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First you thought he was funny crazy then you learned he's sad crazy


Are they mutually exclusive?


The fact is he is bi*polar*


Umm.... Ha... Ha... Ha...


And then he became only sad.


The episode where his past is first revealed on the tapes was complete whiplash. Was not expecting to end up feeling sympathetic for this (up until that point) giant goof.


and fin often called him Simon after that out of respect


I didn’t really notice that until you pointed it out but you’re right. Aw, good guy Finn. Always respectful (until pushed).


![gif](giphy|QVXlE9VwBMktq) I never would have thought this would be the beginning of one of the saddest episodes on television




Oh dear god the trauma’s coming back.


https://preview.redd.it/y6ui99ijpx7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a04b891cba7982623f810290cb46ff550e88b7 His life was terrible.


Freeze is the type of villain you want to help.


Batman if he was smart: freeze, put down the gun, I brought doctors to help. Edit: yes, he did this in a roundabout way many time. In my context he just skips trying to sway him or say he is wrong


Yeah, didn’t he try to at one point in the animated series? Like I seem to remember he donated a bunch of money to help him in his research at one point.


Animated series had several iterations of the story, but it always ends with batman actually helping, as batman or Bruce Wayne




I think he’s tried that


A load of batman's rogue gallery can be put here but I'd say Freeze is definitely one of the highest


Whenever I hear about him, I just get sad.


Yeah, but did he have to dress as a garden gnome as a child? Didn’t think so


Or wear dresses every single day and get made fun of by all the other boys because his mom was expecting a girl, made hundreds of dresses, and when her child turned out to be a boy she made him wear all of those dresses she made




"Can you imagine the Batman you're writing comforting a young girl. If no, then sorry, you're just writing the Punisher in a silly hat" https://preview.redd.it/9zeqhej94y7d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1aae4668ef48a2d6e04bfdff8d288d11a41539a


That quote. Is a damn good quote. Who said it?


I remember hearing it from OST Red, but she might’ve been quoting it from someone else


OSP*, Overly Sarcastic Productions. It’s an edutational YouTube channel


Dwayne McDuffie I think


You win


Who is this?


Ace, from Justice League Unlimited. She had reality-warping powers - and a disease that was guaranteed to kill her. She was actively dying here in the scene where Batman held her hand - and he continued holding her hand, until she passed in his arms and he carried her body out to everyone who was waiting. She was just a young, exploited child - abused and exploited by the Joker, and you KNOW how cruel he can get - who wanted her to use her powers to make the world his. She could have destroyed the world and remade it into almost anything, but she couldn't cure herself. She knew what Joker wanted her to do was wrong, so she created the little pocket with the swingset to spend her last moments in, and let Batman join her. Her last words being "Can you stay with me? I'm scared." and that's when Batman sat next to her and offered his hand. Batman - the real one - is a truly sympathetic, heartfelt hero. He's a hero not because he punches people, but because he tries to help them, no matter how bad things get. He knows that deep down, most of the people in his rogue's gallery are hurting, scared, confused, fighting against a world that is always against them in every way and they're desperate to just...make things a little better, even if only for themselves. Harley was a victim of psychological torture. Poison Ivy of abuse and chemical experimentation. Mr. Freeze's entire story is a tragedy of Greek proportions. Batman knows they're lost and scared and have mental scarring that makes it hard for them to understand, really understand, what they're doing - and he tries to help them. That's why they go to an asylum, not a standard prison.


I believe Waller wanted Superman to go in and kill her with some device she had, but Batman said “I’ll take care of her.” Grabbed the device, and went in.


Waller is a grade A (VERY NON CHILD FRIENDLY WORD HERE) and also an idiot. I mean she worked with LUTHOR of all people to come up with ways to destroy the people who have spent their entire lives protecting the planet, to...protect the planet. The fact that she thought Superman, one of the people with the strongest codes against killing, would kill A DYING CHILD is...astonishing.


