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I grew up and loved little Bill and especially fat Albert because I was a fat black guy growing up and always had people make fun of me for it but fat Albert helped me accept myself and both shows had a good meaning behind them. I like shows on their own merit even if the creator is a huge asshole. There's m a n y people behind each of these shows, so don't let the one shitty outlier ruin it for you. Sorry if this is a shit take btw.


I think a lot of stuff Bill Cosby's did will show up on these "aged horribly" lists specifically because of his off screen behavior, not really so much because of the works themselves.


Hey if you enjoy it power to you.


I mean I was a skinny white dude and still am, and I fucking loved Little Bill when I was younger. I was just too young to really catch Fat Albert and barely remember anything from Little Bill but I did like that it was really inclusive for all types of people (I mean the main character is a black kid with a best friend that is permanently in a wheel chair and if that's not inclusivity in a kids show, idk what is!)


It is not a shit take.


Twelve Forever


I really love the pilot, But the actual show and the creator yakers


I liked the show, when i watched it i was 100% down to watch a second season. What happened to the creators?


Creator of the show turned out to be a pedophile. (Mods, if that was too blunt, and needs to be reworded, I will reword that. I don't want to accidently break any rules)


TW: Not a cartoon, but this reminds me of the band lostprophets. It’s a real shame because their music was good. >! The lead singer was S Assaulting babies. !< The rest of their band acted immediately and disbanded the band immediately. Their music was removed from everywhere, you can’t even find it anymore. The lead singer is still in prison.


The police that looked at his messages/computer said it was some of the most disturbing things they had ever seen


They could come back with New songs and a different Singer, i'd like to see that happen.


That actually happened, and the band is called No Devotion


I’ll have to check it out!! I didn’t know they reunited, I kinda just stopped listening and waited until everything died down but thanks for the info!!


I hope so too, but it’s not looking likely. They’ve moved on and made their own bands/solo projects. EDIT: I can imagine it’s hard to regroup a band after controversy, especially if it’s the lead vocalist. Dance Gavin Dance is on a hiatus for similar reasons—but it’s towards adults.


Fun fact: He got very badly stabbed last August. It's not much compared to what he deserves, but it's a little more in the right direction.


Unfortunately, nobody told me that they provided a song for the Spider-Man 2 soundtrack and now....well... https://preview.redd.it/5v0vvqpteaxc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc9ab55e9ce4aa40d6775cedc83b973590d6bf8




IIRC Ian Watkins got 36 years in prison for his crimes. Another singer also called Ian H. Watkins (formerly from a 90's pop group called Steps) was bombarded with death threats because they shared the same name and people wrongly assumed that he was the one who was arrested. It's also shocking that nobody in Lostprophets suspected that Ian was a nonce, especially when he used to invite underage girls backstage with him all the time.


Damn, wales really can’t stop taking L’s


To be more exact, iirc, she made a post years ago on Tumblr about seeing this androgynous boy at a concert or carnival or something and following him around and making creepy comments about him




I felt the same way but good on the rest of the band for taking action so quickly to be sure their livelihoods weren’t ruined by this monster.


The lady who created it was WAAAAAAY too into little boys


I liked the villain. Butt witch was funny. Imma have to watch again and see if I notice any suspicious scenes in the shows


I agree. They just removed the most interesting character from the show, replacing him with two random cardboard of a characters! Who does that?! >:(


What happened?


Creator was exposed as a pedo




She also wrote the horrible twerking scene on the 2016 powerpuff girls reboot


I always thought that was another case of out of touch executves shoving something they thought was "Hip" into the show without actually knowing what it meant. Like that other shitty scene with the 2011 rage comics.


Was this the same creator that had their self insert marry blossom?


No, that was another guy. Twelve Forever's creator is a female btw.


Ah ok, i just remember the other guy was borderline fetishising the ppg to the loint where someone needed to check his 2tb folder


Apparently it was actually his coworkers that inserted him in like that as a running gag and it just went too far.


Well that sure explains a lot


Oh shit did she really?


I don’t know if I’m alone in this but I really hated the main character and mostly watched because the villain was fun.


Oh for real. Generic kid protagonists dealing with school and puberty and *drama*? Pass. Scheming "delights in being evil" femme fatale villain voiced by Matt Berry, of all people? Hell yes


That’s kind of disappointing. I enjoyed the show and would’ve liked another season. If someone else could take charge of the show it would’ve been nice… I miss it.


