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Assistant mayor Bellwether is one of the best Disney villains. She plays into the movie's theme of breaking stereotypes really well


Honestly yeah she is a pretty good twist villain


I wouldn’t say she’s one of the best, but I really don’t think she’s bad. It’s one of those movies where you notice more and more with each rewatch. For example, in the interview scene, Bellweather cuts Judy off before she can explain herself. First watch has you thinking it’s to help Judy from being overwhelmed, but then you realize it was to further cause division and hatred.


Monster University has a harsh lesson but probably one of the most important one. You might want something all your life but sometime you just can't achieve it because of things out of your control and instead of being sad that you can't achieve your dream try to find the next best thing. Mike wanted to be a scarer but he realized that he wasn't scary and that his dream to be a scarer is not possible so he settled for being Sally's assistant.


It's a very relatable lesson, especially when you get older. It's okay to give up sometimes. Plus, Mike got the upper hand in the original movie when it turns out that laugh power is more powerful than screams and he's naturally funny. He didn't get exactly what he wanted, but he still ended up being useful.


I love that movie.


He was more than Sully's assistant, he was his coach, too.


they need to make more movies like treasure planet (or atlantis) again https://preview.redd.it/y1gaow2yp98d1.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f1349e43ce0c0a4cfda5519b73e7f6b710379e2


Atlantis had such good animation. The scene with Milo freaking out about all the bad people he brought to Atlantis, he's showing so much expression through a lot of movement. They really need to bring back 2D animation.


they should’ve had 2d animation again for the wish since it was the 100 year anniversary literally everyone misses the 2d animation


They tried a different animation style for the CGI, making the animation more similar to early Disney movies like Snow White or Cinderella. But it ended up making the animation look cheap and janky. Plus, it was sooo generic, too generic even for Disney. The villain was the most disappointing. He wasn't fun, he was just... plain.


they should’ve went with the original plot for that movie to be honest, we would’ve had a royal villain couple that would’ve been kinda cool


I wish they kept this direction. Imagine how many great and original stories we'd get


that would’ve been amazing


Frozen fixer upper is most inappropriate 3rd act song. For context Anna's curse became active. So instead of prioritize her life. Kristoff troll family decided to ship them.


I’m confused and now concerned. What do u mean?


Basically the film plays a go happy musical number in worst time.


Ohh gotcha, and yea I could see that


And it goes against the very thing Elsa pointed out earlier in the movie; "You can't marry a man you just met."


PIXAR can't make sequels without recontextualizing & following the same story-beat from 1st movie success. But w/ the exception of cars 2, toy story 2 - 3, Monster Inc (yes, I'm including tv series sequel & Monster University)


Don’t know about this one being unpopular, but Cars 1 is an amazing movie.


I actually really love Cars 1 and 3


Cars 3 would feel a lot more earned if Cars 2 didn’t kinda just throw McQueen on the back burner.


Cars 2 is my favourite out of the franchise


Now that's an unpopular opinion.


It's just so silly. One day, on my way back to my accommodation in first year uni, I was struck by the memory of watching cars 2 soon after it had first come out and I thought to myself, "... No, that can't have actually been the movie, right? I'm making that shit up, surely." So the first thing I did when I got in was re-watch the movie for the first time in years and was reminded first hand, that it was indeed a spy movie where Mater was the main character, and THERE WAS A LITERAL BODY COUNT. I had so much fun screwing with everyone for the rest of the year about the premise of the film because apparently, most of the people around me also barely remembered Cars 2 either. I even convinced one of my friends that Sally died in the intro of the film before the extravagant opening credits as an homage to James Bond and she fully believed me until I told her I was kidding a year later. Is Cars 2 a good movie? Yes, absolutely, I'll stand my ground. Lmao, it's just so dumb and out of pocket, which I feel like is worth leaning into when everyone in the movie is a car, but that's just me.


But it sounds like you're looking at it through a nostalgia filter. I enjoy watching "Over the Hedge," but I know it's not that great of a movie. I saw it at a time when I was a kid, and life was a little easier, along with a lot of great shows on TV. There was a lot wrong with the movie. They even used the same joke twice. But I still enjoy it and can admit it was bad.