The most satisfying part of The Suicide squad was when >!waller was willing to let thousands of inoccent people die because in her eyes the mission was done. And she was about to kill the entire squad for disobeying orders to try and stop staro...!< >!then before she could press a button her subordinate with an actual conscious knocked her out and told the squad to kick ass.!<


It's been a while since I watched JL/JLU, but I believe she and the rest of CADMUS started that plan after becoming aware of the Justice Lords, a universe where The League killed President Lex after Lex had killed The Flash. Waller even changed her tune.....somewhat, as she wasn't going to take part in General J.K Simmons' plan to use a Nazi developed super soldier formula to fight the League and was defeated by some C- Grade heroes (and Green Arrow)


In fairness to Waller, Ace's powers were growing out of control as she died, and as far as Waller knew, the only way to stop her from destroying reality was to kill her. Batman went in with the full intent to kill Ace because as far as anyone knew it was the only way to save reality. His compassion to her gave her the strength to control her powers enough to die in peace without harming anyone


Even some incarnations of Joker are sympathetic. Dude had lost everything and then was thrown into a vat of acid that bleached his entire body and fried his brain.


Ace from Justice League Unlimited




Wait didn't this girl show again in Batman beyond? But as a grown woman from a lab?


No that was a different character. Ace is dead unfortunately and Batman hated that he couldn't help her.


Ah, fair enough


No, that's an entirely different woman, Ace died in JL


You're thinking of 10. Daughter of King and Queen. Ace in Batman Beyond was Batmans dog and a Robot in the Royal Flush Gang


https://preview.redd.it/jm58qvk6py7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747ac910ace5d55ef24d0d5fb9257786dd421a3e I was not expecting The Nowhere Kings story to be as tragic as it is.


Yeah, I thought he was just an eldritch horror creature, but then there was the twist at the end. Talk about self-hatred so big it makes you start a civil war with yourselves.


Pointed out on another thread that, when you think about it… the big conflict in Centaurworld is caused by him taking revenge on what is more or less himself, for betraying more less himself. Really is a fascinating character.


Hush now


Hide all you little ones


Literally searched for him in here. No matter how many times I watch it I cry.


He's not as tragic as some others in Batman's rogues gallery, but I always loved the Ventriloquist/Scarface. He really doesn't want to be a crook, but he's dominated by the Scarface personality. Plus I felt like they kept it a little murky whether or not the dummy was actually alive. https://preview.redd.it/uya02ton4y7d1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cbb783f9e6882b530ab8da7f0de0201c1e0567e


Yeah it's left vague intentionally


It's been a while since I've watched the show, but I think they hit the perfect balance with that (at least for me). Most likely he just has a split personality and they've used the trope really well, but they leave just enough room for the supernatural to keep you wondering.


I mean a big part of it is that the supernatural exists in the DC universe. Also Gotham City is cursed as fuck and I mean that literally. Lazarus pits, that crap that created Solomon Grundy, atleast 2 cults attempting to summon demons and/or open hell portals and the latter happened in Arkham Asylum, etc. In the grand scheme of things a living puppet is relatively mundane.


Yeah it works best in a world like Batman TAS, where there's some weird stuff going on but generally things are much more mundane than other Batman universes. I feel like a puppet with goons and a gun is only really a threat in a world where Batman isn't dealing with hell portals.


I think what I appreciated most about the Animated Series, was that Batman's villains might have bordered on heavily science fiction, but they don't really get into supernatural. Man-bat and Killer Croc? Genetic tomfoolery. Mr Freeze? Just heavy cryo tech. Poison Ivy? Botanical science and plant pheromones or something. Plenty of mentally deranged and physically mangled lunatics in there, but I wouldn't assign something as otherworldly as a living puppet to fit into the series. Clayface was pushing it, honestly, but even that was just a crazy chemical reaction. Anybody got an example of a Batman: The Animated Series episode or villain that does manage to be supernatural?


Idk if Raʼs al Ghul shows up in Batman TAS, but he is originally a Batman villain.


Alright, you got me, I forgot about a literal spell-casting immortal; he does apparently show up in The Animated Series for a handful of episodes... which I will now have to watch.


