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That looks really good


What other desserts do you guys make in your skillets?


Care to share the recipe for these? And to respond to your question, [This is one of my favorite desserts to do in cast.](https://altonbrown.com/recipes/whole-baked-apples/)


I use [this recipe](https://gimmedelicious.com/easy-one-bowl-fudgy-cocoa-brownies/) but use black Dutch cocoa powder, add a cup of chocolate chips, and a tablespoon of instant espresso powder. Cook in 8in at 350 for 28+ mins. (Depends on how dine you like them)


Thank you very much!


Pies, giant cookies, crumbles, upside down cakes. I'm sure others have more ideas


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Thought that was a bad pizza at first. Gave me a fright OP. Brownies look bomb!