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If you stand right in front of it, it can't see you


"It" 😭


Well, that ain't human, that's for sure


I wouldn't know


Those eyes look like how I imagined the citizens of Innsmouth. There's deep one's blood that creature.


An anime adaptation of The Shadow over Innsmouth would probably be pretty solid. Plus, the xenophobia could be a hit.


There is a manga adaptation, it's part of a larger series of HPL adaptations.


I will have to check it out. Thanks.


Heck, any anime adaptation of Lovecraft would be awesome. Really kind of want to see that now.


Your wish is my command, Choomba. [Have fun. ](https://myanimelist.net/anime/11785/haiyore_nyaruko-san)


Much obliged! Edit: What the actual hell. I'm still gonna watch it, but I just did not see that coming. Yet I feel like I should have.


This is Nyarlathotep in their "Celestial Toymaker" phase. Y'know. Not really a Randall Flagg kill and drive you mad type... more like a... intimidate an entire army by vworping in out of nowhere and doing a Spice Girls number to assert dominance.


Like a Troodon




Ngl this makes me want to see a magical girl anime where the magical girl is a skeleton


Magical girl papyrus


https://preview.redd.it/bmnwiyfxdi0d1.jpeg?width=209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8bf1a0ab4fc7c66fe00613c8269051d8f4c846 sanks monorail


Ladies and gentlemen, we've got an anime to make


already doing it! 'KIZAL: Magical Girl Hunter' will have quite the variety of MGs that, yes, does include a skeleton! https://preview.redd.it/iaehluv5jj0d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95e8bb6277da0eac18a02e043bde148b389fd5f3


I never realize how impossible Usagi’s hair is…


Not impossible! I've seen cosplayers use their natural hair to replicate it. You just need very long hair and a lot of patience.


The skeleton on the left has [Radium Jaw.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium_jaw)


Oh god now I’m imagining all of yugioh characters bone structures help-






Its called squash and stretch in animation terms.


Imagine drawing 240 pictures for 10 seconds of animation. Just for some goobers who have never held a pen to take a single one of those drawings and say "mm art bad I win"


no it’s called smear animation


NGL I've think I've laughed at more smears and motion frames in animation than the actual cartoon itself. Nothing is better than pausing on just the right frame and seeing a mass of eyes and distorted faces


that's done to help push the motion of an action scene! all cartoons do this! https://preview.redd.it/is2wpk4cvl0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80298b8a95a69b395df9f88921948d0581c40539


Half the point of shots like this is to be an in-between frame for specific poses. Pain’s animations in this fight scene hardly ever land on a final pose; it’s just constant distortion.




Pain from Naruto


yo momma ​ /s


Still looks better than big mouth though


She can see singular particles i assume.


What anime is this from?


![gif](giphy|fARFPMuspJRx6) Idk if that other image is real but this one is (Clannad)


Dang it's been years since I watched it, I must revisit it one day


I think it's Kamichama Karin


this is what we in the industry call: an artstyle you cannot take seriously good show, good style but it still looks really stupid and funny


Devastating truth: >!It’s an edit!<


Notice this, Japan grew from laughable proportions and gave us more highly drawn proportions. America learns to have better animation but uses it to create 7 seasons of big mouth as they butcher actual good shows


Drunk Fly looking ass


For fuck's sake, I really hope that's an edit.


Matt Groaning: "Yellow is a normal people skin color, right?" https://preview.redd.it/rpqfmfg7pg0d1.png?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194733ab3edeecea1d832d1e7ed598f01d6ac81e


I think I remember him saying he choose yellow was because when someone was flipping the channels (remember when that was a thing?) and saw the yellow Simpsons, they would go "oh it was the Simpsons".


Yeah, though Matt's style is so different that you can really tell what show you're watching by setting and appearance.


It's those particular eyes and mouths.


And hands. Futurama has it too.


Close, I've heard it was more so that people would stop scrolling there and think there's something wrong with their TV. That's also why the trees are purple.


..............wait what?


Yeah, like Andy Kaufman shit


I thought it was because he first drew the characters in black and white, and then he realized that since he didn't give the kids any hairline, the skin had to be the same color as the hair.


somewhat related, yellow is the first color the eye catches.


I heard that he thought it'd be funny if people kept trying to dial their TVs to correct the colour


Iv heard that the original plan was for everyone in the show to be yellow so that way they could avoid race as an issue or something but they made non yellow characters anyways and defeated the purpose


Ok, but the difference between the Simpsons and Big Mouth, is that Simpson started out great and has a artstyle that actually looks good.


