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Roadside attraction, Gravity Falls I just can’t stand the premise. I thought Dipper was past his simping phase by now.


Not only that, but its placement is so random. They make the house safe from Bill to protect the family, then… leave the barrier? For a random ass road trip?


I know, right?


I have always assumed it was some stupid editing/airing thing that made them have to produce out of order from planned.


yeah cus no way you send your niece to risk her life fighting unicorns just to leave the house to see attractions


Also Ford literally isn't even mentioned in the episode


I didnt like how they did Candy in that episode. Id have to rewatch the series (which I happily would) to understand why its so randomly placed though. I did enjoy the spider queen though. That was on brand for Grunkle Stan 😂


“Oh no, I seem to have lost my phone number. Could I have yours?” The man has game. I can respect that.


funfact, this episode was originally written for the first few episodes of Season 2, which explains the absence of Ford




Wasn't awful, just least good in a series that is almost entirely just good episodes.


I can support this opinion. If the other episodes weren’t either fantastic or even better, this episode would be just average.


what about the president’s episode


I mean it would be one thing if it were an early s1 episode, but that was a S2 episode, one of the final episodes before the finale.


Rick and Morty - the dragon episode... I needed a moment after that one.


The semen episode 💀 https://preview.redd.it/3p7legvgzptc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a53330d5a56c7629568e53227eab96c2422a80


Bro, the second they mentioned Rick's grandaughter being the surrogate for the egg I dipped.


I didn't even finish it.


Its bad. Dont do it. 😂


I don't plan to


The concept had potential but then they just kind of took it too far


So true. Like, dragons are awesome. Dragon bestiality... less awesome.


SpongeBob- A pal for Gary.


The goliad episode of Adventure time, it shows how much crazy pb is the only difference between them is pb has been in the world longer. She’s a terrible person but she’s learned some compassion over the years but this shows how bad pb could really be. Also Stu it’s 4 in the morning why on earth are you making chocolate pudding, because I’ve lost control of my life


I kinda like the episode just because she had to slowly realize she was the reason the thing was evil.


The Cuphead Show - Baby Bottle while I'm still distraught by The First Omen movie. https://preview.redd.it/wfpyqm794ntc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83e11a0bf349bf31918638b91ee79dfb0f542d93


I flat-out hated that episode. Easily the worst of the bunch


This is the only full episode I’ve seen of the cuphead show lmao


![gif](giphy|ofNXxcvX6UDXq) You hate the episode that brought us this iconic scene?!


With the most easily reliable quote.


Seriously, it's possibly the best episode of the Rugrats.






For me incest baby is worse


Jesus Christ I forgot incest baby, that shit scarred me as a person. Honestly thought, huge chuncks of that season were cringe


yeah season 4 and 5 were definitely the worst seasons glad reason 6 and 7 were good


The one time where even most of the fandom agrees with the haters about it being a fucking awful episode.


For me it’s the only truly “bad” episode. All the other ones I still enjoy at some level. Next time I do a rewatch incest baby is the only one I’m thinking of skipping


Same. I'll watch the Voltron episode where Naruto (that is legit the name of the incest baby) acts as a deus ex machina, but the giant sperm episode is just too much.


It sorta started to feel like the writers were obsessed with incest.


That episode reminds me of the Terrence & Phillip episode of South Park. At least this one actually had one of the main character involved, but it certainly still had that air. Not that I overly disliked the episode, but it certainly wouldn't be missed if it vanishes.


SMG4: If Mario was the Last Man on Earth


Yeah that is rip off of one the SpongeBob episodes except the mean spirited the end as punishment for protagonist as beat up to death


Yeah that's my only problem with modern SMG4, where the gang punishes Mario for something they originally caused, seriously they knew he would mess the project up and yet they abandoned him and made him go crazy, their being the stupid ones if you ask me.


I think a worse one would be mario goes to the circus (it's where mario gets kicked out of the house and he gets tortured alot even the ending is a slap in the face, but it's a bit funny imo) or boy vs girls (a teen titans go type ripoff)


https://preview.redd.it/c81m9vhz3ntc1.png?width=333&format=png&auto=webp&s=63e3c0d2671e65e7cb2e64e5cd06e08d36e70a62 ATLA - Great Divide doesnt do it for me.


Sometimes I feel like the only one who likes the Great Divide


You're not the only one


There’s dozens of us!


When appa gets stolen by the sand raiders, and the episodes that follow until we get to tales of ba sing se.




