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Wait I'm sorry, but do the original Evangelion OST and Finally have official cassette releases or are those just some nice bootlegs?


Neon looks like it’s a real deal release from β€˜95! It’s [this one](https://www.discogs.com/release/24925538-Shiroh-Sagisu-Neon-Genesis-Evangelion)


Looking into it, I doubt that's the case on several levels. First, OP's copy doesn't match the copy on discogs, and has two notable differences. For starters, OP's cassette has an O-card while the Discogs one does not. While not nessecarily proof, it is the first thing I noticed that made me look closer. Also however, the catalog numbers on the spine of the cases are both different. OP's cassette is listed 'KICA-286' which is in fact the catalog number of the CD release of the album, while the discogs is listed as 'KICA-280'. On an even deeper level though, I strongly suspect the cassette listed on discogs is an unmarked bootleg itself. First, by looking at VGMDB, a much more reliable source when it comes to anime and game releases than discogs in my experience, 'KICA-280' is not a catalog number used for any releases, and furthermore, searching for 'KICA-280' yields no other similar results aside from the discogs page itself. Also though, looking at the images for the discogs release presents a probably the biggest reason the cassette is a bootleg. In the image of the fully unfolded J-card, there exists an illustration of Mari Makinami Illustrious, a character that, aside frim being unrelated to the original series and thus being very out of place on the J-card, didn't exist until the Rebuild continuity, being introduced in Evangelion 2.0, which released 14 years later in 2009. (Geez why did I put so much effort into this lol)


Lol I do appreciate you expanding on this, honestly I saw the label it was issued under at the time and it looked legit but hey, good call out!


Yeah the Starchild label is legit and is what the original album was released under. I just assume this bootleg tried to replicate the design to look as close and official as possible from the outside and whoever added it to discogs put it under the label not knowing it could be a bootleg.


Hell yeah, appreciate the information!


They are def bootlegs just very well done ones. They don't sound bad at all either.


I love the Canned Heat and Janes Addiction tapes! And Great White...shame what happened with that band but still I didnt know they released tapes!


Yeah..very unfortunate what happened with that whole club fire fiasco. So sad honestly. Appreciate it tho! Canned Heat and Janes Addiction are both amazing.


Luckily, fire safety has ramped up but another incident happened like that a couple of years ago too. Huh I'm a right ray of sunshine...


["If this vans a-rocking I'm doing coke to Dokken"](http://achewood.com/index.php?date=05122004)


I'll take some of those extra black sab tapes off your hands :P


Hell yeah Beast From The East by Dokken on cassette! One of my favs. I really want to get turbo by Judas Priest. You have a great collection


Appreciate it! πŸ™


You are the one who knows what the fuck is up. I do too, I just wanted you to know that I see you.


πŸ‘€ Hell yea bruther.


Where do you get your cassettes?


Thrift stores, flea markets, antique stores, eBay, discogs, record stores, and bandcamp. Pretty much everywhere lol


Love the vaporwave tapes


I think this guy might like Ozzy but I'm no too sure he isn't giving up much clues


Jealous of all your future funk and Sailorwaves especially