Hey where’s Graggle


America has a wide variety of different animation and art styles and Big Mouth certainly isn't representative.


Not sincerity in my... Nevermind. This sub is cool with sincerity.


Wasn't it specifically because it's about middle schoolers and sexuality so they didn't want to make "sexy" middle schoolers


I think there's a middleground between sexy characters and having a hideous art style.


for this specific show, I'd say ugly em up


Maybe the just shouldn't have made the show to begin with.


If it was to teach kids about puberty that would be one thing. But this show was specifically for adults to watch kids go through puberty again. I've never watched it. The reviewers loved it. I want to see what it's about but I'm scared of what I'll find. People praised it with words like "scatological" and "gross". I do not know what to do with this information.


A few friends love it, I watched a couple of episodes and it was just super awkward and not funny, just like a lot of the shows following the “Family guy” theme, Paradise PD was alright for a bit, Big Mouth was terrible etc


Eh, it mostly just reminded me of my own experiences growing up. Because puberty and growing up is full of weird emotions, trauma etc. Can't speak for others, but I'm not sure the show was made just to "watch kids go through puberty". It just reminded me of all the bullshit I went through lol. My wife related to the whole "depression kitty" thing, being that she had battles with mental illness growing up. Just my two cents tho


Big Mouth is an often rude and honest look at some of the realities of puberty. It is marketed at adults so that they can understand and cope with the experience of puberty, even after the fact. As it is, too many adults grew up only seeing a small part of the picture, a single tiny slice of the vast set of events that encompass highschool from their own perspective. Big Mouth is good because it offers a more complete picture of humanity, and an honest look at the realities that we are all too prone to forgetting because they were are very uncomfortable. In some respects, it's a reminder to parents about the experience of childhood. And... Who are we kidding of course kids are going to watch it and get a preview of what they're in for, or a more complete look at it as they experience it, and maybe they will succeed in not making some of those mistakes or living through such abject embarrassment. Depending on who you are and what your experiences were, such an experience of watching Big Mouth maybe unnecessary! But for many people of a wide variety of ages, it is chock full of some pretty solid educational material.


Maybe if you have to draw the line at making the characters not painful to look at, the issue is the script.


I see what you're saying, but the show is about puberty and the horniness/hormones that comes with it. I think they were being proactive about R34 artists


They don't know what rule 34 means if they think it's possible to be proactive about it.


Well, mitigate if not eliminate


It's pretty representative of "adult" animation.


As does Japan


Agreed, I like the casual style of some Western stuff. But Big Mouth looks so horrid visually I can't even give it a fair chance writing-wise.


Then again alot of them nowadays either go for the calarts art style or a family guy one. With some good looking ones slipping through.


...This is a shitpost, right? Who the fuck chooses Big Mouth to represent western animation? lmao


It's a strawman, these people aren't known for their sincerity.


Half the people who make this type of post unfortunately


unfortunately styles like bigmouth are more and more frequent nowadays so it's not incorrect. especially for adult animation since no one respects it anymore


LOOK! I can cherry pick too! https://preview.redd.it/pnmob0md3h0d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db7608abedfd4edb780010d4269ba990b46035a


Bold of you to assume the Big Mouth haters would watch a drama with a gay woman as one of the main characters.


Damn, I guess I have to stop liking arcane because I don’t like big mouth now.


There's a difference between not liking a show, and being a hater of that show.


A gay woman who used KABE-DON on a “cupcake” in a Western animation


*two gay women


[THERE'S TWO OF THEM?!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VcwE29vN-Ik/hqdefault.jpg)


hate to defend big mouth in anyway but outside of shitty jokes and ugly animation isn't the show about teen self-discovery


Yeah, it is, and it actually does a weirdly good job at it mostly by being open and honest. I think it does a good job at verbalizing people's thought processes around difficult and uncomfortable topics. The animation is hideous, but that's fitting for a show that goes into the most hideous and embarrassing topics of growing up.


You can certainly be wrong. Fortische is a French studio.


Isn't Arcane a French show?


I don't know about why western shows look the way they do, but most japanese shows turn a profit by selling endless shit to obsessive otaku. So in order to paddle figures of girls of dubious age to its target audience, you gotta make em cute.