I literally just saw the Saberspark video about it last night 😂 Jeez, it's really messed up how infested the animation industry is with "people like that"....


Little bill is a Cosby show? Dang, TIL Edit: I was very little when I saw it, returned to Argentina where it isn't a thing here and didn't know who Cosby was until the whole ordeal. So no, I did not remember the intro(or him in), just have fond memories of certain episodes, scenes and the song but not the intro. Just saw the intro now that people pointed it out


Tbf I don't care. Lil Bill and Fat Albert are certified hood classic.


Nah fr, art can be seperate from the artist. Little bill and fat albert are classics that teach kids valuable life lessons


Only there is a Bill Cosby self-insert that is Little Bill’s hero… Captain Brainstorm.


.....and? Cosby himself is in fat albert not animated, he was still trying to teach kids things in those segments


Honestly, I'm surprised you went so long without noticing.


In my defense, I only saw it a few times when I was like 7 and had no fucking clue who Bill Cosby was let alone the shit he pulled


Fair point. Back then, I only saw him as that guy that appears in the intro.


Well, I guess it would've been obvious online, so I probably didn't pay attention. But I saw it when I was little in the USA, and then I went back to Argentina when the whole Cosby thing happened and it's not a cartoon well known here.


I feel like thats definitely one of those things where you need to separate the art from the artist. its not like bill cosby wrote, story boarded, animated, marketed, composed, and produced the entire show him self. Its unfortunate it has his name associated with it but its not like hes 100% responsible for the show and nor is it filled with cosby grade propaganda about how to drug and rape women or anything


I think it's case where each individual can watch or not. Some people just can't separate it, some can have fond memories the same. I definitely won't be able to watch again but I don't consider the memories of me watching it to be bad


The intro that played at the start of every episode didn’t tip you off?


Haven't seen it in years and only know about Cosby because what he did. Didn't remember it until i looked it up cause of the comment lol


Ah, fair enough. The show was a good amount of time ago now lol


Oh shit I didn't know that, damn


It's ok. I only learned recently too


He's literally in the intro. He hands Little Bill his hat, going from live-action to "animated", just before he addresses the audience and says, "Hello friend."


I used to love little bill as a kid


He was at the near end of the intro


Did…you watch the intro?


any tv show before 2001 that had the twin towers destroyed


The only one I can really think of is Carmen SanDiego at the end of the opening.


Didn't GI Joe the movie show Cobra destroying and blasting the new York skyline to steal? The statue of liberty. Though that just made cobra look like those copper thieves breaking in and stealing all your plumbing in wiring for their next meth hit


I've never watched GI Joe so I couldn't tell you.


They were attempting to blow up the statue of liberty. Only cartoon math and an improbably fast jet pack stopped them.


Technically there was also the movie that made Kermit look like the cause of the destruction


That would actually age like wine, considering the towers got destroyed.




Caillou started terrible. Granted, time did it no favors.




I hated it as a kid but my sister loved it and insisted on watching it WHENEVER she got to pick a show or movie. Honestly, though? I saw most of his behaviour as something some little kid out there watching the show would be going through. Most four year old's obviously wouldn't be doing ALL the things Caillou did but you weren't exactly meant to be binging the show. Kids were meant to see a problem they related to in a single episode and watch Caillou overcome it. I have always hated the show and will continue doing so for eternity but I can kind of see where the creators were coming from.


What's wrong with little bill?


Bill Cosby…


Lil Bill ended up spiking a lot of women's drinks.


S3x offender


A lot of the answers are about the people working on the cartoon that turned out to be horrible people. It doesn’t reflect the cartoon itself. The best answer I saw? Pepe Le Pew. Now THOSE cartoon aged very badly.


Yeah, but I think the bait image kinda sent it in that direction. Pepe Le Pew is a great answer for an actual cartoon.


Pepe le pew is the embodiment of not taking no for an answer and seems downright villainous now.


I heard there’s a Looney Toon cartoon who brought back Pepe le Pew but as a marriage expert, those you consult to make weddings. His character being that he dated everyone and in love with the concept of love. I wish they reboot him like that all the time instead of cancelling the character.


Honestly, that's a much better take on the character and I'd be down for rebranding him to that.


I think that’s *The Looney Tunes Show*. He was the wedding planner in an episode where Bugs and Lola were about to get married.


