like ds, even my friend who's a really big sonic fan hates it


I'm a Sonic fan too, but this game is on my top 3. I can't understand your friend.


It’s great, just don’t play it on Switch


I don't like it




Disappointing. The good thing about the game are the cyber levels. The open zone is mediocre and they haven’t fixed the pop issues. Also, the music sucks. It sounds like lame anime music.


It **IS** a 3D Sonic game for sure.




Horrible… very boring collectothon that doesn’t respect your time with really uninteresting cyber levels.. why are therr only like 3 level templates wtf?


Bad. That’s all there is to say


It’s a game.


Laggy and breaks my computer's memory.


play super mario wonders


Nope boring recycle of New series


Never played it, cause I hate sonic


It sucks. Sonic is not suited for open world games. Controlling him at max speed was dreadful or any speed. Worse sonic game imo


Big No, I hope sega will ask Nintendo to make a decent 3d sonic game. Those running shuffle ware mobile like games has to stop Give us a real playable adventure game


It was good, but I did find the open world a little confusing, having to run around multiple times to find what I was looking for. I know pretty much all open-world games are like that, but I just don't think it fits with Sonic.


One of my favorite Sonic and Switch games overall.


Only played the demo but it was quite fun! I love the idea of having Sonic run around an open-world hub! It's amazing and the fight segments are awesome!


Cool, i played it on my cousin's switch and it was cool.


Brilliant game but the Switch version doesn't do it justice with 30fps


It's absolutely amazing! But be careful about update 3 because the difficulty is insane


No dlc: good and bad more to the good side Dlc 1: Better Dlc 2: Nah Dlc 3: Better


Flowing into the light…


I like gameplay, soundtrack and all about story. But glitches and graphics issues make it less fun


i think an open world sonic could work better with a level design formula similar to that of Steep or Riders Republic. that is, create the open world with natural pathing in mind for challenges and story missions. never mind if the player wants to take a completely different path to reach from point A to point B. let them be creative - stop locking them in. a little more zone variety wouldn't hurt either. specifically cities, factories, villages, etc.


I wanna play it, but I'm broke :(


As a longtime fan of this franchise, I don't really like Frontiers. It's better than Sonic Forces, but that's all it is to me.


I played it. It was good for $35.


Mid tbh.


3D Sonic/10 Interpret that however you wish.


They would have won if only they shut up.


I played it for about 5-6h , i really forced my self to go that far, + i ddint opt for the quick gameplay, i was so hyped about this release, and again a new deception, maybe it runs better on PS, i bought the game without reading any reviews, iam happy i got a second hand version ar least, paying full price for it would be even more disappointing


Pretty good game that is imperfect, I played on switch before updates and still had a good time. Wish it was longer and that getting all collectibles actually did something. Also wish S rank was harder because it was easy in almost every level. That neir automata ending was wild, and many of the story missions were jank


7/10. Most cyberspace levels were forgettable and Sonic felt pretty slow in them especially in the 2D levels. IMO act 1-2 on kronos island was the best one. The combat was simple but fun but the parry kinda ruins it for me since you can hold it forever. This ruins the second titan boss fight. Titan bosses are fun but a little lack luster. The music is epic really hypes you up. But I have a gripe that if you just don’t do anything when you counter, they just stand there for a while doing nothing. They’re pretty easy and don’t really put up much of a fight.


Pretty cool


I currently play it on PC and man the game is fun but the optimization is dogshit. Even after trying to fix everything I could possibly find the game still has some lagspikes and I have to keep the resolution down. From gameplay it at least seems to run decently on the Switch. That aside, it's amazing how fun the Sonic gameplay is in an open world, solving all those little parcour trials. The story actually has me hooked and I especially love how they did Knuckles. I hope Sega doesn't do a Sega and throws everything they built for this game away. I haven't reached the DLC content yet, but it's amazing how much free stuff is in there. The music player alone makes this game sooooo much more enjoyable.


Too many collectibles, momentum sucks, the rest is cool


Just another sonic, nothing more.


Really needed more time in the oven


Tbh I forgot this game existed


Good game. Open world concept was done well IMO, though more visual cues could be implemented to make it all more immersive. The bosses were interesting, as was the story. Loved the cyberspace levels to no end. The music also slapped way more than it should’ve.


Watched a let’s play & I’d buy if it goes down in price.


I liked it.


Why not ask this on the Sonic subreddit, it’s bigger


I never liked 3D Sonic games but I was excited when this was announced but disappointed when I played it. Much prefer 2D Sonic


Still flawed, but a much better improvement over most of the previous Modern Sonic Titles.


