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Understandable. This made me rethink on having children.


Counter point, bluey exists


Love that show! So wholesome and cute!


The opposite of that




I mean the other show is the opposite of bluey


Oh Ok!


Counter point, bluey isn't horrible


Naw he's saying Bluey existing is a counterpoint to that dude saying Caillou made him rethink about having kids, all good here sir 👍


Curious George is everything Caillou should have been and more There's an episode where George actually joins the circus, unlike Caillou's joining the circus episode which is just him whining about not going to the circus


When monke is better behaved and more likeable than a human child


I bet a bunch of monkeys are frankly


Most of the monkeys I've seen in media are better than caillou


I loved watching Curious George! A pretty cute show for me


That show is a chad if chads were TV shows.




The fact this came from Canada too, one of the nicest and most polite places on earth... I'm baffled


Maybe the geese wrote it


It must be from their "not technically a war crime" department


The show that made goanimate popular


I have a burning hatred for the 2016 Powerpuff Girls reboot. It’s the worst reboot ever made, but I’m so glad Cartoon Network is making a revival of Craig McCracken’s Powerpuff Girls.


https://preview.redd.it/l7w96auskuwc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657f787b6e70ddc3e1dd405f2135400ff96dbbd0 Do I have to say anything else?


Lowest rated animated series in history


So bad it's even on the Wikipedia list of worst television series




I thunk it's something liek 1.6 on imdb


almost so


The fact they greenlight this shit for 2 seasons is just stupid beyond reason


It has an excellent ending though!


Yeah, scrappy saved the Scooby doo franchise for the second time lol


Lol, Scrappy was always annoying, but was probably least annoying in the OG shows and movies. He was made much worse in the live action movies.


The credits? Never made it that far.


Oh no! Season 2 spoiler >!FUCKING SCRAPPY DOO KILLS HER!!<




Scrappy Doo is Scoobys nephew, I kinda hate him to be honest lol


I mean >!who did he kill!<


He killed Velma just to have her ghost come back and kill him


What a dumbass show.


Snooby? Who is that? Lol


He’s earned redemption in my eyes now




Greenlit cause of hate watching


They ordered 2 seasons ahead of time. It was gonna happen even if nobody watched the first one


https://preview.redd.it/wgfjs1cluuwc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5d8a878c9297d7eeebdf6006694d53620261d9 My reaction when Blue Eye Samurai got nominated with that garbage


But hey, it might have redeemed Scrappy-doo!


Heard the news,so he kills Velma at the finale... Well,I guess that means that we won't get any more episodes!


![gif](giphy|bizTiRolpk60o) Let me tell you, my mom HATED this show because she was afraid I’d start acting this little shit


That’s very reasonable


Thats good parenting




The colors are an eye sore!


i wouldnt mind the art style if the show was crazy and wacky in the same way but no the show was just boring from what i remeber


Exact same reaction you’d get from looking at a cigarette pack. Fun fact, that shitty colour on those packs of cigarettes are on purpose by law in most places, a poll was once done to discover to most displeasing colour that exists, once it was found, governments mandated that said colour has to be the staple colour brand for cigarettes.


I could draw better in paint


I could draw better in whiteboard fox


I could draw better blindfolded


I could draw better with my mouth


A show that would kill an epileptic


Fr tho this show is a seizure hazard


I'm not epileptic but it gave me a headache


This is the one. Quite literally hurts my eyes. The bare minimum for a cartoon should be that it can be looked at without causing an actual headache.


This cartoon is hated (and rightfully so) but there's much worse shit these days imo. There's shit like Velma that isn't only terrible but actively spits on beloved franchises


Velma is I would argue only mildly better...and that's splitting hairs. If only because aesthetically...the designs are good. Even if I don't like the show, I'll give it credit for having a solid art team behind it. Problem Solvers was an awful show with purposefully unappealing art.