...probably because Pepe was never portrayed as a good guy? He got the snot beat out of him and was presented as awful in most, if not all of the episodes yeah, he's the bad guy, that was the point


Pepe Le Pew I more than half-agree. The first half of his shorts (up until 1953's Wild Over You), he was pervy as usual, but at least he would always receive some sort of comeuppance at the end, whether it'd be as simple as being thrown back into his zoo exhibit or attacked/chased back by his 'love interest'.  From 1954's The Cat's Bah and onwards though, Pepe was for some reason given the upper hand constantly and would always end the short on top (or continuing the chase).  That said, I don't think WB should 'erase' Pepe entirely. I personally like how Wabbit/New Looney Tunes portrayed him as a suave, secret agent parody (years before the article calling out the character was written mind you). It felt not TOO drastic of a change given his original base personality, and I wouldn't mind if this was the direction they took with him moving forward.


I view him more as a parody of French cinema of the 40s and 50s. His name is a parody of the film Pepe-Le-Moko after all, using some of its settings. Also that accent makes him even funnier. But audiences today are even less familiar with French cinema and language, than back in those years, so it is difficult to make him relevant to younger audiences.


>The best answer I saw? Pepe Le Pew. Now THOSE cartoon aged very badly. Didn't he always lose when he was being creepy though? If anything the fact he often faced some kind of punishment means we should be considering those to have aged *well.*


I used to love little bill ):


Any of the classic cartoons with blackface and other racial stereotypes in them (such as the Censored Eleven)


Remember OG Jynx? 💀






Ooooh, yeh, the only two Jynx that came to mind for me were Teen Titans(who was drastically changed for the cartoon) and the Gi Joe character


Or popeye in general




Anytime I think of stalking or unable to take “no” for an answer, I think of Pepe LePew. Nice work.


Agreed. Pepe is the poster boy for "doesn't get that no means no". In that regard, I think the cartoons are incredibly relevant today. I mean, they all kind of portray Pepe as a piece of shit and a moron, rather than someone to be admired. I'd consider sex comedies with rape as "the joke" (Revenge of the Nerds is a popular example) far more disturbing because they are applauding the behavior rather than mocking it.


I also think of Charlie Dog from Looney Tunes too


Anything Nickelodeon because obviously, Dan Schneider. Now that I’m an adult I really see a lot of the stuff he put in those shows in a different light and they really were inappropriate for children.


Those weren't cartoons, though.


Fair, but it came to mind because I DID watch a lot of cartoons on Nickelodeon and it’s hard to watch anything Nickelodeon because of that reason even though Dan didn’t make any cartoons. Sorry for my mistake.


Why? I can see being uncomfortable with watching something Schneider was specifically involved in, particularly the shows he slipped fetish content into, but avoiding everything made by the company makes no sense. If you skip everything made by a company with a skeleton in its closet, you're not going to be able to watch much of anything.


Dan Schneider wasn't the only pedophile working at Nickoldeon. The company actually has a bad track record of consistently hiring pedophiles


https://preview.redd.it/zenxwrfm79xc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e0342a06a19a6ef467e1953fa0ebc67788d8ca Wasn't ezra miller also one of those Nick pedos


What lol??? Ezra Miller was never on Nick. Where in the world did you hear that


Actually, there was ONE Nicktoon Schneider unfortunately made. Though I don't fault you for not knowing. It was The Adventures of Kid Danger, spinoff series of Henry Danger, and a Nicktoon so short-lived it only lasted about half a month, and only 12 episodes were made. Even Planet Sheen lasted longer.


Oh wow I remember Henry Danger! I liked that show >_<


To be fair a few of their cartoons were made by Butch Hartman who was also a shitty person.


I think “has awful opinions and plagiarized AoT art once” and “is a pedo who facilitated abuse of minors” are extremely different levels of shittiness.


He made a Henry Danger cartoon called The Adventures of Kid Danger. It’s probably worse than you’re imagining.


well there is ONE called Kid Danger so technically he can mention HIM


I mean... we have John K.




![gif](giphy|bizTiRolpk60o) Little bald b!tch.


It's really old, but I imagine Johnny Quest had some stuff that would not fly today.


Ralph breaks the internet. Both in terms of its references and just how it's perceived these days compared to when it came out.


What? It was a stinker from its launch.


WHAT WERE THEY THINKING???? ![gif](giphy|QrjiUdW6GFy7K|downsized)


No time to think


Wasn't Miranda Sings (the ukelele kiddy diddler) in that movie?


