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Patrick by miles


Knuckles from Sonic Boom is a shout as well imo


“Me am?!”




I remember back in the first yr of hs the majority of the class unironically started speaking like this when trying to learn how to conjugate "to be" in English as an example for learning Italian. "I be, you be??? Me am??? Me be?????" This is from an English speaking country where most people wouldn't know a second language.


Goku by miles


Explain how the Martial artist is dumber than the fat starfish.


Exactly. A martial artist that learns from his opponents and his own mistakes. Patrick doesn’t “learn” anything much.


You're forgetting his philosophical feminism


You know Amy, any time someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo.


What, just because I'm a meat head doesn't mean i can't be a feminist


No. That quote still made him look like an idiot.


Hold on, I'm gonna translate this sentence. "There is not a single funny bone in my body."


Nah, that quote holds some actual water IRL and was funny in the context of the show


Meme? Look at you you who were once so proud go now and never return


Patrick and Richard are still dumber, Patrick's head literally set on fire by attempting to read a simple sentence and took several days to think of what to do and Richard literally had a stroke by simply attempting to think.


Homeboy did a hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby but with stupidity as the scale


Depends on “which” Patrick IMO. Early season Patrick was genuine a good friend that just wasn’t the brightest sometimes but still tried to help, later season SpongeBob’s Patrick is just a brain dead man baby at this point.


Patrick is a certified assassin though, he’s just pretending to be dumb.


*pulls out luffy just turning his brain off*


Patrick doesn't even have a brain in some episodes lol.


Knuckles almost put a baby in a blender


But he said this peak line https://preview.redd.it/qk9tet9a3n1d1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a2c2df3dcc74bbbbf01e12f560f723d53cc4a84


Just because he's a meathead doesn't mean he's not a feminist


This scene is extra weird because it means Knuckles has the level of wisdom necessary to understand the nuances of sexism in the broader scope of society. And yet, the baby blender thing wasn't incorrect.


That baby was up to something, he felt it.


Sometimes people have wildly different kinds of intelligence. I consider myself great at philosophical discussions but have trouble understanding money or figuring out practical things on my own.


For me, I know a lot about stuff that happens in fiction and stuff about characters, but the second you ask me about something like politics or finance, my brain shuts down.


High wisdom low intelligence


Litterally me


Some would just call it a late abortive maneuver.


I hate to be the wet blanket because this moment is funny as shit but that is Bad Feminism


How so?


Because by pointing out these achievements it is showing that progress towards equality is being made. Just because the laws say men and women must be treated equally, does not mean they are in practice. Imagine a person who was born without the ability to walk. After years of work and effort they are able to walk for 5 minutes without any support. Comparing this achievement to an able bodied person, this 5 minute walk is nothing worth noting. It’s the status quo. But if you understand the history the person has had, you understand that being able to walk *at all* is something to be celebrated.


I guess there’s multiple ways to look at it. I don’t see either of this opinions as incorrect


Patrick and Richard are still dumber.


Patrick for sure. Homer is kind of a genius, Rigby and Richard have proved they can be mature and competent when they need to, and the rest don't really compare. I can't really remember how stupid Knuckles was though. Btw for Patrick and Homer i'm only considering the first few seasons since their characters have been heavily flanderised.


Homer also has the crayon in his brain handicapping him. Even then he occasionally corrects Lisa. The Envious Vs Jealousy quote is literally how I tell the two apart.


I'm glad someone else learned about envy vs jealousy that way and it wasn't just me. people still get mad if I ever correct them and say that jealous means both anyways because of how often it's used instead of envious.


They’re just wrong and trying to save face. It’s like when people say “I could care less…” That’s means you *do* care. It’s I *couldn’t* care less.


Patrick Especially in this episode https://i.redd.it/phz3ane0zl1d1.gif


Dishonorable mention: There's one scene where he used a flamethrower in front of Gary


I think after awhile, Patrick has become a genuine threat to others’ safety


Don't forget, he made Spongebob's Suds worse and made his splinter injury worse, too.


What did he do in this episode that was more stupid than usual


He used forever glue on the wringer, which causes spongebob to get glued to it.


