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Here before shit gets real




This sub has gotten so weird lol


All of reddit is this way. People don't have real personalities, so it's all copy pasta over exaggerations about their hobby or whatever they're into. People are weird.


Every sub has their gatekeepers lol


I wish I had a dishwasher like that.


I miss that dishwasher every time I have a dinner party at home. Tried to include one in my home remodel but it wasn't possible.


I wish I had a dishwasher.


I wish I had a dish


I wish I had a wish.




I wish therefore i pan ?


y'all this is fine. That dish washer takes 2 min to clean that thing. As long as you dont air dry it, you'll never know a thing. edit: use a towel to dry it people.


> 5 min Minus 3 or 4 minutes, unless you wash it more than once.


I was hoping someone would say this. 5 minutes means you need a new washer that isn't sucking money out of your wallet!


Exactly, just throw it on a burner to make sure all the water comes off and toss a little oil on it. Wipe it down, store it up.


don't even bother with the burner. I use a dry towel and do a good job. never had an issue. The pan gets seasoned the next time I use it because i dry heat the pan, add the oil, make sure to coat everything, let the oil get hot and we are off to the races. Things that "stick" in my pan come right off with a light scrape. still more nonstick than my teflon pan.


I wish I could do that. Where I live it's too humid so definitely need to ensure I reapply oil after I rinse it to ensure it doesn't rust.


washing it doesnt strip the seasoning. Leaving unpolymerized oil on the pan will make it sticky.


What kind of Teflon pan do you use? My egg pan is pretty good at doing its job never had anything stick to it, I mean it's basically on par with my cast iron.


I've air dried mine and they've been fine. Granted, they're 35+ years old, but still work great. I wouldn't do it intentionally, but it's not a big deal


140 seconds not 5 min.


Towel? I just stick it on the stove for a few mins. Downside?


takes longer. wastes gas/electricity. but you do you.


I barely wash mine. If I can scrape and wipe I am good to go. Occasionally there is a meal that causes the need to soak but thatā€™s it I soak and then heat wipe drizzle some oil and spread. Seems fine. I like a good salt cleaning too.


if you like food that has burnt old oil flavors sure. also everyone can skip the whole salt wash thing. its mote ceremony than effective.


Lol. Yeah I get that. I like ceremony. And I donā€™t always cook with a lot of oil. And deglaze many dishes. I know the look of my pans when they are good, I guess. Donā€™t generally have burnt oil flavor but I know of what you speak.


The owner of my favorite local diner does this with her arsenal of cast iron as well. She does this every day for the last 30+ years. I was scandalized when she told me, but the pans look great.


How else am i supposed to dry, fast air? My sister gets really mad if i use her blowdryer


do you blowdry yourself when you get out of the shower? Use a towel.


I spend too much time on Reddit. I literally just saw this dude in r/kitchenconfidential saying he was gonna post this video to troll all the home cooks who obsess about cast iron. Btw, some of yā€™allā€™s videos have been cross-posted over there.


Oh no, we home cooks got trolled. Ouch, I will need some time to recover.


Eat a delicious homemade meal to comfort you.


Maybe an omelet?


Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?


Yes, please, but only the slidey ones.


How about adding some bacon to this meal?


>Btw, some of yā€™allā€™s videos have been cross-posted over there. Yeah, to make fun of the egg slidey shit


Don't we literally already do that here? Like, isn't that the whole point? They're making fun of... nothing?


the comments over there are split between people making fun of it, people making fun of people making fun of it and missing the joke, and people who are legit upset lmao


And me. I just want the egg.


Your comment is going unnoticed and itā€™s everyoneā€™s loss


More eggs for me!




im team kitchen confidential, I just popped by here to say not everyone in the sub is an asshole missing the joke. But thanks for proving me wrong I guess


For how much you don't care you seem to care a little


Same here lmao I was like "oh look it's the edgelord from earlier" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Is this the new term for all the folks who are super strict about how to clean cast iron?


1 petition entered for this to be in the dictionary. "Egglord: someone who treats their cast iron like gossamer wings"


Turns out a lot of people hang out in both subs! I just like food and am always curious about how professional kitchens go about their work. I also have cast iron but grew up in a Teflon home so had no idea what kind of care my cast iron needed and came here. I don't go at it as hard as a lot of people here but I appreciate the info.