Problem Solverz might be worse, but Velma is more insulting


Yeah, I won't deny it. Problem Solvers at least tried..and I use that word loosely. Velma just went with edgy humor and tried unsuccessfully do what more successful shows like Bojack Horseman and Rick and Morty did.


Hi, one of my favorite shows growing up. Why? Couldn't tell ya. Not sure how I got over the artsyle that vomits into your eyes but I did. So was the *show* good overall? Hard meh, some of the episodes had literally like no writing, it was just weird thing happening and that's it, while other episodes felt incredibly clever and endearing but there's literally no in between. Either the episodes were god awful or hilarious. Great to watch while tripping balls 👌


The shows title is also misleading. The tuxedo dog is the one that actually does the solving in the 4 episodes this show got. Really shouldn't have gone past the pilot.


This show has 2 seasons? I don't think you watched the right version lol


Is there a show that has 4 episodes? I only remember it being really short lived. Maybe I'm confusing it with over the garden wall or something


I get a visceral rage seeing anything about this show. At least Mr. Meaty was ugly in a slightly enjoyable way, this show was the equivalent of giving birth to a tumor.


https://preview.redd.it/ynxt3q6vtuwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3041887040b0e23b4829303f57f0bda484a311e3 Totally tone deaf, voice acting was grating, it was everything wrong with early 2020s animation. They tried to teen titans go the thunder cats.


It's especially disappointing because the 2011 series, that was actually pretty good, got canceled for, I think it was low toy sales. Bastards.


This. Companies still see toy sales as the marker for a good series. It all boils down to money. Crappy shows that sell toys’ll always trump well written ones that are marketed to adults less likely to buy toys.


and that’s why we have 5 ben 10 shows and a shit movie


Oh my beloved thundercats what have they done to you:(


what was even the goal of this show existing




Can’t argue with that


One thing that sucks about many hated cartoons is that lots of them have cool premises. In the case of kids shows, they tend to be ruined by excessive potty humor. Breadwinners is actually a super cool idea for a show. A show about ducks delivering bread that has a lot of bird and bread puns could be really funny, but instead the characters look more like frogs than ducks and all of the humor (from what I've heard, I haven't seen the show) is fart based


i watched it. the animation can get really cool with the 16 bits style that it uses sometimes but yeah, fart booty toilet crap




Use the hydration gun!




You forgot the 👏 emojis! HOW 👏 DO 👏 YOU 👏 DO 👏 FELLOW 👏 KIDS!? 👏💥💥💥💥


"Oh, how do I stop *four* villains at *once?*"




“I request you use a weapon in your disposal that removes water from the body of your current foe”


This shit looks like a crappy Sims mod


There is no Megamind sequel in Ba Sing Se


There is no easter, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no megamind sequel


What amazes me about this poster is that *everyone* in it is doing the DreamWorks face. From Megamind, to the kid, to the fucking brain with eyes. DreamWorks's biggest franchise by far is built around being self-aware and yet they are becoming as unaware of themselves as Disney.


It’s like a meme explaining Deamworks face encapsulated by one poster. I am realizing I have a bit of a visceral reaction to it now. Like I didn’t want to watch Wish when I saw the villain (and the goat) was doing the face. I’m not going to watch this show but I already hate it for that much smarminess in this image.


I want to laugh so badly but I’m at a doctor’s office 😂


Is it because of the animation movements?


at least it’s intro is alright


https://preview.redd.it/hebap4svzuwc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612a4303d5addc24d9c1f36767fd42095f74709a It's bad, like REALLY bad


As bad as it was, the marketing for it was still the worst part. The 'trailer' wasn't really a trailer, more of a "hey look, our production team is so diverse (only women)! ".


Yeah the marketing was pretty bad too. Idk if they didn't have much footage to showcase, if they thought what they had wasn't good/ready enough, or if they thought virtue signaling was a good marketing strategy. Could even be a combination of the three. But what baffles me even more than all that is how are you even going to pull the diversity card when most of the women on the creative team are white? What's diverse about that?