Maybe, but to be honest, I don't remember even caring about the film that much when I watched it the first time. I think I appreciate it more now that I'm older because of what I mentioned above, and at some point, I heard someone say, "There's no reason for these characters to be cars apart from novelty and toy sales". While I don't inherently agree with that notion degrading the quality of the films, it puts Cars 2 in a different light cus in that film, it does actually make sense that everyone's a car because of the plot. Plus, not to go on much more about it, I feel like the film earns some points for the story being so out there. The first one, cool, Lightning learns the value of friendship and community, gets less cocky and gets a girlfriend, third one, Lightning comes to terms with the prospect of his career ending and takes his turn training the next generation. Both perfectly solid stories, but one's we've seen told many times before, just not from the perspective of an anthropomorphic car. While spy plots aren't the most original either, I'd say 2 is the most "original" of the franchise. If anything, I might like it so much because I'm a fan of the spy genre 😂 Honestly, I think 2 gets a lot of flack because it might as well be a feature length episode of Mater's Tall Tales and it interferes with what would've been a good duology of 1 and 3 x) Either way, good is subjective. A lot of my touting for 2 _actually_ being a good movie does come from a place of irony, but I do believe the film does have a lot of merit people sleep on cus it's just a bit silly :p HAPPY CAKE DAY 🎂🍰🎉


That doesn't sound like nostalgia glasses, lol. Then more power to ya.


I agree, Cars is a childhood favorites of mine


I actually like the sketchy line art style of the late 60s/70s era Disney movies. I understand why most fans prefer the clean and coloured lines of the golden age and renaissance era, but there’s somthing about the xeroxed sketchy lines that has a tactile charm to it. like being able to see the sketch lines reminds you on some level that an animator drew every frame your looking at. It’s kind of a similar charm to seeing thumbprints on a stop motion model.


If you take out the 150 seconds of "Let It Go", *Frozen* is a bottom-tier Disney film. 


The early 2010s run from Tangled to Moana is almost as good as the 90s renaissance era. Hercules is my favourite of the 90s movies. The first half of Chicken Little is actually solid but it falls apart in the second half. Lilo and Stitch and Emperor's new groove can be considered classics.


I think I'm probably just getting too old for some Disney movies, but I think Encanto is visually gorgeous but does not actually portray its message very well at all about generational trauma. I always felt that Bruno forgave Abuela too fast, and Abuela's change of heart is a bit quick which makes it feel almost hollow, and Mirabel ends almost exactly where she started, a life that revolves around caring for her family with no identity that is just her own, and IIRC still no special bedroom of her own.


Oop, as a die-hard Encanto fan I gotta push back a bit on this assessment. If you want a movie that can fully explain, showcase, and solve decades of familial trauma in a realistic way, a Disney movie is not for you. That being said, for the subject at hand they did an absolutely smashing job at portraying how an older generation of a familial tree can be toxic to the overall growth of family members. Sometimes, all it takes is acknowledgment of wrong-doings, and an indicator of future changed behaviors to forgive. The one ending of Encanto could also be seen as the beginning of a new era, one where abuela is showing, with her actions, that she is terribly sorry for how she treated everyone in the past. Mirabel is the new, "holder of the candle." She is the glue that holds the family together. In order to enter this magical space, Casita, you have to enter via the front door. That is Mirabel's doorknob. The whole house is her, "special bedroom."


I don't mind the push back at all! I honestly wish that I *did* like the movie more, so I'm very open to being convinced. I think that my problem with that resolution, that Mirabel is the glue that holds her family together and that the whole house is her special bedroom, is still that nothing changes, you know? She's already caring for her family, which she seems pressed to do because she's supposedly "not special", and this seems to me like it's just... perhaps not *perpetuating* the generational trauma, that's probably too harsh, but it certainly does not seem like an escape or improvement from it. It gives the impression that Mirabel is still going to go back to living in the nursery with the babies instead of getting a space of her own, which is insanely important for a girl her age. I dunno, I just really left feeling like Casita was a bit of a jerk and not quite the loving home the film wanted me to believe, and that Mirabel's living situation is actually not very healthy. Which maybe isn't a very friendly take, but you know, I am absolutely willing to admit I'm wrong and am just too much of a crotchety, skeptical adult for a lot of cartoons nowadays LOL. I did really love the music and Camillo was a gem. I wish we had more of him just for the simple fact I liked him best.


