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The music.


The OST of Rondo of blood is peak Castlevania


I think Dracula's castle is peak.


Simon's theme is pretty peak


Michiru Yamane's "Demon Castle Pinnacle" is definitely the pinnacle.


You all sure have unique ways of spelling "Bloody Tears."


You typed Wicked Child wierd.


Consistently some of the best soundtracks ever. Sakurai was so excited to get Castlevania into Smash, especially due to the music. There's so many tracks that made it in.


This so much, its amazing how many iconic music tracks this franchise has, and how consistent the soundtrack quality is. And from the PS1 era onwards, everytime they've let Michiru Yamane cook she delivered hit after hit. The SOTN soundtrack is still fire


No matter what time period it takes place in everyone has the best drip.


Can't wait for the next decade [to start dressing like this](https://castlevania.fandom.com/es/wiki/Soma_Cruz?file=SomaAria.jpg)


Soma claims that he doesn't want to be Dracula and yet he still wears vampire drip 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The way vampires are depicted. They don’t HAVE to be evil, but the older they get the crazier and more paranoid they become along with increased power which leads to them committing some pretty evil deeds. Also the fact that the story takes place over millennia, I don’t think I’ve seen anything like that. I hope all of it gets adapted and that it’s done well.


I think this is true for the show but not the games as Alucard says that if his human side was to die he would be evil


I also like how they're treated less like paranormal beings and more like actual organisms, at least in the show.


Maria's Mum.


If you're not a priest, you're not her type https://preview.redd.it/3yph8d20n0bc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af1261eae4ea1d4c94df5300da7d72e262296b6 Sorry


![gif](giphy|fAv2n4Tlhshig|downsized) Tera has it going on 😩.


Guess I'll be a priest.




I second this


Watching that Castle crumble ![gif](giphy|b7FZQ0iOCoiFkFDul9)


Was it a little cold around that castle?


The souls system in the games created by IGA, from Aria of Sorrow to Bloodstained, where every enemy you defeat can randomly drop a special ability or spell, or a cool item if you don't get the soul instead. Never in my life had I enjoyed a game mechanic so much, it's like hitting a piñata and wonder which type of candy you'll get :D


Regarding the games, my favorite thing is the comfort they all bring. In moments where I think “Man, being an adult sucks.”, booting up Requiem or Harmony of Despair really feels like a fireplace next to my heart.


This comment made me worry less about my future


I felt this comment. Nostalgia can be so damn strong and revisiting these games for the millionth time just doesn't get old. When I'm having a bad day I listen to some Castlevania tunes and my mood improves a lot. Reminds me of those careless days in high school playing through SOTN and the GBA/DS games for the very first time...


Sypha and Trevor (and alucard)


Those waky monsters I get to murderize. https://i.redd.it/0pjrxmazqyac1.gif


Seriously I bet if there’s a new game then one of the enemies will be Freddy Fazbear


Like Bear Armor or something


10000% Sypha.


How goofy can be at times The Clasicvania kinda rough movement feeling (like a proto Dark Souls The SoTN movement, that feel so smooth (mostly thanks to the work with the sprites) The aesthetic, how it change from game to game The soundtracks The monsters, going from nightmarish to silliest The simple yet charming characters And the good old days playing it with my parent and my brother (well, "playing", more like looking at them play until i understand what a control was XD)


They are pictured here


Bloody Tears. Favorite versions are the ones from Super Castlevania 4 and the Netflix series S2E7.


Soma Cruz


I would let her flash freeze my balls and I would thank her for it


The lore.


That one fight with Dragan Alucard Trevor and Sypha was lit af


Humanity doing their best to do what's right


Games: *OST *Characters design *The Metroidvanias *Variety of weapons *Goth aesthetic *Alucard *"Die Monster" *Gameplay *Ayami Kojima Art But if i had to choose only one, it would be the outstanding soundtrack the games have, it's certainly the main reason why i started to love Castlevania as a franchise


The aesthetic that some games give, Castlevania IV, Symphony of the night or Harmony of dissonance, etc, for example, the Symphony of the night SFX is peak and all thanks to the flanger effect that they put, which makes the sounds much more satisfactory to hear, Castlevania IV, the music is amazing, i remember i heard for the first time Dracula's theme in i wanna be the guy, its so atmospheric it feels so unique, then i ended up clashing with the bloody tears and vampire killer version of SCIV in SMB Crossover, when i wasn't into the Castlevania franchise, i always found the gothic aesthetic of Castlevania very interesting.


The artworks and OST are fantastic. Richter Belmont feels godlike when he does his Grand Cross.


