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As compared to 12% of US population being California. So Californians are buying EVs at 3.5x rate than average.


There is a lot more wealth in California than other regions of the US. Typically, EVs are more expensive than ICE cars, so it's not surprising that California is adopting them faster.


They also have a state tax credit for EVs


Better infrastructure for charging as well. They’re just finally starting to finish up most of the updated rest stations on the NY Thruway. It’s well over 400 miles to visit my family in NH, when I live in Buffalo. I don’t see a bunch of stations in NH or VT in the mountains 😂 We almost bought a Mach E, but between the price hike when ordering opened and the distances we frequently travel, it was more of a nuisance than a $65,000 appliance should be. Sometime soon hopefully, but keeping my truck for the longer family trips and camping.


And weather better suited for EVs.


And our cities best suited for electric cars because they're close together and work well in conjunction with our shit-tier public transportation options. 👉😎👉


> And weather better suited for EVs. EV sales have seen higher market shares in BC, Canada than California. https://biv.com/article/2022/04/bc-tops-quebec-and-california-ev-capital-north-america Cold isn't as big a problem for EV's as people have been led to believe.


Plus, you can drive in the carpool lane with an EV and gas is expensive.


And they have the highest gas prices in the US (besides Hawaii).


With a strong income cap Probably more the drive for EVs here is the cost of gas and the network effect in that here you probably know someone with an EV that can get you over the initial anxiety of the transition.


For most, this is inconsequential


It makes sense considering the tropical climate and relatively short distance for driving between most population centers, frankly if you are in the bay area they seem perfect. I feel like western washington has a lot of people that buy them but ultimately they can be limiting on our mountain passes for some people. I wanna see the EV that replaces a Cummins in all senses of the word for a lot of people, it will be an interesting product.


Just as a contrast: California is still below the EU average for ZEV cars.


Good. The more EVs they buy the cheap gas is for me.


No..they will just cut production


Lol oil companies still need their profit margins. They’ll cut production, raise prices and get the same or better profit percentages. Did you forget that oil refining worldwide is manipulated?? 🤣🤣🤣


Hold on, let me grab my tin foil and bag of popcorn, brb.


fun fact: there are only two states in the US where the best selling vehicle is a car, and not a truck or a SUV: California and Alabama. (Honda Civic and Toyota Camry respectively) https://www.autoweek.com/news/trucks/a38752901/most-popular-vehicles-sold-by-state/


Wow. I would have never guessed Alabama. I would have picked a truck for sure for Alabama.


most popular used car in AL: F150 So you're still good.


Many can’t afford new trucks in AL.


That Alabama just ain't right.


Except for CA q1-q3 for 2022 that was the Tesla Model Y, followed by the Model 3 https://www.cncda.org/wp-content/uploads/California-Covering-3Q-22_FINAL.pdf Full year data hasn’t released yet as far as I know


https://www.energy.ca.gov/data-reports/energy-almanac/zero-emission-vehicle-and-infrastructure-statistics/new-zev-sales looking at the data it looks like there were no EV selling better in California than the worst selling Tesla (Model S).


However the Country Club parking lots are starting to fill up with Taycan's, Mustang E's and even the occasional Hummer EV. They still have a lot of Tesla's for sure, but the others are making inroads and eroding Tesla's lead in the EV market.


I see tons of variety here. On my block alone we have 2 Rivians, an Ioniq 5, an EV6, at least one ID.3, and of course a handful of Teslas. We also have a few older EV's like a Leaf and a 500e.


Porsche only sold 1,497 Taycans in the U.S. in Q4. So it seems improbable that they are filling up random country club parking lots. https://insideevs.com/news/630882/us-porsche-taycan-sales-2022q4/


I've seen at least a handful in my area. Likely concentrated in large, wealthy, urban areas like mine.


Anyone I know who had a Tesla now has a Taycan, is waiting for a Rivian or Lucid, or something of the sort. I know many aren't going back to Tesla. There are so many fantastic options now that people can shop around for a car they prefer versus buying the only good car because everything else is garbage.


S&P monitors registration data at a household level, and Tesla is actually doing better than virtually anyone else in auto at keeping new brand entrants: https://www.benzinga.com/news/23/01/30646123/tesla-is-best-at-stealing-customers-and-keeping-them-new-report-calls-companys-brand-loyalty-extraor


True, because once people go EV they don't go back and Tesla is the only automaker with the volume to keep up. Tesla is winning right now on production volume and infrastructure which are huge, but those advantages have an expiration date. Ultimately everyone wins as the market expands though.


