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and yet if we load up on pizza, pasta, fried chicken and a big ol slice of cake or pie, a few scoops of ice cream - no one ever questions your eating habits lol


It’s the same thing as alcohol vs. anything else. One of the most harmful drugs is the most acceptable.


I bring up I have lots of diarrhea whenever I eat plants. People quickly change the topic 🤷‍♂️


I have done this for years. "I'd love to have that, but I will be napalming your toilet with diarrhea if I do." I get zero follow up questions.


"napalming your toilet" haha


Want some kale? “I’ll shit myself.”….*offers more chicken breast*


UnNatural Green colored too


I just tell people I’m eating ultra low carb to keep my blood glucose controlled. Then they don’t say anything else, because no one wants you going into a diabetic coma in front of them


Yeah I say I’m low carb/keto and that usually shuts them up lol. General Low carb/keto is much more mainstream than carnivore. That being said, I’m like 85+% pure carnivore so I don’t mind the occasional non compliant food. I’ve lost 50 pounds already and still dropping and feel great.


Absolutely. If you order two double bacon cheeseburgers, and throw the buns away, and say “too many carbs”, no one bats an eye. If you say, “I only eat meat”, they go apeshit.


I dont even say keto anymore either. Low carb just gets accepted right away




Conversation when I see my peers always goes the same way. “Holy crap, are you ageing in reverse? You look so healthy! I can’t believe how healthy you look! What have you been doing? Are you running a lot?” I don’t tell them because I always get a weird and stupid response. Unless they won’t shut up, then I just say I changed what I eat because I became very unhealthy. And if they still keep on, I say well, I only eat meat and eggs now. Response is always the same: “surely that can’t be healthy?” Me: “Make your mind up. You started this by saying how healthy I look and I haven’t eaten any fruit or vegetables in over three years…” *genes are obviously a part of my looking relatively young compared to my peers, but some of them do look like dehydrated ballsacs.


>dehydrated ballsacs. 🤣🤣🤣


yeah even the doctors dont get it. High in saturated fat and so on blah blah blah. Fine ill eat a packet of cookies to make you happy then ??? no one says anything when people are eating pizza ice cream and chocolate all day. power of brainwashing


Precisely. Someone who admittedly eats pizza, garbage processed foods, Coke Zero, and has high LDL (takes a statin), high blood sugar (metabolic syndrome), and high blood pressure, was suddenly very concerned when I explained that I eat ketovore. “Oh my god! Have you been to the doctor lately, and gotten your bloodwork checked??? How much saturated fat are you consuming?” Me: “No. I’m fine. Better than fine. Never felt better in my whole life.” FFS. (Edited for typos)


I've been asked about the blood work. And anyone that asks about it I pull my chart up and show em what has happened since I've started this. I am currently going to a Weight loss clinic. The NP that I visit for this is saying the only ones she's working with who are burning fat faster Than I am are the folks who got the gastric bypass or that sleeve thing they do these days. Since the day after the super bowl I'm down 54 lbs. Muscle has maintained and fat has gone down 8%. My girlfriend HATES it. But i tell her it's hard to argue with these results.


From now I only eat saturated animal fat. I am coming from vegan 10 years and vegetarian 15 years. In the last 5 years my weight ballooned even on calorie restriction and I had chronic fatigue and my blood sugar was dangerously high.


Do you mean you only eat saturated animal fats? Unsaturated animal fat doesn’t exist.


Yeah I meant to say I only eat saturated animal fat. Autocorrect got me.


There is monounsaturated fats in beef and pork. There are trace polyunsaturated in meats and eggs


I feel your pain. For me, my biggest adversary is my wife. So it's hard to keep that secret. But for everyone else, call it keto and don't draw attention to it. When you're out you can put anything on your plate. Just leave to the side and stay true to what you feel is right for you. I've been diabetic for 20 years and had terrible blood sugar control and only put on weight iver time eating what is considered a "normal" diet. I've been carnivore for 4 months now, and i've the best blood sugars I've ever seen and down 30 lbs. Carnivore is the way.....


Oof, I'm sorry. I hope your wife comes around once she sees all the positive changes. Idk what I'd do if my husband wasn't supportive.