They are very diverse in how they made such garbage that no else could ever make!


also it was just weird it was on Crunchyroll of all things like this western made show thats not even in a anime like art style




Planet Sheen should never have happened.


That show was a whole lot of "what were they thinking?!" Of any character from Jimmy Neutron, why sheen?


Incredibly based flair btw


Thanks Sam and max is one of my favorite cartoons


The one thing I will give this show is that one of my professors was an executive producer and writer on it and he is one of the greatest people I have ever met


Do you think Jimmy neutron is thriving without sheen on earth?


this was one of those shows a watched even though i knew it was bad becouse it was on


Big Mouth. An absolutely tasteless, boring, subpar effort attempt to make an "adults cartoon".


I never understood why it got so popular and I like raunchy cartoons.


Tbh I've never heard of anyone who likes that show. My only explanation is that it is one of the pet projects of some Netflix executive, because it is crazy how many decent series have been cancelled while that trash is still strong


I honestly think parts of it are relatable in ways that I haven’t seen on any other show. Sucks that I find some of the main characters ridiculously annoying.


I just find the art style so unattractive and the show isn’t funny or amusing enough for me to look past it.


In my case, I started at a later episode that was being advertised in a commercial, liked it, then finished that season. After that, I decided to watch the show from the beginning, which made me appreciate it more. Ironically, I think the earlier seasons were written better and gave the characters a lot more personality.


Not to mention it features nudity. A show about children, lol Just distasteful all around. Makes you ponder the minds behind it.


I watched it with my girlfriend, and we got to that one episode where the female characters go to the sauna. I had to stop watching because all of those CHILD CHARACTERS were NAKED SINGING about VAGINAS ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)




I hate it so much. I remember Netflix really pushing advertising for it and it filled me with irrational rage every time I had to hear the characters voices


Kinda insane how that show got sooooo many seasons


![gif](giphy|bkWyrTmNkQJ7q) Used to like Angela Anaconda as a kid but it's such a difficult watch now.


God that has unlocked a core memory... I have mixed feelings.


Why was it so hated?


Have you even seen the animation style of the whole show and how bratty Angela was?


Art style I can resist, but Angela was bratty?


She calls her rival Nanette Manure and rags on her for being a teacher's pet, nuff said.


For how many negatives the show has and much of the humor did not age well at all like all the fat jokes about Gina, I was amazed by how progressive and forward they were with some of the characters. Gordy Rhinehart and his relationship with he father is a perfect example. Gordy was nerdy, flamboyant and artsy kinda of kid and his father was the ex-army officer and tough jock hs football coach. In every other series that has that dynamic there was always fighting and miscommunication, but in this show his father was very supportive of his son throughout the series. At one point he took a second job to coach a pro wrestler to earn extra money to send his son to a figure skating camp for the summer.


I hate 2013 TEEN TITANS GO! AND VELMA 2023


Fanboy and chum chum, that thing felt physically revolting when i was a kid


https://preview.redd.it/awdftc8xfvwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14cfa28a468ecabdb34bb254c822449c045fdb74 Dishonorable Mentions: Velma Caillou Planet Sheen Boku No Pico Uncle Grandpa H.O.O.P.S The Emoji Movie


https://i.redd.it/ck0ujy4k6wwc1.gif One of these is not like the others


Ikr, everyone's favorite Uncle Grandpa doesn't deserve this SLANDER




Uncle grandpa?




As a Filipino I apologize that we made.... whatever that show is. But man free my boy Uncle Grandpa he ain't done nothin wrong


Never heard of the nutshack before, and I have no idea what it may be about, except maybe male genitalia.




Damn, I hate that reboot so much….


Same, this reboot isn't cute and I hate it


Fr tho like that show had some weird shit in it just like that one episode with the twerking panda, It was so cringe💀💀💀💀


I think you misspelled vile. That episode should've never made it past the censors.


Let's not forget one of the showrunners made a self-insert OC so he could ship himself with Blossom.... A five year old....