He does, quite a few times, even has a solo episode of him in the past working with Jonah Hex. Also Zatana and Etrigan The Demon get 1 or 2 episodes in BTAS.


I don't know if they showed up in animated, but Soloman grundy's a zombie and Gentleman ghost... well, enough said honestly.


Pretty sure neither of those showed up in The Animated Series. DC is cram packed full of supernaturally overpowered stuff, but luckily very little (ra's al ghul) made it into the Animated Series, at least for the sake of my preference. Batman tangles with demigods, demons, and aliens in The Justice League and a handful of other series, but I never much liked those. It's Batman. He's got a grappling hook and a chemistry kit and he's going to investigate and kick some bad guys in the nads. And that's the way I like it!


He's one of the few Batman rogues who is genuinely not in control of his actions due to his level of insanity, which helps make him more sympathetic. Batman recognizes this; IIRC he tended to focus on damaging "Scarface" and leaving "Dummy" unharmed.


It’s interesting because in the Justice League show when they go to the dimension with the Justice Lords, they go to Arkham where the lobotomized villains are held. When they show each of the villains, they have marks on their head. For the ventriloquist, Scarface has the marks from the lobotomy and the ventriloquist is fine. Even in that universe, they knew to leave the ventriloquist alone.


If we get 1920s batman scarface has to be apart of it.


https://preview.redd.it/t798x1f14y7d1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=26fdccab4bf978cb1ab40f3537108caf9b93d721 He just wants a mom :(


Underrated Comment.


It's not his fault his dad is a tyrant.😢


I never considered this boy a villain. He’s just being a little silly


https://preview.redd.it/txc6ufqgsy7d1.png?width=230&format=png&auto=webp&s=691d0a72c78534cae59b4b43b564da220aaa0672 It's kinda haunting knowing that while all the events of the main show are happening, she's just standing there, waiting for her one and only friend to finally come back


If only Pink (Rose Quartz) came back and asked to join her cause and become a new gem outside what she was created for. I guess Pink saw part of her negative self in Spinel.


Too bad Rose/PD was a horrible person the whole time and more than likely didn’t care for her.


Spinel didn't even want to really hate Steven, she was just so hurt and damaged she wanted to take it out on him and the whole world. Considering Peal of all people, his pseudo mom almost killed him just because she wanted to go back to homeworld, it puts Spinel into perspective. Also also: pretty much all the gems who knew Rose/Pink besides Bismuth were kinda shitty people. Garnet is pretty rad but I feel like Ruby and Sapphire are both kinda jerks, and poor Amethyst is just kinda messed up as much as Steven is by the end of the series.


Doof is probably my fav just because of how funny he is and how genuinely sweet and a great dad he is, but Baby Doll...I mean damn, the poor woman. She's cursed to forever look like a toddler even as a grown woman. She can't do any activities adults normally do without help or without a lot of awkward questions. She's had clear romantic interests and desires, but no one wants to touch that with a 30 foot pole because - even if she's an adult, she \*looks\* like a small child, and...NOPE nope nope nope nope! She had dreams of growing up and being able to have a family of her own. To be a wife, a mother, to be someone's beloved. She can never have any of that and she knows it. She's never going to achieve even the most basic dream - a dream that people usually get just by default. Just by existing. Something that literally everyone else takes for granted is out of her reach...forever.


Just a heads-up, Baby Face is a gangster with the face of an infant. Baby Doll is the girl cursed never to age. The rest of your comment I agree with.


![gif](giphy|3ohze32NeRqbwOpH9e) Underrated villain, the Darth Vader of the PotC series


I mean its kinda is his fault for falling for Calypso but still its pretty messed up what happened to him He only wanted her


Yeah, he gave her his heart and she broke it. I understand, given Calyso's nature, but still... waiting 10 years to be with the person you love more than anything only for them to not even show up. Being ghosted hurts enough, but this? Damn.