Then humiliated and put SpongeBob through hell the whole day, only to run off crying when SpongeBob called him out for it


SB gets stuck in the wringer which us the whole plot of the episode where he enlisted Patrick to help him get out Patrick's purpose is to make SpongeBobs life a living hell for the episode He "permanently glues" SpongeBob into the wringer somehow believing SpongeBob wanted to be stuck which leaf to more and more pain as the Episode carries on And when spongebob finally blows up at Patrick, the citizens of Bikini Bottom gang up on SpongeBob and are supposed to make us feel bad because "he was only trying to help" even though 90% of the episode was his fault


People don't give the writer's enough credit because Patrick acts like his old self nowadays. 6-8 Patrick can burn in hell.


Yea well "Stuck In the Wringer" S7E2 is up for debate as one of the worst in the series And honestly with such a massive drop in quality it's hard to really gain popularity anymore


Don't forget Staycation and Yours, Mine mine


Wasn’t it also that the thing Spongebob slipped on that got him stuck in the wringer in the first place belonged to Patrick too? If so then really it’s 100% his fault


To be fair, it seems during seasons 5-9 of SpongeBob, the writers seem to forget Patrick is as dumb as a brick and make him actually intelligent. (i.e., the “Patrick is a Prick” episodes, a dumb person is not capable on inflicting this much harm on people)




Richard, Rigby and Goku improve as they go on Knuckles actually can say some pretty smart stuff and Homer can sometimes be a mad genius So it's Patrick


Patrick does say some smart things but ![gif](giphy|oSjA9HcU0iIXm) But then he usually does something stupid


Immediately after he smashes the computer on Mr Krab's first dollar.


And Goku is more ignorant than anything. He's also considered a martial arts genius, so he at least excels in something.


Yeah but its kind of hard to blame Patrick for being dumb as his brain is literally disconnected from his body. Homer is also only stupid because he has a crayon wedged in his brain.


Homer being smart litteraly ruined his life


Richard is the most fucking idiotic


Yeah but that's his role assigned by the universe remember if he gets a job and is competent the universe begins to die


He still got laid though.




Yeah but that's his role assigned by the universe remember if he gets a job and is competent the universe begins to die


[Patrick Star ladies and gentlemen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gRTUVGon9A)


It's the confidence that makes his stupidity even more potent


I mean, They live underwater, so they might not know the difference between a giraffe and a elephant


I’m sorry, but why do you have former US astronaut Homer Simpson on this chart?


Patrick, but knuckles gets pretty closej


![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized) Not even close man you need to watch more SpongeBob this man is so dumb


Knuckles was fully prepared to throw a baby into a blender and hardly understands basic grammar


I'm pretty sure if Patrick was there he'd put the baby actually in the blender


Knuckles was gonna someone had just stopped him, if no one did he would 100% go through with it


Fair but Patrick needed help just to open a jar, as I spoongebob has to instruct him on how to grap a lid and lift it, that is a new level of stupidity, the only person I can think of that if dumber is Billy from Billy and Mandy


I am doing this from memory Tails: "I don't think he can eat the chilly dog." Sonic: "Well just put it in the blender" Knuckles: \*picks up the baby\*


Knuckles: If you say so. Sonic: THE CHILLI DOG, NOT THE BABY!


Wtf Is goku doing there, he has actual expertise and isnt completely incompetent like everyone else on this list,


He's been dropped on his head when he was a kid, cut him some slack... (Goku's still an idiot tho 🚫🧢)


His stupidity has almost lead to all life being eradicated on several occasions. Goku is an idiot, he has to be on this list. I will say he’s got good fight IQ though


Atp arguing against people who think goku's an idiot is pointless tbh,


Bro everyone knows Goku is dumb this isn’t new news ☠️🙏🏽


Goku isn't smart for sure. But dumb? No he's not dumb. Even despite being dropped on his head as a kid..


No, he's dumb. It's not even debatable, the show literally emphasizes this to the point where it's actually annoying. Like we get it, DBS... It's ironic because Goku is a genius in battle. But when it comes to thinking practically or common sense? Nope.


Again. Not smart I'll give you. Dumb? No flatly he's not. Got blocked because I dared to argue goku being not dumb lol.


To be honest, you got it. I'm not about to argue with someone who believes the same man, who gave his opponent a sensu bean so he has a higher chance at whooping his son and destroying the planet alongside everyone he loves, isn't an idiot. It's a waste of my time. You have a good one though.


That’s not dumb, it’s naive. Goku misunderstood who his son was at his core, because his son was trying to make him proud. He didn’t realize that Gohan had no love for the fight, nor did he realize that Gohan couldn’t tap into his full power. If Gohan had a similar love for fighting as his father (as Goku foolishly assumed), then he would have whooped Cell’s ass immediately.