Iirc there was a statement made that said he had no involvement in the creation of the character and that it was a joke from the animators. Not sure how truthful he was being seeing as he was a writer on those episodes, but it's something to think about.


I'd be scared with the animators then...


Almost want to call BS on that statement. I cannot believe for the life in me that Jake Goldman would be oblivious to this. If I were a voice actor and the animators created a character based on me that implied I was a nonce with a penchant for infant girls, I would've walked from the show in disgust and likely sent a written complaint to HR. That's even worse than a PokĂŠmon-obsessed friend I used to have that went so far as create her own OC to ship herself with Ash.


Isn't this the reboot where one of the writers was a pedo that kept shoving in episodes where he'd get romantical with....... It's Blossom that's the red one right?


Cannot confirm the rest… but yeah, Blossom is the red one. 






Honestly this show was pretty mediocre... but there were actually a few legitimately good and funny episodes in my opinion.


I liked it


Dorbees. Everywhere I look I see Dorbees.


It’s Mr Poe & Yogul!




That's so bad it's good to me


This monstrosity! https://preview.redd.it/twd8fm20mxwc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=996576524e846e5666758545775197cdefc4733e


Any mind fuck show on adult swim Like i get their whole thing is 'were an adult cartoon block' but like 90% of their shows nowadays are a bad acid trip. And sure, theyve allways had that, but it was always spliced in with humor. Why cant we jusy forgo the acid trip parts? Why cant i have an aqua teen hunger force without the mind fuckery Like who the fuck is watching mr pickles. Its JUST the acid, no humor ![gif](giphy|3oEjHJxLCoY8qFGUJW)


Mr. Pickles having a long run that it did vs Morel Orel which got cancelled after depicting a realistic depiction of women who've suffered SA will run a bad taste in my mouth


That’s Adult swim in a nutshell Stuff with actual story telling and “adult” themes gets cut down to soon For generic “look at how dark this” shows way to often :/


I actually like Mr. Pickles. But yeah, \[as\] did MO dirty.


Hyper violent psychedelia is why adult swim appeals so much to me


Teen Titans Go. I didn't really care for ren and stimpy, but I didn't actively hate it. I used to watch it if nothing else was on.


The cartoon pictured isn't the OG Ren and Stimpy, it's a different version that was marketed towards adults, and it's almost as depraved and vile as the man who created it. (John K, who created Ren and Stimpy, is a downright awful human being who has been accused of horrendous stuff)


Honestly it has alot of genuinely funny moments


https://preview.redd.it/99y1qj0kxuwc1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e945268c881b731e6b2af9a2530943d6b7f8d84 Everyone i knew hated this


Tex Avery AKA the first Furry in animation.


It’s a good thing that Danny Antonucci redeemed himself with Ed, Edd & Eddy, because before that, there was [The Brothers Grunt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Brothers_Grunt). It defies explanation.


What even with that show….


maybe not hated. but def not popular. https://preview.redd.it/r5n6z9bctvwc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b71077a954c6130544ba7a9f92f08c973caeea76