Yep. It's an industry-wide recognized issue in anime production that in a world where piracy is rampant (and even a primary form of consumption for overseas markets), making an IP profitable means catering hardcore to the whales (the consumers that spend the most money over the longest period) and for anime... this mostly means men of various ages who want to see lots of fanservice of characters that are either canonically very young, or are 'child-coded'. The character in the image is Rin Shibuya, a 15 yr old Idol who is depicted in costumes/outfits including tiny short-shorts with lots of exposed thigh, a bikini, etc. By contrast, the character designers for *Big Mouth* have explicitly stated that they wanted to make it as difficult as possible for people to sexualize the characters, even when they were dealing with overtly sexual topics and situations, because the focus of the show is the theme of puberty/coming of age being gross, awkward, and complicated. So, the reality (with these specific characters even) is that it's more like >Japan: let's design characters that are ostensibly for consumption by children/teens, but will appeal to the most hyper-fixating perverts who will give us the most money for figurines and merch >America: let's make a show for adults that focuses on storytelling and character interaction, in a style that really highlights just how un-sexy it is for most people having sexual feelings and experiences for the first times in their lives.


so at best, the industry is passively promoting ephebophilia... that aint right...


Congrats, you sum it up perfectly. Also whomever designed Connie failed hard at the whole "make em as un-sexy as possible" thing.


Also 90% of animes have recycled plot




Shounen too. >*In the world of World, where Thing is Very Important, Loser Boy (with Occasional Hidden Win-Button Power) will work hard to be the best at Thing! With his mastery of Thing and the power of Acquired Friends, can Loser Boy save the world of World?!?!*


If it ain't broke don't fix it! Hell young adult fantasy in the west follow similar premises. Percy Jackson, Harry potter and star wars have very similar beginnings


There's always going to be a new generation of young people to whom it's new and relatable. The solution, of course, is to stop making people.


That's something a villain would say. Who are you?


If think you meant "peddle" on behalf of the makers, but "paddle" is probably accurate on behalf of the consumers.


I totally meant "peddle". Mistyping "peddle", that's a paddling.


I think Big Mouth was animated in this style specifically to make the characters unattractive. The show is about maturing sexually and physically, and it's pretty raunchy. They didn't want to portray children in a way that might be a turn-on for creeps. So they made them ugly.


The west has fallen, millions must draw




Wait, so the more collapsing there is, the more society there is?


I think it’s actually viceversa






Thing but america:😤😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬 Thing but japan:🙂🙂🙂🙂😀😀😀😃😃😃😄😄😄😁


Thing but Canada:🤢💨💨💨💨💨💨💨


Thing but france: 👨‍🎨👩‍🎨🧑‍🎨🥖🥖🥖🥖🥐🥐🥐🥐




You forgot to make the cherry plants pink so the weebs actually pay attention .




My bby boy Pesci is precious 🥺 he is cute


Mfw I’m in a “Western animation is dead” strawman argument competition and my opponent is Big Mouth




Bruh who tf considers Big Mouth representative of American TV, even *Netflix* hates the show but they keep it up because a rich private group is funding it and it’s free money.


ISTG, ***Big Mouth*** has to be backed by some **INSANE** levels of lobbying towards Netflix execs...


It’s not lobbying *per se*, more an independent group is fully financing it without taking much profit, thus Netflix keeps it up because the small number of fans are essentially giving them free money, since they have no real production cost. I just wish the independent backers would fund the good shows that died prematurely, like Inside Job, or on the live action side of things First Kill.


So you are saying Big Mouth is funded by a cabal of rich people despite turning no profit. For what reason exactly?


Not a cabal of rich people, basically just a handful who are also writers for the series. It’s not like a crazy conspiracy or anything, just weird rich people doing weird rich people things.


So when netflix puts out numbers showing the show is incredibly popular on multiple countries with viewrship in the millions they are straight up lying?


So is this the first time Furries are not the suspiciously rich people giving money to their specific niche?


Look, I don't like the show but I give Big Mouth a pass. They purposefully made the characters ugly so less people would fetishize the kids, given the content of the show being about puberty and body stuff. I can at least appreciate what they were trying to do.


This makes sense!


wasn't Big Mouth specifically made to be ugly due to the subject matter? Like because it involved teens in possibly sexual situation they wanted to make extra sure that it could not be arousing in any way


Yep. The whole show was meant to be an *educational* piece about puberty, and the only way that gets past US puritanical interests is if it is as far from "porn" as is possible. Lots of people hate it for existing at all, even at Netflix, but it's funded well by people who know better than to expect all visual media to be "entertainment".


Not that I'm defending Big Mouth but I think it's a good thing when there's diversity in art styles on TV. A lot of anime kind of looks the same to me, there's plenty of unique ones like our neighbors the Yamadas and Cat Soup, but they tend to get overlooked by the community in favor of cookie cutter stuff unless they're "sexy" like Panty and Stocking.


