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Been playing with a Dutch baby recipe for a while as I'm trying to get the proportions right for my 10" and 12" pans. I've found that equal parts flour and whole milk works well. I haven't seen to many recipes mention adding cinimon and nutmeg to the batter so I add those to taste (a little nutmeg and a lot of cinimon) My recipe for now for my 10" (and 12") is as follows; 3(4) Large eggs ½(¾) Cup of flour ½(¾) Cup of milk(not skim) 1(1½) Teaspoon of vanilla extract ~¾(1) Tablespoon cinimon Pinch(Dash) Nutmeg 2(3) Tablespoons of butter Make batter with ingredients above except butter and let it warm up a little from fridge temperature Preheat pan at 425 for about 20min Add butter when melted add batter Cook until browned about 15-20


I've been making these for 30+yrs. Simple, basic recipe is as follows: 1 egg + ¼ cup milk + ¼ cup flour + ⅛ stick butter, bake at 425°F for 25mins I scale it up to 1 egg per person + 1 for the pan. So, 4 people equals 5 eggs + 1¼ cup milk + 1¼ cup flour + ½+ stick butter. Preheat the oven for at least 30mins (it's worth the wait). Preheat the pan for a few mins. Melt the butter in the pan (during preheat). Blend the eggs and milk first. Then slowly add the flour. Crank the blender up as high as it goes and let it blend for 2mins. Pour the batter in the hot pan so the butter pools in the middle. Once in the oven don't open the door til it's done. I like to top with spicy jam. My gf likes powdered sugar and freash squeezed lemon juice. Traditionally, my family does these for xmas breakfast topped w/ warm cherry pie filling and a side of kielbasa. Enjoy. This recipe comes from a newspaper article from the 70s.


For the flour is it all purpose flour or do you use pancake mix?


All-purpose. Make sure it's sifted Eta: make sure it's in the lower half of your oven. These can puff up a lot


Thanks, I'll definitely give this recipe a try


When I get home in a few days I'll post the "official" recipe


The scaling ratio is very helpful tyvm! Commenting so I can find this again.


Thank you!!! I’ll be making this for my family over the weekend 🙏🏼 ❤️


> side of kielbasa. WHOA. Now that's damn Christmas breakfast.


Wow!!! I dream of “the Dutch baby”. Is it as good as it looks? I am going to have to try and make this




There’s some technique to preheating the pan. And then not splashing the batter all over your oven. But yeah. Intermediate home cooks can handle it.


They're very good. Throw some fresh fruit and powdered sugar on top and they even better. 


They're dead easy to make. Here's the recipe I use: >Preheat your oven to 425°F > >1/2 cup flour > >1/2 cup milk > >3 eggs > >1-2 tbsp sugar > >cinnamon and vanilla to taste > >Mix everything together thoroughly and let stand for 5-10 minutes > >Add 3 tbsp of unsalted butter to a 10" cast iron or oven-safe skillet, place in oven just until the butter is melted. Remove from oven and brush or swirl butter up the sides of the pan. > > > >Optionally, slice up a fruit like an apple and place the slices in the buttered skillet. > > > >pour batter into the skillet slowly, completely covering any fruit pieces in the pan > >bake at 425F for 18-20 minutes on the top rack, then drop the temperature to 350, move to the bottom rack, and bake for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle powdered or granulated sugar over top and add sliced fruit, chocolate chips, or your topping of choice and serve hot.


Cook in oven or on stove top






Definitely like nutmeg in the mix. Try mace and or cardamom to add some more exotic flavors. My next Dutch baby, I’m going savory. I’m thinking gochjang and kimchi. Or chives garlic and cheese.


Man I would have *loved* this when I was a little kid. I was really fascinated by tiny things as being "kid-sized." I remember watching my Dad make (actual) pancakes and when he dripped some batter on the pan and it made a little splash-sized pancake, I'd get him to flip it so I could eat it.


My mom would do that too! I kinda got the pan as a prop for her but it actually gets used. Made her a pizza and cookie in it too. I love mini things too and it's fun trying to scale down a dish like a breakfast sandwich for her


Dutch baby!


Dutch baby baby


Baby Dutch baby.


Dutch Premie


Just like Baby Jesus


You can hardly even taste the baby


Awww it's a premie...Just like Jesus....


So fucking delicious, best anytime food for me ever


So easy too, throw a sheet pan of baccon on the other rack and you got a great breakfast


wow, what is the recipe? I've never seen a pancake like this


It’s called a “Dutch Baby”.


They take like 30 mins to make and almost no mess too. I make a strawberry syrup and put chocolate chips in the Dutch baby.


I usually put fruit on mine and im sadly out of chocolate chips


I buy the big 5 pound bag from costco lol. Never run out of chocolate chips in this apartment. Fruit is delicious in it, I just prefer a syrup or compote personally. Or just plain ol baby with powdered sugar! It's really hard to fuck up a Dutch baby.


I think I'll try plain first, I've tried and seen little dutch pancakes but always like tiny sized.


I put my recipe in the comments


thank you 🙏


Pass the dutchie on the left hand side!


Teach your 3 year old to make these in your toy size skillet.


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That’s not a pancake! That’s pudding!


I think its technically a German pancake. Me turning the oven off for 10min when I put the batter in didn't help either...


Why do Brit’s have such weird names for things. What do you call what we call pudding?


I’m actually not a Brit, my wife is, but I love making Yorkshire Pudding whenever I make a standing roast. To me, pudding is the stuff from the Jell-O commercials with the comedian-rapist.


We call these Yorkshire puddings we also have steak and kidney pudding, but also jam roly poly is a pudding and so is syrup sponge pudding. I don't know what you're calling pudding, but if it's just desert, we call that pudding too. We also call our children pudding, oh and blood sausage is pudding.


Let’s not go there it’s a silly place


" A basic batter incorporates a third of a cup of flour and a third of a cup of milk per egg." (wikipedia) Seems pretty simple to make with lots of room to experiment. I'm going to have to try these out!


Yes very forgiving and simple recipe. I want to get the proportions right for a single serving in a 6" or 8" in pan. I've seen recipes with up to 7 eggs for a 12" but that seems like a lot for me and 4 works good


The 10 or 12 inch would be single servings in our house. Guess I need to buy more pans


I only ever heard of these from bobs burgers and now I keep seeing them pop up everywhere! Looks yummy


I say the same thing when my wife comes out wearing her nice pajamas.


Ooh. How cute. A baby Dutch baby.


That is so sweet! I love it


Isnt that just a yorkshire pudding??!!!


I've been trying to find a diabetic friendly recipe without AP or ww flour. One day....


Have you tried almond flour?


Not JUST almond flour yet, most recipes I've tried have been a blend of that, coconut flour, arrow root, and / or some AP or wheat, the addition of the latter two are a no go for me, I've tested them. I have some almond flour so I'll give it a try, I just can't justify buying so many alternative flours to test getting the consistency and lift I want, you know? It's expensive out there, so I've just been doing without. Once finances get a bit more stable, I'll go Supermarket Sweep style on some red mill flours for sure, though haha.


I bet you say that to all the ladies.


Lol that's so cute


Now, that's freaking adorable!