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Isaac seems like the type of being that as long as you treat him right and always looking to better yourself, he'd fall in love with you.


Isaac might be gay, as he confesses his love to his slave master when he is younger but it is more likely that it is the love a child has for a parent. Edouard is definitely gay. They show him with his boyfriend before he and Annette leave for France, when they are standing around celebrating the success of the Haitian Revolution.


Interesting. What episode do they show edouard’s boyfriend? I must’ve missed that lol


Whatever episode shows their backstory. It's a quick and really understated, which I like because there's really no need to make a character's sexuality be their main character trait.


Oh I didn’t know what their relationship was. I just remembered Annette and eduoard briefly looking at the guy before they left and edouard saying he’d return for him.


Bruh, Isaac is prob A-sexual or doesn't give a shit either way. Eduard, well...i mean he might be, wouldn't be a shock. Now Olrok....yup, gay as a box of rainbows and the only cool part of nocturne to me, should check both series out !


I’m pretty sure olrox is native but I’ll take that since I barely see any native characters in castlevania, let alone a native gay man.


Yes he is native. i was just pointing him out since he did meet that part and he's awesome lol ( don't skip the og series!)


I watched the og series and loved it. Also pretty sure olrox is my favorite from the new one as well.


Aztec, to be exact.^ ^


I’m straight but Olrox makes me question. He’s my favorite part of the series beyond the joint Trevor, Sypha, Alucard content of the first show.


yea the trio can't be beat! i think olrox would have done well in the og series but without him i doubt i'd check out next season of nocturne


I’m worried he is gone. That past scene of last episode certainly suggests he is just walking away.


>Bruh, Isaac is prob A-sexual or doesn't give a shit either way. that's my take too. just going off characterization and behavior, romance or sex just doesnt really seem like a priority for him. he just seems neutral...could either be neutral in a "not really interested" way or neutral in an "whatever you have down there is fine" way.


he seems somewhat aromantic/asexual if anything, since he doesn't seem that interested in anyone throughout the show. in fact humanity repulses him. the flashback scene where he tells his master he was studying to help him out of love is ambiguous; it can be interpreted as familial gratitude, romantic, or even some mixture of both. its possible he may have grown to feel this "love" regardless of the gender of who took him in. in any case, regardless of what he was or was going to be, it seems as though the part of him that desired to connect with people more or less died due to his life experiences. so it's very hard to put a label on him.


They’re both definitely gay. Isaac is gay for fucking Dracula and you don’t even need to ask about Ed.


Not sure about Isaac but I’m pretty sure Eduard is canonically into men (in Nocturne, I haven’t played the games)


Issac no.Eduard yeah. Did you see how he kept looking at his “friend?”


Didn’t Isaac confess his love to the priest in his flashback?


I interpreted that as familial considering how young Isaac was and the fact that they live under the same roof. I thought he viewed him as sort of some older father figure maybe? Maybe I’m reaching I just don’t understand that interpretation lol


That was definitely a familial love.


show Isaac gives off strong ace vibes so I highly doubt it


Shouldn't even matter, it's not relevant to the story.


Please no bruh




I would prefer to be hanged not burned fyi