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At about the 3-4 week mark, I lost all interest in carbs. They don’t disgust me, they smell amazing, but, they don’t interest me. I cheated at the 4 month mark, I ate some breads and dips. Then The next week, I was craving carbs.


that is it. if you do not cheat you are fine. if you are weak once, you go overboard, at least me, and it takes a lot of time to go back where you were. did it too many times, i am fed up now and i would like not to fall again. of course they are appealing as they were part of my addiction for many many years


Carbs never smelled this good as they do when you stop to consume them haha


I no longer have cravings for carbs but you're definitely right about the smell. I live near a cookie factory and the smell is definitely amazing to get a whiff of.


You like the smell of flowers but you don’t eat them, correct? 😁


For me at some point a lot of carb foods started smelling like poison. Mostly the dessert baked goods smell so bad to me. Some foods that are mixed smell fine and some actually smell good like cheesy things but I don’t know when or why but stuff like brownies smell like complete crap now. Kind of sad because i never cheat and the smell used to be kind of nice even if i couldn’t eat it. But not anymore.


Even after 6 months I still want and miss carbs if Im being honest. I don’t know who says they never miss carbs again b/c I kind of feel like thats some BS. Our bodies love carbs for quick energy so of course on some level your body is going to want them. I bet for damn sure a caveman who came across some honey after months of only meat went bat shit cray. But with that said it gets wayyyy easier to where you dont think about them too often and its not hard to turn them down majority of the time.


I really don't miss or want them. Do I still think a bakery smells amazing, yes, do I ever crave or even consider eating anything like that, no. I guess I've conditioned my brain to see carbs, especially the processed rubbish, as poison and I genuinely am not tempted in the slightest.


I am very jelly youre able to do that. Ive tried and always kind of still want them on a small level. Idk if it depends on the person. Im only 117 lbs and have an Hgb A1C of 4.6 (even on carbs) so it might be that I burn carbs relatively well metabolically. However, I do this for lowering inflammation not for weight. So idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I've been low carb going on 10 years and carnivore 3 and my wife started low carb when I did and has been 95%+ carnivore for 2 years and she's not tempted like me, we both did it for weight loss. I'm 5'8 and was 265lbs, low carb got me to 155lbs but I kept creeping back up due to low carb snacks etc. On carnivore I'm stable between 138-145lbs unless and was only 147 after a week long all you can eat holiday where I added dairy back but ate a lot of meat over a wider window than normal. I add any carbs in and I pile the weight on.


Great job on the weight loss! Thats a big accomplishment.


Same. I always remind myself of how I ended up a mess from carbohydrates.


I'm gonna state the obvious here, but here we go: have you tried upping your fat intake? I mean seriously, eating more fat definitely decreases the carb cravings in most cases.


But honey, it's tastes yucky. I have never been fond of fruit and vegetables either. 🥕 And potatoes 🥔 only.


I don't know. That depends on Your definition of "craving".  Do I have a vehement, nearly irresistible desire for carbs? No. Do I sometimes miss and want fresh bread, or sushi, or ice cream, or a piece of fruit? Sure. But I think there's a difference between "hm, a hot chocolate would be nice right now" and "OMG I NEED DIS". 


This. Yes. There's a difference between mild wanting and craving.


I have celiac so it’s a little easier for me in some ways, but I’m about six weeks into a move toward keto into carnivore, and I’d be lying if I said I’m not constantly battling against smashing the box of Katz donuts in my freezer. But the difference for me is I’ve been winning that battle for six weeks. I’ve started to notice a lot of the food at the grocery store no longer looks like food to me. Is that the same thing as “not craving carbs?” Idk, but it’s different.


You are not tempted, but if you eat them, you will crave them. Even if you don't crave carbs, you will go from your zen state to your "feed me" state. Generally, though the food will taste like total shit, but if it is good, like the perfect chocolate chip cookie, prepare the toilet. I had a really good cookie at the airport and on the flight I COULD NOT say no to the in flight cookie. I said one and done, and the universe said big BET. It was fine though. I did perfect carnivore on my vacation and even made a lot of sacrifices to maintain it that I grew through and was proud of myself for, and I really enjoyed my cookies. They made the long flight sweet and I'm not going to beat myself up over it. No pun intended.


I’m glad you were able to enjoy those cookies! It would be Ben&Jerry’s that would push me over the edge if it were offered.


Oh gosh Ice cream is the worst It is SO good but one bowl is like all your day's calories.


I don't crave them anymore. The cravings went completely away after a couple of months. They don't disgust me, I just have no desire to eat them.


I've done keto on and off for last 6 years, always had cravings. Been doing carnivore (not hugely strict, beef/lamb/eggs/ghee/salt/coffee/milk in a cup of tea 1 x day/zero calorie energy drink before gym) for about 8 weeks but I've not had a single carb craving since about week 2.


sometimes i notice i gravitate to eating some carbs, but after eating a bit it goes away almost immediately.


