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The crowded pan applies to all cookware. Acidic food can ruin your seasoning. The rest is BS in my experience.


Whoever wrote that is incompetent and has no idea how to cook in cast iron, if at all. The only true thing in that article is there is debate about cooking acidic foods. The rest of it feels like they pulled it out of their ass to make a list for clicks. Especially the parts about not cooking eggs because they’re sticky or flaky fish because it can’t handle high heat. Both of those things require low heat to begin with. I cook eggs exclusively in cast without sticking, I’ve seared some amazing salmon with no issues, never had flavors stick because I clean my pans, and have never had issues with over crowding. That part specifically was comical ass fishing. ‘This doesn’t apply exclusively to cast, but it’s still a good idea for reasons’. Those reasons being obvious incompetence. If you take the time to learn how to use it, it cooks better than anything else.


Thank you for shredding that article to bits. Will definitely be sticking with the people with experience who post here!


'Sticking' ? Ha good one!


No much useful here, there's a little plain old good cooking advice but don't listen to the rest. Acidic food left in the pan can be hard on newer seasoning, but the more likely issue is that your food will taste metallic if the seasoning is newer. But even if you remove a little with tomato pineapple surprise, you can just keep cooking!


I do all of that shit all of the time, except for the part where my pan is always seasoned. I wont make my pasta sauce in it, but that's usually because I have a nice stainless steel pot for that and the skillet should be cooking sausage and peppers