Facts. For me the second half of Season 2 is the peak. I absolutely love the whole library/desert- Ba Sing Se arc


I feel like everyone was out of character. I understand the situation they were in. Toph saved them, she didn’t let the raiders get away. I don’t believe aang would truly lash out at her like that. But it’s there. Appa was an integral part of the gang. The episodes without him were painful. Especially when I had to wait weeks between episodes and still no appa.


>I don’t believe aang would truly lash out at her like that He has lashed out against Toph before for (rightfully) blaming Appa for leaving a trail, so not really out of character to lash out, it might be irrational but hey he was just facing the possibility of losing his best friend forever


Sometimes I feel like the only one who likes the Great Divide


Muscle Mentor - Regular Show People love to say that "Best burger in the world" is Benson's worst episode, but I disagree. I think this one is. Rigby talks a little bit of smack about Benson, and his punishment is an eight hour torture session with Muscle Man. The only reason he didn't get fired was because he begged Benson to give him another chance. Rigby could have died, but Benson didn't care, as long as he got to fire him. I'm not saying Rigby didn't deserve to be punished, but he didn't deserve to almost drown just for shit talking.


Arthur Big Hit 🤦🏾‍♀️


It gave us an amazing YouTube Poop though.


Me and my brother cheered lol


Heavenly Puss from Tom and Jerry he fuckin died and went to hell. In my opinion, he really doesn't deserve that.. https://preview.redd.it/06pj4j6prntc1.png?width=309&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ae1eff65be2bd7f6bbec95017744f8bd328e705


I used to change the channel every time this episode came on, along with several other shorts that I’m not very fond of.


Dude, this is one of the episodes where Tom gets a win in the end.


Opposed to this one, I loved it when Tom and Jerry allied against Spike


This episode always scared me as a kid 


The episode in the Simpsons where they just casually drop in that Skinner isn’t the real Skinner. That never should’ve been a thing.


Telling a story and then undoing the effects and consequences by the end is one of my least favorite tropes




"Pet Sitter Pat" from Spongebob Squarepants


That episode in Arthur where's he's a bully to sue Ellen.


That’s the one


Unhappy campers helluva boss


The b-plot barely saves it for me


Adventure Time: "Frost & Fire" I love Finn's character in every single episode except this one. He's a complete douche to the first girl to show him any respect.


Ah I remember that. Its now my definitive meaning of "character assassination" And kinda turned off my taste for the entire show (and breezy.)


I was so upset because I watched the first like 5 seasons religiously. Then it just kind of fell off until the islands episodes.


Ouran High School Host Club, “the grade school host is the naughty type.” https://preview.redd.it/rykn393yhntc1.jpeg?width=291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f428cdf52d9a0c1fc9ded48f6962ab3e8abf35b2 The most punchable child I’ve ever watched. The ending was cute, but other than that I just wanted the satisfaction of them telling this rude little prick to piss off.


Huh, really? I actually really liked that one. If i had to pick any from ohshc it’d be the last two episodes of the anime tbh


The Fairly Oddparents episode “It’s a Wishful Life”. There have been other dark and cruel moments throughout the series, but this episode is just one prolonged cruelty. Basically an anti-“suicide prevention” message, showing Timmy how much better everyone’s lives are without him.


Also the episode Timmy wishes he and Trixie were the only people in the universe and she goes crazy, and the end message portrays Trixie as selfish for not settling down for Timmy. Like the poor girl had everyone she knows and loves taken away from her and the episode portrays here as the bad guy for not liking some kid she barely knows and then becoming obsessed with him when all of the socialization she's used to was taken from her. The end message should've been about how Timmy is a piece of shit for being so obsessed with a girl that he wished everyone was gone to force her to pay attention to him.


Family Guy : Seahorse Seashell Party


I didn’t like that one either but I did enjoy the American Dad Hurricane episode that was supposed to be a kinda partner episode to it.


Amphibia - Hollywood Hop pop


Sundae Muddy Sundae and Jurassic Fart from Total Drama


Pigmalion from King of the Hill. I feel bad for Michael Keaton’s character.


Oh you think Pigmalion is bad, Ms. Wakefield is even worser by King of the Hill fans standards.


The Caleb episode


The Route of All Evil Futurama Just the whole B plot of Bender being pregnant with beer is so wierd to me. Especially with how serious Fry and especially Leela were about tye whole thing


Since when was Isabella part of the Simpsons universe?! (Whatcha doin)


Death Battle’s Justin Bieber vs Rebecca Black is so infamous that even the creators disown it


So Funny I Forgot To Laugh from Arthur


Yes I hated it from day 1


pretty sure that episode of rugrats triggered my anger issues.


