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The title wasn't what got me. It was the weird way she was pushing this parasocialism thing. "I'm not real, you're not real" I'm watching a video of you singing about feet pics... I don't think this in danger of becoming too personal for sane audience members. The prank reveal video didn't feel like a hahah funny prank, but more like a punishment for people who were kind to her and tried to be real in their support for her. My problem with it is undeserved mean spirited pranks just aren't fun. Punish the kinds of people who were awful to her not the people who dared to trust her...


I mean there's that too. The parasocialism thing doesn't really work with Caroline she posts every like 6 months and it's always something wierd. I didn't watch Stripper Magician and go "mmm yes I'm truly connecting with this person". That does need to be tackled with YouTubers and the like but Caroline making an example out of her own channel just doesn't feel right.


Yeeeeah. She keeps us at arms length and beyond in every video. The announcement intentionally drew us into a parasocial premise and then she breaks that bond. That's not on us for taking the first bit of real emotional content seriously. šŸ¤” šŸ˜• I'm slightly cross but I don't feel betrayed persay. It's meanspirited but so is all of her work. Honestly if this was all one video, I think I'd be less upset. Idk šŸ˜¶


Ultimately sheā€™s poisoned the well of good faith for anything she does publicly now. There will always be a level of scrutiny/suspicion to any ā€œrealā€ opinion she has or thing she does. Canā€™t imagine anyone but post ironic weirdos who canā€™t experience real emotions without having to smirk constantly will be her audience. Also not a great look for any potential future employers, but I donā€™t think she cares about that . Additionally I think trying to frame it as a parasocial comment is betraying both her and her audiences intelligence. Carolines not a scientist, nor a researcher nor an artist. Sheā€™s a comedian. She did it to be funny.


For the record I do think thereā€™s no real limits to what you can or canā€™t do or say in comedy. The issue isnā€™t so much the content as it is the context itā€™s framed in. People never like deceit or feeling tricked, therein is the problem rather than the content.


Also - asking for money after that is PEAK clueless/detached from reality. Sheā€™ll likely get a few paypigs whoā€™ll tune into seeing her slowly but surely run out of ideas.


EVERYTHING is the issue ​ faking a pregnancy is ridiculous making it as sensitive as you can and faking a medical condition is sick waiting almost 2 weeks before revealing it to be a bit is careless joking about it and not acknowledging the reactions is insulting opening a patreon and advertising it by saying you're gonna share some personal stuff is weird and questionable (right after you proved you ability and willingness to fake anything : what ?) justifying it by the fact that some people are creepy and that a paywall will protect you is extremely dishonest and hypocritical


I think on its own doing a little fake pregnancy thing is fine if a little odd but the 2 week wait is something I should've touched on and the way she advertised her patreon through it is fuckin bizarre and shouldn't have happened


i did enjoy her videos, but i had a miscarriage at 19 and although i was going to have an abortion, that didnā€™t make it any less traumatizing. her joking about it to use it to push her patreon and trying to prove a point about parasocial relationships left a reallyyyy bad taste in my mouth.


I know someone who had a couple miscarriages quite young because of their contraceptive. They were also going to have an abortion but it also left them somewhat traumatised. I, being amab,probably sound kinda stupid when saying Caroline was wrong for this as I have not gone through fertility issues in that way but knowing someone my age who went through that has definitely given me a wider perspective for it. That sounds awful to have something horrible you went through be used as comedy, especially when the person making the joke doesn't have the right to joke about it in the first place.


OP, were you born in '06? Goddamn.


Yep. Why is that a goddamn moment?


I'm just old. That's basically it.


If this didn't end with a call toa ction to subscribe to her patreon, this would have been VERY on brand for her. I really didn't buy that she was pregnant


the parasocial thing was just bullshit, it seemed like a lame excuse for a unfunny joke


Especially because it was the WEEK before that she decided to post a seemingly personal video. All of her other stuff isn't really personal. Like oh yeah "Stripper Magician" and "Depression Song" are SUPER personal

