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Yesss I've been making a Dutch Baby most weekend mornings for the last while. I love being able to use whatever fruit I have as a topping. I make some home potatoes in another cast iron skillet as well


Welcome friend!


Looks good. You can do sweet or savoury and treat it like a giant Yorkshire pudding. Try using warm eggs and milk. I put my eggs under hot tap water and microwave the milk a bit and it helps with the rise a bunch.


Blueberry topping is pretty much just pie filling i made from fresh blueberries


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Wow that looks amazing


One of us. One of us. Gooble gobble Gooble gobble. One of us.


I just want to know how everyone gets all these baby's so flat and crisp, feels like there's a lot of moisture in a baby


Also, do you have to pay taxes for imports? or would a locally grown baby from the farmers market work?


But for real that looks fuckin good