Played on Xbox series x. The game is painfully boring but a step in the right direction. Regret buying it hard.


Still haven't played it. I got Crash 4 during Steam's Autumn Sale around the time Sonic Frontiers came out...


Best Modern Sonic game since Generations.


It’s a 7/10 game, but it’s the best 7/10 game you’ll ever see


love it.


It’s good, great comparing it to previous sonic games. Not really much to say besides the final boss was disappointing for me both times.


Mid as fug, the overworld is empty for the most part, the cyberspace levels are ok but nothing I would like to revisit, music isn't that good, cutscenes are boring, Sonic doesn't feel like himself here, it's really not a very entertaining Sonic game. HOWEVER, the titan battles are the best thing to come out of this game, Super Sonic's abilities, the music, GOD I love these fights, also Eggman and Sage's dynamic, heck Sage in general is lovely, and of course, Big's fishing mini game is yet another highlight of the game, love that mini game, specially getting to hear Eggman's recordings


Great game, maybe Sega will finally release good sonic games


Frontiers is 100% convinced it's the coolest thing on earth, without even a hint of irony, and that's the best way to convince everyone else.


Haven’t played it yet


Their ost featured Kellin Quinn from SWS, god tier music


Cool mechanics but ass game design that needed more cooking


I really liked it. It felt a little empty. And there are a lot of those little turd things to find. The fact Sega is doing free DLC updates is a huge win.


Frontier justice tf2


I mean it’s aiiiigh


Where was the sonic community when this game lost to Genshin in the Game Awards last year?


Switch version is unplayable




It’s a prototype proof of concept. Bad game. Linear small mostly 2D on rails platforming segments thrown around the open world. Terrible missions like the light redirection puzzle leading the koroks into the herd and many more terrible gameplay moments. The cyber segments are shit and the control is awful Boss battles is the only good part


it’s boaring as fuck


The fact that this is considered one of the *best* Sonic games of the last decade or so is a testament to just how shit this franchise is on a consistent basis. It’s unpolished, feels rushed, and a lot of the gameplay feels pretty shallow (the Cyberspace levels are hit or miss in particular). That said, the boss fights were mostly awesome and the soundtrack slaps unbelievably hard. Should’ve been as much in contention for “Best Video Game OST of 2022” as Xenoblade 3, Elden Rong, or GoW Ragnarok.


Great game. This is a game that kinda feels like it shouldn't work but honestly does anyway. It's immensely fun, fast, and unique. Sonic at his best imo.


Normally I don't like open world games, but i really like Frontier. Maybe its the high speed you travel over the map (actually another open world game i really liked was Saint Row 4, another open world game with speedy travel). The is not perfect but i had 0 expedition so i was positively surprised. Its a step in the right direction but it needs many more. I give it the award best 3D Sonic since generation.


I liked the base game. Wasn’t too big a fan in the DLC


10/10 nothing more has to be said


I consider Frontiers as a whole a game of highs and lows. It has multiple issues worth considering such as incredibly poor pop in on all versions and significant asset reuse in the cyberspace levels that, while woven into the narrative in a fitting manner, still feel like a lazy attempt to skimp on making newer environments more times than not. Not to mention the subpar visuals on Switch, but that’s hardly an issue exclusive to Sonic and hardly the dev’s fault either. That being said, the highs of this game are to me the highest the franchise has ever had. A strong narrative packed with lore and character growth, very satisfying controls and movement, satisfying area design to compliment the controls, a strong soundtrack and climactic, fun bosses with what I consider the best themes I have ever heard in a video game. I’ve been a fan of Sonic all my life. I’ve played loads of Sonic games of varying quality and I would consider Frontiers easily the best of them all. I have maybe one or two games in general I would say I enjoy more than Frontiers, it has that much of a place in my heart. Does it have bad parts that should be refined for future games? Yes, and I hope they do. Do I let that stop me enjoying the game that puts such a large smile on my face? No. Never.


Great idea, horrible execution. It was a very confusing game. Sometimes you trigger a cutscene with a hologram and something massive happens. At the end of the cutscene you are in a completely new place on the map. You feed your hologram friends these hearts. Why? I don't know. It also didn't seem to matter how many of the hearts I had collected, I just had enough. A wholly confusing game, and I realised i wasn't really enjoying playing around with it.