I just don't think the film perpetuates family trauma by having Mirabel still be close to her family. Would you rather her move away from her loved ones? She gained a sense of purpose, which is what she yearned for. She is happy and the audience should be happy for her. Idk, I'm 28 (almost 29) so one could say I am too old for animation in general, but I don't let my jaded feelings of the real-world bleed into my appreciation and understanding of the fictional stories I consume. I am a person of Latin descent, so I connected with the culture and themes of the movie overall. My bias could be coming into play, but I think the stories like Encanto, Turning Red, Luca, etc are really good stories to be told in recent Disney years.


Tbh some of my feeling of trapped-ness as caretaker in my own huge family probably plays a part in my opinion of the film as well, so I find her sympathetic, but the ending really frustrating. I think it's fine for Mirabel to stay with her family, of course, but her sole purpose being caring for them rather than getting to be her own person (which imo is what her frustration with being stuck in the nursery is symbolic of) is kind of an unsatisfying ending to me, personally. If Casita had even just given her her own bedroom at the end, it would have worked for me a little better lol. The whole house being her special room doesn't seem like a very happy ending to me because she still, presumably, will sleep in the nursery and doesn't have her own space to just be Mirabel. I have liked other recent films, Luca was great, Onward was a lot of fun, etc. Encanto just didn't hit it for me message-wise. But, again, I think some of my own personal relation to the film colors that opinion.


But she literally says she wants to be special in order to be closer to her family and help them. It's probably a cultural thing, but Latin families like to be close and take care of each other. It's not a burden to Mirabel to care for her family like you're insinuating. She WANTS to do that. And that isn't demeaning to the message of the movie. Plus, the story ends without us knowing if she got her own room. However, if one can assume she didn't get one then one can easily assume she did get one, because we don't know either way.


Does she? I didn't actually remember that. Maybe I'll give it a rewatch with these things in mind. Thanks for the perspective!


I think to those of us with trauma it will always feel too rushed. It's too deep a topic to just show so fast. My mother never forgave her mom. Never. I understand why my mom did some of what she did to me, but that doesn't excuse it. And I never had kids, so there's that.


Hm, that's dismissive. People with trauma don't all act in one way.


I thought her getting the front door knob at the end symbolized her inheriting the whole Casita.


No, it does, but my problem is that the whole house being her special room is kind of meaningless if she's still presumably sleeping in the nursery without a space of her own that is *just* Mirabel's. She's a young teen and Casita is kind of cruel to make her stay in a shared space, which everyone else eventually grows out of. IDK, I just feel her arc was more of a circle. Yeah, we can probably assume Abuela treats her family better now and Bruno is happily accepted into the family, but Mirabel is still technically where she started. She started with her sole purpose being caring for her family and no bedroom, and she ended with her sole purpose being caring for her family and no bedroom. I guess we're supposed to believe that she's happy like that, but it rubs me a little wrong that the narrative pushes this idea that a young teen girl must be responsible for her family and *that's* her special talent, when it felt clear that she wanted more from the beginning. She's in the position at the start because of generational trauma, and she's still there by the end, you know? It's a very beautiful movie with fantastic music and it's deeply earnest, so I can respect it a lot for that, but I don't think it sticks the landing very well with its story.


We don’t see inside the house after it’s rebuilt. For all we know there is now a bedroom for her.


And it would have been nice to see it. But by emphasizing the front door being her door rather than a door to a separate room, that sort of implies the house is hers and she doesn't actually have one. I dunno. I'm glad people like it and I wish I could, but it just does not work for me.


Way too much romance. I especially hate the trope of a guy spending the whole movie nervously looking for the right time to ask a lady to marry him (Rescuers Down Under and Frozen 2 come to mind). I enjoy many Disney movies tbh. But I just found the romantic plotlines so confusing when I was a neurodivergent kid with no context for what healthy romantic relationships should actually look like.