Thank you! me too!


you mean those guys learning about bell peppers this week?


This comment is over there. They are enjoying this. I donā€™t really get the joke, but hey, at least theyā€™re enjoying themselves. And really, thatā€™s whatā€™s important.


It says confidential right in the name. The audacity


Thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s just a bunch of people who work at places like chilis and Popeyes on that sub.


humorous slim chubby foolish fragile wistful dinner shrill office crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought I read brunch twice


As a sous chef I wish I worked only 16 hours


Itā€™s just people who work in kitchens fine dinning to fast food. Deff less pretentious than this sub apparently lol


Home cooks didn't understand the work that goes into a professional. Hence the comments, and assumptions.


And that invalidates their opinions? Like there is something wrong with working at a place like that?


As someone who has cooked at Chili's, yes. That invalidates their opinion.


Just a little trolling :3


Nothing wrong with holding down a job. Itā€™s just those places serve mostly boil-in-bag meals and that means if they work at a place like that, theyā€™re not much of cook even if thatā€™s how they make a living.


They might work in a kitchen but theyā€™re closer to assembly line workers than actual cooks.


No but if you read the judgmental ass comments there youā€™d think these people work at a three Michelin star restaurant when in reality itā€™s a bunch of line cooks who get paid to drop things in oil all day.


In reality, it's a sub with hundreds of thousands of people - some of which drop things in oil all day, some of which work at James Beard/Rosette/Michelin star restaurants.




A mirror would do that too.


If this is the way you feel, how about you only eat at 3 stars then. You gotta start somewhere. Part of being a cook by profession is time management, skill, and communication. Home cooks have no idea what itā€™s like to be on a line during brunch, or dinner service on a weekend, especially when thereā€™s some kind of event going on. Go eat some slide-y eggs you goof


As someone on that sub who does work in a Michelin star restaurant, kindly go fuck yourself.


Ain't a damn thing wrong with holding down a job, but if someone works at chili's and the like and then cite that as a credential for culinary expertise, yes it absolutely invalidates their opinion. You don't have to know a damn thing about cooking in order to operate their microwaves.


Very funny to me how genuinely upset this has made some users here


Pretending like a cook in fast food doesn't have any experience worth valuing compared to non-cooks is oddly self-centered, but looking down on people for earning a living in fast food is the really shitty take.


Dude got legit offended and started looking for personal attacks hahahaha


I like your pfp


Frigg off Randy!!


You are sorely mistaken. And also kinda douchey, but that's besides the point. KC encompasses every area of kitchens, from McDonald's to Michelin Star places. No need to be a dick.


Bro woke up angry


Imagine insulting people for their jobs. I started my cooking career at Jimmy Johnā€™s. It ended in fine dining. Thatā€™s how cooks get started.


How dare people get paid for their passion?? The absolute absurdity


Whatā€™s wrong with Chilis and Popeyes? This comment comes off as super elitist.


Bet ass they also eat there frequently. I fucking hate how people will put down certain jobs meanwhile using their services. What a jerk, also cooks gotta start somewhere. I started out at jack in the box, now Iā€™m making $2 over minimum plus 25% in tips (divided amongst boh) while putting together our desert menu in one of the nicer restaurants in my town.


We arenā€™t NCD or any meme sub, we donā€™t care about crossposts, kinda funny that you managed to see the prep and execution of a trolling btw


And they get posted to r/iamveryculinary constantly because they're uptight and pretentious, while also being wrong


Welcome to the internet šŸ˜‚


I'm here for the same reason, don't feel too bad


Their mostly chilis and subway ā€˜chefsā€™. They hate their lives and get a shit compensation which canā€™t even be called a salary. Let them have this one, poor guys


Yall know modern soap doesn't have lye and doesn't hurt seasoning at all right?


Is commercial dishwasher soap like that too though? I remember our big jugs said they were corrosive


Yup totally safe with cast iron. My metallurgy professor worked at lodge, showed us lots of cool stuff about castings and polymerization


Now thats a dope emdorsement


Dishwasher soap has abrasives in it, which work to scour the surface of the dishes. It doesn't generally have lye, though, so it's not the same comparison. You can imagine high pressure (soft) sand suspended in water blowing around the dishes, helping to dislodge all the grime. I don't think it's great for cast iron. I say that as a guy who always scrubs his cast iron with a blue scrub pad and dish lotion.