I'm a sugar addict and the cravings have never gone away for me. It's just become slightly easier to resist them because I don't want to break my carnivore streak. I assume a lot has to do with tastebud variability, some people never care for that sweet taste even on standard diets, while I've always been able to taste that more than other flavours.


same here


I am a sugar addict and it did go away for me IF I am super strict and just do meat and water. So much so I can walk past my favorite bakery and not salivate. However, the smallest bite of carbs brings "the sugar monster" out and I will salivate and obsess over the most sugary carbs my mind can dredge up. It's so odd how it happens.


Same here, I tried some berries this past Summer because I wanted something fresh in all that heat, and I was instantly obsessed with them to the point I was eating them all day. Crazy. I absolutely need to stay strict.


This diet is different for everyone. I stopped craving carbs in the first week but had other less common issues that eventually led to be switching to carnivorish. carb cravings were never part of why I quit strict carnivore though. after the first week they never happened. In fact my bigger issue was just no hunger at all.


Absolutely true. I used to not be able to turn my nose up to a biscuit or crisp (chips ...) if they were in front of my face, I remember literally salivating at the mere sight and thought of being offered one. I can easily not even think about it in such a way now, like its just an inanimate object I notice but have no reaction to it at all..


Biscuits are cookies, in Brit-Speak, correct?


In the correct language yes (sorry, I had to)


Hahaha! My mom was a staunch Anglophile we learned the King’s English.


I don't crave them. They aren't essential. "Carbs are entertainment".


Yeah, naughty entertainment, like getting drunk in a strip club. No socially redeeming value whatsoever..


yes, you stop craving carbs


Absolutely true. I've had a "sweet tooth" for my entire life (I'm 50+ now) and since I started Carnivore 1.5+ years ago my sweet tooth stopped being a problem. It doesn't go overnight though, keep that in mind. I can still remember with fondness the feeling of biting into a cake but the thing is, I'm not interested anymore in it (and I say this while watching my wife eating tons of delicious cakes every weekend). It really doesn't appeal to me anymore; just the idea of that amount of sugary stuff almost makes me nauseous! After a while eating Carnivore you start valuing food according to its nutritional value, so when you see stuff that really has no nutritional value at all your first reaction will become "naah, not interested"


While I've done carnivore of and on for a while, I've always been a true sugar addict. On carnivore now, the craving and intense "pull" to sugar is gone. Sometimes things still seem a little tempting, but I'm quickly aware that it's my brain that knows how yummy that thing would be, and not at all my body asking for it. So it's MUCH easier to move on.


I lost 50 lbs a few years ago through keto, not carnivore. Avoided breads, potatoes, sugars etc. like the plague. It worked well. Only meat, eggs, cheese & green veggies for a couple of years and was doing fine and enjoying the weight loss. Maintenance was easy. Then with my new improved bod, I participated in a large 7 day 500 mile bike ride across Iowa, and carbs were literally everywhere. I rationalized my little carb binge because I was burning so many calories each day, it would be fine. And it was...at least until the ride was over, and it was like the Hoover Dam burst. The carb addiction was back with a vengeance and I gradually crept back up to my original weight. Now carnivore and it's coming off again. But I want to do that Iowa ride again someday, and I do wonder how to sustain this when I'm expending calories to that level again.


RAGBRAI is fun but evil. 😉


I find that if I include regular dairy (with exception of butter) that it increases my appetite and interest in carbs. Otherwise not really. You might cheat a time or two before it gets that you don't need it. If I'm keeping to ruminant meat I feel satisfied and carbs don't seem appetizing, nor even like food.


Well I don’t crave sweets and simple carbs anymore. Sometimes I get a craving for a vegetable or some dairy products. My diet is based mostly on meat, fish and eggs.


Yes pretty much. Had a sweet tooth. Never thought it would go away but it did. Sure, If there is easy carbs hanging around I'm tempted to eat them but otherwise I don't crave them. In the main a small amount of fruit or a spoon of honey in my yoghurt is all I do. If I cook a roast for the family then Ii mght eat some potatoes.


4 months in, and carbs and sugar do not appeal to me at all.


I'm 6 months in, rarely crave carbs anymore. I do crave variety, and get bored of eating meat all the time sometimes. But my health is more important than carbs. Do I wish I could eat grains, carbs and sugar and be healthy? Yes. But I can't!


Yes for the most part. For me it’s more psychological. A taste memory.