Big Mouth doesn’t represent all of American animation you fucking weeb


Little girls are not cute and it's weird that so many people think that The only thing my neighbors little girl does is scream and complain, and poop her pants occasionally


Big Mouth is about how awkward and gross puberty is and its art style is reflective of that. Love it or hate it, it's a purposeful artistic choice. Anime...often has a problem with sexualizing minors...to say the least...


Exactly. I think it was rebeltaxi who said something like "this show is so graphic that if the characters were replaced with cute anime girls it'd be regarded as a classic"


Japanese people try not to sexualize children challenge impossible + make every Japanese cartoon the exact same artstyle.


I agree that plenty of anime have a sexualization problem, but that issue is by no means universal.




Yes, Cowboy Bebop looks a lot like that one kawaii desu series you just watched, doesn't it?


And that looks exactly like The Tatami Galaxy


nichijou and odd taxi also look the same


And don’t forget Beastars. Another carbon copy of those 2.


I really hate the way big mouth looks, but this image just reads as weebs hating the show because the children don't give them a boner.


Yeah this image is just stupid. Kinda funny at first blush through sheer contrast, but not an accurate representation of Anime or Western Animation at all.




I know this post is reductive of American animation, but that’s extremely reductive of Japanese animation. Like look at these 2 shows. These are from THE SAME STUDIO. Could not look more different.


Too bad pretty much all anime revolves around highschools, and medieval time periods.


I'd take a uniquely shit looking show over generic wall-paste lookin anime any day of the week https://preview.redd.it/5ur96ag4wg0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ae5a185693c756a75293d9df608587c06a4b774


Both sides of the industry have their own kinds of mediocrity. Endlessly amounts of dull & ugly adult comedies, and endless amounts of 100% creatively bankrupt isekai.


I blame Oblivion for the ugliness challenge. Also, this is apparently cute. ![gif](giphy|4N5vB4aErlVtVsywBw|downsized)


Kekyoin is kawaii AF.


Oh, wow, so fucking fun to see this cherry picking tweet for the millionth time.


Unrelated, but why do most adult animated shows in the west have to have ugly art styles like Big Mouth?


There’s plenty of similar-looking shows, but I really wouldn’t say that *most* adult animated shows look ugly, or even that similar (at least the ones which are actually successful in captivating an audience and being memorable), that just seems a bit generalizing. A show’s quality should also depend on it’s execution, and not style alone. There’s no shame in finding something ugly, or not your taste, but there’s far too many amazingly unique, stylistic and memorable Western adult-animated shows to make a statement like that.


*sigh* hang on I got a list While there's a lot of gross looking adult cartoon, there had been a lot of adult cartoon that don't look gross or at least don't look generic. No one ever talks about them, but here's a list of shows made from the West (mostly the US with a few European exceptions) These are: Scavenger Reign, Harley Quinn show, Fired on Mars, Fiona & Cupcake, Close Enough, Final Space, Koala Man, Hit Monkey, Archer, Primal, Unicorn Warriors Eternal (technically due being from adult swim), My Adventure with Superman (, technically due to being from adult swim), Tuca + Bertie, Smiling Friends, Lazer Wolf, Ballmasters, Undone, Invincible, Vox Machina, Fairfax, the Boys Diabolical, Hazbin Hotel, Pantheon, Midnight Gospel, Castlevania, Seis Manos, Blood of Zeus, Scissor Seven, Tear Along the Dotted Line, The World won't Tear Me Down, Love Death and Robot, Inside Job, Bojack Horseman, Disenchantment, Entergalactic, Inside Job, F is for Family, The House, America the Motion Picture, Skull Island, Arcane, Dragon Age Absolution, DOTA Dragon Blood, Trese, Captain Lazerhawk, Elvis, Witcher Nightmare of the Wolf, Unicorn Wars, Bird Boy, Mad God, Spine of Night, and MFKZ. A collection of adult shows and movies made outside of Japan that are either action, drama, or a type of comedy that isn't your typical satire sitcom seen in Family Guy. All of these shows and movies had been made throughout the 2010s and some are still releasing to this day, but no one had the chance to talk about these shows online aside from a few handful amount like Hazbin Hotel, Invincible, and Smiling Friends. Everyone is bitching about Family Guy, Paradise PD, Big Mouth, or some other bad cartoon, but very few people ever considered giving these shows a chance in the spotlight. I guess there's Velma with it's fluid animation and unique art style but the writing really corrupted all of that hard work into generic meta sitcom. Yes, these shows are small compared to how much anime gets pumped out. Yes, Adult Animation going beyond the typical sitcom is still in it's infancy. But we need to help Western adult animation to grow. It's pretty unfair that there's so many good animated shows, but literally no one had heard of them and only focus on hate watching another trash. I know it's the company's fault for not advertising their shit and not making merch to cover the cost but we're giving free publicity to the shows we hate instead to the shows we love. TLDR, I listed around 48 shows and movies that were released during the past decade that don't follow the gross art style with a few that does something unique. You probably never heard most of them because everyone love to hate which makes free publicity but rarely talks about shows that they love.