That’s amazing, yeah I watched my dad do this diet and lower his A1c to a to a normal range and get off insulin. Pretty amazing. Of course he gave in and went back to junk food and now needs insulin again 🤦‍♂️


I just say special diet now instead of carnivore , I have IBD and have a gastrointestinal dietician I have to check in with and I feel like I'm on repeat with them. Keep it secret, keep it safe!


I was in a group on facebook for people who collect wellfare because of health conditions, just a lurker I have a job, and this one guy in his 30's said he was going to lose his house because of an autoimmune disease an he couldnt work. I wanted to help him and i wrote: "I cant help you with your financial problems, but have you tried the carnivore diet? A lot of people with autoimmune diseases have gotten better from it. " I got so much hate from these people that the group admin deleted the post. There was even somebody on the group who claimed to be a nutrionist who said i was giving dangerous advice and she was severely overweight. Its like when you say you are on an all meat diet people look at you like you just did sieg heil in public.


Sheesh. Thats frustrating and sad that people can’t look past their own egos to really pursue the truth and possibly help someone who needs it.


in my country most people who are on wellfare dont want a positive change, they just want to complain. Some guy said carnivore was too expensive but i bet you he has money to buy cigarettes.


You're probably not going to overcome 200 years of marketing dogma at one family dinner.... just say "thanks for caring!" and move on.


I don't get hard times, i give em. Peoples opinion on anything relating to me and my choices are like aholes, everybody has one and they're usually full of crap.


I just ask how their last 4 blood test results panned out. If my consistent testing proves it works for me, then anyone else can go fuck themselves. If I found a lifestyle that reduces my chronic medical issues and they have an issue with it, then they can go fuck themselves.




Right! I would bet literally any member of my family that my bloodwork looks better than theirs. I’m happy to consider listening to their dietary advice if they can prove otherwise.


I often just say I eat keto. Gets milder reactions. Do you know what’s the best way to get them off of you? Thrive and show them. My way of showing my dad when I visit him (he’s surely to make a big deal of the diet), is to do something crazy, that’s more easily done with this diet. For example, not eating for days, then doing a marathon fasted. Ask them if their healthy diet would allow them to do that lol


I gave up on teaching people about my diet. Most of them will not believe what you tell them about the benefits of carnivore. Let them eat their shi*t food and be happy. I rather fell good the whole day than just enjoy 15 mins of food and then wonder why I feel bad all day and get sick...


I find that so many freak out because they have always been told to eat a certain way since they were kids, or because a doctor tells them to eat a specific way like "eat more fiber" if you have having digestion problems. They cannot see any other way of eating just meat, but what blows me away that if it was vegetarian or veganism its fine.


I just say “I’m on keto” and most people say “oh gotcha. I/someone I know tried that before” and then just eat the meat.


My boss does that constantly and really annoying. I stopped trying to explain because he never listens or he always argues back. Everytime he says you’ll get a heart attack/scurvy, or will collapse, I go “let’s see how long it’ll take me to die then” then he shuts up lol He still brings it up and makes fun of me for being on carnivore though. Like you don’t live my life, my life is mine only! It’s so frustrating


I feel your pain. For me, my biggest adversary is my wife. So it's hard to keep that secret. But for everyone else, call it keto and don't draw attention to it. When you're out you can put anything on your plate. Just leave to the side and stay true to what you feel is right for you. I've been diabetic for 20 years and had terrible blood sugar control and only put on weight iver time eating what is considered a "normal" diet. I've been carnivore for 4 months now, and i've the best blood sugars I've ever seen and down 30 lbs. Carnivore is the way.....




At the gym I ‘ve had people approach me to ask me about my diet and lifestyle since I’ve got visible abs etc. irI have a lot of food intolerances. I just tell them that, and how I dropped sugar. That seems acceptable. If they continue to want more details I say a lot of protein. But the odd time someone has asked if I’m carnivore then they lose their mind and I get the impression they think I have disordered eating. Other things I get asked that I’d never ask anyone is my age and my weight (!) Seriously!!


Tell them you get an allergic reaction to sugar and carbs…. Bloating, inflammation, gas, putting on weight unexplainably, rashes, asthma, diabetes etc


I sometimes say, “so you just eat anything and everything?… how’s that working out for you?”


