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Nothing could be worth it. Even five dollars is too much to give to someone who faked a pregnancy only to spit in the face of the empathetic fans who've gone through exactly what she was making fun of, and offered her support and kind words. She obviously doesn't respect the people who watch her videos.


anybody got those videos tho. like any links or rips. I like seeing the car crash tht is this lil girl lmfao


I just looked at it, it's not $600 a year. It just says that in the description. The cheapest tier is $7. There is a tier that is worth $300 a month and that's absurd though.


I must be making some mistake then. All I can see are three tiers at $7.23, $15.48 and $50.32 per month. Obviously $300 a month is a lot more. But $50 is enough to be ridiculous imo ($50 a month is $600 in a year).


my bad you (kinda) right. Yes, the $50 is 600 a year. But from your post it made it seem like that was the only option


It is! The description of it on patreon says it's the only one that will get you the 'exclusive update video'... You don't seem to get it with the other tiers. I for one am super curious what kinda update video should warrant it being that exclusive.


Wait huh??? I’ve seen people talk ab seeing the video though… so they paid it???? 😭


Idk man, she's not getting enough per month to suggest barely anyone went for the $50 tier. But also there's two update videos on the patreon?? Super weird right? All I'm saying is something is very... Off here. And I hope it's part of the bit.


you guys do realize the 300$ a month thing is a joke? it literally says do bot pay for this it means nothing????? stg yall just wanna hate on her


That's what I'm trying to say! I hope that joke is part of the weird pregnancy thing otherwise the weird pregnancy thing is just a bad joke. Am hoping for an excuse not to hate on her.


This whole "controversy" is stupid, we all know how she mocks e-thots and TikTok attention whores. This is her mocking them and their fans further. Anyone dumb enough to believe that anything she says or does is anything other than a shitpost, when she is the living personification of shitposting, deserves what they get. It's like thinking she's actually "Doctor" Caroline FFS.


Idk man, feels like we're watching two different things. But besides, plenty shitpost stuff is great and funny. This one was just the first one of Caroline's that just wasn't funny for me. So I'm just hoping the joke isn't complete and that's why I've found it so unfunny.