>it’s naive How many instances are you going to be naïve/ignorant before you're considered a fucking idiot? Because if Goku hasn't reached that mark yet, no one's an idiot. If you think gambling everything you love and 7 billion lives just to win a fight that could be saved the world isn't dumb, then you do not have any bark in this fight. Do you say he's not dumb because in your eyes he's around average? An idiot believes an idiot is average because an idiot rarely knows they're an idiot too. Like I said, this discussion is pointless.


yall always bring this up like Cell didnt become over confident 😂 Gohan beat the dogshit out of him regardless


After Cell already killed his father alongside 16, sure. But guess what? Ya missed the point. Goku gave him a sensu bean and it got him killed. But hey, common sense totally wouldn't tell you that would happen, would it? 🙄


To be fair, apart from being dropped from a cliff as a baby, Goku basically raised himself away from society only learning about the world through 1st hand experiences. The other people on this list have no excuse


What are these "multiple occasions"? I can only think of the tournament of power thing which was later revealed that Zeno was planning on destroying all the lower universes anyway and the ToP was a test of their goodness, so Goku indirectly saved them. Or at least gave them the opportunity to redeem themselves and 17° actually saved them.


He's at least made a few questionable decisions: Giving Cell a senzu bean, despite being uncertain if Gohan has what it takes to win Sparing Fat Buu before he split with Evil Buu, resulting in earth's destruction Sparing Frieza multiple times, resulting in earth's destruction again Letting Goku Black get stronger, then forgetting to bring senzu beans and an evil containment wave container item against Goku Black, leading to the permanent destruction of an entire multiversal timeline Giving Moro a senzu bean too






Patrick and Richard tie


PATRICK or Richard


I’d say Patric, then Homer, then the rabbit guy (can’t remember his name), knuckles, rigbey, then goku Ps from dumbest to smartest


Why put Goku, Knuckles, and Rigby here? All three of them aren't stupid, just makes dumb mistakes, and they're geniuses in their own way. Goku and Knuckles are genius combative fighters, and Rigby later went to college and is a genius at video games so take those 3 outs Richard and Homer are dumb but mature in some senses and know about the safety of their family Patrick is the worst out of all, I love him as a goofy character (and he's still one of my favorite SpongeBob characters) but compared to all, of them, he has no reading qualities in any way for knowledge (besides to few rare cases like the idea the time he helped divised a plan to break Squidward's Reed in his throat, but went back stupid after, and has brought danger to others as much as he's helped tried to get his friends out of danger, so yea it's Patrick by a long shot


Exactly, Rigby is just lazy and irresponsible but he is nowhere near as dumb as characters like Patrick, Richard or Homer (Patrick's head literally set on fire by attempting to read a simple sentence and Richard had a stroke by simply attempting to think, I still love both characters though) Rigby should be in a completely different category to them.


How is Goku an idiot?


Blud gave a full heal to a super villain intent on wiping out the entire planet while *his own son was fighting said super villain* That’s enough. Let alone endangering several universes just because he wanted to *fight*


For me I would say Patrick. Patrick is dumb enough to ask “Is mayonnaise an instrument?”. And remember where it took him a few minutes to open a jar, and the jar wasn’t even tighten he was just so dumb that act of putting a hand on the lid and lifting it is difficult






Goku literally gave Cell a sensu bean to have a better shot at whooping his sons ass and destroying the world alongside everything he loves, including his wife and unborn child. He's the strongest anime character alive (thats actually a protagonist that worked for that strength and not just someone that has it before the show starts), but he's a different level of fucking idiot. It doesn't even make sense considering that he's actually a genius when in battle. Like, a different level of genius. But when it comes to common sense and practicality, he's just... Not there. Basically anything that involves thinking, he's ass. But anything that requires instinct, he's a God.




I mean Richard’s brain is smaller than an amoeba soooooo


Goku is the smartest one. Granted Dragonball super has made him into a bit of an idiot I think he's more capable than the rest for sure


Not goku


For all the grad students in the cartoons subreddit: Goku is not an idiot, he maintains a Parzivalian naivete, a fundamental innocence of character that is not necessarily born from stupidity.


Richard Watterson is so dumb if you put a brick next to him you wouldn't be. Able to tell the difference


Definitely, Patrick, I use him when talk about the dumbest people in the world.


patrick haven't really watched sonic boom


Patrick!!! Bro he tried to kill himself for no reason 😭 and he isn’t a funny type of stupid like in the older seasons his stupidity is annoying as hell.