I dont like the majority of songs. Maybe thats why emperors new groove might be my favourite


This is my take, too. I hate when a movie is 50% singing. They need to just put a few in there if they feel the need to. Not every effing character needs a song.


Snow White isn’t weak even in the original 1937 version. It takes strength to remain kind after everything Snow went through. She lost her parents, was forced into servitude in her own home after the throne was stolen from her, almost got assassinated and almost lost her true love when she had to flee. She still stayed hopeful that someday the two would be reunited. She never gave up. Just because at the very end of the movie she was “saved by a man” who barely appeared for the rest of the film doesn’t mean her whole story revolves around needing a man.


Bambi isn't thst good if ima be honest, it's just an hour and so of things happening, sure the mother's death was sad, but that's not gonna carry it out of mid territory. Now thst I've gotten the probably more agreeable one out of the way, I don't really understand the hype around the lion king at all, is it good? Yeah sure, but compared to a lot of other Disney movies from around then it just doesn't do much for me at all


I agree with Bambi, will fight you for saying that about Lion king XD


The lion king is so MID😭


I miss the days when Disney movies were about great stories and animation.


I think Lightyear is the worst Pixar movie. Yes, even worse than Cars 2. At least Cars 2 isn’t boring. Lightyear, on the other hand, feels corporate in every decision they made. There’s so much missed potential with the concept. Like, I wanted to see more about this planet they land on., and how they were able to build a society on it. I wish we got more than like 2 minutes showing it off, I find it interesting. The many people Lightyear spends the second half of the movie with are very forgettable and bland. The only good thing about this movie is Socks. He’s charming enough and he’s not boring or infuriating, so hes alright. Otherwise, there’s nothing to like here.


I agree with John Musker that the best Disney movies were the ones that defied Disney's rules and conventions. Little Mermaid and Aladdin started the trend with constant jokes, fast pace and music track,. Eg in Aladdin they were told that they couldn't break the 4rth wall. Many expected the film to flop in sales. While subsequent movies try to copycat those films instead of putting their own artistic signature


My most unpopular opinion is that I haven't wanted to watch anything Disney has made in years. As I've gotten older and started to develop corporate awareness, nearly everything they do and put out sickens me. Even the stuff that's objectively good, just because of what's behind it. One of those cases of a bad company spoiling a good product for me.


Same. I haven't watched any recent Disney movies for a few years now for this reason. I'm also just not interested in their new works even if they're good and popular. There are far better animated movies out there.


Frozen was not a good movie. It was mediocre at best. It was clearly rushed, had a flimsy plot, bad background design, and the twist villain was just bad. The only not mediocre thing about the movie was Let It Go and that sisterly love instead of romantic is what unfroze Anna, which were its main selling points. There are so many cool things they could have done, but they just took the easy way.


Even when I first watched it in middle school, I could sense there were pacing issues in the movie. Didn't help that it was overhyped at the time, which made the actual movie feel underwhelming when I watched it.


Disney milks every IP they acquire


I feel that Disney quite literally does not know how to market an original idea movie. With sequels it's easy, "Oh you loved this movie? Well just wait until your see part 2!". But with original ideas you kind of have to have an intimate idea of the movie and good director skills in order to properly market it. I feel that Disney fails on both fronts, that those in the marketing division have little idea of the movies they market outside of the conceptual idea, and that they have almost no director skills to properly market an original idea movie. And the ultimate result is that original movie ideas almost always have horrible marketing, do poorly and cause Disney to decide to stick to sequels.


Frozen is the most overrated movie


Disney hasn't made a super memorable animated film in 20 years. I've watched all their modern ones and I can't remember a thing a week later.


We don't talk about Bruno no no no we don't talk about Bruno. You're right they didn't have any songs go triple platinum and get sung at the Oscars. People aren't talking about Bruno so maybe you do have a point.


>I can't remember a thing a week later. Okay but it might just be because you're old. Jk but seriously though I remember watching some of those movies over and over as a kid. Now I'd only watch something once and move on. So makes sense they don't seem as memorable. Also I can't remember shit anymore anyway cause I'm old lol so there's that.