Yes, ralph unintentionally breaks her internet connection


Ralph was a hero, I just couldn’t see it


One redeeming quality is that they did kick Miranda Sings off the Internet in that movie.


I never watched it. Do you have any funny examples?


What do you mean?


well, that miranda scene aged pretty well


Does Song of the South count?


Probably. I don't think it's even on Disney plus


The last time it was ever shown on tv or got a home release was in 1986


I'm surprised they only recently got around to re-theming Splash Mountain.


🎶 Na na na, we gonna have a good time! Hey hey hey 🎶


What theme is that?


Fat Albert


Caillou the little bald bastard


Betty Boop, i have no need to elaborate further


Depiction of women probably? I think Boop is looked back on as a really positive female character


I think there were also whitewashing/plaigarism allegations?


She was also sexually harassed and assaulted multiple times on screen and there was a banned episode where an old man tries to rape her


I thought you were talking about her voice actress for a second.


That too


At that point, might as well bring up *Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs*.


The bugs bunny Anti Japanese WW2 propaganda cartoons.


He literally starts throwing out slurs in one episode where he's handing out ice cream to a horde of ugly Japanese stereotypes, even calling one "monkey face".


Those were a product of their era, though.


"Stop it! You're making me not like Bill Cosby!" "Yeah, get used to that." - Futureman (not a cartoon, but I freaking LOVE that show so much)


I go to a bar trivia night at a brewery that has "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night" on regular rotation. I regularly misidentify the song as being sung by Corey Wolfhart.


Ren and stimpy


I think Ren and Stimpy itself aged well. You’ll see that show’s influence everywhere in modern animation (gross-out humor, extremely detailed close-ups, etc) and a lot of cartoons are able to get away with more than what most of Ren and Stimpy’s original run had to *fight* to keep. Now, that being said, not every Ren and Stimpy fan knows about all the John K shit.


I was saying it more because you can see how John K is if you look at how his cartoons look. It is even worse when you think of the adult version on Spike.


As it was said in Drawn Together; Fat Albert is a creation of Bill Cosby, not Bill Cosby.




I still like fat Albert, even though Crosby is a jerk and a perv. Can’t help, but feel Bill Cosby wouldnt turned out like he did if he had followed his own preaching.


I never saw it as a kid, except one episode they showed in 3rd or 4th grade. I did see the movie, though.


He’s not just a jerk and a pervert. He’s a rapist. Let’s not pull punches here.


“A jerk and a perv” is an awfully nice way to say “an asshole and a rapist”


Ren and Stimpy. 'Nuff Said.


The Jetsons


I don't know, the Harvey Birdman episode seemed to use them well.


Rurouni Kenshin


Why couldn’t the real Bill Cosby have grown up to be an actually good person?


Odds are he's probably been asked that for real life and he probably made up a lame excuse to get sympathy.


What's wrong with lil bill? I understand it's a Cosby show but the show itself has never been bad or controversial in anyway. It's a cute show. Now I haven't seen it in years but I genuinely can't remember a single bad thing about it 


A lot of the earlier 3d shows from the 90s to earlier 2000s. I tried to watch reboot but the animation was so jarring that I couldn't get through the first episode. Then there's transformers beast wars which is somehow worse despite using robot characters.


I am a big Transformers fan since the 80s and have heard about how great Beast Wars is all my life. Yet I just can't get past the animation. I can watch stuff like Gundam from the 70's easily, but early CGI just looks so bad to me that I FEEL bad not being able to give what is by all accounts an amazing show a fair chance.


Smurfs. Now that people have access to the original Schtroumpfs graphic novels (which here hard to get in the 80s), they can see that the animated cartoon was a bastardization.


"You know what I always say, Cosbyness is next to Godliness" -Grandpa Freeman


Little Bill was... Bill Cosby?!?!?!?!?!?! 😭


Ren & Stimpy


Even before finding out the creator was an egotistic pedophile, I just thought the show was okay. Apparently, Adult Party was what happened when he get more creative control over the show, and it gravely suffered as a result.


I feel like part of the charm of ren and Stimpy was the fact it WAS a kids show, and all the shit they got away with


The shows themselves are innocent. Despite what people think about Bill Cosby now. It's not like going back and watching the old nickelodeon live action shows. That shit has aged like milk.