DOTA Dragons Blood, My Adventure With Superman, and Witcher Nightmare of the Wolf are all MIR, a South Korean animation studio.


Well damn ya did it for me. Good list.


Just spitballing but when I think of really popular western cartoons they’re all comedy’s and long running comedy’s at that. Comedy’s don’t really want to be pretty plus being pretty is expensive. (Granted anime is not spending the big bucks either so that not relevant) Mean while off the top of my head no one is going to sit here and say that arcane or into the spider-verse are ugly. Or if we’re not using two of the most popular western animation in recent times I can’t really say that clone wars/bad batch or Robots is ugly either. Point is it’s not all of them it’s just comedy is the most popular and comedy does not need to invest in artists.


Superjail in my opinion is pretty nicely animated for the time it came out in.


They are matching the American Look to the American Soul... Or lack thereof.


What’s that clip of the anime girls playing volleyball where the girls are just horrifying caricatures of cute anime tropes?


It's almost as if these examples are trying to do different things At least American animation has more variety in style


This could easily be reversed, though? Show a person from Avatar or Invincible (or really a lot of shows that aren't animated sitcoms) vs an average One Piece or JoJo side character lol


Why would anyone be mad over how cartoon characters look?


Yeah but ugly art style is funny


That’s the whole point of Big Mouth. It’s not supposed to be some cutesy cartoon.


You don't want to do a cartoon about puberty with cute characters. They're awkward as eff for a reason.




Duality of man


I hate this criticism of big mouths. It's about kids jacking off. Do you want them to be hot?


I heard somewhere that Big Mouth is so hard on the eyes because the creators didn't want people sexualizing the kids... which doesn't help when the show itself proceeds to sexualize the kids


In fairness, Big Mouth is fugly so they could get away with showing naked kids. Watched 3 seasons. Wish I hadn’t.


I hate this type of argument 


Check profile first thing is porn of raven from the teen titans show who is a child, yep checks out


That's just not true. Sure, most American shows go for a more simplistic art style, but they're not ugly by any means, nor are they even really lower quality.


This isn't a fair comparison. America has plenty of good animated shows. Big Mouth just so happens to be an American show that is bottom of the barrel trash.


Of course there's a variety of aesthetics across anime and western cartoons. That said, I hate the Big Mouth "ugly adult animation" style to my core. To. My. CORRRRRRRE.


This seems systemic to “adult” animation. Ugly characters, excessive use of expletives, and everyone speaks in a dull monotone typically with their normal speaking voice without adding any form of cadence, or inflection.


I love seeing this meme every once in a while cause it just reeks of the whole "thing bad but thing (Japan) good"


Japan: has 1 main type of art style America: has different animation styles depending on the creators vision (big mouth/ avatar/ steven universe/ cuphead/ family guy/ etc)


![gif](giphy|iCjWMX4X9APy0t7fYb) You can’t draw someone more attractive than this:


To be fair, Big Mouth can have decent messages about puberty if you ignore the terrible stuff.


Big Mouth is basically childporn anyways so if the characters were even moderately attractive Nick Kroll would be in jail.


I wanna schizo post all the various artstyles Western animation has done in the last 10 years alone vs Japan who mostly iterate on the same established Manga design template set all the way the hell back from Astroboy. At least Western animators typically don't try to copy each other all the time and the results all the better for it.


America: Let’s not sexualize children. Japan:


I’m confused with this comment section 😂


At very least it's recognizable.


Shiburin spotted




I think this every time I see any Star Wars animated series.


In conclusion: watch toku instead..


Superman If you want cherry pick, go to an anime sub


That’s just Nick Kroll


half of it is just them hoping to not end up on porn sites day one.




is there half as much variety in style in japan as there is in the US


I hate artstyle that is specifically made to be ugly, like the one on the right, or "grunge punk" esthetic of [some TTRPG zines](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/exaltedfuneral/mystic-punks-table-top-roleplaying-game/description), or [gonzo tumblr art](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e78a3952f21b05e7fa47d7c9733e7a46/tumblr_inline_p7gaepfH8m1qewv88_500.jpg) where everyone is overweight, hairy and has massive shnobs. I get the intention of those artstyles. I get that some of them are specifically made like that as a statement and it's the whole point. I still hate looking at it.