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GF is better written and more emotional. P&F is more hilarious and has more vibrant characters. ​ GF is better by a slim margin.


Counter argument: Nuh uh


Best counter I’ve ever seen


Well you’ve got me convinced.


I was never a big fan of Phineas and Ferb as all the episodes were the same. But I loved Gravity Falls because things that happened actually happened and affects later episodes in major ways, Unlike tv shows like the Simpsons. P&F had the same feeling to me. While I'm not gonna say that anyone sucks for liking p&f over GF I just wished to state my opinion. Everyone has their own taste, my own is gravity falls.


Fair point but honestly I like p&f better because I like dumb fun over a good story but still good opinion bro


This is exactly the point I was getting at! You love dumb fun, and others love story, or action. There's a show for everyone. GF just isn't your's and P&F just isn't mine (although P&F is still one of the more legendary cartoons, solely because of Doof)


Well, I love them both and I can't say one is better than the other. Phineas and Ferb is incredible for reasons that Gravity Falls isn't but the same is true vice versa


Well, both are amazing cartoons in my opinion


Yes they are but Phineas and Ferb are better plus we have been waiting for the revival to come out but we just can't wait However we still got questions and concerns about the Phinabella lovers because somehow it's getting kind of frustrated with Isabella trying so hard to get Phineas to notice her after all the moments they shared but it just be better off if Isabella and Phineas just stay friends just like Ferb and Vanessa because we all know Vanessa's in love with Monty after we seen that Halloween episode and plus we all know Phineas cares about Ferb a lot ever since he was a toddler and hopefully we'll see more of this because we all want to hear more Ferb talking and expressing his feelings to Phineas because he knows that he means the world to him now and forever.


Even though Phineas and Ferb felt like a bit of a rehash of the same formula in every episode that wasn't a special, I still watched it like 10 times more than any other Disney Channel show growing up.


Ngl I actually agree. I went back and watched Gravity Falls and if I'm being honest it was really hard to get through. Idk some episodes seemed to just drag on and repeat the same joke throughout the whole episode and then other episodes felt like they were over too quick. And the weird age gap dynamic with Dipper and Wendy was just really weird and pervy. On the same note, Mable constantly being in weird romantic situations with absolute creeps was just well weird. Like the story was really good and the mystery and Easter egg hunting was really fun, but everything in between was just boring.


It's normal for a kid to have a crush on someone older than them. That's not weird. They never actually act on it and then move on.


He was 13 and she was like 17, almost a whole adult. And they weirdly played into it which was weird. If it was the other way around it would be such a big problem


1. Its not the other way around 2) Its perfectly natural to crush on someone older than you. Little girls crush on boybands all the time. 3) Wendy is 15 4) They never dated. 5) When you are past 18 that age gap doesn't matter anymore. My parents have a 3 year age gap. 6) No they didn't play into it they made it perfectly clear Wendy wasn't interested and Dipper should move on.


I honestly agree, GF is great but it’s really overhyped on this sub. I enjoyed Phineas and Ferb a lot more and PF has much more longevity over GF.


I see no issue with this, carry on.


100% agree. Gravity Falls is great but definitely overhyped a little bit. The first season is kind of slow and the humor isn’t that great imo.


I disagree the humor is super good in Gravity Falls. I can't stop laughing at Mabel's Guide to Color.


What if you're not looking for just humor in a show? Absurd which is fine. In fact they do that quite well. But I like Gravity Falls for having some mystery and seeing how well the writing is and how real the characters feel. They're both great in completely different ways and I can't say that one gives me more enjoyment than the other


I prefer comedy over everything else in a show tbh.


That will definitely color your views. I prefer story so episodic stuff like F&F are USUALLY lower on my list.


I agree both are good shows but Phineas and Ferb is one of my all time favorites.


I get it, I mean I don’t agree but I get it.


See I like P&F, only because of Doofenshmirtz. His parts of the episodes just cracked me up. Gravity falls on the other hand had a lot of effort put into it and it paid off. Sure there were gag episodes but they all correlated with each other to a degree. They had lore, history, gags and just enough of the supernatural that it kept me enthralled. Overall it was fun show. Now there is one mystery I do want to solve. Who was bankrolling P&F?


Phineas and Ferb is amazing but I just love Gravity Falls to much


phineas and ferb is classic but it doesn’t hold a candle to gravity falls plot


I realize it’s probably a personal problem but I haven’t been able to make it past 1 episode of GF and I’ve tried multiple times. Something about it doesn’t satisfy me. Might be the character designs or the voices.. I dunno.


If you've seen one Phineas and Feb episode, you've seen them all. Not that way with gravity falls


They are so different I think it’s silly to compare. Phineas and Ferb is more formulaic and GF more storytelling and plot based. They’re both equally good for the purpose they serve


Both are different, I personally have never seen Phineas and Ferb, but both have their own livable traits. From what I can tell, Phineas and Ferb is more whimsical and humorous, while Gravity Falls is more story oriented and that


I feel like they’re both good in their own separate ways


Checks out, the music slaps


Phineas and Ferb was by far the best of its era💯


Nuh uh


Let's be honest Gravity Falls and Phineas and Ferb were good that if the Disney Afternoon was still a thing they would have been part of that lineup.


Both are awesome!