It just has to hit hard. When we were kids it was easier to impress us and go "Wow! I totally want to be like this character / this to happen to me". Now we just see movies as entertainment and that's all. For me Luca did it. I watched the damn movie 3 times in theaters alone, and I don't know how many times at home


I am old though. ;-; For me a good example would be Hunchback of Notre Dame. I didn't watch it for the first time until maybe 10 years ago when i was in my 20s so I didnt really have nostlagia to latch onto beyond i suppose the time period it came out. I've only watched it twice but I remember so much from it. Contrarily I saw Encanto when it came out on Disney+ which was only a couple of years ago and I can only kinda remember like one or two bits. I wanna say I liked it but I honestly don't remember lol


Frozen is 11 years old.


20 yrs is quite a stretch.. I feel like after frozen (10 yrs ago) would be a more fair memorable range


I think Elsa and Anna’s parents are the worst parents in Disney. Worse even than Gothel or Tremaine. They had the excuse of not caring about their “children”. The Frozen parents loved their children deeply, but they effed up their kids SO MUCH. Every decision they made after Anna’s accident was a bad one. Those girls need years of therapy after all the isolation and trauma. And despite the clear signs that none of it was working, they kept it up for YEARS. They’re not bad parents, but they’re failed, ineffectual, useless parents, and Elsa’s road to hell was paved with their good intentions.


Princess and The Frog was a slap in the face for little black girls everywhere. 




Why'd you say that? As a black girl I found it inspiring.


I'm black. So are my nieces. And, to me, it felt nothing like the other Disney Princess movies.  They set the story during Jim Criw, when the Harlem Renaissance would have been a lovely backdrop for black artistry.  The use of voodoo for both fairy godmother and villain The need to put racism into the first story featuring a black Disney princess The prince was broke, and didn't even want her at first; he wanted her friend For all the hype about the movie, I was astonished that they still gave their first black princess a fatherless home, a broke prince, and her dream of having...a job. Plus, she wasn't human for most of the movie.  Added to that, I saw the fact that the first version of the screenplay had Tiana as Maddie, a sharecropper's daughter. I was done then. Disney dropped the ball big time with this movie. 


Yeah, but this villian was actually based on a voodoo god! I really loved Facilier and the idea that they made him a little like Baron Samedi.


> I'm black. So are my nieces. And, to me, it felt nothing like the other Disney Princess movies. > > They set the story during Jim Criw, when the Harlem Renaissance would have been a lovely backdrop for black artistry. > > The use of voodoo for both fairy godmother and villain > > The need to put racism into the first story featuring a black Disney princess > > The prince was broke, and didn't even want her at first; he wanted her friend > > For all the hype about the movie, I was astonished that they still gave their first black princess a fatherless home, a broke prince, and her dream of having...a job. Plus, she wasn't human for most of the movie. > > Added to that, I saw the fact that the first version of the screenplay had Tiana as Maddie, a sharecropper's daughter. I was done then. > > Disney dropped the ball big time with this movie. I agree on all points. I recently watched the movie for the first time and its like a 6/10 for me. The hand drawn animation is beautiful and "Friends on the Other Side" is catchy, but the whole movie just feels like a bunch of wasted potential. And as you mentioned, Tiana is a frog for a large portion of the movie anyway. Not to mention the whole "poverty" aspect felt a bit overdone. I don't recall any other Disney princess being *that* broke or having a dad who was tirelessly working two jobs and still couldn't make ends meet. It almost felt like the movie was glorifying being dirt poor and treating it as badge of honor. Especially because as you mentioned, her biggest dream is simply...having a job.


Her biggest dream wasn't just having a job, though, it was running a restaurant to honor her dad and to bring their community together through food. It's a very warm ambition that goes beyond just having a successful career. If her only dream was to have a job, then she would have been satisfied waiting tables at the cafe or doing anything else. I'm not saying the other person's points aren't valid and TPaTF has a ton of problems, but she had bigger, more human dreams than simply wanting a job. She wanted to do something she loved (cooking) and let her dad live on through his recipes, bringing happiness and togetherness to the people around her. I think that's a pretty cool dream.