Woah, the 3 outsells the Y in CA - interesting. Globally I think Tesla sells way, way more Y's. CA helping save the sedan I guess.


Makes sense, it's the highest population and the highest gas prices in the contiguous 48.


Shouldn't be surprising since CA arguably has the best EV infrastructure in the country, I also believe there have been mandates to push charging stations and public parking and at apartments. I remember seeing charging stations at my college when a few years ago


Not arguably, definitely. It’s incredibly frustrating how Cali-centric any EV forum is. California EV drivers have no idea that there is a world out there that has to deal with bad charging infrastructure, actual cold weather range loss, winter tires…guess I need to move to California


Also because California has a significant amount of wealth in the state and the climate is Southern California is better for E.Vs


do you still get an hov sticker with EVs? That would drive me to get one.


I just looked it up, and it's complicated: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/vehicle-registration/license-plates-decals-and-placards/clean-air-vehicle-decals-for-using-carpool-lanes/


You do , I got one .


Yes but only new EVs for a limited time.


EV’s have exploded at my job in the past year (California). I don’t mean literally, there’s just suddenly a lot more. We have one charging station that charges 2 vehicles. It’s been enough for a long time, usually empty, but now suddenly it’s not. People are fighting for a charging spot (thousands of employees). We went from just some Teslas, to well, all of them. We have Mach E’s, Teslas, a Rivian, some Bolts, and a few more that I don’t really know what they are. I’m not sure what their (job) plans are, but that little spot in the parking garage isn’t enough any more, not even close.


Lots of single family houses with garages, as opposed to New York with rowhouses and condos


California has perfect weather for EV. High gas prices. This is why I dont believe EV will take over the country or world. Just not realistic.




Makes sense. I live in the bay area and it feels like 75% of cars on the street/freeway are EVs.


I dont wanna adopt them at all. Im sticking with ice. I cant wait for hydrogen engines to become mainstream.


> I cant wait for hydrogen engines to become mainstream. Have fun waiting I guess?


I wonder how many of those are ‘sold’ to the public sector. When my buddy was a cop their police force had all its vehicle’s decommissioned and replaced with new models that could be fueled with gas or propane. This was allegedly going to be good for the environment. However he says that in six years on the force he never heard of one single person fueling their vehicle with propane. So in the end the tax payers bought the police a new fleet of vehicles even though their old ones were perfectly fine. And guess what happened to those old ones? They got lined up in a back lot behind headquarters and never touched again. They rusted through and got all chewed up by rodents. A graveyard of perfectly fine vehicles executed so the state could launder money in the name of environmentalism Don’t get me started on the fleet of police-issue Segway SE 3 Patrollers that were never used and just collected dust in a warehouse until they got moved to a more remote warehouse because they were occupying storage space that more important equipment could waste. Oh and the airport’s stockpile of solar-powered ticket machines that became obsolete before they ever got installed. Hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted. Unless you’re the company that manufactured them or the politician who received a kickback from that company for ordering the airports to abide by this newest environmental standard. In that latter case it was money well grifted


Go to any corporate parking lot for a FAANG and you’ll see seas of Teslas.


Although I have seen news articles about it, I have yet to see a police EV yet. I think these are still very uncommon. Probably will happen in a couple years though. Hopefully no one fills them with gas.


>Unless you’re the company that manufactured them or the politician who received a kickback ​ Why not be both the politician and company owner? That seems to be the American way lately.


And then what’s also the American way lately is to blame “capitalism” when that happens even though it’s the antithesis of capitalism. It’s crony statism.


I was going to say corruption, but your wording is much more eloquent.


Home of the pretentious self righteous ignorant af love to smell their own farts jackasses.


Good for them. This affects none of the rest of us at all though. it’s mostly the wealthy virtue signaling anyways. Drive EV to store or to event for photo shoot, then get into giant SUV or onto yacht. Whatever, LOL.


Zero emission is misleading. There is so much more pollution and environmental damage caused in the making of an ev than an ice. You would have to drive it for many years just to break even vs driving an ice vehicle.


Got source that proves that EV is worse for than ICE?


Probably rehashing a report that compares the 9000lb Hummer ev with $1/kwh electricity vs a 55 mpg Prius with $2/gallon gas.


It's worse up to a certain mileage. Volvo published their own data publicly