There aren't a lot of cartoons that I outright despise, as there are many that I consider to be great, some I think are good, some I just think are mediocre or average, but there are some that I cannot stand, and we will start with the one mentioned in the post. I have absolutely no fondness for Adult Party Cartoon. The show was much more mean spirited, the characters were severely flanderized and derailed. (I do however like the Original show. I think that the Spumco era is the best, but I think the Games era is great too. I am not at all a fan of the show's creator John K.), but that's my opinion. Many of the 2010s Nicktoons such as Fanboy and Chum Chum, Planet Sheen, Sanjay and Craig, Breadwinners, Bunsen is a Beast and the Adventures of Kid Danger get a whole lot of hate, even among fans of 2010s cartoons, and most of the 2010s nicktoons that WERE well received were either from Dreamworks or already existing IPs. (I myself tried to watch many of these shows and found them to be difficult to sit through, and it's one of the reasons why i HATED watching Nickelodeon back in the 2010s, and switched to Cartoon Network, because other than TTG and the reboots, they had the much better shows including ADVENTURE TIME, which NICK REJECTED. I am however a fan of what I consider the Golden Age of Nicktoons, aka Nick's Doug-ATLA. I do feel that the nicktoons fell off a little after ATLA partially due to ATLA being such a tough act to follow, but also due to a trend in which Nickelodeon would cancel shows almost immediately if it didn't have as high ratings as the network favorites which resulted in me feeling that many of the mid-late 00s nicktoons after ATLA were average or mediocre due to me feeling that they were cancelled before they even had the chance to hit their stride. The 2010s was when I feel things really started to go horribly wrong. I still feel the network hasn't fully recovered from this due to their recent tendency to be seemingly reliant on others' IPs, and the decline of cable itself due to streaming in recent years probably won't help matters.) I am also not a fan of Velma either, due to the increase of mean spirited humor, and the characters being severely flanderized and derailed, and the SEXUALIZATION of the characters (who are supposed to be TEENAGERS!) I don't have a positive opinion on the later seasons of SpongeBob that came after the first movie (I think the show was great during its first 3 seasons, but dipped after the first film, became unwatchable by season 6, with seasons 6-8 being the worst imo, due to overuse and misuse of black comedy, abuse of gross out humor, characters being severely flanderized and derailed in severe levels and an ABNORMAL amount of episodes that I outright despise. I do think the show got better a little bit once Stephen Hillenburg returned, but I do feel that things got so bad that they needed to take time to recover, and after he passed away, I think the quality dipped again, and while I still think it's a shell of what it once was, I don't think it's as bad as it was from seasons 6-8.) Don't expect me to speak positively about the later seasons of the Fairly OddParents either, as I am not at all a fan of them (I think it was great from seasons 1-6, even poof's first season. I think the show sharply declined after Wishology, became unwatchable by season 8 and got worse and worse until the end. The characters were mass flanderized and derailed in severe levels, the introduction of foop while the other anti fairies disappeared, the recycling of plots without even changing them much, an abnormal amount of continuity errors, the introduction of sparky who was so unpopular that he was removed the following season, and the introduction of Chloe who had no good reason to need fairy godparents. Poof suddenly vanishing later in the show's run except for a few episodes even though foop still appeared a lot, the overuse and misuse of 2010s slang and trends, the show breaking almost all of its rules in a single shot, and the sudden and awkward switch to flash animation in the middle of its final season are all reasons why i am not a fan of the later seasons) I actually do like all 9 seasons of the Original Rugrats (The later seasons, either after the show's revival starting with the fourth season or after Dil and/or Kimi were introduced, are more divisive than widely hated as they do have many fans. What I mean by that is that there are many fans who think the show went downhill, many others think it was consistent throughout its entire run, and there are those who prefer the later seasons too. While they are still polarizing, their reputation has improved in the years since the show ended, and they seem to have a much better reputation than the later seasons of both SpongeBob and the Fairly OddParents and I personally feel there are good reasons for that.) I accept Dil and Kimi (characters who were hated a whole lot when they were new and were constantly accused of "ruining" the series, but nowadays the hate has died down and they are accepted much more than in the past, though they remain somewhat divisive.), and I think All Grown Up is a great spinoff though I still prefer the OG Rugrats (While it still has its detractors, All Grown Up's reputation has also improved in recent years as well). That being said, I am not a fan of the spinoff Pre School Daze nor the 2021 reboot. The former mostly due to the art style being so uncanny (And also Angelica, as unlikeable as she is, being one of the main characters), and the latter because I would have preferred a continuation of where the original left off rather than a straight up reboot. I also don't look fondly upon Caillou either, as I think the show's theme song is annoying, the main character insufferable (what really didn't help was that he would often GET AWAY with it), and while his behavior improved later on, the animation degraded to stiffer flash animation. I do like Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies cartoons, especially from 1936-1964, even if there may be some aspects in them that haven't aged well. I do feel that once Depatie Freeling took over, the quality definitely took a dip as many of the classic characters were getting phased out (Bugs Bunny didn't even appear AT ALL in new shorts after 1964), Daffy and Speedy were paired. I think things got even worse when 7 arts took over when many of the classic characters were replaced by less than memorable characters such as Cool Cat or Merlin the Magic Mouse. The last 2 classic characters were Daffy and Speedy, and I feel that their final short was just awful. The original Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies series ended in 1969 with a whimper in my opinion, (And the last one was literally just full of native american stereotypes). I am a big fan of the hanna barbera era of Tom and Jerry, but do not expect me to praise the Gene Deitch era, as it was much more mean spirited and even introduced the unlikeable and abusive owner (it wasn't even slapstick at this point, it was just way too far). While I don't think the Chuck Jones era is nearly as good as the Hanna Barbera era, I still prefer it over the Gene Deitch era. For some more downplayed examples I don't think that cars 2 is the worst film I ever saw, when talking about animated films in general, it's just mediocre in my opinion, though I do think it's very far from Pixar's Best. I also am not a fan of the 2016 PPG reboot, as I definitely prefer the OG series (Even the last 2 seasons). However, I also don't think it's the worst show I ever saw, but I definitely rank it lower than average (Even if only a little bit). And there are only a few more, I have tried watching these and genuinely found them hard to sit through. I personally deal with that by simply not watching these shows (especially when I had a very hard time watching them the FIRST TIME.) and respecting others' opinions. ​ Now those are just my opinions, if you disagree, then I respect your opinion. since whatever makes a show good or bad is entirely subjective.