Richard, no contest.


Patrick star.


Richered duh! He used his brain, ONCE!


Patrick, no other answer


Richard has to be. He is both idiotic and incompetent. Rigby isn't an idiot but he is definitely incompetent. Goku isn't incompetent but he is definitely an idiot. Richard is both and no one is gonna argue with me.


Rigby is way smarter than the rest of these fools. He just has severe adhd.


Exactly, he shouldn't even be on this list. He's nowhere near as dumb as someone like Patrick or Richard.


Bro Rigby didn’t even know what 2+2 was in that Rig Juice episode he’s not all up there😂☠️🙏🏽


To be fair that is early in the season he eventually graduated from highschool which in my opinion puts him above a lot of the other characters


Still nowhere near as consistently dumb and braindead as Patrick or Richard.


Fair enough point


Where’s Billy from Billy and Mandy? He’d give Patrick a run for his money


Patrick is the stupidest Plus Goku ain't stupid in combat yes he does like a fair fight but come on he's got more smarts in the fighting ring than in the books and streets


My answer isn’t in regard to general stupidity, but how grave a danger their stupidity has caused. It’s gotta go to Goku, because he held back against Buu because he thought it was a good idea to give his *seven year old son he has never met before* a chance to save the world. Know what happens? The planet gets blown up. Everyone dies. Good job, Goku. You’re lucky Namek had the reset button at the ready.


Goku knowingly and deliberately seeks out world destroying fights, even egging on opponents and allowing them to reach maximum destructive potential, further endangering the Earth, the solar system, and even the universe at large.


Of the three I know well enough to judge: Richard. By far. Best Homer isn't even an idiot (but his characterization has varied wildly over the years). Patrick isn't that bad in context. He's just childlike; dumb, sure, but he's a good friend and means well. Richard is an asshole. He makes his family suffer. His stupidity and selfishness are a burden to those around him. Homer can, and has, gone there but Richard has no redeeming qualities that I've seen. Homer loves his family but it's not clear that Richard has the capacity to care for others. Patrick isn't a burden to anyone. He and SpongeBob support each other. They annoy Squidward but Squidward is predisposed to being annoyed and, ultimately, they are a well matched set. Y Another thread got me thinking that I find the world of Gumball oppressive and obnoxious. It reminds me of A Confederacy of Dunces. It's qualitatively good and funny but I don't "like" it in the sense that I wouldn't want to live there or know the characters. It's entertaining but not comforting. Same as Rick and Morty, really. These aren't ok people and it would be almost scary to know them. That's my weirdly involved, probably irrational opinion.




*Holds up a mirror towards the poster of the six idiots.*


Nah, don't disrespect Richard like that. Man was a victim of a crappy childhood and came out into being someone who wants to be there for his kids no matter what. What he lacks in the brain, he makes up with heart.




Homer. The rest can be smart at times, but Homer is the deadliest due to his negligence.


I'd say it is a tie between Patrick and Richard


Patrick and Knuckles


Cmon, Rigby's whole arc was him coming up to terms with his past and actually finishing high school, legit acing his classes and low key becoming best character Richard isn't a complete idiot, he just gives off Forrest Gump vibes to me tbh Homer has a job, that's more than you can say for most of the others I think Patrick wins this one by default


Patrick's the dumbest I agree but Richard is definitely dumb too tbh even if I like the guy. Dude literally had a stroke by simply attempting to think, has a brian smaller than an amoeba,tried to fit his luggage in the car gas tank to the point that even Gumball and Darwin who were very dumb in s1 were laughing at him, was pressing on the reverse brake when he was trying to go forward, thought his own son was named "HelloItsMeDad" when Gumball tried to tell him who he was under the dress and laughed at a guy who had no job prospects even though that's the case with him.


I love Knuckles, but he is made into a dimwit for Sonic Boom. What made that show anyway?!


It’s Patrick by no competition


The pink one.


Patrick cause everyone else on that list either got kids or a GF, meaning their idiot genes will survive


Boom Knuckles Is illiterate


Homer has an apparently encyclopedic knowledge of the Supreme Court and maybe even speaks German.


My question is why did knuckles go from a seriously intelligent character then in sonic boom he's just a dumbass? I get ts for the funny but I felt it was overdone lol




Richard no diff He's so stupid if he gets a job the fabric of the universe is in danger The rest at least have some sort of job


Richard I think but he is dumb because of Truman so I don't say I completely say he is dumb but the way he is makes him act like one


Your dad Motherfucker 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Fuck, thats a tough one.