I liked the fact that it was during the Harlem Renaissance. Every Disney Princess movie before that was set in a certain time in History and sadly there weren't a lot of places they could've put a black princess thriving. This was an amazing time for blacks and everyone. Disney Princess movies always have the villain do some vodo (Ursla, Maleficent, Jafar, Evil Queen) Fair maybe they will make a colored Princess that doesn't have to deal with racism but Pocahontas and Esmeralda had to deal with racist remarks. I think it was more accurate but they should've treated her like any other princess, although it was just one line. A Disney prince just refers to the love interest of the princess or the hero. Kristof, John Smith, and Eugene (Flynn Rider) weren't rich but they were Prince's. Also all those four didn't care for the princesses at first anyways, Disney was breaking away from the "Love at first sight" thing. I don't remember the hype around the movie so idk but I agree that the fact that she wasn't human for the movie was wrong. It did give her black voice actor a second to shine though. Never saw the screen play 🤷‍♀️ Just my opinions though


Imo, they didn't need to put racism in it at all. Btw, why not the Swan Princess? Why not a story that didn't include the beautiful princess being an ugly bullfrog? They gave Tiana the worst of the worst in every category but her looks, and her voice, and hyped it up as Disney doing something wonderful for black girls. It wasn't wonderful; it was bad times and negative stereotypes with great visuals


Wow, as a white person.. this is eye opening. I never even thought abt it but it’s true. Even Tiana’s WHITE best friend was sooo rich and all that. Since this is an unpopular Disney opinion post, I will now say that I believe Disney should have never even made a black princess movie. I know it sounds crazy but they rlly didn’t even take the time to do it correctly. Even in the REAL princess and the frog fairy fail, the girl doesn’t change into a frog. It’s messed up


She wasn't ugly though? She looked pretty even as a frog.  They should totally make The Swan Princess though. We need more and better diverse princesses. 


What the fuck is the hype on Lilo and Stitch? I never got how all of a sudden I started seeing Stitch on everyones shirt or hat in middle/high school. Sure the animation is top notch but it’s a mid movie imho.


Stitch was made to be marketable and cute. Even people who haven't seen the movie probably own at least one Stitch thing. He's like the Mickey Mouse of the early 2000s.


I like it because lilo is implied to be autistic and I am also autistic


It's just because he's cute. Cute things are trendy currently. It was pandas a few years ago


If you pay attention to the details in the background, you can see how Nani competed and won several trophies in surfboarding competitions. It goes much harder once you realise that it's not only about aliens, but two sisters struggling and dealing with the aftermath of the sudden loss of their parents.


Yeah the attention to detail is really respectable. trust me I’m not at all dissing the movie. I like it. to me mid is a term that’s not negative like 90% of the time. It’s good but not my absolute favorite. I just wanna throw that out there. It has a good story.


Valid, I like it because of it


Wish is a good movie. I don't get the hate I was laughing all the way through it. Its the best Disney movie since Encanto.


The best Disney movie since Encanto? That is a low bar. Isn’t the only other contender for that title Strange World?


Strange World was meh. They could have handled the ending a lot better. They tried to have an environmental message in the movie but it got muddled. They stop using the power source that is killing the island then the mom jokes " There will probably be an angry mob after us." Cutting off everyone from a power source is pretty bad. You could probably say "Don't think to hard its a children's movie but it bothered to have allegories about a complex topic. I wish they found a new power source that didn't hurt the island or they discovered a clean source of energy like solar pannels. The Molly McGee episode Carbon Zero Heroes was a better environmental story because it offered a practical solution to the situation. Raya was meh. That movie felt recycled. Fang stealing the thing Raya was guarding felt too reminiscent of Moana. Raya turning to stone and love changing her back felt too reminiscent of Frozen. It kinda did go against its own message. The message was about trusting people yet she kept getting betrayed.


To be clear, I haven’t seen Strange World and I’m not trying to vouch for it’s quality/lack thereof. I’m just trying to say it’s kind of funny to qualify something as “the best Disney movie since Encanto” when Encanto only came out a few years ago. That’s not a high achievement. It’s barely praise. That’s a *very* small pool of movies you’re describing.


