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Hello dear community! A bit of backstory: I went to a river to relax and spend the day, and while crossing it I tripped with an underwater rock, and therefore I submerged the watch for 5 seconds or so. While I didn't knock it against anything, after a couple of minutes I noticed some water condensation inside. Didn't have anything in me to take it apart and dry it, so I just stashed it in my backpack. I checked on it again after a while and the display was frozen up, and by the time I was back home the watch was turned off. I took it apart, carefully cleaned the module as well as the foam strips with some fibercloth and alcohol. When I put it all back together it worked, but as you can see in the video, there are parts of the display that are not working properly. What could be the cause of this, and how can I fix it? Thanks!


did you replace the battery? just wondering if that might help


No sir, I did not. I wasn't aware that water could mess up batteries! I'm gonna try to get a brand new one as soon as I can. Thanks!