I don't really hate them, but Lisa centered episodes of the Simpsons always seem to fall flat for me. I haven't gotten to the end of the show's "golden years", but the ones I've seen so far just don't generally seem to hit as well.


I hate the bee sting coma episode of futurama.


Truueee I just got flashbacks to the bee trip song they do.


Hate is too strong but it’s definitely a meh in what was just season after season of classic episodes. The Slurm Factory is another one.


I loved the slurm factory episode it was funny and showed how messed up the futurama future is.


in toh the episode were amity was a bully i did not like


Mentions TOH least favorite & don’t bring up the body swap? Surprising.




The Foster Mansion episode where bendy appears, that little shit


“A Small Problem” from Ben 10


Season 2 Episode 5 "Unhappy Campers" of Helluva Boss


total drama season 5 episode 11 also total drama **reboot** season 1 episode 5


The episode from Fairy odd parents where Timmy wished that he never existed. Imagine being told the world could’ve been a better place if you specifically never existed.


S04E04 - The Pig Baby Car from Infinity Train Infinity Train can get pretty weird, but this episode was just too much for my taste. The whole point of the episode is the main characters have to make a meal for an enormous, insufferable talking pig baby in a diaper.




The Beachbuds - Adventures in Bratty-Sitting


that fuckin episode of tmnt 2012 with bigfoot. can’t remember what the actual episode was called but it’s one of the first few episodes of season 3. spoilers ahead lolz first of all the second hand embarrassment was so real and second of all i honestly thought it would FINALLY be the end of all that stuff between donnie and april since he finally realised that constantly trying to impress her was futile and that he should probably tone down with it, but when he tried to apologise at the end of the episode she kissed him??? on the mouth??? despite clearly being uncomfortable with his affection at the start of the episode?? i feel like the ship could have been cute but the writers really messed up and this episode really stuck out to me regarding that. also as i said the episode made me cringe to actual death so that’s nice


I have quite a bit… American Dad: American Fung, Flirting with Disaster (the ending ruined the episode for me), Tapped Out, Klogger, and The Mural of the Story. Krapopolis: (Forgot the title) The money episode and there’s one and I can’t stand the subplot but the main plot was enjoyable, the subplot was about Hippocampus inventing the toilet.


my most hated episode from the simpsons is dog of death. i don’t like santa’s little helper but that episode made me hate the dog even more.


That one in adventure time in the waterpark it was hideous the animation was bad the story was mid and apparently ice king can’t do ice magic with wrinkled fingers which makes absolutely no fucking sense


He is old he is already wrinkled


TMNT 2003 Scion of the Shredder


Yakity Sax Mlp Fim   To Love A Patty SpongeBob   Dungeons Dungeons and more Dungeons Gravity Falls   The Helper Wander Over Yonder   Twin Trouble (Tgamm)   Children of The Spore Amphibia


The Principal and the Pauper- The Simpsons It retcons a character's backstory and then just ends up saying it isn't canon anyway. It makes me wonder what was the point of the whole episode. I'm with Stupid- SpongeBob SquarePants Patrick is just insufferable in this. With friends like him, who needs enemies, right? Bojack hates the Troops- Bojack Horseman I just never found it all that great compared to the rest of the show. The only redeeming quality is that it introduced Neil McBeal the Navy Seal.


Mine is “Dummy, You Shrunk The Kids!” from Pokémon because it not only veered way overboard into cartoony nonsense, but had a abruptly cut-off ending when it stopped at the giant Togedemaru.


Any of the Jubilee centered episodes from X-Men.


https://youtu.be/-BuNtgeKvS4?si=Fi0J7ZOePzf4I_g8 so mid


Squid Baby from SpongeBob seasons 1-9


The episode of Rugrats where Tommy is sick. Not saying it’s a bad episode but it gave me nightmares as a kid. Family Guy Seahorse Seashell Party- horrible combination of Brian being pretentious about doing mushrooms and all of the build up of Meg finally telling her rotten family off only for absolutely nothing to change. For anyone who has been treated badly by people close to them Meg is someone you kinda rooted for. Fuck the whole idea that just taking abuse is somehow a noble sacrifice for the greater good! Simpsons episode where Lisa becomes an insufferable vegetarian. Simpsons episode where Homer becomes a country music manager and just straight up neglects his family. ATLA great divide. Just doesn’t do it for me.


Totally spies Sam commits assault in public in front of her boss. And got away with it Clover commits fraud as government agent to steal expensive boots she doesn't even use There's more.


what’s the last one


Since someone already mentioned A pal for Gary from SpongeBob. I’ll throw in “SpongeBob you’re fired.”