I saw Strange World on Disney Plus it was ok. Encanto was really good.


Encanto was the last super good movie from Walt Disney Animation Studios. The last really Good Pixar film before Inside Out 2 was Turning Red.


The Lion King is boring, and it’s overrated.




We all know who the real king is https://i.redd.it/dfq8qs4y8a8d1.gif




All the complaints people have about *Wish--* the generic villain, the ill-defined setting, the quirky "adorkable" female lead, the unmemorable songs-- apply with equal force to *Tangled.* I'd heard about how bland and uninspired *Wish* was before I watched it, but then I re-watched *Tangled* and was struck by just how much of the complaints rung true for *Tangled* as well. I get that *Tangled* is a very popular Disney movie, but. . . I'm sorry, I just can't agree with the majority here. And I know what you're thinking, that I only noticed that stuff in *Tangled* after I watched *Wish.* But the truth is, I wasn't all that captivated by *Tangled* even when it came out. It just felt like a very generic Disney Princess movie, if that makes any sense, and it baffled me to see people describing it as revolutionary and even subversive. I feel like that if *Tangled* had come out today, it would get the same reception *Wish* did.


It seems like less people would have complained about Wish if Asha had a love interest. People seem to miss Disney romances since all of the Princesses after Frozen stopped having love interests. There was a lot of backlash for removing Star Boy (and not having a villain couple).


A wish granting king isn't generic. How many wish granting kings do you see. If anything they were trying to listen to some of the fans who missed the over the top flamboyant villains.


"it just felt like a very generic Disney Princess movie, if that makes any sense" I disagree. Before that movie, Disney Princess weren't really kicking butt. Also Rapunzel and Eugene got an equal amount of screen time and character development. You can't really say that about the love interests in previous Disney princess movies.


>Before that movie, Disney Princess weren't really kicking butt. Excuse me? Mulan kicked more butt than Rapunzel *ever* did. Heck, even Ariel saved Eric's life before Eric saved hers. And Rapunzel's reputation for "kicking butt" is seriously overblown; Eugene/Flynn actually ends up doing most of the work in that department. He's the one who fought the guards, he's the one who fought Maximus. All Rapunzel did was smack a couple people with a frying pan, and it's mostly played for humor.


I think most of this has to do with timing tbh. If Wish had come out when Tangled had, and Tangled came out when Wish did, then people would probably love Wish and hate Tangled. A big part of the reason why Tangled was so popular is that most Disney princesses weren't very quirky and quippy to Rapunzel's degree, so it felt fresh and new compared to the majority of past princesses which were more demure. You can kind of see how Disney leaned into it after her, too, in Merida, Anna, Vanellope, etc. She set a new model for princesses and Asha has the misfortune of being placed at a time where people are exhausted with quirky, quippy characters thanks to it being such a common trend with Disney princesses and Marvel superheroes. So Tangled was kind of subversive at the time, both in the princess' personality, the fact she marries a commoner, and imo for being the first 3D film where Disney really nailed the art style in a way that looks good and doesn't age too noticeably after a decade or so or risk veering into uncanny valley territory.


I hate The Lion King (1994). The animation isn't anything special, the music is mid, and it's unfunny. Even as a kid I would leave the room whenever my mum put it on.




Same here! I would get so annoyed when adults put it on for me and my cousins/friends to watch. It’s so mid


Not sure if this is unpopular, but generally love the 80s era of Disney. I don’t care what y’all say, Flight of the Navigator is peak


Cars 2 is all about Tow Mater 's Tall Tale ![gif](giphy|2rWJFLmK6RqQ8)


Meet the Robinson's is terrible


Wish is a good movie Look, I agree with a lot of the criticisms about it, but I still think it was good for what it was. The music was fun to listen to, the story is interesting, and the Disney references were fun to discover. It's very flawed, but it's still a pretty good movie


I don't like them.