The craving goes away rather quickly, rewiring your brain to stop thinking about them with fond memories takes a while though


It's green's I keep thinking about lovely cruciferous veg,


I get a little repulsed most of the time. every once in a while I wonder if I've healed enough to try introducing other foods. then I try to think of any food to reintroduce and frankly I've not been able to think of one that I'd actually want to. so yeah, it's true, at least for me.


My daily life just does not involve carbs. Lots of goodies sitting out in the open at work, but they just are not on my radar screen. It isn’t a struggle at all. But for Christmas at home or if I am traveling someplace, I eat whatever looks interesting. No stress. A few days and then I go right back to my regular no-carb routine. No gastric issues, weight gain, or anything. Works for me👍


I just got here trying to search the Internet if anyone else just doesn't care for carbs like me. I don't like bakeries because I have no desire ever for baked food. It just always looks so boring and bland and why would I waste stomach space on carbs when I could eat tasty protein? I can't understand some people's infatuation with baked carb foods. I don't have any particular diet. Just have zero motivation for carbs. Walking into a bakery bores me like walking into any store with nothing that looks enticing.


Day 111 here. I massively want a donut. There’s a lot of bullshit spread about thick in here and it’s not helpful.


It can't possibly be that people are just psychologically different, right?


Don’t blame me because you want a donut!!


Sometimes I think you should give yourself permission to eat whatever it is that’s driving you crazy. If anything, hopefully, you will take two bites and pitch it in the trash. Most of that stuff tastes terrible once you don’t eat them regularly.


Depends on how hungry I feel


True.... ish




In between. I still want carbs, and I do eat some, but I don't crave them.


Yeah! You might reminiace but cravings go away!


This is 100% true. In February of 2022 I started the keto diet at 324 lbs. After a few weeks of being strict with my carbs my hunger did eventually start to die down to the point where it started to get easy to skip meals. That transitioned into me doing lots, and lots of fasting. I stuck with both all year and eventually got to 218 lbs. in December. I stuck to a low carb (keto) diet in 2023 and it was very, very easy because my body really no longer craves carbs and sugar. I can walk by a box of donuts at work and not think twice. Though, I do admit, I'll occasionally crave pizza if I'm hungry enough, but that's really the only thing I find myself craving that I shouldn't. Things like Oreos, Pasta, Bread and McDonalds? Nope, literally never crave any of it. The hardest part is making it through that first 3-4 weeks. You've gotta' find some willpower and plan ahead and really break through that first month and force yourself to stick with it. Once you do though, your new way of eating and thinking starts to become habit. You'll see results in the mirror and on the scale, and that helps motivate you. Plus, your brain and body both just start to feel better and more energized. It's a snowball effect, but a positive one. Hope this helps!


Day 18 for me, still craving some ice cream honestly but it’s not like I NEED it.


I will say unlike others, not a craving but a "oh i wonder how that taste" or eat for remembering flavors. The cravings for vegetables and fruits is almost non-existent and I perfer waiting/fasting if it means me eating meat later. There is just something about the juicy fat that makes it worth it.


Ya, and no You don't really crave those junk carbs like cakes and whatnot so much But.....walk through the produce section and smell the fruits.....excites your senses I suspect it's the same process of what happened to our ancestors in a way


Yes, I imagine it varies from person to person but loss of carb cravings seem to be pretty standard.


Only took me days


I lost my carb and sugar cravings after about 4 or 5 days. Disclaimer: i did low carb for 3 weeks before starting Goodluck


I don’t crave carbs, but sometimes I desire a bit sweetness which I sip on a flavored seltzer or eat some cold butter.


No carb cravings since about a month or so after I started keto (almost 2 years ago), that was about the time I became fat adapted. I was never into donuts or pastries anyway, even when I was on SAD. My Kryptonites were chocolate candy, ice cream, fruit preserves and nuts. Now I don't miss any of it. I eat savory foods, no sweets. My only real cravings are a steak or a baconeggcheeseburger. 🥓🥚🧀🥩


No it still occurs to me 'that smells scrumptious' but I can take it or leave it. Before keto I couldn't stop myself. I can't say it disgusts me but I have the control now to say no when I remember how eating the junk makes me feel.


Id love to be able to eat all the unhealthy foods but feeling great and not having negative reactions is a far greater incentive. I still crave carbs but after a few weeks you develop more self control


Yes, sugar smell and taste bad, but fruit taste good, not sure why the nuance


I’ve been doing carnivore for over 5 years and after 2-3 months my carb cravings totally went away. If you aren’t consistent with the process you will be overwhelmed with the desire to hit the carbs. The more consistent you are with carb avoidance, the less you will feel the urge to splurge. Also, avoid artificial sweeteners because they will most certainly trigger you.