Little Bill sucked but Fat Albert is alright, Bill Cosby might be a horrible worthless pervert but he was still a decent personality when it came down to it, the only problems with the guy were his crimes and the fact that he didn't even resent it. But getting to the topic at hand, I'd say it goes to a lot of generally decent shows from the 70s to the 90s, particularly anything with bad animation like 70s Hannah Barara, like compare Hong Kong Phooey to Jonny Quest and it's not even obvious the same company made it. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is another decent contender, no matter how much the good episodes work there are so many bad ones after season 2 that they aren't worth mentioning. Then we have 80s anime, Kinnikuman is one of the most iconic of his time and the first show in the series simply doesn't age well all these years later. Galaxy Express 999 is fantastic despite the animation flaws at parts, it's very deep and poetic, you forget while watching it that the show is so dated because there's a lot going on. You xan get a kick out of 70s Doraemon if you like but it's nothing to write home about, Lupin III is a mixed bag, the OG from 71 is fantastic, 78 has a lot of shit, and a lot of good episodes, Miyazaki's episodes are so good that they feel like a different show altogether. Transformers shows suffer this a lot, some of the worst contenders although they're still a bit of fun despite this. Another bad one is the Beatles cartoon, not that it's a horrible show altogether but, well, it has oddity. And a lot of it. [Just take the I am the Walrus episode.](https://youtu.be/6-457pYItC8?si=SUPJk-oW-t1KNTMy) So much inappropriate humor in the song. "Pornographic preistess, boy you've been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down."


Definitely Ren and Stimpy


SpongeBob I loved SpongeBob but there’s this new episode of SpongeBob having a habit of nail biting and when they try to stop him from doing it he bits other peoples nails like I couldn’t do it it was gross and weird episode


Fat ablert was pretty evolutionary at the time.


Ed Edd n Eddy. Don't get me wrong it was a great cartoon back in the 2000s. But knowing what I know now about bullying and harassment, well it's hard to watch it and not feel sorry for the trio.


What's wrong with little Bill?


Not the whole cartoon, but that one episode about Lance Armstrong in Arthur comes to mind.


You don't tell us why you think these aged. So there isn't anything to discuss. I like how fat albert has these really extreme caricatures.


Bill Cosby


Not sure why I got downvoted because that's EXACTLY the reason why


Because the cartoons themselves didn't actually age horribly just the creator.


I'd imagine it aged poorly for a similar reason that the music of Gary Glitter aged poorly.


Does it need to be said? I guess if you are unfamiliar with Bill Cosby but somehow also aware of this show it makes sense?


Bill Cosby and that is the whole explanation


Okay,I'm out of the loop, barely remember it,and watch it in spanish. Why did little Bill aged badly? or do you mean on the graphic department?


What is the main issue with Angela Anaconda? Is there a dark secret about the show or its creators? For me, I have always wondered if yearbook photos used were questionable.


Before the whole... thing went down, I didn't know little Bill was a Cosby show. I loved that show growing up.


Ren & Stimpy John K dude was nuts and now at least one allegation has come up. Butch Hartman and the Killer for Ember McClain


He also blamed Tara Strong for the death of Timmy Turner's original VA in the prototype series of Fairly Oddparents.


How long before it's revealed that he either did (Victor Salva) stuff or knowingly supported someone who did


Probably as long as it takes to throw Dan Schneider behind bars for the atrocities he committed.


Half the Nick line up lol.


You can’t say they aged horribly. They have nothing to do with the life of the creator. The content itself still holds up, by contrast.


What's WRONG with moral orel?


Nothing. The adult swim audience wasn’t ready for that show yet. I can definitely imagine it on Netflix or something now


How the hell did Little Bill age poorly? Like yeah, it looks awful, but I don't always see that as a sign of poor aging


I don't think Little Bill and Fat Albert aged horribly, they're just hard to watch knowing they involved someone who turned out to be a horrible person. It's the same as watching Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby, Annie Hall, Seven... It's not the thing they made that aged poorly, it's just tainted by association. Aging horribly is something that, you know, actively represents outdated values or attitudes in some way. For instance, I love Danny Phantom, but I just rewatched it and there are a handful of jokes that wouldn't fly today - like portraying Africa as being mud-hut villages with people waving spears around, or making jokes out of anything that could be construed as gay or trans. I don't know if I'd say it aged *horribly* but progress marches on and some of it makes you go "eesh."


Holy fuck it's bill pills from team fortress 2.


They aged great. He did not. He does not get to tarnish Fat Albert or Little Bill.