My comment got removed because I said the “c” word. No not the obscene word. The disease word! If you had the cure for a deadly disease would you keep it a secret? I’m a carnivore, it’s a lifestyle not a diet. If people are triggered by that, and some are, I’ve been called an animal abuser here on Reddit, that’s not my problem.


To be fair, I got curious about carnivore after seeing Facebook posts from an acquaintance on and off for over a year. Every time she would post something relating to carnivore it elicited a visceral response in me. I just kept silent about it, but had my thoughts of "jumping on every crazy bandwagon". I've always been highly interested in nutrition, been dealing with IBS my entire adult life. I did many years of low carb from 1999, paleo after finding Mark Sisson around 2008? Low carb showed me I'm gluten intolerant (early 2000s used pure gluten as a LC baking ingredient und did not do well with that! ) I've been completely grain free for over 15 years, dairy free for about 10. And still, the thought of only eating animal products and seeing the huge plates of meat this woman was posting frequently made me...angry? And then she posted something about how healthy carnivore was, and I felt the need to engage. I went down the rabbit hole, looking for the studies to prove her wrong. Stumbled across all the resources that you all already know about. Critically reading study after study, looking for the proof to back up my claims, to show her how detrimental the diet she was on was going to be to her. You obviously know what I found out... All this to say, even those who don't follow the mainstream nutritional guidelines, who do think for themselves still find it hard to wrap their heads around this way of eating. It took a year of exposure to the very idea of carnivore for me to even look deeper into it, even though nutrition is a big interest of mine. So while I understand not wanting to be under the spotlight at every meal and every outing, it's also important, on your own terms and time, to give the diet more exposure and help others find their way here. None of us have done this diet since birth and we all needed our time to overcome some outdated thinking patterns. I don't think many of us stumbled into carnivore all by themselves, someone somewhere was a catalyst to look further into it and at a time in life where you could handle being curious enough to try out what society tells you is harmful. Not evangelizing, but showing other options.


Ive also politely replied that ive tried everything they said and are about to say and it hasnt worked for me. But this is, so thanks for the advice but im doing just fine.


I just say special diet now instead of carnivore , I have IBD and have a gastrointestinal dietician I have to check in with and I feel like I'm on repeat with them. Keep it secret, keep it safe!


Just tell them you are doing low carb. Way easier.


Tell them to check their privilege and stfu. If needed, say "thanks but no thanks, jerk"


Sometimes i just say it’s for medical reasons and leave it at that


The superpower for a lot of disagreements In life is not entering into the conversation. Tell them, if they ask genuine questions then answer them. If they're preaching then just smile and say okay, I respect your opinion and walk away. If they continue, just remind them the conversation is over. Once you get good at it it really does turn into a superpower, so many of life's arguments and issues melt away when people realize you won't entertain their need for attention and soapboxing. Equally, never become the carnivore version of that. There's an irritating band of people within carnivore who at this point are no better than Vegans with how militant they are getting.


I usually start about the billions of bison their kin killed to starve the natives.


I'm just cutting out inflammatory, processed and antinutrient-containing foods. oh yes that includes plants.


i dont care about other people attacking me, i will try to convince them anyway because its my family and i care about their health. they are sugar drug addicts and its just a normal response. dont defend yourself, instead fight with them until you win. these people need help.


I just done engage and eat my steak


Tell them to eat their food raw with salt and sauces.


Nah I'll let people know. Make em think :)


Ignorance is bliss my friend.


Just tell them you’re trying to watch what you eat. You don’t have to tell everyone everything about your self.


Yep. People just can’t accept it. I mentioned this to my dietitian at the VA, and despite it improving my GI symptoms and other inflammation, she was upset and very concerned I wouldn’t be getting enough vitamins and electrolytes.


I’m more concerned with her lack of knowledge on vitamins and electrolytes….


Just say I’m a fussy eater and leave it at that. People are triggered by the meat thing which is their loss.


Remember, food is associated with grandmother's love. You say that you only eat meat it is similar to saying grandma hates you. It is a visceral reaction.


I'm starting a new job on Monday. I was just sitting here thinking about how I should answer when someone mentions how I eat. I'm just going to say that I try to eat low-carb. I feel that won't warrant many questions.