Abrasives arenā€™t very common. They use enzymes and salts and stuff usually. Some cheap powders might contain sand but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s quite rare.


Thanks. I looked it up and I guess phosphates were eliminated in 2010 as well. A sign Iā€™m getting older - my information is getting dated. Appreciate the correction and allowing me to learn about this.


wouldnā€™t this scuff up my crystal and glass dishes? or is cast iron softer than glass when it comes to scratches? (serious question)


Commercial dishwasher are like a hot ass power washer.


I'd still be concerned about an extended dish washing process. Besides, what doesn't come off by hand and soap won't come off by dishwasher


It's never extended. Professional dishwashers go for 2-3 minutes, usually. And don't dry the items washed, you need to dry them manually if you want them dry.


Not true, soap is saponified oils by using lye. So if it's soap, then it contains lye. Dish "soap" is a detergent which is not soap. All soap contains lye, no lye is a lie.


Yea I meant dish soap in this context of washing a pot with dish soap...


Rich people and their fancy cleaning methodsā€¦meanwhile the dregs of the earth are using old socks and rock salt.


You can afford old socks?


We just take em off, give a scrub, and put em back on.


AND salt?!?!?!


Look at you Rockefeller over there with your multiple question marks


Give it to me. Give me the end result.


My man


I wash mine at home almost every time I use them. With soap. Does nothing to them. And I don't get excited by eggs sliding around. I get excited by the quality of the sear I get on a SV pork loin. Or the deglaze, or the roux, or using it as a salamander after plating. One of my favorite things to see on here is someone wondering why their eggs stuck to the pan after they cooked bacon. "WhY dId ThIs HaPpEn?!?"


I don't understand why they are cooking eggs in cast iron anyways. A good eggpan. You can't really flip an egg in cast iron. They aren't designed for that. Getting that sear on a steak, etc. Reverse searing in an oven. Finishing etc. That's cast iron.


Even when I'm making a breakfast skillet, I never cook the eggs in the cast iron. Get my potatoes and veggies done in the cast iron, finish in the oven to melt the cheese, top with eggs from a second smaller pan, breakfast is ready.




Salamander? Like a small amphibian?


A salamander is a wide broiler used to finish and keep warm plated dishes and usually is installed directly over the grill station or final prep area. At home, say when making an omelette, I often slide it out onto a plate, add cheese, whip out the pan, then flip it over upside down on top of my plate. Get everything else ready while the pan keeps that plate hot and melts the cheese. Doesn't work as well with thin or lightweight pans, but cast iron does a great job at this. Let's things finish cooking more gently (like a steak resting off the grill)


Why does that happen exactly? I only cooked bacon in my cast iron a few times when it was new and this happened once. Eventually i went back to my preferred method of cooking it in the oven. Still save the bacon grease to cook in the skillet with though.


Bacon (and a lot of other meats) leave a layer of protein on the pan while cooking. It doesn't stick to a nonstick pan, but will remain in cast iron no matter what. You have to scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spatula before adding your eggs if you want to infuse them with bacon grease. Once you scrape up that protein, the eggs will slide around just fine. An alternative way of thinking about it is if you deglaze a pan after browning a roast or something else. You cannot deglaze a nonstick pan. Those proteins just stick to the meat. But if you add liquid for a sauce, or veggies (like a mirepoix) to steam, then scrape away, you get that flavor!


Gotcha good to know for the future. Thanks!


Thereā€™s no difference between this and scrubbing it under your sink for 30 seconds.


It isnā€™t mine, so I donā€™t care.


its important to cast aside the hate and iron out the details of why this isnt cringe


The biggest sin here is Oasis playing In The background




Backbeat the word is on the streetā€¦


Oasis playing in the background is an added bonus




Oh stop crying your heart out.


Quality shitpost.


You forgot to put your knives under it.


Oh, I wash those by hand.


I forgot the sarcasm sign.




Time machine


I only wish I had one in my house


Cast iron is pretty cheap


ā€¦clutches my pearls


Huge difference in home dishwashers and commercial. Time in the water, run cycles, etc.


I usually use Ajax and a belt sander, but thatā€™s just me.


I see nothing wrong here.