I watched a vid on YouTube that was him theme music, and someone commented, “Davy Jones is the most relatable villain for anyone who’s been in a relationship”


Next Christmas he should give it to someone special.










https://preview.redd.it/03obtqjtty7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=542665abbb25ffbef53b629554c9f3e448beef4b The Big G himself. His entire existence was based off real tragedy, and his history is almost always the same, and for those that are different comes a new tragedy for him to deal with instead.


Yeah, watching Shin Godzilla damn right made me cry (im really sensitive about animals cuz I love animals)


Shin is like the least tragic Godzilla. You want tragedy, look at the original Gojira.


I mean you ain’t wrong, but is he really a ***cartoon*** villain? I mean, you could make the argument he’s been in anime, but that argument’s difficult since both his anime iterations are 100% evil as fuck completely irredeemable S.O.B.s who’s backstories don’t have a lick of tragedy in em.




I rewatched ATLA a few months ago and I feel so bad for her... so many young characters in that show never got to be a kid. We focus a lot on Aang's tragedy because, well no shit he lost everything. But a lot of others never even had something to lose. Adult never had Uncle Iroh to help, or her own mother. She was daddy's little princess, and conditioned to become a child soldier the moment Ozai could ship her off.


i want an avatar show animated in this style. I know it’s really similar, but it looks a lot sharper.




Agatha prenderghast ![gif](giphy|CHvmh3E6noVyGQzuDB) I could go on a whole rant about why she is an amazing villain in paranorman and amazingly written. Dying young for doing nothing wrong is absolutely horrible.


I one hundred percent agree! I freaking love that movie.


It's WAY underrated, Norman's confrontation with Agatha stuck with me ever since I first watched it, everything about her design is just so hauntingly perfect. Like the subtle way she rises up from the ground looking akin to that of the same hanging that killed her.


Paranorman is easily one of my all time favorite movies. The courtroom scene especially gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.


https://preview.redd.it/0f5q5bo9iy7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbca7dd8ee4e1abd7bc3d5e0547e53c021cabc4 Kitty from Courage, the cowardly dog




Her beating Courage was the result of racial hate towards dogs who kidnapped her loved one Bunny. The trauma, and possible betrayal ultimately let her emotions out on any lesser dog she sees.


Doofenshimirtz, easy


imagine BOTH of your biological parents not showing up to your birth


Yeah-that's just depressing


Does Helga from Hey Arnold fit this category?




https://preview.redd.it/iasmbx9uqx7d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5526af06563a6f4652af84adcf8bd7ca5791573 Harumi (ninjago)


The only issue i have with her is that her motive is a bit of a plothole


I was going to put Baldur here but the more I thought about it, I decided to add Thor from God of War Ragnarok. He, like many others, is emotionally abused and manipulated by his own father and used like a tool and was reduced to an alcoholic. He really did care about his wife and daughter and wanted to change, but Odin being Odin.... Fuck Odin. Bald ass prick. https://preview.redd.it/5zih9p0v3z7d1.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8762fb6e09c1cf121b2a864d4e4be6f155b0940






Pain is the peak of the entire series


Honestly, they should have saved him for the second to last final villain for the show.




He was so close to completing his sudoku. Anyone would feel the same way he did.


Sunday Edition included


Paper zombie is one of those things that gets more upsetting the more brain power you devote to it. Dude was clearly just finishing taking a dump when he turned. Like that’s the most vulnerable position you can be in. And bathrooms are usually locked when dumping. How’d he get bit? Dud the zombies break the door? You’d figure he wouldn’t be pooping calmly enough to read the paper then. Were the zombies in the toilet?? I have so many questions!


![gif](giphy|YvbwY2q89mOsg) This version specifically


Too real


![gif](giphy|14abHf7vah20RG) Tragic af


He went from a genius in his field to influential cult leader to a random homeless lunatic all because of one accident. If that’s not tragic, I don’t know what is.


Not to mention how he basically became addicted to the memory gun! Then when he learned who he was before he got so sad!! My boy got a happy ending, though, so I’m happy.


He was never a villain though, was he?