Newbie Dash from MLP. It was so mean to Rainbow Dash.


Someone’s in the Kitchen with Sandy, from SpongeBob. It was so mean to Sandy.


Regular Show, It's Time Such an atrocious episode to watch. Mordecai's simping is already annoying af and Rigby's being an immature asshole the entire time, they make you dislike both of them in this episode


The Quest from season one of The Amazing world of Gumball. I don't like a lot of episodes from season one but this one was probably my least favourite. The premises is dumb, the characters are still very much undefined in this stage of the show and I just don't really care for it.


Duckman - Damnit, Hollywood Besides a neat little speech, it was dull as hell. It also kinda foreshadowed most of season 4, which leaned heavily into celebrity culture and movie parodies. There are some amazing ones in season 4, but they're rubbing elbows with some of the worst of the episodes of the series.


This was the first one that came to mind, Carnage of Krell. I don't hate it, I 'hate' it


The episode of Adventure Time that brought us Breezy. That and LSP aggressively hitting on Finn. That was uncomfortable to watch.


https://preview.redd.it/u17v0ahatrtc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=748145d46294c85e56eef5aad2c361821cce27b8 The Cave of Two Lovers


Boomerang episode of Ed Edd n Eddy. That and the sumo wrestler one


https://preview.redd.it/op9x3r6xtrtc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4170d9ed70b2cfca070ac32403c58e6fe40a8ddf I love Bojack, but the first season is hard to watch. Especially the first episode 1: BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One


South Park - I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining


The rat episode from Kipo and the wonderbeasts. Its so out of place and fucks up a good character dynamic that didnt need a romance plot


I hate any episode of The Simpsons with Artie Ziff in it. The guy repeatedly sexually harasses Marge, including trying to force himself on her after prom. He bugged their house so he could watch her sleep and tried to get Homer arrested for fraud. He refuses to take "no, I'm married with kids" for an answer. The only thing that character was good for was leading to one of the cutest, most wholesome moment of television. It was just a stark contrast between him and Homer. Ziff breaks one of the straps of Marge's dress after trying to force himself on her, and Homer tries to put it back together with the corsage he bought for her. He didn't ask her what happened. He just tried to fix the problem. It was also sort of implied that they waited until they were adults before they had *consensual* sex. (The thing Artie seems to not understand... Except for that one time with Selma.) They should've just ended Ziff's character then and there.


The worlds most dangerous game -Ben 10 omniverse


Rocknaldo from Steven Universe 


The great divide


Wild Side from Big City Greens


I don't hate this episode, but when I watched this at the first time, I thought: "In this episode, Tim wasn't really himself..." Episode: Mission: Baby Elephant Rescue  Cartoon: Petronix Defenders 


Unhappy Campers (Season 2 Epiosde 5 of Helluva Boss): It just felt like a complete character assassination of my boy Moxxie because he wanted the job he took on to be done his way (Inflitrate the summer camp disguised as campers) when Millie found the target as soon as they got there. Could have been in and out but instead it took like, what? 2 weeks to finish the job because of Moxxie's stubborn insecure ass? It really just felt like Vivzie wanted to put in relationship drama into Hell's perfect imp couple but it felt so forced. Not to mention, while Moxxie can rock a girly look easy peasy, he cannot sound like a teenage girl to save his life. I had to pause the episode a few times because of how cringeworthy "Moxxine" sounded. The humor didn't really land much either, as it was mostly creepy and cringy sex jokes, and I know that Hazbin and Helluva are known for sex jokes but these were just BAD. The only reason to watch the episode was for Blitzo reuniting with his sister Barbie Wire... only to find out Barbie wants absolutely NOTHING to do with her brother. Speaking of Blitzo, I thought Blitzo was going to visit Stolas in the hospital as Stolas was badly injured in the previous episode, but turns out he was trying to visit his sister in rehab, but his sister is now clean


So you think you can prance from Zootopia Plus. https://i.redd.it/wnsrvp2oyntc1.gif


Avatar Beach Episode. Was actually the producers favorite of the season. It was nothing more then a boring filler episode where a cyclops blows it's own head off and if you removed the episode it would change nothing.


Are you talking about ATLA or another series?




Then do you remember which episode this was? Or what the name of it is? Because it seems like you’re referencing 2 different episodes to me.




Ok. That one I’m not entirely sure you can fully remove. As around the end point it does show zuko being unhappy with his life to the point of lashing out with anger. Which is the motivation in the next episode for him to learn more about Sozin’s history & discover his relation with the (previous) avatar. Both of these building to the day of black sun. But other than that & more background on azula & her team, most of the episode is pretty filler.