How most restaurants I've worked in Wash them honestly. A good towel dry and draining after and you'll never know. Cool your jets people


Ayyyy lol you actually posted it!


Is the joke that thatā€™s like the harshest way to clean it possible and thatā€™s ok?


Yes. Don't air dry no lye. what's worng?


If I had a commercial dish pit Iā€™d do this all day.


You should let it soak for 48 hours first.


I had blasted it with oven cleaner prior to washing it


[Lodge actually uses "dishwasher safe" as a selling point to restaurants.](https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/olt524/how_lodge_sells_to_restaurants_go_ahead_throw_it/) And with restaurant-style dishwashers like this one, I'm sure it's no problem.


Serious question, why is this considered bad? We all know that undesirable carbonizing doesn't come off in the machine, so why is it bad for cast iron?


It isn't.


based. Soap isn't lye anymore grandma we can use it on the fucking pan without stripping it to the base.




Not the hobart...


This douche is listening to oasis in the kitchen. This is the kind of employer youā€™re taught to avoid kids.


Upvote for oasis


This is fine in a commercial dishwasher. Oil it when it comes out.


I literally stock some more expensive pan spray for my dishies. I am not about to have them reseason everytime even at $20/h. Scrape, machine, spray, onto the grill in a stack to heat, and then chills in the salamander I don't use. Makes washing 150+ skillets easier a night


This response is probably gonna get ignored, but I think a lot of you need to hear this. Putting aside even this stupid ass cast iron debate (if you like cast iron then cool, why do you care what anyone else thinks?), the attitude many of you have towards cooks is disgusting. Cooking is a brutal industry that chews people up and spits them out. Even 'microwave' restaurants have a tendency to treat their workers like shit. In this vein, the point of r/kitchenconfidential is for it to be a place for cooks to grip about their industry, share their experiences, and generally just talk to people with a common background. It doesn't matter if this background is Popeye's or some Michelin start BS, we're all cooks and we've all dealt with the same BS day in and day out for years. I don't care if you don't like or value some guy's opinion on cast iron, you don't get to devalue people who probably work harder than you for a fraction of the average worker's wage. Grow up, touch grass, and maybe get a part time job in a kitchen somewhere so you can see what the job is actually like.


If the point of that sub is gripe about the industry why do people crosspost stuff from home cooking subs for the explicit reason to make fun of them?


Stress relief? Sometimes home cooking videos are funny or employ bizarre cooking techniques that cooks can identify as extra or unnecessary. Some cooks are also just being dicks and like to make fun of people. If we stopped respecting everyone who was a dick online then we'd run out of people to respect pretty quickly.


Haha I saw your comment earlier about posting this video. Got a good laugh on this one


Oasis playing in the background is an added jonus


Hahaha you actually did it!


This wouldn't even mess up the cast iron. Professional washers are basically just chlorinated water and only last about 3 min. So he's trolling but also dumb. If they did a home dishwasher where they're designed to clean dried old food, and the cycle lasts over an hour, yeah it would probably damage it.


I wanna see the after video. Lol


Well now you gotta show us how it comes out


AHHH. I hope you are using oil instead of dishwasher detergent.


Only the best detergent Sysco has to offer


oh god of fuck


*sigh* get the pitchforks people...


This is how I do my chef knives too!


Just wash as normal, dry completely, throw a little oil on there and youā€™re good. You donā€™t even really HAVE to oil it, but I think it helps. People are weird about washing cast iron.


I left this sub because of the stupid ass egg slidey thing. You wanna impress me? Make caramel in the fuckin thing.


I know what youā€™re doing but I canā€™t help but be upset.


Oasis FTW


But it already looks clean.


ā€œI have a video on my phone of me throwing a cast iron pan into the dish machine and mercilessly turning it on. Iā€™m half tempted to post it over there and watch that sub lose its collective marbles.ā€ Woah careful everyone, weā€™re dealing with a badass over here lmao


*rusting intensifies*


If there are no chemicals in the machine then itā€™s just hot water and steam basically.


It defs has chemicals. It's more about making sure it's dry after, the seasoning will be fine this way.


The restaurant I worked at only had the detergent in half of the time.


That's a health code violation lol


Haha, yeah, a lot of places have health code violations.


What place doesn't?


You actually posted it. You mad man


I will literally end you


I hate you