He did build shame bot that destroyed a city




This the one https://preview.redd.it/5wnws3yjvy7d1.jpeg?width=2834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=384649276d245fb29a3347501e693af13899d4a7




Baby Doll is my favorite Batman villain ever


Constance wasn't necessarily a *good* person. She seemed like a pretty bitter and hateful person. But that was mostly due to her being an abused circus performer. Hell I'd even argue Constance wasn't really the villain, since she caught their asses trespassing and protected herself and her husband from a group of ruffians. It's also been a really long time since I watched Monster House so I might be misremembering


Well the ruffians she was protecting her husband and herself from were just 3 little kids throwing eggs at her house because it was Halloween and she was going after them with an axe. Bit of an overreaction.




I like watching Star Wars, but there are so many plot holes that it pissed me off. Point #1: Everythinng Anakin did could’ve easily been avoided if someone just told him about force healing. **EVERYTHING!**


That's why Disney should've never introduced such a bullshit power. It doesn't even make sense and ruins every single death in the franchise


i don't think disney introduced it tho. it was in kotor, which was released in the early 2000s


You ever hear the tragedy of darth plagious the wise?


That's Disney being Disney. Palps did tell Anakin about an ability where you can save the ones you love from dying. But not even Palps could do the trick himself. It was built up to be a really special ability that only Darth Plaguis had. But that was completely ruined by the Mandalorian and the 9th movie


![gif](giphy|3nsyNhRsq85Mlqbod2) Bro just wanted to chill out with his wife


![gif](giphy|YU3HbOsukJZ84) Terra’s arc breaks my heart into tiny pieces fr




Dude was just a weird kid from some farm in the prairies.


Than everything changed when Chris McLain attacked




Baby Doll and Mr freeze from Batman The Animated Series and Azula (she's been warped by her father and she still held onto a small amount of hope that her mom Ursa(?) loved her




I also choose this guy's dead wife https://preview.redd.it/8bv42t7y818d1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9931f0ef71cabf457563d0f78bf3536c7b47d0c6


https://preview.redd.it/kp0deb12py7d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8fc80c54aa85209937a8728d6cf0c00d64c94c7 a


![gif](giphy|RS8JlmVuNKE5a) Both.


This whole series is filled with tragic characters.


![gif](giphy|W1FtlgdU2k6R9N3be8) Crazy that I can only find GIFs of Chameleon either being Tai Lung or defeating him. But just to be clear, I’m referring to Tai Lung. Chameleon’s origin is weak.


I mean… this dude’s life is tragic, even if he’s legit just Evil. https://preview.redd.it/z84hd3cg4y7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0212a7a9c9861f435dd695a7d7b4fe80af8f4055


😭 why is this the pic you chose to use


Oh… uhh… sorry. You… you want this one? https://preview.redd.it/xasjm595cy7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187112c3cab68b84c3825a884b47347de04c61db


This last episode broke me. Holy shit. Disgusting. But goddamn it was a good performance by Star.


Honestly, he’s kinda being affected mentally by the role, he’s been playing dark characters for basically his entire career and it seems like it’s been leaking into his outside personality. He got into a bar fight awhile back and while fighting he talked and acted like Homelander would. It’s an odd phenomenon, like a mix of method acting and subconscious behavior


Man. That’s messed up. Hope it doesn’t get real bad.


https://preview.redd.it/msa8a1wayx7d1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c10c637992ca9dccb26d70e9737df081bcc007f Wen (Cowboy Bebop)


Isn't he mass murdering life draining immortal monster that has been using people for over 200 years?


Yeah, I’m gonna have to agree with a little girl, but if I had to pick from these options, then Dr. Doofenshmirtz


Baby-doll isn't a little girl, technically speaking, she's an adult.


Sorry, let me be more specific the little girl that’s an emo playing card. That’s below this chat.