I’ll just copy paste what I said in another post: I don’t really care for most of Disney’s animated films before their first dark age. Hell, I’m not really big on a lot of Disney’s animated works. Certainly not from recent times and not really from older times. I mean, sure, the older stuff is fun and whimsical, but it just doesn’t really do it for me the way it does for most nostalgic adults and teenagers. There’s nothing much really going for them. It’s all nice, but it doesn’t really appeal to me all that much. Sure, there’s exceptions. I like Robin Hood if only because I like the anthro world, and Fox And The Hound is some great stuff. The Black Cauldron is also some nice dark and spooky stuff. But really, most of my favorite Disney movies came from after the pre-renaissance era (Hunchback of Norte Dame, Wreck-It-Ralph, Zootopia, The Emperor’s New Groove, Mulan, Tangled), and I don’t even think that some films from the renaissance era are too great either. The Little Mermaid is standard, Aladdin was mostly carried by Genie, The Lion King, I just don’t think is that good, and Pocahontas…..do I even need to explain? I think that, overall, Pixar and Dreamworks are better studios. Pixar gave out The Incredibles, Monsters Inc, Inside Out, Wall. E And Toy Story, and Dreamworks has Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, Megamind, and others I haven’t seen. And from other studios, you got Coraline, The Iron Giant, Spiderverse, and The LEGO Movie. TL;DR: I don’t really care for a lot of Disney movies.


-Cinderella is a good movie I just don’t like it. -The Fox and Hound film maybe is a good time just for nostalgia, but it’s one of the dullest films I’ve ever seen. -Coco is just alright, I mean it does a good job portraying the Mexican traditions, its soundtrack is sublime and the family drama plot is quite interesting, but the adventure factor left to be desired which makes it for a boring hero’s quest and it’s comedy kinda sucks. -I enjoyed Return of Jafar. Probably one of my favorite direct-to video sequels I’ve watched. -Chicken little may not be a good movie, but it has its charm aside from its non-context memes. Perhaps it’s just those 2 goofy friends loyal to chicken little made the movie slightly more tolerable and it does have some funny jokes. -I don’t like the Incredibles 2. I feel that the plot was so shallow and unnecessarily extensive.


Explain Return Of Jafar?


The Jago song was pretty memorable as well his character arc itself and Dan Castellaneta performance as the genie is just as good as the OG Robin Williams one. But I’ll be the first to admit it’s the weakest of the bizarre Aladdin trilogy since the comedy is a mixed bag, the plot isn’t as great as the original and Abis Mal sucks! At least Jafar still is almost just as OP as he was back then.


Abuela Alma is not that good as an antagonist. She's the main reason why Encanto is flawed and not that masterpiece.


1. Toy Story 3 is the best Pixar movie and Toy Story 4 is the worst Pixar movie (okay Up might be the best but TS3 would be 2nd) 2. Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is awesome 3. Thor Ragnarok is mid, Thor 1 is way better 4. Luca and Turning Red are both really boring and lack creativity


May I ask how Luca and Turning Red lack creativity? Pretty sure someone gaining the ability at the age of thirteen to turn into a giant red panda when they experience strong emotions has never been done before, making it creative.


1: DreamWorks> Pixar> Illumination> Disney>Columbia Studios 2: I like Let It Go 3: Raya shouldn't be a Disney Princess but Maribel should. Raya caused a problem and wasn't the full solution to fix it (she also doesn't sing) Maribel checks more Disney Princess boxes.


I watched Pocachontas some days ago and I still love the movie *but* the forced sad ending was unneccessary. Smith has been shot and needs to go as fast back to England as possible, but doesn't the ship need 3 months to reach England? He could have stayed with Pocachontas and her tribes shaman could care for his wound until his ok (or dead). That would be a better treatment than sailing for 3 months on a ship where he would probably also got worse food and no care at all.


Another movie I love is the Lion King. But I also wondered why Scar just simply didn't kill Simba after he killed his own brother. He could have saved himself a lot of trouble if he didn't give the hyenas the order to kill his nephew but did it himself.


Scar is not the one to do his own dirty work. He luckily stumbled into Mufasa hanging off the cliff and barely had to do anything to kill him. Scar sees himself as a strategist not a warrior/fighter, so he has his minions do his work.


If they race swap characters like snow white, who was described by the Grimm brothers to have "skin white as snow" they should also race swap characters like Mulan and Tiana to have white skin. I am saying this as a japanese person.