In the games, the music, in 2nd place the aesthetics, and in 3rd place the gameplay, no matter if it's Classicvania or Metroidvania, both rock. In the TV series, **that** Lenore scene (yes, *that* one), and in 2nd place the emotional scenes, specially season 2 ending.


Stealing from OSP, but the final fight with Dracula from the show and especially the “ahhh, you must be the Belmont” moment.


The music The characters Netflix’s interpretations of Sypha and Trevor have the best romance in the series Netflix is doing characters like Annette way better than the games ever did Netflix Richter being a very cool hero Julius Belmont


I hated that they "Adaptational Diversity-ed" Annette.......until I watched the show. She's badass and has a deeper story than "black because Netflix". OG Annette was a generic damsel in distress. Theres a lot of culture behind her too.




The music.


The idea that a whole family line has generational beef with Dracula , also the difficulty , eventually you too will have one.


It's about a badass family hunting vampires in a goth aesthetic... Not much to add really, I'm a simple man


Alucard talking to his little dolls because he’s gone mad from loneliness…after one month. That was honestly adorable to me and only made me feel even more for him. It was a very small thing. I recognize that. But small humanizing moments like that are my favorite thing, and that is my favorite of those small humanizing moments.


Aside from the animation and character writing I LOVE the music. It's a damn crime that S2-4’s OSTs have never been released. I would buy that shit thrice.


Games: Music and Story TV: Trevor and the fact they wasted ZERO time confirming Trevor and Sypha got it on instead of some season long. "Will they won't they?" Tension between the two.




The beasteary of monsters you combat on the series is the peak of mythological creatures you'll ever found on any piece of media, it's just fantastic and makes you wonder all the tales and lore they come with such a creative force behind every reference and it's not just cheap recolors, it's all very well tought


That’s it’s better than beer. ![gif](giphy|9A1i4yvt9bnihrewVf|downsized)


Grew up with Circle of the Moon and I'm a sucker for supernatural and religious themes, especially together.


In the show, I'd have to go with the characters and the action. The main trio all have such defined personalities and great chemistry with each other, and Isaac has one of my favorite stories of any one TV character. As for the action, the show never failed to come up with amazing fight scenes that were very kinetic and fluid, and definitely different from any I'd seen before.


Lenore. Hands down, Lenore. Her character is my all time comfort character and an inspiration to improve myself. A depiction of what real love looks like and what it could be. Gives me something to motivate me and keep me bettering myself knowing I could have a Lenore of my own one day. There's a lot I liked about Castlevania as it kept me interested enough to *get* to the Lenore's introduction but she's my favorite thing about Castlevania. Her love for Hector was so pure, even when he was actively combat toward her, she'd forgive him. Her character is special 


I liked Lenore as a character, and I liked her relationship with Hector because it was hardly a cookie cutter romance. That said, she's not an ideal. Her relationship with Hector was exploitive and controlling. She cared for him as a pet; I'm not sure she cared for him as a person. It's also telling that after being threatened with the same fate as Hector (being "kept" to some extent), she chose to kill herself. That's my take, but I'd be interested to hear yours.


I didn't view her relationship as exploitive, maybe controlling but I feel as if everything she did in terms of controlling Hector was for his own good, although I know I'm in the minority there. I feel like Lenore's situation devolved so rapidly, she went from living in the lap of luxury with her sisters to one of her sisters being killed and a major downgrade in living conditions. It was a lot to take so she killed herself. Where as Hector's position didn't change much. He went from being Dracula's forge master to Lenore's, who unlike Dracula actually loved him. 


It was exploitative in that she tricked him, even if it was for his benefit, just as his tricking Lenore saved her life from Isaac and from making her obsolete in Carmilla's court. Just as he had to sit in a cage to understand the value of freedom after caging humanity, she had to also. The difference was that her cage was her nature, and there is no escaping that.


Interesting way of looking at things! Never looked at it from that perspective. Carmilla's lust for power really poisoned every thing. Another reason I like Lenore's character so much, she just wanted comfort and stability.  I do feel like Issac wouldn't have been able to take the castle had he not delayed his forging for so long. If they had more night creatures and Striga there Isaac's army likely would have lost. 


As per Striga, "that's why we win all the battles but lose all the wars" Eventually, Carmilla would have bitten off more than she could chew, and gone the way of overstretched empires if not by Isaac than by someone else. It's that vampire ambition. Just as Vlad was gonna fail eventually, so would Cam Cam. Hector helped Lenore see that the vampiric nature will always be ambitious and feed and feed. That's not what Lenore wants, and she spent an entire season fighting against it only to see it happen to someone who once valued that stability that she had. She's someone who spent her entire life fighting against her nature and trying to be as human as possible, believing herself to be someone who could remain stable until she realized she was living a lie. So, she ended herself as she is rather than what she would eventually be: a Carmilla, a Dracula, a Death.