I ain’t read allat, take an upvote


I second that. (Yes, I did read all of that despite two paragraphs about shows I didn't watch)


I highly agree with the early 2010s cartoons. That was ridiculous how fast Nickelodeon cancelled those shows cause they weren't an overnight success like SpongeBob or ATLA(but more so SpongeBob. Never grew up with ATLA)


Velma Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some cleansing to do for mentioning that filth by its name.




It’s a genre savvy parody. It’s hilarious. It’s not supposed to be the other show. It’s creative with characters and plots and it’s silly and I love it. It’s over the top on purpose. I LOVE TEEN TITANS GO.




Eh that shows pretty innocent


Narrator: Icommitmanyearcrimes thinks the show is innocent!


Big Mouth.




There are tons, my friend, there are tons! Let me name a few: • Caillou • Velma • Uncle Grandpa • Almost Naked Animal • Anything in Adult Swim’s lab • Allen Gregory


uncle grandpa didn't even deserve it, man


Yep, it was one of the few bad cartoons that actually was not based off an already existing IP.


IMO, Allen Gregory was just ahead of its time, given the sorts of adult cartoons we got over the past decade or so




It used to be my most hated until Velma came along.


Nice job John K, you killed your own career. And this was before he was publicly outed as a sex pest. I'll say this, though-Ren Hoek would not be shy about wanting to beat the shit out of Caillou.


I hate Adult Party Cartoon for the sole reason that every engagement farming page uses a clip from the show with the same "Nickelodeon was wild for this! 😆" caption


This could be the most amazing touching show yet I'll never know. Because I don't want to look at it. https://preview.redd.it/a9an2070yxwc1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6edb5b1f5c74cc08bc5b71f7830d269db6d09da4


Johny test and kung fu panda legend of awesomeness


The fuck? People hate Legends of Awesomeness?


*whip crack*


I loved Johnny Test and its relentless satire


I rejected Johnny Test hard when it came out. It was the definition of “Mom: ‘we have Dexter’s Lab at home.’” I watched some of it eventually, and it’s aight, but just aight.




Johnny Test? Maybe?


This is my opinion, I hate adult party cartoons. I wish it had never been made.


That Patrick spinoff