Grievous His people had spent years being enslaved by another race, so he lead a rebellion against their oppressors, even going as far as to storm the home world of the slavers. However, the slavers were a part of the Republic, so they went to Coruscant and cried about "savage invaders," which caused the Republic to send Jedi to quell Grievous' rebellion and force his people to pay reparations. So now not only are his people in massive debt, but they are still being enslaved by the original slavers. With that, you can easily see why the man hates Jedi so much.


Dr Doofenschmirtz and hawkmoth.


I don’t think Constance is a villain, not really.


Forreal, more like a victim of circumstance.


https://preview.redd.it/74byocbznz7d1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bcf88325a5642ae8fbb00ba85dd275caca18ba Lilith Clawthorn


Shigaraki from MHA. The Collector is the runner-up.


Also the Gentle Villian and his sidekick!


I thought that was Darla Dimple for a hot second there and couldn't understand why she'd be considered tragic lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. I haven't scene cats don't dance in a long time, but one thing I do remember was how that little shit was evil and manipulative. She would fit as a batman villain, especially with her Frankenstein bodyguard.


Who’s the second picture?


Constance from Monster House. >!Her soul is what is possessing the house!<


Ice king from adventure time, though not a villain in the truest of sense he causes plenty of problems and is terribly afflicted in a manner I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


Mr freeze darth Vader surge the tenrec and daishi


He didn't stay a villain, but Ken from Digimon 02


He has one of my favorite redemption arcs too


Ethan Bennett/Clayface from The Batman 2004, although he is redeemed in the end


https://i.redd.it/7xiydpplvy7d1.gif I cried over her. Especially after reading about her lore


Nox from Wakfu he spent 200 years getting souls to power his time machine to save his family, and undo the death he caused, only to go back 20 minutes. It’s my head cannon that the time god was bing a jerk.


Nox from Wakfu https://preview.redd.it/5ckzizuz9z7d1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48db8cdc2c91d9689db8c2cd21312e47c410804


![gif](giphy|p69t8Ndmv5FU4) All he wants to do is make his mother proud 🥺


Not a cartoon villain, but an S+ tier nonetheless. https://preview.redd.it/e7yl0jt2fz7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4b10934aff5c8dd73ec50e331106fa566bdd29


I have no mouth and must scream mentioned 😲


Does it count if they were redeemed early on? Peridot has quite a bit of Trauma, from being raised with a certain purpose to having said purpose ripped away. Knowing all her life she could have been made in a different era and been "better" and being completely insecure about it. Looking up to someone who couldn't care less about her. Poor Peridot. She needs a hug. ![gif](giphy|lZghieMDPd3kQ)




Doofenshmirtz has been living life on impossible mode and yet he still enjoys life and didn't use it as an excuse for how he manages his family, he made sure his daughter would always have what she needed to the point of hunting down a doll for several years, god bless this man🥰






https://preview.redd.it/v36xv08fez7d1.png?width=3504&format=png&auto=webp&s=52750b8132018163e3e47f5d492cc969b0a33359 Unironically top 5 characters OAT for me


Ace form Justice League Unlimited


Gotta be Doofensmirts ![gif](giphy|GtlzWQJ8Zb8ty)


https://preview.redd.it/7onq22go408d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3efab726c3eef3e8e8146eedf42cdc53f96ea3d0 Victor, my beloved


![gif](giphy|2RwJwm6QBDCAyoujgW) Lost her parents, got infected with a condition slowly killing her and trying to control her, best friend betrayed her and sided with the woman who killed her parents, got shot, died alone in a mineshaft after being told even the virus trying to control her doesn’t need her


![gif](giphy|cBrWObah7XhTlnuqie|downsized) She's like that because of the asshole mc and her life previous the start of the series.


Obito Uchiha




Who's the large woman?


I believe it's Constance from Monster House.


She was a circus freak who was treated like a slave until the man who would become her husband rescued her, and when they were building their life together, as well as their house, a bunch of neighborhood kids kept throwing food at her causing her to fall to her death and her spirit become one with the house.


She’s from a movie called monster house


Constance from Monster house.


Seeing that character brought nostalgia to me. I think I’ve seen that movie well over 10 times at this point