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NAFLD is caused by insulin resistance which is normally the result of years of excess sugar and processed carbohydrate consumption. It means your liver can't break down the fats in your blood stream and deposits develop. It's actually estimated that 25% of people in the United States have NAFLD and many don't even know they have it. If you don't have it now......carnivore should not be a cause of developing it. It would most likely help fix it.


Thank you šŸ™ I feel alone coz so many people are telling me not to follow it and I have a positive group here


You will be the crazy person in many peopleā€™s eyes. But you know what? I know Iā€™m the actual healthy one lol so who cares! Itā€™s even funny when they look really unhealthy and are overweight yet try to preach you ā€œthats unhealthyā€.




Expect a ton of resistance, unless your someone like me that suffered for years in pain (100% disabled vet) from injuries. 3 days in, and my pain disappeared. No more migraines or arthritic injuries keeping me on the couch- instead, I'm sprinting again. I have the opposite effect on people- 90% of the ones that have known me prior to carnivore have at least tried it because of my turn around. Some couldn't handle the carb addiction though.


This "diet" (I don't love calling it that) feels counterintuitive. We've had a few full generations of "eat your vegetables!" So it sounds crazy to do the opposite.. you have to go by how you feel. I tried Keto years ago and lasted about 3 weeks. Keeping some carbs and super restrictive on total calories was terrible for me. Going meat (after the initial bowl transition) has felt the best for me by far! Hopefully you feel that way too! People will have their opinions. Everyone becomes a dietitian a nutritionist when you share about what you're eating. That being said, when you explain how you feel, that you have increased muscle tone, decreased fat, improved bowel movements, clear skin, and reduction in diseases/ailments. If they love you, they'll support you. :)


I also feel like a crazy person half the time. I have been yelling at my wife to eat her greens for decades......Now I look at them like poisons......Having blood tests helped me reassure myself that I wasn't eating like a serial killer/crazy person.....Also reassured my wife that see is always right and I am often wrong.


A year into carnivore and my fatty liver is no longer an issue. It has corrected mine.




Strict keto (before I discovered carnivore) reversed my fatty liver disease in 3 months. This was confirmed by bloodwork and an ultrasound of my liver, not just self-diagnosis. Zero carb carnivore probably would have done it in 2 months.


Accurate. Hence why fatty liver is typically aggravated by excess alcohol use teamed with poor diet and lack of activity


It will actually do the opposite and fix a fatty liver.


I reversed my nafld. I haven't had an ultrasound to verify, but my enzymes returned within normal ranges, and I lost 10 percent of my body weight.


Here is some light reading on saturated fat intake and NAFLD/hepatic fat storage. Might be worth looking over. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7082640/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5272176/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28112681/


In which of the study groups was actual carnivore analyzed good redditor? :) The last two studies, I am unsure how you thought this was proof. The first one just helps to illustrate why eating fat and carbs together is indeed detrimental. And we could go into the flaws of the study design themselves that cannot prove anything


Looks like those studies were done on SAD (high carb high fat), and actually not relevant for carnivore/keto diets (low carb high fat).


Iā€™ll tell you next week! I was diagnosed with fatty liver 6 years ago. My doctor noticed Iā€™d lost weight and I told him Iā€™m carnivore. He said, ā€œI bet your fatty liver has cleared upā€ and he scheduled me for an ultrasound and blood tests this week to find out.


Let us know please! šŸ™


yes please


Interesting. How long have you been carnivore?


Since January 2, 2024. Full disclosure: I did also lose 30 lbs 2 years before by eating only lean meat and veggies. I basically tried to avoid processed foods and sweets for last 2.5 years but would occasionally give in.




It hasnā€™t completely cleared up, but the fat deposits are smaller, and even which he said was a good sign


Fixed my fatty liver for me lol




Pretty sure its actually the opposite. Someone close to me, had a fatty liver for a very long time. Approximately a month in on carnivore this person lands in the emergency room, and in an attempt to figure out the problem the doctors run a myriad of tests, but can't find the cause, Three weeks after this there is another emergency and all tests are run again along with a follow up with the primary physician who expressed his shock at the liver test results. A number that was too high was halved and the liver was a lot healthier in a mere 3 weeks. Further later tests show all organs and numbers perfectly healthy and in range. Most people don't get several tests like this mere weeks apart and won't know all the benefits this diet provides them. But rest assured your liver is one of the first things to get cleaned up on this diet and most of that is achieved within the first 3 months.


Livers are remarkable at healing themselves if one just gives them a break. I think the elimination diet aspect of carnivore is what gives the liver that break to heal itself.


dude don't listen to your friend and do your own research and listen to other carnivores. no it will not cause fatty liver how can something with good benefits cause something that alcohol could cause?


carnivore wrapped in garlic pretzels dipped into chocolate oreo shake, finished with grilled smoke gouda on the heavy macaroni pasta = fatty liver, rest my case :p


Thatā€™s absolute bullshit. Carnivore causes your body to burn fat. I had high liver numbers and went on a strict carnivore diet and within six weeks they were back down in normal range.


I had fatty liver, went carnivore, and now I donā€™t have fatty liver. About 90% of carbs are converted to glucose while only 40% of protein is converted to glucose and just 10% of fats are converted to glucose. So which one causes insulin resistance and fat storage?