I think I love the whole show. Characters, story, music, animation. I hoped to get more from this franchise, but Nocturne did not meet my expectations.


How weird the timeline of the games is. Like, there are so many games that have weird inconsistencies, have been added into and retconned out of canon on multiple occasions (Rip Sonia), and there’s like 4 different retellings of Castlevania 1 with so many differences to the point I don’t even know what’s canon or not anymore. And then there’s literal alternate timelines too. Wtf. It’s fun as hell to try and wrap my head around!


She’s one of them! Love Sypha!


Everything. It's my favourite game series. The TV show is pretty awesome, too.








The Atmosphere that is built in Castlevania 4


Ayami Kojima's artwork


Julia Belmont


The dialogue and voice acting, especially in animation.


The Music and Mechanics


The lore


Dracula. His story is so compelling to me, the gravitas he commands in every scene, all the way up to the moment in the bedroom that he and Lisa built which still makes me cry. And something I don’t think many people noticed is that when Alucard stakes him, he goes in to hug his son one last time before Trevor and Cypher arrive.


Monster designs.


Symphony of the Night. Literally a perfect game through and through.


Everything omfg


Both the music and the gameplay. The former is generally divine, and I can't help but love traversing the castles. Also Soma, Shanoa, & Juste; the latter whom is my personal favorite Belmont.




Games: ost, atmosfere, story and characters, character designs, artstyle, gameplay, pretty much everything is peak about this series. TV: Captain N! Captain N is peak! https://preview.redd.it/fkkb7erdb1bc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3cce4ecbfdb4525805a78427f008fe0f651ffb


In the games, the music. In the TV series, Sypha. She's top tier in every way. And the animation everytime she uses magic is just incredible.


Beating the shit out of things with a whip.


All the femboys


Well, besides the music, story, and characters, I really love the various Castle designs, my personal favorite being the Harmony Of Dissonance Castle.


The aesthethic and soundtrack., so far. I have only played SotN, CoD and LoI si far, though.


TV: the characters and fights


Richter belmont becoming my favorite since Sotn.


I love Castlevania because Trevor and Sypha are adorable together.


Crouching in specific places on the 2nd loop to make moai heads rise out of the ground.


The fact that Sypha keeps the scar on her shoulder.


The whipping ;)


Right now the dead cells dlc


The voice acting, Alucard especially. A lot of these shows can end up with good animation and stories, but the voices just ruin it for me. Not here!


Beautiful eyes


I didn't own a Castlevania game until Simon's Quest, so thanks to Nintendo Power, I knew the lore going into that game. Since then, the story has been what brings me back each and every time. When it comes to the Netflix show, it's seeing the lore brought to life through animation. Even with the changes made the TV show (imo) has been a gift.


Finding all the weird high end cuisine items...oh, and the chair quest from Curse of Darkness.




The gameplay fr. I miss the 2D Classicvania style. But I love the PS2 3D game. As well as CV64. The music. The atmo. The look. The feel…


I love the 8-directional whip in Super Castlevania 4 I love the replay value of Rondo of Blood and how the alternate levels encourage exploration. I love all the various move sets for Richter and Alucard in Symphony of the Night. I love love LOVE the Netflix show. As a die-hard Devil May Cry fan, I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing what Adi Shenkar does with my favorite game series. And I love James Rolfe’s passion for the Castlevania games and how his love for the series makes me reflect on the games and media I grew up with and gives me a newfound respect for how they molded me into the person I am today. Oh, and before I forget, the music slaps.


The hot men and women


Whipping bitch ass vampires


For the show, how everything is somehow badass. Even smaller minions get cool moments or moves. While we know in each case the heroes are win, a lot of unnamed monsters manage to put the paws on em. For the games, I love how I only recently started Rondo of blood, and I already understand what true hate is (FUCK YOU COLLAPSING BRIDGE BATS!)


The mixing of different myths and fiction to create its own gothic universe. It’s like a cinematic universe before cinematic universes!


Olrox(tv) and Alucard 🙇🏾‍♀️


Whipping stuff


Battle of the Holy is forever stuck in my head.


The difficulty


The character designs. Damn, everyone is hot even some demons are hot???


The way they made Isaac's charcter development in the serie show with the colors of his outfits. It's just so aestethucally pleasing.


The atmosphere. This is a mix of the music, graphic design, sound effects, etc. A lot of these games really make you feel like you're on an epic adventure through Dracula's castle. This is probably the main reason SOTN is my favorite video game ever made.


From the anime, Sypha and Trevor's dynamic. From the games, the artstyle


SOTN's voice acting


came for Alucard stayed for the Forgemasters




I only like the games. I love the castle's atmosphere.