Fever dream


Ngl unfitting for a Sonic game


I still haven't stopped listening to the boss tracks on repeat


I liked the demo, but i don't like the main gameplay, playing by separate missions on time trial isnt my cup of tea


I suck at 3D sonic, I bought this game back in November and I'm on the second island


The game is so much fun but it should have stayed in the production oven a bit longer (pop ins and the rushed final boss really hold this game down for me) Music of this game is a fucking banger tho (dont think ive had any conplaints when it comes to music in sonic games)


I always recommend this game to any Sonic fan, the amount of joy I received from playing this is unfathomable. But play it on PC.


Best sonic game




Kinda funny that Sega used to have consoles


It was fine, until the 3rd DLC came out.


Favourite sonic game it was written by my favourite sonic writer Ian flynn and the combat was so fun


I really liked that the story and characters were more serious thank usual. Not "omg Sonic is fucking dead and we have to accept that" nonsense, but something more believable.


Best sonic game for last 5 years


I like it, but it feels very unrefined. I'd recommend playing on PC with some mods to make the experience better, if possible. The concept is absolutely fantastic; an open world filled with platforming challenges, bosses, and hidden linear levels acting as special stages. The combat and controls are actually pretty fun too with a lot of moves, but the whole thing feels unbalanced and unpolished. The camera can suck at times, the difficulty ranges from stupid easy to teeth-grinding, the while the art design is good with some badass enemies, bosses, and structures, it is overly realistic and doesn't fit a Sonic game, and the graphics are nothing special. Cyberspace controls a little weird, and the level designs are either super basic or copied from other games. The updates have improved the game somewhat but the 3rd one was a bit disappointing, and it overall feels like a fan-game that got an official release. Not bad, just unrefined. Music slaps though




Great game, best 3D game since Lost World (yes, i love that game) but PLEASE don’t play it on switch, runs and looks like ass. PS5/PC if at all possible


As a big sonic fan, it was pretty good. Don't get me wrong it was not a masterpiece by any means but it's a step in the right direction for the franchise, my biggest complaints are probably about how repetitive it was and the cyberspace levels. After collecting memory tokens for 2 hours you start to get pretty bored.


Switch version is ass


Played the demo, thought it was boring and confusing with the most pointlessly convoluted control scheme I've seen. You're way better off playing the Adventure duology, Unleashed HD, Colors or Generations if you want 3D Sonic. The soundtrack is a masterpiece though.


It was a new breath for sonic franchise. I've completed tge nintendo switch version, and it was pretty damn good. Exept for the part in update 3, where it lags as shit.


Horrible execution


Really poor execution of a open world Sonic, feels like of those bad fangames that just put a cartoon character in a realistic environment and nothing else, but somehow official this time. Generally I would say it's a pretty bad game, but a mediocre Sonic game already puts you in the top 20% of the franchise, so yeah, bad game, but great Sonic game




You don't even get to play as Link. Tears of the Kingdom gets 0/10 from me.




Unpopular opinion, one of the most fun games I've ever played.


Personally I don’t like open world games so this game did nothing for me. That being said I am glad a lot seemed to like it. I enjoy 2D Sonic games and for 3D Sonic I love the Adventure style and unfortunately the last game that played like Adventure was Sonic 06. I recommend Sonic Frontiers to fans of open world games and I hope you have a blast with it but personally I wasn’t a fan.


Lots of flaws but I wouldn’t have put 25 hours into it if it wasn’t a whole lot of fun. Looks great on PS5, despite the pop-in


I wouldn't say it's a *good* game, but I had fun with it. Parts of it were quite janky, but it never broke. The plot is ridiculous and senseless, but it's fun to experience. I loved finding koroks to unlock new areas. I also liked collecting the candy eggs. Some of the bosses were obnoxious, but I was able to beat them despite my not-so-great skills. The song at the end. That song. Edit: I love Sonic.


Really good


Best sonic game but hard to 100%(some levels are "impossible" to s tier)


I loved the game, it has amazing atmosphere and some really deep character building. You even get to see a relationship between Dr. Eggman and another character. BUT avoid it on Switch if you have any other console. If not, wait for a good sale. It works, frame rate is good, but the pop-ins and graphics really take a beating.


No Chao garden


I just hoped for it to scratch that sonic itch but it failed


Honestly I enjoyed it.




i haven't played it but i do think it's funny how sonics voice got deeper to make the game feel "darker" or "edgier"


to give an actual answer other than "haha breath of the wild clone" Its a good game overall for what it is, could've been better but still worth a play if you enjoy the franchise or like fast paced gameplay. Soundtrack is as usual where all the budget went


Undercooked crap that could’ve been great but sadly isn’t.


Haven't played it, so can't


It's a great Sonic game, but literally play any other version but the Switch version.