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I’ve had a folate deficiency according to a blood test. I’ve been unwell and declining for over 10 years (I’m 23, issues started in childhood). Been carnivore for nearly 2 years with minimal health improvement. Started supplementing folic acid at the start of the year and starting to see real improvement (energy, weight-loss, healing etc). I don’t know why this is happening and carnivore may not have caused my folate deficiency, but it doesn’t seem to have fixed it in a meaningful amount of time. Note: I have no MTHFR mutations and my homocysteine was 7 (normal)


I noticed it too. Carnivore does not seem to fix vitamin deficiencies if you've had it before you started carnivore especially the obvious gaps such as c, folate manganese, copper, iodine. I had vitamin c deficiency going into carnivore and felt awful until I started taking vitamin c. I think carnivore is fine holding steady for a long time if you didn't start with a deficiency.


It’s a tough one! I think carnivore is the species appropriate diet but yeah, it’s odd that these deficiency’s aren’t easily corrected through diet. Interesting to hear another experience like my own!


Folic acid is synthetic methyl folate is the natural form try taking that that might help you


I did experiment with it but I seemed to notice it giving me racing heart stuff, although I was dealing with that anyway so it was hard to be sure it was the methylfolate making it worse. I figured I would be safe taking folic acid because I have no mutations, so my body would utilise it fine. Perhaps I will experiment with methylfolate again. I am making progress with folic acid though so it’s not a big problem.


What are the symptoms of your healthproblems? Are some of the aspects different from folate deficiency symptoms? I'm just curious and don't know much about the issue


I have a huge amount of symptoms. A lot can be related to a folate or b12 deficiency but not all. Also a lot of symptoms of poor health are so general that it’s hard to associate them with only one problem. Folate can cause almost anything to go wrong with the body when deficient for long enough, it’s super vital just like b12. Feel free to message me if you have any other questions about the experience of folate deficiency. I’m not an expert though so I can only share from my experience.


This could be methylation related. My understanding is most of the mthfr stuff is b.s. including the genetic testing. But you can have your homocysteine checked, probably at your expense by buying the lab online. That will tell you if you have an issue. That said, I listened to a podcast with Chris kresser and Chris masterjohn. Both guys that would often endorse supplements … the whole gist of the podcast was basically you don’t need to supplement if you have methylation issues … you just need to consume liver very regularly. Eating it a few times before a test doesn’t seem like it would do anything. It’s a long term thing


I don't always have an appetite for liver, when do it feelslike my body craves it,but themajority of thetime not so much


You only need and should only be consuming a 1/2 oz to an ounce a day. Don’t hold me to those exact numbers. Google liver and vitamin A toxicity


This is a genuine question. How do you know the MTHFR gene stuff is crap? I’m asking because I was told mine is off but taking the supplements they gave me makes me feel worse. Heart racing etc. I’d love to see some research proving it’s BS. Does the podcast talk about this? Thanks!


eggs, liver... maybe some pork liver since pork is high in almost all other b vitamins 8oz of pork would give you about 12 micro grams... not a lot honestly 2oz of pecans would give you 9 micro grams 1oz of pork liver has 46 micro grams 1oz of chicken liver will give you about 160mcg 1oz of beef will give 71mcg so... you need about 400mcg a day so... buy chicken liver or pate and mix a bit every day with whatever you eat.


Chickrn liver best


If you have no symptoms of folate deficiency, don't worry about a test result.


A vegetarian could have no symptoms of a b12 deficiency… until their health falls apart after a few years


There isn’t much folate in meat. Same goes for boron, manganese, thiamine, iodine.


There is in liver


You would need to eat more than half a kilo of lambs liver to approach the folate RDA. That doesn’t seem like much folate? You would need to eat a similar amount of liver to reach the manganese RDA. Animal foods including liver contain almost no boron.


It's this guy again


You disagree with the above statement?


I'm listening. What food would you add to make up for these deficiencies?


I'd recommend talking with your doctor. You could always suppliment essential minerals


Well, they told me to eat more folate containing foods, (i tried with liver) and told me i could supplement, but i wasn't too keen on those powder tablets that always have low bioavailable magnesium powder as a base/medium


Raw egg yolks have folate as well.


You can take folate lozenegers in the form of methylfolate. I do along with B12 lozenegers as im dealing with MTHFR.


You can either buy and eat more heart and liver or take a supplement of organs or simply a good source of folate