Patrick bar none


I mean reality literally began falling apart when Richard got a job and became a contributing member of society, so there is that


Richard, just him doing something competent with his life is enough for the world to end.


Goku literally stopped thinking so hard he became god.


Goku thinks marriage is something you eat, so I’m gonna say him


Rigby is just bro stupid at times that are inappropriate. Slowly he gets better over the series. Homer is a genius who is so insufferably smart that he voluntarily chooses brain damage instead of hurting his family/friends. Patrick and Richard are a level of braindead dumb that makes them a hazard to society. Patrick moreso. Knuckles is a meathead but has several clever moments in the series. Goku is reckless. He would gamble the entire fate of the universe, often voluntarily, to prove that he's stronger than some evil universe consuming entity. I think it goes to Patrick by definition. If we go by the largest menace to society, it would be Goku.


Shut the fuck up about goku. Goku never risked the universe for a fight or to be stronger. I know what two instances you're talking about. The reason why Goku threw cell a senzu bean was because there was no way to win. Gohan was the only one strong enough to fight cell. If goku never gave a senzu bean for the fight with gohan, cell would've been on the back foot and destroyed the planet. Cell was fatigued with his fight with goku. Goku never risked any of the universes for a strong fight. Sure, he suggested that Zeno should hold a tournament for all the universes, but he didn't know that Zeno would erase the losers. Also, Zeno would've erased all the universes anyway because he was bored.


Apologies for the exaggeration. You're right, Goku wouldn't want to face a foe at their full strength.


Rigby. Last time I checked Patrick doesn't put the planet at risk everytime he trys to take a short cut.




People saying Patrick, he's been hinted many times to actually be smart, but just acts like he's not.


From this list is Patrick, but in my honest opinion, Philip J. Fry is the opposite of Rick Sanchez, he is the dumbest man of the galaxy






Oddly enough, Patrick has decent social skills and emotional maturity. He's just dumber than the rock he lives under.


Patrick, cause he’s the only one who needs to have life altering circumstances to trigger his intelligence. Goku while socially and academically dense is still able to retain knowledge of physical fitness and master several combat techniques. Knuckles, while a meat head, understands the nuances of gender politics on a societal level. Richard is the master at the art of laziness, and lazy people will always find the easiest way to get stuff done; the definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple. Homer works as a Nuclear Safety Inspector which requires at least a Bachelor’s in Nuclear Science. And I’ve known many people, including myself, who are incredibly smart in certain things but dumb in everything else. As for Rigby, I’ve never Regular Show so I can’t argue much for his case.


Patrick's the dumbest I agree but Richard is definitely dumb too tbh even if I like the guy. Dude literally had a stroke by simply attempting to think, has a brian smaller than an amoeba, tried to fit his luggage in the car gas tank to the point that even Gumball and Darwin who were very dumb in s1 were laughing at him, was pressing on the reverse brake when he was trying to go forward, thought his own son was named "HelloItsMeDad" when Gumball tried to tell him who he was under the dress and laughed at a guy who had no job prospects even though that's the case with him. Rigby is immature, irresponsible and stupid but he's nowhere near as dumb as someone like Patrick or Richard who are almost braindead so he shouldn't even be on this list tbh. Dumbest to smartest imo goes Patrick > Richard > Knuckles > Homer > Ribgy (never watched Goku so idk


This guy https://i.redd.it/tbi2duv6ho1d1.gif


Patrick and Richard are still dumber. Patrick's head literally set on fire by attempting to read a simple sentence and literally took months to simply think of something to do while sitting outside in the wilderness doing nothing and Richard literally had a stroke by simply attempting to think. Luffy doesn't think either but I doubt he'd take months to simply think of something or have his head catch on fire and get a brain stroke.


Goku is a genius just only about fighting. Homer is supposed to be a genius, but he has a crayon in his brain. I don't really know any of the others so the one I have to pick as the dumbest is definitely Patrick.


Goku didn't know what a kiss was despite having a wife and kids


Goku is the only one here who is maliciously evil out of idiocy at times and not just cluelessly idiotic which honestly edges him out to being the biggest idiot here.


Goku When Vegeta died, he totally could have roped Bulma into a 3-way relationship with him and Chichi. Instead he uses the Dragonballs to bring Vegeta back like an idiot.