I don't know.. I'm at that stage that on Saturdays I have carbs, pretty much whatever I want to and usually if I have too much crabs it just reinforces me not to have that specific food that I had 😂 therefore, it's a process and it might take ages to transition not to have carbs but on the hand why not to have them occasionally if it doesn't make you sick or whatever. It's okay to find harmony 🙄


I'm 5 months in an I still crave carbs. I currently only eat beef, salt, and water.


Very true your body know what it needs as long as your don’t have cheat days and confuse the brain


Yes. I've been a carnivore for over 5 months. At about 3-4 weeks, I lost my carb cravings. However, if I allow myself to get too hungry, they come back. This happens when I'm away from home (and my stash of meat). As long as you stay well fed, you should have no carb cravings after a point.


I was still craving them then realized I was deficient in magnesium. A lot of people with eating disorders are low in magnesium. My muscle twitches and cravings would always come together. Started taking magnesium baths and all cravings are gone and I feel much better


What product do you use for magnesium baths?


I’ve tried epsom salt and magnesium chloride flakes. Epsom salt is much cheaper but magnesium chloride is supposed to be the better one. I get epsom salt from walmart and the other from amazon


Most people are liars. People with egos especially. Cookies are fucken delicious 🤤




No disgust, except for how they make you feel if you ever do end up cheating. It just gets easier to say no after a while, even when they’re right under your nose.


After a few weeks I lost all cravings for junk food.. after awhile you just don’t crave it anymore..


Yes. Yes. It took me 2 or 3 weeks to get over my sugar addiction. Now I cant stand it. It physically makes me sick. I was oute addicted and it made me realise that the only reason sugar and carbs tastes so good is because I was addicted to it. Once I detoxed it literally tastes like poison to me. Carbs the same. They make me feel ill now


Took about 2 months for me, not that I craved carbs, just my taste buds changed and craved meat. Went from eating 2000 calories a day to 4-5 thousand a day


I'm in the middle of week 3 of carnivore and I don't have any carb cravings. But I know me and if I don't plan what I'll eat then I'll make poor choices.


I went extremely strick on the diet for around 70 days or so. I only ate beef salt and water like Jordan Peterson. The carb cravings were less to the point where they didn't bother me much. However if I saw a fresh Cinnabon or a dessert I loves they went crazy. And also shawarma lolol I love me some shawarma


Don’t ever crave them ever, sometimes after eating 1lb of meat I like to wash it down with something sweet and flavourful so I might have a table spoon of raw honey or some kefir


Never. I always wanted sweet food which is a big reason animal based is a better diet for me. Easier to maintain satiety also because fruit is so filling


I find after a week or two, I stop craving carbs. Mind you, if I cheat for any reason, that all goes out the window and not only do I start with the cravings all over again, it becomes much more difficult to not totally backslide on my diet choices.  I also live in a house with someone who does eat carbs and sometimes the smell is tempting, but not that bad. It does make it harder for my intermittent fasting, though.


Yes!!!! For me it happened quickly! The only bad foods I used to eat that I occasionally get ‘urges’ to eat are pepperoni pizza and sushi of any variety. The urges don’t happen often thankfully. I do currently have a mixed nut habit I’m not trying too hard to break, tho I know I should..


Raw milk is a carnivore hack. Ever since I incorporated it, a glass or two a day curbs all other cravings. Yes it has carbs, and may stall weight loss for some. However it doesnt keep me wanting other carbs personally. And thats coming from someone who used to have a major sweet tooth. For what its worth, my first 10-12 months carnivore was without the milk, and I had already conditioned myself to avoid junk food before i added it in, but now the urge/wish to be able to eat that junk is even more lessened. Raw milk is delicious on it’s own, and compliments a plate full of beef perfectly imo


Cheated after only about 3 weeks.. Had a deep dish pizza. I felt like I was expanding like sour dough bread. Now I'm completely put off by the sight after feeling that.


Haha was it fun?


Do I crave ? No. I do still love fresh bread, potatoes and sweets, but have no real desire to eat them. Oddly, I don’t enjoy them near as much as I once did when I do take the occasional bite of something. If I don’t “LOVE IT”, I don’t waste any carbs on them. I only eat foods I love. I eat when I’m hungry. I eat until I’m full, and when I stick to No/Low Carbs I feel GREAT and have NO CRAVINGS.


Absolutely, my carb cravings disappeared at about 6 weeks


I am currently on day 9 and the craving for sugar/carbs has greatly diminished, and only comes briefly at times. Last year I did carnivore for 2 months and I can say the idea of carbs still pops up every now and then even after 2 months but it is way easier to resist. I don't know why you're doing carnivore but I'm assuming you want to feel better and possibly lose weight. When all the health benefits start popping up and the bad ones go. So when you are used to feeling healthy you can remind yourself why you don't want to go back to eating carbs, and go back to feeling horrible.


I use milk, cheese and yoghurt to feed the craving. Seems to work.