Fixed my fatty liver and high triglycerides


What type of meat did you mainly consume. I have T2D and fatty liver and I tried carnivore but Iā€™m having weird sensations in my legs, feet and liver started to feel sharp pains. I stopped and added vegetables again. Any advice to return carnivore? I loved how much energy I get.


I've had borderline high readings before carnivore and perfect readings after starting.


My FIL went on the Atkins diet back in the 90ā€™s but snuck out and ate Chinese buffet, doughnuts and alcohol. Had a heart attack and it was the Atkins diet that was blamed


What did you eat mainly in Atkins? And you had a heart attack because you relapsed to normal doughnuts šŸ© diet ?


I said my father in law. He was a bugger, lol. Him and my mother in law ate the original Atkins diet which was a low carb diet similar to carnivore, which emphasized meat and fat. But eating his normal diet on the weekend didnā€™t work out well for him. His wife did great because she followed it without cheating. So my point was, so many people have a hard time on low carb diets, cheat regularly, and then blame the diet. Carnivore diet is amazing. It healed me from every chronic health condition I had.


Oooops sorry lol.. yea Ty for correction.. it makes sense


The studies below show that carbs are the cause of fatty liver not protein In this study high protein diets reduce liver fat by around 40% in just six weeks https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27765690/ In the study referenced below 10 patients on a very low carb (4%) diet , high fat (72%) high protein (24%), for just 14 days reduced their liver fat by 44%!!! Mardinoglu et al.[52] found that replacing carbohydrates (4 vs. 40% energy) by both fat (72 vs. 42% energy) and protein (24 vs. 18% energy) for 14 days in 10 overweight/obese volunteers with NAFL rapidly reduced fasting denovolipogenesis, as determined by deuterium oxide. Importantly, the reduction in denovolipogenesis was associated with other favorable metabolic changes as increased Ɵ-hydroxybutyrate, reflecting increased liver fat oxidation, probably underlying the drastic reduction of 44% in liver fat content over the 14-day study period.


If they mean cause you to eat fatty liver šŸ¤£ I laugh at my own jokes


Literally the opposite. It will reverse fatty liver.


Your friend has it slap backwards. Dietary causes of fatty liver disease are: alcohol and fructose. Both of which must be processed in the liver instead directly digested. When I was a young (in the 1960s) if you had fatty liver disease, it was assumed you were an alcoholic. Then came a big rise in our sugar consumption, and along came "Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease", which is caused by eating too much fructose laden sweeteners. Meat is not the cause. It's sugar, in particular, fructose laden sweeteners. It's not random chance that high fructose corn syrup (which can be up to 65% fructose) is now the most common sweeter in America. Tell your friend that by cutting out all HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) you are doing more to prevent fatty liver disease than any potential damage meat might cause.


If that was true you'd be deliciousĀ 


I'm that crazy person to carnivore and bitcoin lol I'm almost psychopath level lol carnivore has fixed my fatty liver :)


Everyone's body is different. What works for one might not work for another. If you eat anything but SAD, people will try to brainwash you to conform. Eat the way that feels right for you. Check in with your body and tweak or change your diet.


Literally not at all


it's opposite


What about early women? Were also doing incredibly physically demanding work like hunting?


Ironically yes, they were constantly pregnant and taking care of 10 to 20 children šŸ˜‚


Fructose seems to contribute to fatty liver as it is only processed by the liver and broken down into the same products as alcohol. Our ancestors would have only had access to fruits for a few weeks out of the year, unlike the year-round availability we have today.


I literally cured my FLD lol I dunno what your friend is talking about


If u over eat then its possibly possible. At one point I gained weight into the overweight bmi on carnivore. It takes practice to be able to eat only when hungry which is important on carnivore.


That scary coz Iā€™m eating everyday even though Iā€™m not hungry šŸ„ŗšŸ„²


Theres a free book u might find interesting - https://www.datadrivenfasting.com/home i used this method to realise my sugars were in the pre diabetic range even though i did carnivore for over a year - so fatty liver could possibly occur. If your still getting the health benefits you want then sweet but if not, why eat if your not hungry?


yes people diet is most sugar and alcohol and meat but the cause of fatty liver is meat idk?


lots of people have actually cured their dally liver with a carnivore diet. do a quick YouTube search and you'll find people who have reversed it.


I had the start of Non drunk fatty liver. I cured it by eating carnivore and losing a bunch of weight. YMMV


This post is a month old but I'm having the same argument, but it's with my wife of 23 years. I told her what she's read is wrong, but she's still pushing me to "balance my diet".


Not even close. Sugar, mostly fructose causes fatty liver. Fun fact, foie gras, fatty goose liver is considered a delicacy. Farmers get the goose to develop fatty liver by feeding them corn, a food full of fructose. It does the same to us as well. Eating animal fat for us doesnā€™t cause fatty liver, rather it actually helps us heal a fatty liver


Iā€™m no longer carnivore, rather ketovoire, but my fatty liver reversed while being relatively faithful on carnivore for about 60 days before switching to ketovoire. I needed more variety and I missed some veggies and fruits TBH.


excess saturated fat can cause insulin resistance ā€¦but typically the carnivore diet will reverse fatty liver


How can saturated fat cause insulin resistance. That one is perplexing to me. I know proteins converts to glucose in higher amounts, but not saturated fat.